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English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v10i1.5352


This research was conducted to analyze decoding fillers in English learning talk show. The researchers made two groups of non-native English speakers to investigate fillers, Group one with little or no abroad experienced speakers and Group two with long term abroad experienced speakers. The researchers used descriptive qualitative as a method that describes an objective situation or certain event based on facts that appear or should be followed by an attempt to draw general conclusion. The procedure is ethnographic research which is ethnographic by qualitative enable researchers to understand the data by the functions of language (words, phrase and sentence) by grouping words that have same functions into categories. The researchers would analyze and conclude the data to be studied. In this research the data to be reviewed is English with Alice which contain fillers. The researchers found one hundred sixty-eight fillers with the exclusion of filler used by the host and both of speakers. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that 2 groups (14 guests) in the talk show English with Alice used different functions of decoding fillers. The functions in Group one are mostly (a) to begin and close a discourse and (c) to hold the floor. Moreover, the functions in Group two are mostly (c) to hold the floor and (g) to express the response.
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v10i1.5382


This paper is aimed to describe modality and adjunct in spoken text of proposing girl using Waijewa language. Modality refers to degrees of indeterminacy. It is to construe the region of uncertainty that lies between ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It refers not only to verb modal but also to modality idea. Thus, modality is manifested into two ways, namely modalization and modulation. The use modality grammar enables people to emphasize what can or cannot be done on what is ordered or offered. Data informing this study were from observation by recording oral texts of proposing a girl happened in Wewewa community. These data then were transcribed and analysed based on systemic functional grammar. The results showed that the use of modality was realized simultaneously by verb such as baka amiko-ngga dede wa kadanu … ‘I will come to take my handbag…’. The use of modality showed varieties of probabilities and obligation. Modalization tended to be uttered by bride’s party whereas modulation by groom’s party. This fact indicated interpersonal relationship in which groom’s party took a position as humble as possible in speaking and usually agreed everything stated or asked by bride’s parents. While bride’s party was dominant in speaking. This condition was influenced by honour value as one of the six values in this text. The use of adjunct related to mood adjunct that covered modal adjunct such as probability, usuality, obligation, obviousness, intensity, and polarity; and comment adjunct such as admissive, desiderative, entreaty, evaluative, opinion, predictive, persuasive, and presupposition.
Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 41, No 1 (2015): Majalah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Kedeputian Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (IPSK-LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jmi.v41i1.246


Kette Katonga Weri Kawendo (KKWK) is one of marriage sessions called proposing to a girl practiced by Wewewa traditional society at Sumba island. This research is aimed to find out and describe text lexico-grammar, inter-clause relationship, context of situation, genre/structure, and ideology. The results show that text on lexicogrammar level covers transitivity, mood, and theme. (1) The transitivity indicated experiential meaning consists of three elements, (a) participant realized by noun and personal pronoun, (b) circumstance realized by adverbial and prepositional phrase, (c) process consists of six process types. (2).Mood realizing interpersonal meaning consists of indicative and imperative. It also has mood structure, such as affirmative is S^P); exclamation is EW^S^P; etc. Text appraisal concerns affect, judgment, and appreciation. (3) Theme realizing contextual meaning has three types: topical, interpersonal, and textual theme. Text thematic structure consists of interpersonal theme ^ textual ^ topical theme. Clause relation covers interdependency and logico-semantic. Context of situation covers field, tenor, and mode. The field relates to topics. Every stage has its own topic. Concerning to talking frequency, brides mediators status is higher than others. Based on topic discussed, tenors status is equal.Tenors have closed relationship. Text mode is spoken realized by the use of theme, Text genre is dialog of proposing to a girl. Generic structure covers various stages: preintroduction, introduction, content and closing. Each stage has sub-stages called. text generic potential structure. Text ideology is Watu nda ngeroka-Tana nda dikki Stone is not movedLand is not shifted. This ideology has six values.Keywords: KKWK, text, traditional society, Wewewa, Waijewa, SFL, Sumba
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 6. Juli 2012 No. 2
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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This paper is based on Hallidayan systemic-functional grammar (1985,1994, 2004) focusing on mood that realizes interpersonal metafunction of meaning. This paper provides answers to the questions, namely (1) how is mood of text using Waijewa language, and  (2) how does mood realize metafunction of interpersonal meaning in text? Based on Sistemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) theory, the mood text in this paper is viewed from mood system, modality, mood structure, and interpersonal metafunction of meaning.This paper used spoken data collected from the observation  of four sessions of proposing to a girl or in Waijewa language called Kette Katonga Weri Kawendo hereon abbreviated to KKWK, practiced in Wewewa society. Based on the data analysis, it is found out that mood system in text consists of indicative and imperative. The indicative covers declarative and interrogative. The declarative consists of exclamation and affirmative. The affirmative type is the most used which consisted of  2.596 (83%) use. This is caused by clauses repetition used by tenors. Whereas, exclamative is the least used which consists of 37 (1.2%) use. This fact indicates that the tenor should keep his background social prestice. The predicate are either followed or preceded by modality. Modalisation were used by groom’s parents, whereas modulation were used by bride’s parents. Mood structure of affirmative is S^P;  exclamative is EW^S^P;  imperative is  P^C/ C^P; yes/no interrogative is P^S)/ (P^C)/  (S^P); and wh-interrogative is QW^ P^S.  Interpersonal metafunction of meaning aims to get information, give information, and to state opinion of decision made, such as choosing mediators, stating and requesting the amount of dowries, stating time for completing dowries, time to take the bride to groom’s place, and time for bride and groom to get marry.
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 22 (2015): March 2015
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan dan mengkaji transtivitas dalam teks Kette Katonga Weri Kawendo (KKWK) pada masyarakat adat Wewewa. Data hasil observasi dengan teknik perekaman pada empat tuturan lisan ditranskrip dan dianalisis berdasarkan Gramatika Fungsional. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa transtivitas pada teks memiliki tiga elemen. (1) Partisipan direalisasi oleh kelompok nomina termasuk pronomina persona yang meliputi pembicara dan pendengar. Persona: pendengar saja yo’u/ wo’u ‘engkau’, pembicara+pendengar: yamme, itto ‘kita’; pembicara saja youwa ‘saya’; pembicara+lainnya yamme ‘kita’, pendengar+lainnya yemmi ‘kalian; pemeran lainnya lebih dari satu hidda ‘mereka’, seseorang (laki-laki/perempuan) nya ’dia’; orang (umum) ata. (2) Sirkumstan direalisasi oleh kelompok adverbial dan frasa preposisi, yaitu sirkumstan waktu: ne lodo ‘hari ini’, neme ‘nanti’, koka mewa ‘besok lusa’, ne bahina nee ‘sekarang ini; lokasi: koro dana ‘dalam kamar’. bali tonga ‘ruang tamu’, gyounga ‘di luar’; sebab/alasan: oro ‘karena’, gai ‘agar’, ka ‘supaya’, waktu dan lokasi posisinya berada di depan atau di belakang klausa. (3) Proses meliputi enam tipe dengan jumlah pemakaiannya adalah 2678. Proses material paling banyak muncul yaitu 1069 , disusul proses verbal 553, relasional 409, wujud 357, mental 258 dan perilaku 32.
Interpersonal and Ideational Metaphors in the Writing of Thesis Texts of Undergraduate Students of English Study Program: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach Magdalena Ngongo; Naniana Benu
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.484 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.6.2.2320.113-120


This study describes how interpersonal and ideational metaphors were realised in th writing of theses texts written by undergraduate students of English study program. This study is a documentary analysis of descriptive method. Data in the form of corpus data were randomly taken from 15 theses among 70 theses in population. Data were analyzed by focusing on the semantic functions covering interpersonal and ideational metaphors. The results showed that interpersonal metaphor was realised in mood system and modality. Mood system was realised mostly in declarative clauses than interrogative and imperative ones. This fact was caused by the channel of text, written text. Modality was least used in the texts. Ideational metaphor was sin transitivity system in which material process was mostly applied than mental, behaviour, existential, relational and verbal processes. Nominalisation was selected as the mostly used property of linguistic feature in writing theses. Ideational metaphor was more used than interpersonal metaphor. This fact happens due to the text channel, written text. Therefore, it is suggested that lecturers in their teaching should consider their teaching by including metaphorical meaning, especially ideational and interpersonal metaphors. Besides, it is suggested to conduct research by comparing languages, national or international languages such as between Indonesian and English or else.
Faktor-faktor Penyebab Pendeta Perempuan Menjadi Korban KDRT di Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur: Dari Perpespektif Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor Mesakh A.P. Dethan; Isakh A. Hendrik; Magdalena Ngongo; Julian Widodo
Missio Ecclesiae Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Institut Injil Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52157/me.v10i2.138


This study aims to determine the extent of the factors that cause female pastors to become victims of domestic violence and to what extent the Evangelical Christian Church in Timor has handled domestic violence experienced by female pastor, which can be used as a study and learning material in preventing and overcoming. Violence against female pastors. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The qualitative research approach was chosen because it emphasizes on phenomena/facts, the meaning of reasoning, certain situations (in certain contexts), or more research on matters related to the daily lives of women who are victims of domestic violence. From the results of the study, it was found that the factors causing domestic violence were due to jealousy from the husbands, as well as economic pressures. Causative factors also occur due to husbands who on average are drunkards and like to gamble, husbands who have less education than their wives, husbands who are hypersexual, husbands who experience psychological disorders, and also because wives are too busy with their service duties so that their husbands are feeling abandoned. The GMIT effort in this case carried out by UPP Pastoral as an extension of the MSH GMIT is considered not yet carrying out its mentoring function effectively to pastors who are victims of domestic violence. The victims felt that the services provided were still limited to providing advice without conducting any deepening of the problems experienced by the victims. For this reason, the functions of pastoral bodies in all spheres need to be optimized in a planned manner as a form of psychosocial support to prevent and break the chain of domestic violence. The research results also show that the church does not yet have a procedure or SOP that allows the recovery process for the victims to be carried out in a planned and systematic manner. The victims are also increasingly stressed because in addition to losing their income due to being withdrawn from their ministry as pastors, they also get negative stigma from their fellow pastors and congregations.
An Application of Multimodal Text-Based Literacy Activities in Enhancing Early Children’s Literacy Endang Fatmawati; Nanda Saputra; Magdalena Ngongo; Ridwin Purba; Herman Herman
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 5 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i5.2782


Salah satu program pengembangan yang sangat penting dalam pendidikan anak usia dini adalah pengembangan bahasa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kegiatan literasi denngan menggunakan Kegiatan Literasi Berbasis Teks Multimodal untuk anak usia dini di salah satu sekolah TK di Pematangsiantar. Metode deskriptif kualitatif diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah anak usia dini sebanyak 26 siswa. Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi digunakan untuk memperoleh data. Triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber digunakan dalam analisis data. Proses interpretasi data yang terkumpul menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini mengalami peningkatan kenyamanan lingkungan belajar peserta didik dengan persentase peningkatan rata-rata sebesar 15,8% sehingga kegiatan literasi berbasis multimodal ini layak untuk dikembangkan dan dilaksanakan pada anak usia dini. Para peneliti juga menyarankan agar pihak sekolah memahami pentingnya membangun lingkungan literasi yang baik di dalam kelas dalam mendukung penerapan literasi berbasis multimodal untuk perkembangan kemampuan literasi anak
An Application of Compositional Metafunctions in Improving Childrens Ability to Learn English Through Images Magdalena Ngongo; Ridwin Purba; Nguyen Van Thao; Herman Herman
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif Vol 12, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung

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Abstract: An Application of Compositional Metafunctions in Improving Childrens Ability to Learn English Through Images. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to access the application of compositional metafunctions in improving childrens ability in learning English through images. Methods: The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with a literature review using sources from the internet, books, and related research outputs. Findings: The results of this study found that using images in the application of compositional metafunction in learning English to improve childrens abilities has a great influence, in terms of ease of learning and ease of observation. Conclusion: Based on the results presented, this study gives a new horizon that children can easily remember words in English through pictures and make motor comparisons in everyday life with the concept of cognitive development in improving memory for learning English.Keywords: compositional, images, metafunctions, children.Abstrak: Aplikasi Metafungsi Komposisi dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Anak Belajar Bahasa Inggris Melalui Gambar. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengakses penerapan metafungsi komposisional dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam belajar bahasa Inggris melalui gambar. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi pustaka menggunakan sumber dari internet, buku, dan hasil penelitian terkait. Temuan: Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penggunaan gambar dalam penerapan metafungsi komposisional dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak memiliki pengaruh yang besar, dalam hal kemudahan belajar dan kemudahan pengamatan. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil yang dipaparkan, penelitian ini memberikan cakrawala baru bahwa anak dapat dengan mudah mengingat kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris melalui gambar dan membuat perbandingan motorik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan konsep perkembangan kognitif dalam meningkatkan daya ingat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris.Kata kunci: komposisi, gambar, metafungsi, anak-anak.DOI:
Transitivity Analysis on Sri Mulyani’s Speech at Singapore Summit: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective Nanda Saputra; Endang Fatmawati; Magdalena Ngongo; Herman Herman; Nguyen Van Thao
Humanus: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora Vol 21, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.858 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/humanus.v21i2.116665


This research discusses transitivity process in the speech of Sri Mulyani. This research aims to classify the type of transitivity process. This research employed systemic functional linguistics theory of Halliday, particularly transitivity system as a tool of analysis, more specific this research analyzed process of transitivity. The data collected from Sri Mulyani’ speech at Singapore Summit. The researchers used qualitative research design to answer the research question and chose content analysis because the result of the data analyzed is in descriptive phenomenon such as word, clause and utterance. The researchers used documentation as the research instrument. The researchers collected the data that is posted on September, 14th 2014. The findings of this research showed that material process was 44,29%, mental process was 24,29%, relational process was 25%, verbal process was 2,14%. behavioural process was 2,86% and existential process was 1,42%, so dominant process used on the speech was material process, the material process found 62 times with percentage 44,29 %. This research concluded that Sri Mulyani tended to use material process, in contrast with existential process which only have 1,42% as the lowest process in the speech. It showed that Sri Mulyani prefers to show the action and told what will they do for the next time.