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Journal : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Pati Regency is number one salt supplier in Central Java but it doesn’t guarantee the quality. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (GAKY) in Central Java is suspected because the salt produced in Pati Regency does not meet the quality standards of iodized salt. GAKY problems is a serious issue considering the danger affect life sustainability and human resource quality. The problem with under standard quality of iodized salt has urged the Regency’s government to issue Local Regulation no. 9 in 2008 about Iodized Consumption Salt. The issue means one step forward to regulate the existence of salt industry and customer protection. The regulation has also placed a legal stepping stone against the violations of existing regulations.Method of the research is qualitative. In this research, author conducted descriptive-analytic research which aims to reflect, describe or picture systematically, factually and accurately over facts, characteristics as well as associations of the phenomenon studied. To collect data, author use purpose sampling method and conducted interviews with the Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda) of Pati Regency, Health Department of Pati Regency, Industry and Commerce Department of Pati Regency, salt manufacturers in Pati Regency and the Head of APROGAKOB of Pati Regency.Local Regulation no. 9 year 2008 about Iodized Consumption Salt came into effect 6 (six) months after being established in December 17, 2008. The six-month deadline given by the government is used to socialize the regulation to the entire salt manufacturers in Pati Regency as the regulation target. They are directed to obey the regulation not only to produce iodizedsalt of 30 ppm – 80ppm but also starting from the washing of the materials, drying, iodine mixing, oven process and packing. However, the main problem faced by the manufacturers is the iodine content. The implementation of the Local Regulation is to emphasize the quality of iodized salt according to the standart. Given the fact over the years since the regulation has come into effect, the level of manufacturers’ compliance has increased significantly. In 2011 – 2012, only 28,5% of manufacturers have met ppm standard. In 2013, it drastically increased to level 64,89% of manufacturers who have met the ppm standard. In 2014, the number ixmproved to 69,48%.Author recommends the salt manufactures should increase the quality. Firmness in the enforcement of the regulation to provide a deterrent effect on manufacturers who do not comply and underestimate the government. Coaching, supervision, quality control management, socialization and unannounced visits should be enhanced to remind the salt manufacturers to produce good quality of iodized salt according to standard.Key words: Policy Implementation, Local Regulation no. 9 year 2008 about Iodized Consumption Salt
IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP TERHADAP AKTIVITAS INDUSTRI DI KOTA SEMARANG (Studi Implementasi PERDA No.13 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup) Mirfani Wulanda Putri; Rina Martini; Purwoko .
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 02 (2016): Periode Wisuda April 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstractEnvironment and natural resources is a gift from God Almighty shall bepreserved and developed ability to remain can be the source and support of humanlife and other living for survival. This study aims to determine how theimplementation of environmentalmanagement policies in industrial activity in thecity of Semarang according to local regulations Semarang City Number 13 Year2006 regarding environmental control and to determine the obstacles or barriersanything that happens in the implementation of environmental managementpolicies in industrial activity in Semarang city.This study took place in Semarang city government, because of the variousproblems that arise on the management, protection and environmental pollutiondue to the many industry sectors, as well as the community's role in it, often havea variety of interesting new problems to be studied further.The results showed that the implementation of Regulation mayor ofSemarang No. 5 of 2009 concerning Directive Implementing Regulation of theSemarang City Number 13 Year 2006 regarding Environmental Control has beenperforming well, having been through the process of delivering a regulation withthe right target, and then implementing these regulations in accordance with theduties principal and functions of the actors who play a direct role to implement aregulation. Impacts of air pollution motor vehicle can be prevented by theseelections is enough traffic away from population areas and reduce trafficcongestion. While the factors that inhibit failure of the community in thedevelopment and maintenance of the environment, internal constraints inhibitingthe realization of development. The progress of industry had a positive impactwheels society, but in reality progress industry not only had an impact on theinterconnected economy, but also the environment in which the companyoperates.Keywords: Activities Industry, Environment
Strategi Pemasaran Politik Calon Legislatif Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Dalam Pemilu Legislatif 2014 Pada PKB Kota Semarang M.Agus Nurkholis; Puji Astuti; Rina Martini
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTION On the implementation of legislative general election in 2014, each candidate legislature was expected to maximize his political marketing strategies alone. It was because a political party only gave directions without forming a mass of support for each candidate legislative. In semarang city, PKB experienced inconsistency of the ballot in every convention of legislative election. In 2004 , PKB got 66.337 votes of sending 6 deputy legislative  and in 2009 the ballot of PKB decreased drastically which only got 25.063 votes ( only sent 1 deputy legislative ). The inconsistency of this ballot was caused by the presence of the influence of internal conflicts the party protracted and the implementation of marketing strategy of the political less maximal. Whereas, general election in 2014, PKB experienced an increase in voting became 66.400 and sent 4 vice legislatives. That is why the statement of the problem in this research is “how are the PKB candidates’ political marketing strategies in the legislative general election 2014 espescially in Semarang city? and what are the reasons of the candidate using that political marketing strategies ?This research using qualitative method with type of the research is descriptive analytical because this research is done by interviewing and providing analysis of the ilustration of the indications and the facts in the field. So it can be seen how the strategy of political marketing conducted by legislative candidates PKB of semarang city to face legislative election in 2014.The results of this research show a model of political marketing through the socialization door to door to be one of the main strategies the successful of some legislative candidates PKB in semarang city to obtain the support of a mass. This is because through the socialization door to door, legislative candidates can interact with the society directly, give understanding and instruction to vote the ballot. Then, one of the key victory of PKB legislative candidates semarang city  in legislative general elections 2014 is marketing political by doing socialization door to door and by process of monitoring and evaluating of the successful performance of the team. The process of monitoring and evaluating this performance is in order to marketing team able to maximize the process of political marketing and they don’t move to other legislative candidate. Then, one thing that causes the failure of some legislative candidates PKB semarang city is lack of cooperation and coordination between legislative candidates and lack of the process of supervision of team success.So, it is causing the marketing political less maximal and there are differentiation in the ballot legislative candidates who are in one local election significantly. Hence, in the process of political marketing, each candidate legislature is expected to establish cooperation and coordination with other legislative candidates as well as monitoring and evaluating of the successful performance of the team routinely. The goal is in order to legislative candidates able to minimize competition between legislative candidates in internal political parties and maximize his political marketing strategies in the base of support areaKeywords       : Legislative General Election, Legislative Candidate, Political Marketing Model.
Analisis Kasus Korupsi Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Lingkar Kota Slawi (Jalingkos) di Kabupaten Tegal Ica Paramastri; Budi Setiyono; Rina Martini
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Volume 2, Nomor 2, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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One of the most crucial issues to be solved by the government of Indonesia is the problem of corruption. This is because the longer the corruption in Indonesia increasingly difficult to overcome. This is because corruption carried out in a systematic and organized from the bottom level to the level of officials. As happened in Tegal regency, corruption fund development projects Slawi city ring road, known as Jalingkos made by former Tegal Regent Agus Riyanto, Edy Prayitno, and Budi Haryono worth 3.4 Billion. Corruption is a neat eventually be leaked by a number of activists who are members of NGOs GMTB (tegal Unite People movement). . The results showed that the Agus Riyanto, Edy Prayitno, and Budi Haryono has proven corrupt jalingkos project development funds for their personal interests respectively. Law enforcement on the case jalingkos assessed later and said selective loggingAgus Riyanto was sentenced 5 years 6 months in jail, pay a fine of USD 200 million with a substitute punishment for one year in jail and pay compensation amounting to Rp 1.4 billion, or imprisonment for three years, Edy Prayitno was sentenced 5 years 6 months in prison and a fine of Rp 200 million and reimbursement of compensation amounting to Rp 1,494,410,000, Budi Haryono sentenced to 4 years in prison plus a fine of Rp 200 million and cash compensation of Rp 747,205,000.Keywords: Analysis of case, Corruption, Development Project Slawi Town Ring Road (Jalingkos).
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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In 2014, Indonesia will be held of President and Vice President elections. Candidates for President and Vice President are they which derived from political party ,Even it from mixed political party ( coalitions ) that have met the requirements of has got 20% of DPR, DPD, and DPRD seats. The presidential elections in 2014 will be carried out in accordance with Law (Undang-undang) No 42 of 2008 about the election of a President and Vice President.Purpose of this research which to know ideal leader according to young voters in Semarang based on President and Vise President election 2014. This research uses the type of exploratory data analysis of quantitative.Based on these data, it will be examined in research is how ideal leader according to young voters in the next president and vise president election. Of the research results, it can be concluded that ideal leader according to young voters is leaders who are not legally flawed, leaders who have a sense of concern for his members and leaders who have a clear vision and mission.Political party can make this research as a barometer to find or establish of nominee leaders who will advance to the next presidential election. Political party in determining of nominee leaders who will advance as participants presidential election, should pay attention to the criteria that have been described in this research. Political parties should be able to maximize the regeneration function in finding prospective leaders really needed and envisioned by each community.Keywords: The Early Voters, , Ideal Leader, Presidential Election 2014
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Governor multiple appointments by Sri Sultan Hamengku as King of Kasultanan is one ofDaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta’s privileges. In one side, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is able toimplement the democracy in daily lives. But in other side, the absences of elections as oneelement of the democracy, bring out the questions about governmental process which isdemocratic and effective in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Courteous attitude owned by thepeople and legislative institution causing minimum control system for executive institution. Atthe end, we need to find formula of the implication dualism Governor positions by King ofKasultanan towards democratic and government effectiveness in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.Keywords: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, democratic, government effectiveness
Peran Pemerintah Dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Kentang di Kabupatenn Banjarnegara Angga Fredika; Rina Martini; Nunik Retno Herawati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 4, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstracThe decrease of potatoes harvest in Banjarnegara Regency was caused by several problem. Such as farmers excessive habit in farm opening, over-control pesticide sprayed, lack of quality seeds, and conventional farming methods. Because of that, Government aid is very needed to make an empowerment.This study was held with quantitaative methods. Using descriptive approach the data was collected by literature studies and interview with associated informants. Such as Head of Agricultural Department, Agricultural conselling bodies, Farmers society, and the farmers whose undergo the problems.The result of this study shown that government rules wich is presented by agriculture, fishery, and ranch services of Banjaregara Regency was not succeeded yet. The data was reflect status quo of Banjarnegara farmings that still very less-quality seeds, lot of farmers were not familiar with advance farming technology, rarely farming counselling from government, unavailable saving and loan bodies, and the environmental damage by farmer excessive eploitations.To solve that problem government need to make several actions : facilitating more farmers group to make an self quality seeds wich approprite with farming standart, to make annual induction government need more instructors, educate rights pesticide usage, establish save and loan department to back up farmers capital to developing its business, and require annual environment conservation to avoid nature damage.Keyword : Government role, Empowering, Potatoes Farmer
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Corruption has been exsited in Indonesia since long time ago and become a hereditary tradition from Orde Lama, Orde Baru, up to this present Reformation Era. Corruption in this country has reached epidemic level and threatens this nation, which is why cleaning up the enroot culture of corruption is needed, starting from the morality, behavior, and bureaucracy that might influence us to do something corrupt. The reasons for corruption are vary. Corruption is often attributed to the low salary, the wish to gain a lot of money in just a short time, and the influence of others, or even ourselves. Many efforts have been made by previous government and people to put a stop to it.Indonesia's Corruption Eradicaton Commision (Indonesian: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, abbreviated KPK) is a government agency established to fight corruption. There is also a lot of Non-governmental Organizations (abbreviated NGO) that operate independently of government which has been recognized by Indonesian citizen and government itself. The spirit of "Good Governance, dare to be honest is cool" and stiff penalties that await are hoped can reduce corruption to the barest minimum. Corruption is not only performed in national scope, but also in regional scope. There is a space within our regional autonomy which gives every region its own freedom to manage, build and develop its own region.Salatiga has been spotted because one of local important figure that conducted corruption. The project of Salatiga Ring Road has been corrupted for campaign fund of one of the candidates of the mayor of Salatiga, and using that money he is now sitting as the mayor of Salatiga. Non-governmental Organization and local government took part in solving the corruption, with the help of Financial Investigation Bureau of Indonesia (Indonesia: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, abbreviated BPK) and the people of Salatiga.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 4, No 3 (2015): VOLUME 4, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Already from the first, the government is already taking action and efforts in thehealth sector is to provide health insurance for all citizens of Indonesia. Based on article 5 ofLaw No. 36 of 2009 on Health, explained that everyone has an equal right to have access toresources in the health sector. Therefore, dated January 1, 2014 the government in the SocialSecurity Agency (BPJS) Health implement policies to ensure the health of every citizen in theform of National Health Insurance (JKN).In this study focused on the implementation of the National Health Insurance inTemanggung District. This study was conducted to determine how far the implementation ofJKN in Temangggung and what are the obstacles and complaints in the implementation ofthis JKN. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Sources of primary data obtainedthrough interviews with a purposive sample system (taking intentionally) to obtain keyinformants (people who know the correct and reliable), while secondary data sourcesobtained from documents, archives, and other sources related to the research. Analysistechniques using triangulation techniques, performed with test information with fieldobservations, as well as to confirm to infroman and other sources.From the results it can be seen that in the course of one year policy, it can cover 45%of residents in the Temanggung District. In addition, there are many complaints that arise inthe community as not know where FKTP where registered participants, participants were notgiven the maximum service due to the number of patients who exploded, drugs givenstandard, the existence of an early return from a claim that has been discharged, etc. From thegiver services complained continuous regulatory changes occur, and a lack of coordination ofthe executive (BPJS) and service providers (FKTP). On the other hand, there are still manypoor people who are not covered by JKN as PBI participants. As well as the mostfundamental thing is the lack of awareness of the importance of community health insuranceand also many who still objected to the specified monthly fee.Should the enforcement of strict regulations so that the passage of health care can be amaximum again and also so that people can be aware that health insurance is important.Hopefully, the realization of the expectations of the public in 2019 all Indonesian citizenswithout exception has been a member of membership BPJS Health.Keywords: public health services, National Health Insurance, BPJS.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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External-campus student organization or abbreviated ormek (organisasi mahasiswa ekstra kampus)is an important component in FISIP UNDIP which is politically condensed . As it roles as political socialization agent on the campus, making it a political role model for student.During implementation of political socialization on campus, discovered deficiency. It can be seen from negative perceptions and stigma that attached to the ormek, which is “they comes when they’re needs,and gone when they’re done”. It is very influential on course to political socialization and recognition for students of FISIP UNDIP.The purposes of this study is to determine students' perceptions of role of political socialization agent of external-campus student organizations .In order to determine students' perceptions, researcher used several indicators , such as: knowledge , acceptance statement , disclaimer , opinion , attitude , and assessment . This study used descriptive method with quantitative approach . This research object is perception of FISIP UNDIP’s students regarding external-campus student organizations as political socialization agent.The results shows there are shortcomings of student organizations as an political socialization agent, for instance due to lack of socialization activities , negative stigma and also exclusivity of ormek’s member. The students did not believe its function and role of ormek which is supposed to be political role model and as political socialization agent on campus such as, introducing students about political system on campus, organizing political discussion group or forum, and persuade students to use their right to vote on election. However, a plays as it needs to be reconsidered activities in order to restore ormek’s trust and legitimacy as a good political socialization agent and can be a good political role model for the student.