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Journal : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 4, No 3 (2015): VOLUME 4, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Nowdays, handling of HIV/AIDS is not only concerned with health problems, but also we have to deal with social matters. Community empowerment is a new approach to handle the problem of HIV and AIDS and to eliminate discrimination against people with AIDS. An empowerment of people care for AIDS is called Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan. By the presence of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan, there will be no discrimination against people with AIDS and residents who have highly risked of HIV contagion could be financially independent. Through this research, writer explains the process of community empowerment by a group of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan and explains the support and inhibitors factors of process of empowerment by a group of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan. In this research writer uses interview and study documentation method to get data. Result shows no discrimination toward people with AIDS and people who have highly risked of HIV contagion. The support factors of empowerment by a group of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan are the financial support of governments and NGO’s, better communication and easy access to information. While the barrier factors are lack of knowledge, lack of education and lack of funding sources. Additionally, the government should provides larger budget for the suistainability of the empowernment of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan. On the other side the members of Warga Peduli AIDS Kelurahan Peterongan should be more creative to solve every problem they have. Keywords : Handling of HIV/AIDS, Community emporwerment, WPA Kelurahan Peterongan.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The recent flowering of internet has resulted in the emergence of many online siteswhich facilitates its users to seek for information and communicate on different space anddistance. The obvious evidence of this internet flowering is the emergence of many socialmedia sites such as facebook, twitter, blog, instagram, and path which attract the society tobe actively involved and use it on their everyday life. Basically, all social media have thesame function and purpose that is to be used to communicate with other people. In Indonesiaitself, the biggest social media user is ranged between age 18 until 24 and mostly iscollegian. Collegian use social media for various purposes, such as for communicationbetween friends, for consolation purpose, also for political interaction. The problem that isexamined in this research is about the involvement of the internal organization committeecollegian of FISIP Undip about the usage of social media for their political interaction.According to that, the writer aims to analyze of how collegian use social media for thepurpose of political interaction. The following result is used to answer the question about thebackground of the collegian to make political interaction in social media. Research resultshows that social media is used more to their general information exchange and as theirentertainment purpose. Social media has not yet to be the main means in conducting politicalinteraction, but rather mere to be complementary. Collegian is not yet depended on socialmedia in getting the following political action, even though it is considered quite effective onthe usage. By far, social media becomes a medium of political interaction itself. It is advisedthat collegian can be actively involved in online network and is recommended to get morebenefit from the usage of social media, so that collegian can be more serious in order toimprove the political interaction.Keywords: social media, political interaction
Analisis Rekruitmen Politik: Studi Pada Rekruitmen Anggota Baru DPC PDI Perjuangan Kota Semarang Tahun 2012-2013 Muhammad Agam Ashari; Budi Setiyono; Rina Martini
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 3, NOMOR 4, TAHUN 2014
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThis thesis entitled "Political Recruitment Analyse: Studies on New MemberRecruitment of DPC PDI Perjuangan Semarang Year 2012-2013". Compiled byMuhammad Agam Ashari, NIM: 14010110130113, Social Science Program andPolitical Science under the guidance of Setiyono Budi, S. Sos, M.Pol.Admin, Ph.D.,and Dra. Rina Martini, M.Sc.Political parties play an important role in the future leaders prints. It can besaid that good or bad depending on the quality of the party's leader in conducting therecruitment and education of members. PDI-Perjuangan is a big party and have abroad mass base. Greatness name PDI-Perjuangan penetrating through to areas suchas in Central Java, including in the city of Semarang. This is the background forresearchers to determine how the PDI-Perjuangan is able to obtain a high level ofelectability and also has many members.This study uses qualitative research methods with case studies. The studydesign used is the descriptive type of analytical data collection through interviewswith a number of informants that functionaries of PDI-Perjuangan cadres Semarangand examine any documents.Researchers analyzed all the phenomena of the background in the recruitmentprocess of the PDI-Perjuangan, including Sukarno heritages are attached to theChairman of the PDI-Perjuangan. PDI-Perjuangan does not implement a particularstrategy in recruiting members, that's a fact. Through this study the authors alsodescribe any factors supporting and inhibiting PDI perjuangan in recruit newmembers. Both of these factors would greatly affect the recruitment and imaging ofthe party as the “wong cilik” party's.PDI-Perjuangan should be more selective in recruiting members because ofperceived recruitment process is very important for future leaders prints. PDI-P isalso necessary to change the paradigm of the concept of leadership has MegawatiSoekarno breeds. Cadre too dependent on their leaders so that the leader decision isan absolute. Relationships like these could lead the party in these areas will feelstunted and do not have a voice to aspire.Keywords: Political Parties and the Recruitment System Absolute Loyalty
Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Walikota Surakarta FX Hadi Rudyatmo Utari Nourma Diyah; Rina Martini; Nunik Retno Herawati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThis study analysed the leadership style of the mayor of Surakarta, namely FX Hadi Rudyatmo. FX Hadi sworn in as mayor of Surakarta on October 19, 2012 by Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo, replace leadership of Joko Widodo who ran for governor of Jakarta. For the layman who does not know Rudy, most think the mayor Rudy is a private firm, rigid, and difficult to approach. However, it turns behind the grim stature, he is a person who is consulted by their employees. Many people are worried after Jokowi left, Surakarta city development will decrease. But the fact is the mayor Rudy able to maintain or even advance the achievement of Surakarta. There are various style of leadership, including leadership style democratic, authoritarian leadership style and free leadership style. Of several style of leadership, approaching which leadership style FX Hadi Rudyatmo in leading Surakarta?In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach that will present the descriptive data. The research was conducted in the city of Surakarta. the data in this study were obtained through interviews with goverment officials from Section Surakarta City Organization and Personel, Assistant Goverment and the Department of Health, as well as data such as document.FX Hadi Rudyatmo using a democratic leadership style that looks to put the employees who work him as the first and most important factor in running the organization’s activities. In fulfilling the role of control and social relationships, he showed participativeleadership, and in his attempt to apply the theory of human supervision where supervision was fixed according to the rules but still reasonable.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 4, No 3 (2015): VOLUME 4, NOMOR 3, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The verification process of legislative candidates on legislative election 2014 in Semarang attracted a lot of attention in various circle enough. Verification is a gateway from search of qualified representative and clean from Corruption, Collution and Nepotism (KKN). Not only the political parties thah have to prepare everything for legislative elections. However, the election organizers such as the General Election Commission (KPU) should also show an attitude that cling to the principle of independence and professional.To determine the role of General Election Commission Semarang in verification of legislative candidates on legislative election 2014, the research using descriptive research method. These data were obtained from in-depth interviews as the primary data and some books as secondary data. Theory of the General Election Commission (KPU) and the theory of evaluation are used to ease in analyzing daa.Result of the research is the evaluation verification process of the legislative candidates on legislative election 2014 in Semarang basically already refers to the General Election Commission regulation No. 7/2013. But the implementation is not maximal. Because there are still problems that occur during the verification process, especially the problem of lack of socialization and establishment of DCS into DCT. So many constrains make the verification process has not been worked maximal that carried out by General Election Commission Semarang.Recommendation for next research is General Election Commission Semarang should be more cooperative and better coordination in improving the profesionalism and socializm that relate to what is the matters and needs that legislative candidates should know so that the verification process of legislative candidates can be maximal.Keywords: Verification, General Election Commission, Legislative Candidates