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Metodik Didaktik : Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Metodik Didaktik Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/md.v18i1.30289


Kemampuan membaca dan menulis merupakan salah satu literasi dasar yang perlu dikuasai setiap orang. Pasca mulai diberlakukan pembelajaran tatap muka di sekolah dasar setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dalam jaringan di masa pandemic tentu menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Penggunaan media pembelajaran berbantuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dapat menjadi pilihan. Salah satunya adalah big book dalam bentuk digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) menganalisis kebutuhan big book digital berbahasa Indonesia; (2) Mendesain big book digital berbahasa indonesia untuk pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar menggunakan pendekatan design thinking. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode Research and Development dengan pendekatan design thinking. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) Dibutuhkan dua pendekatan yakni sisi konten dan sisi teknologi informasi dalam membangun big book digital; (2) tahapan pembuatan big book digital menggunakan metode design thinking adalah Emphatize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, dan Test.
Analisis Bibliometrik Riset PID Speed Control pada Rentang 2013-2022 Diky Zakaria; Taufik Ridwan; Dewi Indriati Hadi Putri; Himmawan Sapta Adhi
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2022.14.2.2


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran terkait perkembangan riset PID speed control dalam satu dekade terakhir (2013-2022). Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis bibliometrik dengan menggunakan VOSviewer, Tableau Public dan Rstudio Biblioshiny. Database yang digunakan adalah Scopus. Dengan kata kunci pencarian “PI* speed control*”, diperoleh 258 dokumen publikasi yang terdiri dari 105 artikel jurnal dan 153 artikel prosiding yang menjadi dataset utama yang digunakan dalam artikel ini. Dari hasil analisis terlihat bahwa jumlah publikasi riset PID speed control berfluktuasi setiap tahunnya. Top 10 dokumen dengan jumlah sitasi terbanyak juga dibahas dalam artikel ini. Author paling produktif dan author paling berpengaruh dalam riset PID speed control terungkap yaitu Verma, A dan Choi, H.H. Topik yang sedang tren dan menjadi hotspot dalam riset PID speed control adalah particle swarm optimization, direct torque control, extended Kalman filter, current predictive control, sliding mode control, model predictive control dan disturbance observer. Akhirnya, artikel ini dapat memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi para peneliti empiris untuk menentukan kebaruan dan research gap untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam tema utama PID speed control.
Computational Thinking and Coding for Kids Training for Elementary School Teachers Dewi Indriati Hadi Putri; Taufik Ridwan; Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid; Hafiziani Eka Putri; Diky Zakaria; Yohanes Adi Nugroho
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 3 (2022): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v3i3.142-151


Computational thinking and coding are thinking skills that are recently expected to be acquired by elementary school children as the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires students to be familiar with the use of technology. In some developed countries, the two skills have been included in elementary school curriculum. However, the situation is different in the context of Indonesia since teachers or instructors who are able to provide these skills are inadequate. Therefore, this training was intended to socialize and educate the application of coding and computational thinking, especially to elementary school teachers so that they have the ability to equip their students with those skills. The participants of this training were teachers of Labschool UPI Purwakarta. The training was conducted in one day containing the concepts and practices of ICT and computational thinking as well as coding for kids. The result of satisfaction questionnaire distributed to the participants after the training shows a good level of satisfaction in terms of training materials, delivery of materials, and the usefulness of activities as much as 71,4%, 57,1% and 92,9% consecutively. The teachers hope that follow-up trainings are carried out to increase their knowledge and ability in developing technology-based learning.
The Training of Making Graphical User Interface (GUI) Using Python for Teachers and Students of Engineering Vocational School in Purwakarta Diky Zakaria; Muhammad Husni Muttaqin; Galura Muhammad Suranegara; Elysa Nensy Irawan; Liptia Venica
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 3 (2022): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v3i3.152-159


The purpose of this community service activity is to introduce the Python programming language to teachers and students of vocational school in Purwakarta exploiting an application to create a simple graphical user interface (GUI). Python is a programming language that is currently trending. The training was carried out in 3 stages, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. As a result, participants were able to follow this training well and were able to create their own version of a simple GUI. Participants were also able to integrate their GUI with Arduino. After this activity, participants are expected to be able to explore how to make simple GUI using the modules that have been given.
Introduction of Augmented Reality to Create Interactive Learning Media for Teachers in Purwakarta Ichwan Nul Ichsan; Dewi Indriati Hadi Putri; Haffiyan Putra Pratama; Diky Zakaria; Makna A’raaf Kautsar; Diana Eka Putri
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2023): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v4i1.16-24


Utilization of educational media using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can stimulate students’ mindset in thinking critically about problems and events that exist in everyday life. The use of educational media with augmented reality directly can helps students learn wherever and whenever they want. In order to facilitate knowledge sharing, a community service activity was carried out by the UPI Telecommunication Systems Study Program, Purwakarta Campus, to introduce AR technology and train teachers to be able to create interactive technology-based learning media. The results obtained show that 1) participants are very satisfied with the content of the material with a percentage of 90.3% which means good; 2) the method of delivery of the workshop material by the presenters is considered good with a percentage of 89% and 3) according to the participants the activity of making the AR program is very useful with a response percentage of 93%.
Egg Incubator Control System: A Review Diky Zakaria; Muhammad Bilal Hamzah; Dany Syauqi Nazhif; Rezka Bunaiya Prayudha; Muhammad Rizalul Wahid; Agus Ramelan; Muhammad Husni Muttaqin; Adi Nugraha
Journal of Electrical, Electronic, Information, and Communication Technology Vol 5, No 1 (2023): JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jeeict.5.1.72718


Chicken or duck farming is one of the businesses that has good prospects. Conventional hatching of chicken or duck eggs has its own risks with a hatching success percentage of <81%. The hen or duck also needs time for further breeding because they have to incubate the eggs first. Egg incubators on the market usually use on-off controls to regulate incandescent lights which can cause the temperature to fluctuate. Air humidity settings are also manually set by the user. Researchers have conducted studies related to temperature and humidity settings. This article reviews articles from the Scopus database related to control systems in egg incubator with research questions: controlled parameters, sensors used, control theory, methods, and research results that have been carried out. The result of this article can provide an overview of the research development related to egg incubator control systems.
KIERO (Kids Education Robot ) Educational Robot for Children's Learning Friends Adi Nugraha; Diky Zakaria; Muchtar Ali Setyo Yudono
Fidelity : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/fidelity.v5i2.155


The development of the child's brain at the age of 0-6 years is so rapid. At that time the child's brain development can reach 80% compared to adulthood. Therefore, a media is needed that can maximize the potential of children's brain development in the golden period which is adjusted to the times. In the era of Society 5.0 as it is now, it has become an important thing for us to prepare the next generation. In the era of Society 5.0, the use of IoT and robotics is very necessary, therefore a way is needed to provide an introduction to robotics and IoT from an early age to children. This can be done by creating robot-based learning media, not only training children's readiness, but this learning media is able to provide a great stimulus for children's motor development. With good motor development, of course, it can support cognitive development. The workings of a robot that uses RFID as an input center also provides a modern way of working, so that children are invited to learn a new way of working, this can invite them to hone their critical thinking, creative and problem solving skills
Simple Control System Training for Students and Teachers of Vocational School in Purwakarta Diky Zakaria; Dewi Indriati Hadi Putri; Muhammad Rizalul Wahid; Rezka Bunaiya Prayudha; Fauzie Salman; Alimudinsyah Alrasyid; Muhammad Bilal Hamzah; Agung Satria Pamungkas; Dany Syauqi Nazhif
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2023): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v4i3.255-262


Everyday life depends on control systems. If a system has a good control system, it will give you the results we want. Through the control system, we can change things like temperature, speed, pressure, level, and other physical numbers to the way you want them to be. There are two kinds of control system: open loop control and closed loop control. The open loop control system is the easiest to use because the person controls the system without getting any feedback. While the closed loop control system will get feedback from the system output so that the system will automatically reach the desired state. Teachers and children at vocational school in Purwakarta get to try out open loop and closed loop control system applications during this community service project. This is important so that teachers and students can get the experience in control system application.
AI-Generated Misinformation: A Literature Review Rafharum Fatimah; Auziah Mumtaz; Fauzan Muhammad Fahrezi; Diky Zakaria
Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Vol 7, No 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijaidm.v7i2.26455


The expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has signaled an entirely new era in which the creation and sharing of information, both correct and misleading, are becoming increasingly automated. This research of the literature explores the landscape of AI-generated misinformation, including its various manifestations, underlying technology, societal impact, and detection tools. This paper reviews articles from the Google Scholar database related to AI-Generated Misinformation focusing on the following research questions: the types, content distribution, detector variations, differences among the various tools, and strategies for developing AI-based tools. The result is to provide an absolute comprehension of this topic, underlining the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, robust detection methods, and media literacy with the intention to solve the ethical and societal issues it poses in the age of digital technology.