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Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/wjpm.v3i2.20571


The purpose of the study is to explain how Canva is used in education to teach students how to create video presentations that summarize material for Class VI SDN Bangunrejo Kidul 2 Ngawi Regency for the academic year 2023–2024. This study uses a descriptive, qualitative research design. Sixteen pupils from class VI—thirteen male and three female—were the participants of this study. Questionnaires, assessments, and observation sheets are used as data collection methods. The present study employs data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as data analysis methodologies. Triangulation techniques are the method used to verify the accuracy of the data in this study. According to the study's findings, two students—or 12%—were in the good category and fourteen students—or 88%—had verygood grades. According to this research, Indonesian language courses can benefit from using the Canva forEducation software,particularly when it comes to summarizing content. Keywords: create material summaries, use Canva for education, and create video presentations Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan penerapan aplikasi canva for education dalam pembelajaran menulis ringkasan materi dalam  bentuk video presentasi Kelas VI SDN Bangunrejo Kidul 2 Kabupaten Ngawi tahun pelajaran 2023/2024. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VI yang berjumlah sebanyak 16 siswa, yang terdiri dari 3 siswa putri dan 13 siswa putra.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, evaluasi, dan lembar angket. Metode analisis data pada penelitian ini, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini,  yaitu melalui teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang mendapatkannilai dengan kategori sangat baik ada 14 siswa atau 88% dan yang kategori baik ada 2 siswa atau 12%. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi Canva for Education dapat diterapkan dalam pelajaran bahasa indonesia terutama meringkas materi.  
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Narasi Siswa Wijayanti, Dwi Retno; Hadi, Panji Kuncoro; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/wjpm.v3i2.20576


This research aims to determine the increase in students' narrative writing abilities and learning activeness of class IV students at SDN Watualang 1, Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency after implementing the picture and picture learning model. This research uses Classroom Action Research with data collected through test techniques, non-test techniques, observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were 20 people, analyzed using data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the research showed that there was an increase in the narrative writing ability of class IV students at SDN Watualang 1, Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency after implementing the picture and picture learning model. This can be seen from the increase in the percentage of learning completion in narrative writing skills from cycle I of 80% with an average class score of 73.75 to 100% in cycle II with an average class score of 79.75. There was an increase in the learning activity of class IV students at SDN Watualang 1, Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency after implementing the picture and picture learning model. This can be seen from the increase in the percentage of complete learning activities from cycle I of 80% to 100% in cycle II.
Model Pembelajaran Make A Match dan Media Kartu Kalimat Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Pantun Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Crabak Slahung Ponorogo Herlindawati, Endang; Soleh, Dwi Rohman; Saputro, Agung Nasrulloh
Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/wjpm.v3i2.20567


The purpose of this study is to clarify and assess the Make a Match learning paradigm, which uses sentence cards to improve students' pantun writing abilities. For the 2023–2024 academic year, data was gathered through observation, testing, and documentation of 12 fifth-grade students at SD Negeri Crabak using the Classroom Action Research technique in two cycles. Both quantitative and qualitative descriptive methodologies were used in the analysis. The findings demonstrated a 25% improvement in classical mastery, rising from 66.7% in the first cycle to 91.7% in the second. The model challenges less experienced writers and takes time, but it also enhances writing abilities, teamwork, and active learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mengevaluasi model pembelajaran Make a Match menggunakan kartu kalimat untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis pantun siswa. Menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dalam dua siklus, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi dari 12 siswa kelas V di SD Negeri Crabak untuk tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan penguasaan klasikal dari 66,7% pada siklus pertama menjadi 91,7% pada siklus kedua, peningkatan sebesar 25%. Model ini meningkatkan keterampilan menulis, kolaborasi, dan pembelajaran aktif, namun memerlukan waktu dan menjadi tantangan bagi siswa yang kurang mahir menulis.
Thinking Profile of Mathematics Teachers in Solving HOTS Problems Darmadi, Darmadi; Sanusi, Sanusi; Budiyono, Budiyono; Soleh, Dwi Rohman; Rifai, Muhammad
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 1 № 03 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v1i03.231


HOTS questions are given by teachers in learning with the hope that students will be able to think at a higher level. The aim of this research is to obtain a profile of mathematics teachers' thinking in solving HOTS problems. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The research subjects were SMA/SMK/MA teachers who worked and lived in Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi, and Ponorogo. Data collection uses tests and in-depth interviews. Source and time triangulation is used to obtain valid data. Categorization, reduction, and coding are used for data analysis so that conclusions can be drawn. Mathematics teachers solve HOTS problems by understanding, planning, implementing, and checking again. When understanding, mathematics teachers take the information contained in the problem given and bring it into mathematical form. At the understanding stage, teachers can identify the suitability of problems with their knowledge, such as linear programming problems. This is done by considering possible answers according to the information available on the problem. When implementing, according to the choices decided, the teacher carries out the plan. Implementation of the plan is the teacher's answer to solving the given HOTS problem. When rechecking, in general, perhaps because of the hassle, some mathematics teachers do not recheck answers. Only after there has been a discussion do most math teachers check their answers again. At this stage, it is possible for the teacher to find doubts and decide on confidence in the answer.
Analisis Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Catatan Senja Karya Shakayla Adzkiya El Queena Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Prasetyawati, Afrilia Eka; Suharto, Teguh; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
Literasi : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia serta Pembelajarannya Vol 8, No 1 (2024): JURNAL LITERASI APRIL 2024
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/literasi.v8i1.13275


Strengthening character education can be done through literature teaching in Indonesian language subjects. One of  the literature works is a novel. This research aimed at analyzing the values of character education in the novel Catatan Senja by Shakayla Adzkiya El Queena. This is a qualitative research. Data research were taken from dialogue among characters and situations in the novel which contain character education values. The research result showed fourteen character education values in the novel Catatan Senja. Included religious, honest, disciplined, hardworking, creative, independent, democratic, desire, respect for achievement, communicative, love of peace, like reading, social care, and be responsible. The values can be taught to students in vocational schools as learning material for strengthening character education as well as Indonesian language teaching materials, especially for grade XI and grade XII. It was based on learning outcomes in Merdeka curriculum that the students are able to evaluate ideas and views based on logical principles of thinking by reading various types of texts (nonfiction and fiction) from printing and electronic media.Keywords: Character, Education, Novel, Catatan Senja
IDENTITAS BUDAYA LOMBOK DALAM PUISI INDONESIA Soleh, Dwi Rohman; Satrya HD, Dharma -; Suharto, V. Teguh
Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajbs.2024.080102


This article aims to explain the construction of Lombok's cultural identity in three Indonesian poems. Cultural identity is considered a continuous production. In that approach, identity is a construct. Identity is constructed through language. Language is understood as a sign system. Therefore, the analysis of poetry uses sign analysis and semiotic analysis. In this analysis, signs can only be understood in the context of Lombok culture, in the context of the conceptual map of Indonesian society in Lombok. Signs can only be found in the cultural context of Lombok. The data were gathered from three different Lombok poems. The research result shows that in Perang Gurantang poems, Lombok cultural identity is different from Bali's cultural identity. Moreover, Di Gili Tak Ada yang Mengenal Pagi and Kemidi Rudat poems reveal hybrid cultural identity. Finally, Lombok cultural identity has a multicultural identity that gives respect to the differences between Lombok and Bali cultures. The acceptance of West and Malay-Islam culture forms Lombok cultural identity.
PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI GURU MTSN SE-KABUPATEN NGAWI MELALUI PENYUSUNAN BEST PRACTICE DAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH Saputro, Agung Nasrulloh; Maharani, Swasti; Yunita, Widia; Romandoni, Hendrisa Rizqie; Septyawan, Addy; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): Volume 5 No. 3 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v5i3.30262


Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru MTsN di Kabupaten Ngawi dalam menyusun best practice dan mempublikasikan karya ilmiah. Melalui pelatihan intensif dan pendampingan langsung, guru-guru dibekali dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menyusun artikel ilmiah yang berkualitas. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi partisipatif, wawancara terstruktur, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun best practice dan artikel ilmiah. Pelatihan dan pendampingan langsung efektif meningkatkan kompetensi guru, dan disarankan agar pihak sekolah dan dinas pendidikan terus memberikan dukungan berkelanjutan.
Improving the Ability to Write A Novel Review Using the Reading Guide Method in Class XI MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 1 Nglames, Madiun District, the Academic Year 2022/2023 Mubarrok, Hafidh; Agustin, Sri; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : CV. Tripe Konsultan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54012/ijcer.v1i3.166


This research is motivated by students' ability to write novel reviews which is still at a low level. From the results of the observation, it is known that the students' results in writing novel reviews have scores below the predetermined passing standards. Then, from the results of the discussion involving various parties, the researcher decided to take a class action research with the title "Improving the Ability to Write Novel Reviews Using the Reading Guide Method in Class XI MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 1 Nglames, Madiun Regency, Academic Year 2022/2023". The method chosen in carrying out this research is a reading guide. This method is a method that involves students being active in compiling a review text. The reading guide method is a method by determining the reading material and then the teacher arranges questions that will be answered by students. The teacher gives several questions that function to obtain the desired results. This research involved 36 students in class XI MIPA 6 at SMA Negeri 1 Nglames. This research uses qualitative descriptive data processing. The discussion is explained and described based on research results and data that has been obtained. Using this method is expected to be a step for students to be able to easily compile reviews.
Nilai religius dalam novel Hati Suhita Karya Khilma Anis untuk pengembangan bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia Puspasari, Herdiana Setya; Cahyono, Bambang Eko Hari; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v7i1.19288


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi dan dapat menjelaskan bentuk – bentuk nilai religius yang terdapat pada novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis dan untuk perumusan bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa alat tulis dan lembar pengamatan. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah karya sastra novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis. Peristiwa dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah cerita yang ada pada novel. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan membaca dan mencatat. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan meneliti konten baik berupa dialog maupun monolog antar tokoh dalam novel Hati Suhita. Dalam hal ini peneliti harus berpikir bolak balik atau reflektif antara teks, konteks, dan kontekstualisasi untuk mengungkapkan muatan nilai religius dalam novel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis mengandung banyak nilai religius yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar sehari-hari. Dalam pembelajaran  ini,  siswa  diharapkan  mampu memahami berbagai hikayat, novel Indonesia/novel terjemahan dengan kompetensi dasar mampu menjelaskan unsur-unsur intrinsik dari pembacaan novel dan mampu menemukan  nilai-nilai religius  yang  ada  dalam  novel.
Peningkatan kemampuan menulis karangan sederhana melalui Problem Based Learning berbantuan media gambar seri Sulistyowati, Eni; Cahyono, Bambang Eko Hari; Soleh, Dwi Rohman
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v7i2.19686


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi yang jelas tentang penerapan model Problem Based Learning dengan berbantuan media gambar seri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis karangan sederhana pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tambakromo 1 Kecamatan Padas Kabupaten Ngawi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru kelas IV, dan siswa kelas IV. Peristiwa dalam penelitian ini adalah segala bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Dokumen penelitian ini adalah Capaian Pembelajaran, Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran, dan daftar nilai. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes menulis karangan seederhana, dan dokumentasi. Instrument pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, dan lembar penilaian kemampuan menulis karangan sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran menulis karangan sederhana dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan berbantuan media gambar seri pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tambakromo 1 Padas Ngawi mengalami peningkatan, baik proses pembelajaran maupun hasil menulis karangan sederhana. Peningkatan proses pembelajaran dilihat dari meningkatnya nilai sikap siswa pada pembelajaran setiap siklus. Nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum penelitian adalah 69. Pada Siklus I nilai rata-rata siswa naik sebesar 7% menjadi 74. Pada Siklus II nilai rata-rata siswa naik 9% menjadi 82. Dari 14 siswa Kelas IV SDN Tambakromo 1 Padas Ngawi sebanyak 12 siswa atau 86% siswa mendapat nilai menulis karangan sederhana di atas kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran.