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Media Teknik Sipil Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.854 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v16i2.6554


Sistem pendistribusian air bersih merupakan bagian yang sangat utama untuk pembangunan suatu gedung, terutama untuk hotel karena sistem pendistribusian air bersih yang baik dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi para pengguna hotel. Tidak hanya pendistribusian air bersih, namun juga sistem pembuangan air limbah juga harus direncanakan dengan baik. Neo Condoel memiliki 7 lantai. Gedung ini dibangun di atas tanah seluas 2.575 m2. Apabila ditinjau dari SNI 03-7065-2005, suatu bangunan hotel diharuskan memiliki jaringan air bersih yang mampu melayani sedikitnya 250 liter/orang/hari untuk kebutuhan tamu hotel dan 120 lier/orang/hari untuk kebutuhan karyawan. Pada bangunan tinggi seperti hotel, tekanan air yang disyaratkan adalah kurang lebih sebesar 1 atm. Apabila tekanan air belum memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan, maka dibutuhkanlah pompa booster agar kebutuhan tekanan air dapat dicapai.
Pemakaian Model Diterministik Untuk Transformasi Data Hujan Menjadi Data Debit Pada Das Lahor Setyono, Ernawan
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 9, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i1.1112


Hydrologic analysis is an important stage in water resources development activities, therefore the output of the general hydrological analysis will determine the direction of water resources development strategy in a comprehensive and more narrow scale will determine the dimensions and characteristics of the necessary infrastructure. Determination of hydrological quantities are actually not too difficult when the data for analysis is available in sufficient quantity and quality. Classical problems in developing countries, including Indonesia, the availability of river flow data series is quite a separate issue, so the solution must be done by to specification climate variables into a variable flow. So far this has been developed conceptual model, of course, each has advantages and disadvantages because basically models were developed according to local hydrological conditions. All models are basically developed from the same basic concept, namely the hydrological cycle. Basic things that sets it apart is the way to interpret the process until the rain began to flow. This is what would need to be studied further in this study.This study is an attempt to determine the performance model determinstic of FJ Mock, NRECA, and Tank model and can explain the comparative level of performance of the deterministic model in Reservoir Lahor.Results of research on Lahor Reservoir indicated that the tank model is able to present the relationship of climate data and data streams very well. In this research obtained on the model RMSE value of model NRECA is 7.854 m3/sec, model FJ Mock for 18.696 m3/sec and Tank Model for 7.823 m3/sec.Keywords: discharge, NRECA model, fjmock model, model tank
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 9, No 2 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i2.1199


This study aims to know the distribution of sedimentation of the most suitable method amongthe Emperical Area Reduction Method and Area Increment Method for predicting the the distributionof sediments in the Reservoir Wonorejo. While the purpose of this study was to determine the baseelevation of a new reservoir (new zero elavation) after the existing sediments. With both methodscan be known distribution of sediments in the reservoir for the operating life of 8 years and 11years. After analysis, it can be concluded that Emperical Area Reduction Method is more suitable topredict the distribution of sedimentation in reservoirs Wonorejo. For operasi period of 8 years,sediment has reached an elevation of +122,21 m which is at 2.21 m above the base elevationreservoirs, the amount of sediment that settles in the reservoir is 2,0608. and for the operationof 11 years, sediments deposited reaches two, 2,2371. at an elevation of +123,47 m or 1,47m above the base elevation of the reservoir.Key word : Distribution of Sedimentation
Prediksi Beban Sedimentasi Waduk Selorejo Menggunakan Debit Ekstrapolasi dengan Rantai Markov Setyono, Ernawan; Ismijayanti, Devi
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v13i1.2542


Prediksi Beban Sedimentasi Waduk Selorejo Menggunakan Debit Ekstrapolasi dengan Rantai MarkovPrediction of Reservoir Sedimentation Selorejo Loads Using Debit Extrapolation Markov ChainErnawan Setyono1 & Devi Ismijayanti21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas Teknik Univ. Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144Email : 2)dhevieismijayanti.1992@gmail.comAbstractSelorejo reservoirs in operation since 1970 and is expected to operate and serve the needs of water up to the year 2020. The main problem encountered in the construction and operation of reservoirs is how to keep the service life of the reservoir as planned, one of which causes the sediment that settles at the bottom of the reservoir , Based on the results of recent measurements, it is known that the dead storage capacity of 1.71 million m3. Each year has an additional volume of sediment that settles that require greater storage capacity. The results showed that in 2014 increased storage capacity for additional volume of sediment that settles at 3,223,797.64 m3 and storage capacity increased to 4,933,797.64 m3. 2015 dead storage capacity increased to 7,920,967.58 m3 and continued to increase until 2020 dead storage capacity reaches 25,585,055.30 m3. This situation shows that the volume of sediment elevation has crossed the level of low-water line (LWL) and already exceeds the volume of the sediment storage capacity die before the age of reservoirs that have been planned so that it takes some effort to reduce the rate of sedimentation in the reservoir.Keywords: reservoirs, dead storage capacity, sedimentAbstrakWaduk Selorejo beroperasi sejak tahun 1970 dan diharapkan dapat beroperasi dan melayani kebutuhan air hingga pada tahun 2020. Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian waduk adalah bagaimana menjaga agar umur layanan waduk sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, salah satunya penyebabnya adanya sedimen yang mengendap di dasar waduk. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran terakhir, diketahui bahwa kapasitas tampungan mati 1,71 juta m3. Setiap tahun memiliki tambahan volume sedimen yang mengendap sehingga memerlukan kapasitas tampungan yang lebih besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2014 kapasitas tampungan meningkat karena penambahan volume sedimen yang mengendap di 3,223,797.64 m3 dan kapasitas tampungan meningkat menjadi 4,933,797.64 m3. Tahun 2015 kapasitas tampungan mati meningkat menjadi 7,920,967.58 m3 dan terus meningkat hingga 2020 kapasitas tampungan mati mencapai 25,585,055.30 m3. Situasi ini menunjukkan bahwa volume elevasi sedimen telah menyeberangi tingkat garis air rendah (LWL) dan sudah melebihi volume kapasitas tampungan sedimen mati sebelum usia waduk yang telah direncanakan sehingga dibutuhkan beberapa upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat sedimentasi ke dalam reservoir.Kata kunci: waduk, kapasitas tampungan mati, sedimen
HEXAGON Vol 3, No 1 (2018): HEXAGON
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/hgn.v3i1.2174


Industri jasa konstruksi di Indonesia berkembang begitu pesat. Kegiatan proyek konstruksi adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang berdurasi pendek dan hanya berlangsung selama satu kali, oleh sebab itu proyek konstruksi dikatakan bersifat unik. Salah satu permasalahan dalam proyek konstruksi adalah banyak disebabkan karena belum adanya ketidakpastian dalam menentukan proporsi sumberdaya proyek yang mengakibatkan terjadi pembengkakan biaya proyek. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena belum adanya acuan proporsi yang tepat sebagai gambaran mengenai proporsi sumberdaya seperti upah, tanaga kerja, material dan alat yang tepat untuk pelaksanaan konstruksi di lapangan. Dalam penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran permodelan yang tepat tentang hubungan antar variable dalam menentukan proporsi sumber daya, sehingga dapat mendukung pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi secara tepat. Dan analisis Regresi linier dianggap tepat untuk menemukan model ini. Dalam penelitian ini analisa dilakukan terhadap beberapa sampel gedung sederhana dan gedung non sederhana. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa proporsi sumberdaya material yang digunakan adalah sebesar 58% untuk gedung sederhana sedangkan untuk gedung non sederhana sebesar 63%. Hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa factor material memiliki proporsi yang dominan sangat besar baik pada gedung sederhana maupun non sederhana. Sedangkan proporsi dominan yang kedua adalah sumber daya manusia yaitu sebesar 28% pada gedung sederhana dan sebesar 21% pada gedung Non sederhana, factor tersebut disebabkan karena pada gedung non sederhana menggunakan teknologi yang lebih kompleks sehingga sedikit menggunakan tenaga manusia. Sedangkan nilai proporsi peralatan untuk gedung sederhana sebesar 14 % dan Non sederhana sebanyak 16%, dimana dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi gedung Non sederhana membutuhkan peralatan yang lebih canggih dibandingkan dengan gedung sederhana.
Pemakaian Model Diterministik Untuk Transformasi Data Hujan Menjadi Data Debit Pada Das Lahor Ernawan Setyono
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 9 No. 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i1.1112


Hydrologic analysis is an important stage in water resources development activities, therefore the output of the general hydrological analysis will determine the direction of water resources development strategy in a comprehensive and more narrow scale will determine the dimensions and characteristics of the necessary infrastructure. Determination of hydrological quantities are actually not too difficult when the data for analysis is available in sufficient quantity and quality. Classical problems in developing countries, including Indonesia, the availability of river flow data series is quite a separate issue, so the solution must be done by to specification climate variables into a variable flow. So far this has been developed conceptual model, of course, each has advantages and disadvantages because basically models were developed according to local hydrological conditions. All models are basically developed from the same basic concept, namely the hydrological cycle. Basic things that sets it apart is the way to interpret the process until the rain began to flow. This is what would need to be studied further in this study.This study is an attempt to determine the performance model determinstic of FJ Mock, NRECA, and Tank model and can explain the comparative level of performance of the deterministic model in Reservoir Lahor.Results of research on Lahor Reservoir indicated that the tank model is able to present the relationship of climate data and data streams very well. In this research obtained on the model RMSE value of model NRECA is 7.854 m3/sec, model FJ Mock for 18.696 m3/sec and Tank Model for 7.823 m3/sec.Keywords: discharge, NRECA model, fjmock model, model tank
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 9 No. 2 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i2.1199


This study aims to know the distribution of sedimentation of the most suitable method amongthe Emperical Area Reduction Method and Area Increment Method for predicting the the distributionof sediments in the Reservoir Wonorejo. While the purpose of this study was to determine the baseelevation of a new reservoir (new zero elavation) after the existing sediments. With both methodscan be known distribution of sediments in the reservoir for the operating life of 8 years and 11years. After analysis, it can be concluded that Emperical Area Reduction Method is more suitable topredict the distribution of sedimentation in reservoirs Wonorejo. For operasi period of 8 years,sediment has reached an elevation of +122,21 m which is at 2.21 m above the base elevationreservoirs, the amount of sediment that settles in the reservoir is 2,0608. and for the operationof 11 years, sediments deposited reaches two, 2,2371. at an elevation of +123,47 m or 1,47m above the base elevation of the reservoir.Key word : Distribution of Sedimentation
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 10 No. 2 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i2.1786


Ernawan Setyono1& Bangkit Prasetyo21&2Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas, No.246 Malangemail , Telp 03419591639ABSTRACTSub DAS Lesti is a part of Brantas watershed that located at upstream section and a sub DASpriority. That has 61.491,02 ha of water catchment areas. Hydrological processes that occur in awatershed is closely related to erosion. The alteration of land use and watershed management is oneof the factors causing soil damage, accelerate the erosion rate, and cause erosion. Based on thecondition of that case, this study analyzes about how much the erosion rate, the amount of erosion,and to estimate the level of erosion that will occur.MUSLE method is one of the methods used to determine the magnitude of the erosion rate,that use an approach of runoff factor. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) used for the managementand data processing. Geographic Information Systems is a spatially information technology thatgenerate digital data which can gives the area characteristics, and illustrates the potential of soildamage.The level of erosion hazard on Sub DAS Lesti for weight categories reach 31.421% of thearea, while another erosion rate is Medium 24.146%, Lightweight 22.151%, Very Heavy 16.123%,and Very Light 6.159%.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v12i1.2045


STUDI EVALUASI DAN PERENCANAAN SISTEM JARINGANDRAINASE KECAMATAN ROGOJAMPI KABUPATENBANYUWANGIMuamar Khadafi1, Ernawan Setyono21&2Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat korespondensi : Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144ABSTRACTParts of the eastern part of the island of Java there is a district in the district called banyuwangi.The condition of the existing drainage system in the sub-district Rogojampi banyuwangi can say isinadequate to accommodate the construction of both the discharge flow from the waste comesfrom household or storm water discharge exists as hydrological impacts that occur in the regiontersabut. As a result, many districts Rogojampi often encounter serious problems due to standingwater is often the case in several sections of the area especially during the rainy season arrives. Soit is important to evaluate the channel capacity and planning of the new drainage system.Based on the evaluation results can be known that there are several sections of the channelwere not able to hold back the flood discharge stage biennial (two-year Q), so that the necessary replanningthe channel cross section. It provides a new drainage plan is also required to reduce thepool of water when it rains. It also required some supporting buildings culvert drainage system tominimize area genagnanKey Word ; Drainage, Discharge, Normalisation, Planing, Evaluasition
Prediksi Beban Sedimentasi Waduk Selorejo Menggunakan Debit Ekstrapolasi dengan Rantai Markov Ernawan Setyono; Devi Ismijayanti
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 13 No. 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v13i1.2542


Prediksi Beban Sedimentasi Waduk Selorejo Menggunakan Debit Ekstrapolasi dengan Rantai MarkovPrediction of Reservoir Sedimentation Selorejo Loads Using Debit Extrapolation Markov ChainErnawan Setyono1 & Devi Ismijayanti21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas Teknik Univ. Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144Email : 2)dhevieismijayanti.1992@gmail.comAbstractSelorejo reservoirs in operation since 1970 and is expected to operate and serve the needs of water up to the year 2020. The main problem encountered in the construction and operation of reservoirs is how to keep the service life of the reservoir as planned, one of which causes the sediment that settles at the bottom of the reservoir , Based on the results of recent measurements, it is known that the dead storage capacity of 1.71 million m3. Each year has an additional volume of sediment that settles that require greater storage capacity. The results showed that in 2014 increased storage capacity for additional volume of sediment that settles at 3,223,797.64 m3 and storage capacity increased to 4,933,797.64 m3. 2015 dead storage capacity increased to 7,920,967.58 m3 and continued to increase until 2020 dead storage capacity reaches 25,585,055.30 m3. This situation shows that the volume of sediment elevation has crossed the level of low-water line (LWL) and already exceeds the volume of the sediment storage capacity die before the age of reservoirs that have been planned so that it takes some effort to reduce the rate of sedimentation in the reservoir.Keywords: reservoirs, dead storage capacity, sedimentAbstrakWaduk Selorejo beroperasi sejak tahun 1970 dan diharapkan dapat beroperasi dan melayani kebutuhan air hingga pada tahun 2020. Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian waduk adalah bagaimana menjaga agar umur layanan waduk sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, salah satunya penyebabnya adanya sedimen yang mengendap di dasar waduk. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran terakhir, diketahui bahwa kapasitas tampungan mati 1,71 juta m3. Setiap tahun memiliki tambahan volume sedimen yang mengendap sehingga memerlukan kapasitas tampungan yang lebih besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2014 kapasitas tampungan meningkat karena penambahan volume sedimen yang mengendap di 3,223,797.64 m3 dan kapasitas tampungan meningkat menjadi 4,933,797.64 m3. Tahun 2015 kapasitas tampungan mati meningkat menjadi 7,920,967.58 m3 dan terus meningkat hingga 2020 kapasitas tampungan mati mencapai 25,585,055.30 m3. Situasi ini menunjukkan bahwa volume elevasi sedimen telah menyeberangi tingkat garis air rendah (LWL) dan sudah melebihi volume kapasitas tampungan sedimen mati sebelum usia waduk yang telah direncanakan sehingga dibutuhkan beberapa upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat sedimentasi ke dalam reservoir.Kata kunci: waduk, kapasitas tampungan mati, sedimen