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Analisis User Experience Aplikasi Disney+ Hotstar dengan Menggunakan Metode User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) Danar Feriano; Nabila Rizky Oktadini; Allsela Meiriza; Putri Eka Sevtiyuni; Pacu Putra
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v4i3.1470


With the advancement of the times, people have started using apps to fulfill their daily needs, such as reading news, shopping, and watching movies. Disney+ hotstar is a video streaming platform that provides various types of movies. There are 107 people who have used the disney+ hotstar application throughout Indonesia as the subject of this research. The problem identified is why users prefer Netflix to watch videos compared to using the disney+ hotstar app. The purpose of the study was to analyze the user experience while using the disney+ hotstar app using the UEQ method and also to provide recommendations on what can be improved to enhance the user experience. After that, the UEQ tool was used to analyze the information that had been collected. The results show that the attractiveness aspect has a value of 1.72 which is a good value, perspicuity has a value of 1.67, which is an above average value, efficiency has a value of 1.49, which is an above average value; dependability has a value of 1.34, which is an above average value, stimulation has a value of 1.43, which is a good value and novelty has a value of 1.05, which is an above average value.
Pengembangan Persona Berbasis Survey Menggunakan Analisis Klaster Untuk Representasi Calon Tenaga Kerja Enjelina Tampubolon; Dedy Kurniawan; Pacu Putra; Rudi Sanjaya
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v4i3.1480


The phenomenon of difficulty finding work is one of the issues faced by the current generation, especially among young graduates. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) released data regarding the number of unemployed in Indonesia in 2023, which reached 5.45%. This means that currently there are around seven million people who do not have permanent work. This condition is caused by a lack of readiness of prospective applicants in terms of skills, knowledge and information as well as high job competition. In this research, a survey was conducted on 200 respondents based on random sampling of active students and fresh graduates from various educational backgrounds. The survey data is used in developing personas to represent potential users using cluster analysis. Personas are a user-centered design approach in HCI that helps developers understand their motivations, needs, skills, and challenges. This approach is used when developers have limited knowledge about the individual behavior of target users. Thus, personas can be used to create basic user groups that represent broader needs and characteristics. Persona development also has the advantages of low development costs and fast and easy access. The final results of this research will present the development of two data-based personas from a total of eight clusters formed. Cluster one (n = 24) and cluster two (n = 84) were chosen as the author's guiding data in creating the main persona. The personas presented can be used in research and application development to increase awareness of end-user needs and demands
Evaluasi Proses Bisnis Pendaftaran Nikah Menggunakan Metode Business Process Improvement (BPI) di KUA Amanda Julia Dela Siska; Pacu Putra; Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti; Muhammad Ihsan Jambak
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v4i3.1482


The Indralaya District Religious Affairs Office is a government agency authorized to carry out some of the duties of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Registration and recording of marriages is one of the duties of the Sub-district KUA. However, in carrying out its duties, there are several obstacles faced in the current flow of marriage registration, such as the length of the marriage registration process, and a complicated process due to the many documents that must be taken care of to various agencies. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct periodic evaluations to find potential problems that hinder the current business process and optimize the quality of services of the sub-district KUA. The current marriage registration flow and the recommended marriage registration flow will be modeled using a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagram. Then, each activity in the current marriage registration flow is evaluated using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach. The results of the FMEA evaluation are used for business process improvement. Business process improvement is carried out using the Business Process Improvement (BPI) method. BPI is a method used to improve the quality of business processes to make them more effective and efficient without having to reconstruct ongoing business processes radically. After that, the design of business process recommendations will be proposed using tools from the third phase of BPI, namely streamlining. Furthermore, simulations will be carried out using Bizagi Modeler to test time, process validation, and resource analysis. The results obtained are an increase in process time from 28 days 2 hours 56 minutes 30 seconds to 10 days 9 hours 27 minutes 15 seconds or an increase of 62.80%.
UI/UX Design of Web-based Software License Management System using User-Centered Design and System Usability Scale Ovie Nur Faizah; Nabila Rizky Oktadini; Bayu Wijaya Putra; Putri Eka Sevtiyuni; Pacu Putra; Allsela Meiriza
Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Vol 9, No 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/TEKNOSI.v9i3.2023.255-263


PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA), a state-owned coal mining company, must comply with government regulations regarding software licenses. They face difficulties monitoring and managing licenses that could lead to violations. To solve this problem, we try to design a website-based UI/UX for Software License Management System. This research aims to provide an intuitive interface and a comfortable user experience employing the User-Centered Design (UCD) approach, which consists of three main stages: Needs Analysis, Design and Prototyping, and Evaluation. Evaluation is carried out through usability testing using the System Usability Scale (SUS). Test results indicate that UCD is effective in designing a system responsive to user needs with a high level of usability. With an effectiveness of 99%, efficiency of 96.67%, and an SUS score of 88.25, this system design receives an 'Acceptable' rating, a (B) grade, and falls into the 'Excellent' category. The designed system is deemed suitable for further development towards the implementation phase.
Aplikasi Pembayaran Quota Siswa Berbasis VBA Macro Excel pada SMA Negeri 3 Banyuasin III Sumatera Selatan Yoppy Sazaki; Pacu Putra; Apriansyah Putera; Rizka Dhini Kurnia; Zarkasih Zarkasih; Yunita Yunita
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Komputer Vol. 3 No. 01 (2023): Artikel Riset Periode Februari 2023
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/jpsk.v3i01.2582


Aplikasi pembayaran yang terkomputerisasi sebagai alat bantu dalam pendataan pembayaran quota sekolah berbasis VBA Macro Excel dimana file laporan/nota hanya dikirim per individu dari masing masing siswa melalui e-mail siswa di SMA Negeri 3 Banyuasin III Sumatera Selatan dengan menggunakan metode perangkat lunak waterfall. Semua proses berdasarkan metode perangkat lunak waterfall berhasil dilakukan, diawali analisa sistem, perancangan proses (BPMN, Flowchart, DFD, dan ERD) sampai evaluasi (uji coba dan tes) dan sudah diimplementasikan pada pembayaran siswa di SMA Negeri 3 Banyuasin III Sumatera Selatan.
Analisis User Experience Pada Aplikasi Mobile Alfagift dengan Menggunakan Metode Heart Metrics Mulyadi Mulyadi; Allsela Meiriza; Nabila Rizky Oktadini; Pacu Putra; Putri Eka Sevtiyuni
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 5 No 3 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v5i3.4993


Alfagift is a mobile-based application launched in 2015 by alfamart. Alfagift mobile application has 6 interesting features in the form of making it easier for users to get various benefits provided by the Alfagift application. The six features in question include Offer (Promo), Voucher, Catalogue, Messages, Store Locator, and Contact Us. As a loyal alfamart customer, you must have this application to get the benefits that have been provided. Plus, using the Alfagift application will get various other benefits. There are problems such as frequent failed transactions, no information about expiration dates , applications often experience technical problems such as bugs and not all people can use it because the interface is too complex. The purpose of the study is to analyse the user experience of Alfagift users in the form of 5 variables in Heart Metrics and suggest improvements for the Alfagift application in the future so that it becomes a better application. This study used 100 people in Palembang city, based on the answers from respondents, the results of 5 different variables were obtained in the form of Happiness getting a percentage of 73.13%, Engagement getting a percentage of 77.2%, Adoption getting a percentage of 76.8%, Retention getting a percentage of 72.93%, Task success getting a percentage of 76.26%, and overall getting a percentage of 75.26% so that it can be stated that the alfagift application is classified as good.
Perancangan UI/UX Sistem V-TAX Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile dengan Metode Human Centered Design (HCD) di Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Palembang Muhammad Ihsan; Pacu Putra; Allsela Meiriza; Nabila Rizky Oktadini; Putri Eka Sevtiyuni
The Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 5 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Volume 12 Number 5 (2023)
Publisher : AI Society & STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i5.3361


Pajak merupakan sumber pendapatan utama bagi pemerintah yang harus dibayar oleh individu kepada pemerintah sebagai kontribusi keuangan untuk membiayai pengeluaran publik dan layanan oleh pemerintah kepada masyarakat untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan UI/UX sistem V-TAX berbasis aplikasi mobile di Badan Pendapatan Daerah (BAPENDA) Kota Palembang untuk membantu wajib pajak mengakses informasi pajak, mengajukan surat permohonan pengurangan dan keberatan pajak, serta melakukan pembayaran pajak dengan mudah dan cepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Human Centered Design (HCD) dengan menggunakan aplikasi Figma dalam membuat perancangan UI/UX. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi melalui penyebaran kuesioner, lalu dilakukannya brainstorming melalui diskusi dengan beberapa pegawai dalam memberikan ide-ide perancangan UI/UX. Kemudian, hasil perancangan UI/UX yang telah dibuat dievaluasi menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan wajib pajak.
Penerapan Metode Design Thinking Terhadap Perancangan User Interface Marketplace BuildID Untuk User Pacu Putra; Nyayu Nhasywa Perialah Irfa; Yoppy Sazaki; Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti; Hardini Novianti
The Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 5 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Volume 12 Number 5 (2023)
Publisher : AI Society & STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i5.3398


Marketplace Build Id merupakan marketplace berbasis mobile yang dikembangkan oleh PT. Semen Baturaja. Marketplace ini berguna untuk meningkatkan penjualanan, promosi serta pemasaran. Build Id sendiri telah tersedia dalam bentuk website dan sedang mengembangkan versi android atau mobile. Penelitian ini bertujuan membantu perancangan user interface Build Id milik PT. Semen Baturaja agar lebih terarah pada fitur-fitur yang akan diimplementasikan sehingga hasilnya dapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Sedangkan metode perancangan yang dipakai yakni Design Thinking akan diimplementasikan melalui prototype aplikasi Build Id dan dilakukan pengujian black-box testing berguna untuk mengetahui fungsionalitas sistem dari aplikasi Build Id. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa marketplace Build Id berjalan dengan baik serta sesuai yang diharapkan.
Analisis User Experience Pada Website Dicoding Menggunakan Metode User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) Devano Danendra; Nabila Oktadini; Putri Eka Sevtiyuni; Allsela Meiriza; Pacu Putra
The Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 5 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Volume 12 Number 5 (2023)
Publisher : AI Society & STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i5.3456


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap user experience dari web Dicoding dengan menerapkan metode UEQ dan juga memberikan rekomendasi apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki guna meningkatkan pengalaman ketika menggunakan website Dicoding. Adapaun responden yang mencakup 100 orang yang pernah menggunakan website Dicoding yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Kemudian data yang sudah didapatkan lalu dianalisis menggunakan UEQ tools. Dari hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan attractivenes mendapatkan nilai 1.25 yang bermakna diatas rata-rata, perspicuity yang mendapatkan nilai 0.96 yang bermakna dibawah rata-rata, efficiency yang mendapatkan nilai 1.20 yang bermakna diatas rata-rata, dependability yang mendapatkan nilai 1.06 yang bermakna dibawah rata-rata, stimulation yang mendapatkan nilai 1.21 yang bermakna diatas rata-rata dan yang terakhir novelty yang mendapatkan nilai 0.87 yang bermakna diatas rata-rata.
Evaluasi Usability Pada Aplikasi Digiroomm by Auto 2000 Dengan Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing Rinda Fransisca Sihombing; Pacu Putra Suarli
The Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 6 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS)
Publisher : AI Society & STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i6.3506


Digiroom by Auto 2000 adalah aplikasi yang disediakan oleh Auto 2000 untuk mempermudah konsumen mengakses layanan servis di Auto 2000. Meski aplikasi tersebut memiliki rating 4,5 di Playstore, namun aplikasi tersebut memiliki keluhan usability pada kolom komentar, sehingga perlunya pengujian usability pada aplikasi tersebut dengan menggunakan metode usability testing. Pada usability testing dilakukan untuk mengukur aspek learnability, efficiency, errors dengan melakukakan task scenario. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui permasalahan usability dan kuesioner digunakan untuk mengetahui kepuasan pengguna terhadap aplikasi tersebut. Berdasarkan pengujian usability testing menghasilkan aspek learnability 80%, aspek efficiency 0,0082 goals/sec dan aspek error 12,5 % dengan tingkat kepuasan pengguna pada aplikasi adalah 70%-80%. Terdapat 3 permasalahan usability dialami pengguna yaitu Pada saat pembayaran hasil service berbeda yang ada di kuitansi dan di aplikasi, Peserta mengalami kesulitan saat ingin melihat hasil riwayat service kendaraan, dan Peserta pernah penggalami error pada aplikasi saat menggunakan aplikasi.
Co-Authors Ahmad Ardin Fariska Ahmad Rafid Rizqullah Ahmad Rifai Akbar Alzaini Akrom, Akrom Ali Ibrahim Allsela Meiriza Allsela Meiriza Allsela Meiriza Allsela Meiriza Allsela Meiriza Allsela Meiriza, Allsela Allsela Meriza Alsella Meiriza Amanda Julia Dela Siska Ani Nidia Listianti Ani Nidia Listianti, Ani Nidia Apriansyah Putera Apriansyah Putra Apriansyah Putra Ari Wedhasmara Ari Wedhasmara Aulia Zulfia Bayu Wijaya Putra Danar Feriano Dedy Kurniawan Deni Lidianti Desheila Andarini Desheila Andarini, Desheila Devano Danendra Dinna Yunika Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti Dwi Rosa Indah Eka Prasetyo Ariefin Endang Lestari Ruskan Endang Lestari Ruskan Endang Lestari Ruskan Enjelina Tampubolon Ermatita Ermatita - Fathoni - Fatimah Salsabila Fauza Adelma Syafrizal Fauza Adelma Syafrizal Fika Febrika Gusti Barata Hardini Novianti Hardini Novianti Hardini Novianty Helen Susanti Helmalia Sandy Hilditia Cici Triska Amirta Jaidan Jauhari Jambak, Muhammad Ihsan Jefven Fernando Ken Ditha Tania Letty Latifani Arifah Lovinta Happy Atrinawati Lovinta Happy Atrinawati M Ferlian Sijadah M Ihsan Jambak Maya Puspasari Maya Puspasari Meitiana Audya Mgs Afriyan Firdaus Mgs. Afriyan Firdaus Mifta Aprilya Suryani Monterico Adrian Monterico Adrian Muhamad Edric Rasyid Muhamad Riza Padlefi Muhammad Aidil Fitri Syah Muhammad Ali Buchari Muhammad Fachri Nuriza Muhammad Ihsan Muhammad Ihsan Jambak Muhammad Ihsan Jambak Muhammad Rafly Muklis Febriadi Mulyadi Mulyadi Nabila Oktadini Nabila Riska Ayu Nabila Rizky Oktadini Nabila Rizky Oktadini Nabila Rizky Oktadini Nabila Rizky Oktadini Nabila Rizky Oktadini Nabila Rizky Oktadini Naretha Kawadha Gumay Nyayu Nhasywa Perialah Irfa Oktadini, Nabila Rizky Onkky Alexander Ovie Nur Faizah Paulus Paskah Lino Susilo Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtiyuni Putri Eka Sevtyuni Putri, Sasviana Rahmat Izwan Heroza Rahmat Izwan Heroza Rahmat Izwan Heroza Rani Mardiah Reza Winiarni Ridho Pangestu Rinda Fransisca Sihombing Rio Abdi Sucipta Riska Yunita Rizka Dhini Kurnia Rizka Rahmadhani Royan Dwi Saputra Rudi Sanjaya Rugaiyah Balqis Sasviana Putri Sonia Dwi Saputri Susilo, Paulus Paskah Lino Tika Octri Dieni Winda Kurnia Sari Yadi Utama Yoppy Sazaki Yoppy Sazaki Yunita Yunita Zalika, Indah Zarkasih Zarkasih