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Prismatika: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Riset Matematika Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Prismatika: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Riset Matematika
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/prismatika.v6i1.3526


Monotonous and conventional learning using the lecture method can cause students to be less interested in learning. This causes the concept given not to imprint sharply in the memory of students so that students easily forget and often confused in solving a problem that is different from what is exemplified by the teacher. The purpose of this study is for the feasibility, effectiveness, and development of snakes and ladders media with a Realistic Mathematics Education model on understanding mathematical concepts. In this study, research and development (R&D) research methods were used. This research will be carried out in grade IV SDN Tambirejo with research subjects of 10 students and teachers. The subject selection of 10 students was obtained from the postest and prettest assessments. For teachers, an assessment was obtained from the results of interviews between researchers and teachers. The dependent variable in this study is understanding the concept, while the independent variable is a Realistic Mathematics Education model assisted by two snakes and ladders. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, tests, and documentation. The data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results of this study show that Snakes and Ladders media is very feasible to use, shown by the percentage of media feasibility of 77% and material feasibility of 88%. The N-Gain test showed a result of 0.1785 with the "medium" category. The conclusion in this study is that the Snakes and Ladders media is declared feasible and effective for use in grade IV learning of Wide Material Maematics Lessons and flat build circumference.
Jurnal Karya Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Karya Pendidikan Matematika Volume 11 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jkpm.11.1.2024.51-60


This research aims to test the learning design that has been designed by developing and improving things that still hinder the learning process of measurement, area and volume material in class IV students at SDN Purworejo 01. The method used in this research uses design research which was carried out in Class IV students at SDN Purworejo with a total of 11 students consisting of 3 female students and 8 male students. The data collection technique in this research is observation which consists of observations for one-on-one and small group trials, documentation and field notes, as additional data, namely interviews. The results of this research show 3 out of 11 students still cannot understand the material regarding measurements, area and volume and only 8 students can understand this material.
LINTASAN BELAJAR: ANALISIS DATA FASE A DALAM KONTEKS MAKANAN KHAS BERBAHAN DASAR SINGKONG DARI KARANGNONGKO DENGAN PENDEKATAN PMRI: Ethnomathematical Study of Snacks Made from Cassava Typical of Karangnongko in Data Analysis Mathematics Muhamad Nailul Furqon; Abdullah Basar; Eka Zuliana
Al-Aqlu: Jurnal Matematika, Teknik dan Sains Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Amin Qalbu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59896/aqlu.v2i1.50


This research aims to explore the learning trajectory of data analysis in the Fase A class using the case study or action research method in the context of traditional food from cassava with the PMRI (Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education) approach. The focus of this research is on the diversity of traditional foods made from cassava. The research method used is action research which involves Fase A class students in understanding and analyzing data related to traditional food that uses cassava as the main ingredient. Through the PMRI approach, students are encouraged to understand not only the mathematical aspects of the data, but also the cultural aspects and local wisdom related to the food. The results of this research indicate that by applying PMRI in teaching, students can be more actively involved in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data about traditional cassava food. They learn how to convert quantitative information into a deeper qualitative understanding of the rich culture around them
PENGARUH MEDIA JERUK BALI MELALUI PENDEKATAN PMRI MATERI LUAS DAN KELILING BANGUN DATAR KELAS VI: The Influence of Grapefruit Media through the PMRI Approach, Area and Perimeter of Flat Buildings for Class VI Sabrina Ratih Kusumaningrum; Arif Budi Prasetya; Eka Zuliana
Al-Aqlu: Jurnal Matematika, Teknik dan Sains Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Amin Qalbu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59896/aqlu.v2i1.53


This research aims to investigate the influence of using Bali orange media through the Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach on the subject of area and perimeter of flat shapes among sixth-grade students at SDN 7 Gondosari. The research method employed is quantitative descriptive. The sample was obtained using Nonprobability Sampling technique with a total sampling method, involving a population of 36 students, which also represents the sample size in this study. The data collection instrument used was a test. Data collection techniques involved observation, tests, and documentation. The research findings indicate that the average learning outcome, previously at 50, increased to 70. Therefore, the use of Bali orange media influences students' learning outcomes.
PENGGUNAAN PERMAINAN KARET GELANG DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK MATERI BILANGAN: Use Of Rubber Band Games In Learning Realistic Mathematics Number Material Elfara Putri Fauziah; Taufiq Hanafi; Eka Zuliana
Al-Aqlu: Jurnal Matematika, Teknik dan Sains Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Amin Qalbu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59896/aqlu.v2i1.54


The purpose of this research is to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of real rubber band games for students in learning realistic mathematics with number material which is carried out on students in class 1 of elementary school or phase A at SD NEGERI 3 SIDIGEDE WELAHAN JEPARA, totaling 15 students so that they can learn mathematics. fun for students. The method used in the research is a qualitative descriptive method using observation and interviews as well as photo and video documentation techniques. The results of the research show that the use of rubber band games can be an effective method in helping grade 1 students to understand mathematical concepts, especially numbers and understanding addition and subtraction, in a fun and interactive way. The findings of the study indicate that the incorporation of rubber band games proves to be a highly effective educational approach for first-grade students. The games contribute significantly to the students' comprehension of mathematical concepts, with a specific emphasis on numbers, as well as fostering a deeper understanding of addition and subtraction operations. The interactive and enjoyable nature of the games ensures an engaging learning experience, demonstrating the potential of real rubber band games as a valuable method in elementary mathematics education.
The effect of culture-based mathematics learning instruction on mathematical skills: a meta-analytic study Eka Zuliana; Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum; Ariyadi Wijaya; Julham Hukom
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol 19, No 1: February 2025
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v19i1.21172


Culture-based mathematics learning (C-bMLI) has emerged as a promising approach to improving students' mathematical skills, yet previous research presents inconsistent findings regarding its efficacy compared to conventional methods. To address this gap, a meta-analytic study is needed to consolidate and present the latest insights regarding the impact of C-bMLI on students' mathematical skills. It also aimed to discern the factors influencing the effectiveness of C-bMLI implementation. Datasets were collected from primary studies published in internationally recognized journals or proceedings. By rigorously adhering to inclusion criteria, a collection of 45 effect sizes from 25 primary studies was identified. The results of this analysis, conducted using the random-effects approach, produced a substantial combined effect size of  and . The evidence unequivocally substantiated that the employment of C-bMLI significantly contributed to the mathematical process, standing as a superior alternative to conventional learning methodologies. The results of the heterogeneity analysis of the moderator variables showed that factors such as the type of skills, educational tiers, country, publication year, and the variant of C-bMLI contributed to the observed variance, The variable of sample size did not exert a discernible impact on the effectiveness of the learning model.