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Solving Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Using Three Steps Heuristic Mohd. Sapiyan Baba; Ismail Yusuf Panessai; Nur Iksan
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Vol 1 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijai-0101.9


Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) relates to the problem of providing optimum service with a fleet of vehicles to customers. It is a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective is usually to maximize the profit of the operation. However, for public transportation owned and operated by government, accessibility takes priority over profitability. Accessibility usually reduces profit, while increasing profit tends to reduce accessibility. In this research, we look at how accessibility can be increased without penalizing the profitability. This requires the determination of routes with minimum fuel consumption, maximum number of ports of call and maximum load factor satisfying a number of pre-determined constraints: hard and soft constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a heuristic algorithm. The results from this experiment show that the algorithm proposed has better performance compared to the partitioning set.
Usefulness of Augmented Reality as a Tool to Support Online Learning Ismail Ismail; Nur Iksan; Siva Kumar Subramaniam; Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqie; Salini Krishna Pillai; Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika Vol 7, No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v7i2.21133


The global crisis following the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has had an impact on the teaching and learning process (PdP). The main problem with PdP during the Covid-19 epidemic was the limitation in conducting face-to-face activities in the classroom. Therefore, a learning aid is needed to enable PdP to run optimally even though there is no face-to-face interaction between teachers and students. The research contribution is to highlight the application of Augmented Reality to support distance learning in the Covid-19 epidemic situation, specializing in Wood Carving Art for the subject of Visual Arts Education Form 4. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application uses the ADDIE design model based on five phases, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Testing. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application is evaluated based on its usefulness. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application was evaluated among 27 students from 4 of SMK Pasir Gudang (Johor, Malaysia) and registered to Visual Arts. Based on the result, 80% of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application help respondents be more effective. It helps users to be more productive and giving ideas to users to be creative and innovative. One hundred percent of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application makes things that users want to achieve easier to do, and the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application does what users want. Eighty percent of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art application is useful and the application saves time when users use it. Therefore, the AR Wood Craving Art application is effectively used in learning which makes users more productive, creative, and innovative. In addition, the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application makes it easy for users to understand wood carving topics in visual arts subjects, and users can carry out educational and teaching activities like in a classroom.
Student Guidance and Counseling based on Expert System Using Certainty Factor Method Alvin Rangga Novaliyan; Atman Lucky Fernandes; Pratiwi Hendro Wahyudiono; Maria Olva; Afdal Suganda; Ismail; Nur Iksan; Achmad Yani; Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0302.234


Setiap kampus atau perguruan tinggi memiliki satu layanan yang disebut bimbingan dan konseling. Peran ini dipegang oleh dosen penasehat akademik. Beban kerja dosen penasehat akademik menjadi tinggi ketika rasio jumlah dosen dan mahasiswa rendah. Untuk meringankan beban kerja dosen penasehat akademik maka dibuat sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dan dosen penasehat akademik dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Pembangunan sitem pakar ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC). Aplikasi yang dibangunkan kemudian diujikan kepada mahasiswa Teknik Informatika di Universitas Ibnu Sina. Pengujian meliputi uji Black Box. Dari evaluasi pengguna diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem pakar yang dibangunkan dapat digunakan untuk menangani masalah-masalah seperti yang telah disimpan dalam daftar data masalah dan solusi. Tampilan estetika sistem harus diperbaiki agar pengguna tertarik untuk menggunakannya. Beberapa pengguna mengusulkan elemen multimedia dimasukkan dalam tampilan sistem pakar yang dibangunkan agar tampilannya lebih menarik. Student Guidance and Counseling based on Expert System Using Certainty Factor Method Abstract: Every campus or college has one service called guidance and counseling. This role is held by the academic advisory lecturer. The workload of academic advisory lecturers becomes high when the ratio of the number of lecturers to students is low. To ease the workload of academic advisory lecturers, an expert system is made that can facilitate students and academic advisory lecturers in overcoming existing problems. The development of this expert system uses the Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) development method. The application that was developed was then tested on Informatics Engineering students at Ibn Sina University. Tests include the Black Box tests. From the evaluation of the user obtained the results that the developed expert system can be used to deal with problems such as those that have been stored in the list of problem data and solutions. The aesthetic appearance of the system must be improved in order for users to be interested in using it. Some users suggest multimedia elements be included in the developed expert system view to make it look more attractive. Keywords: Guidance and Counseling, Certanty Factor, Expert Systems.
Visitor Management Information System during the Covid-19 Pandemic Fauzan; Abdul Rohmad Basar; Maria Olva; Pratiwi Hendro Wahyudiono; Nur Iksan; Achmad Yani
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0302.235


PT. Epson Batam (PEB) adalah perusahaan multinasional dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari 3000 orang. Banyaknya tamu (non-karyawan) yang datang ke PT. Epson Batam setiap harinya seperti kunjungan dari instansi pemerintah, partner perusahaan, vendor dan supplier, menyebabkan adanya kebutuhan terhadap aplikasi khusus yang dapat memudahkan perusahaan dalam mengelola data-data para tamu yang berkunjung ke perusahaan dan memudahkan pihak pengaman perusahaan dalam melakukan pencatatan dan rekap tamu yang berkunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi pengelolaan pengunjung di masa pandemik Covid-19. Berdasarkan maklum balas dari pengguna disimpulkan bahwa sistem yang dibangunkan bisa digunakan dan berfungsi dengan baik tetapi perlu pengembangan yang memungkinkan sistem informasi terintegrasi dengan alat pengukur suhu. Visitor Management Information System during the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract: PT. Epson Batam (PEB) is a multinational company with more than 3000 employees. The number of guests (non-employees) who come to PT. Epson Batam every day such as visits from government agencies, company partners, vendors and suppliers, causes the need for special applications that can make it easier for companies to manage the data of guests who visit the company and make it easier for company security to record and recap guests who visit the company. This study aims to design a visitor management information system during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the feedback from users, it is concluded that the system developed can be used and functions well but needs development that allows an integrated information system with temperature measuring devices. Keywords: Covid-19, Information System, Management Visitor.
Ease of Use of Augmented Reality as an Online Learning Tool to Improve Student Performance and Achievement in Wood Carving Art Salini Krishna Pillai; Nur Iksan; Harleny Abd Arif; Ismail Yusuf Panessai; Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqie; Achmad Yani; Ismail
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0302.256


Krisis global pasca merebaknya epidemi Covid-19 berdampak pada proses belajar mengajar (PdP). Masalah utama pdP selama epidemi Covid-19 adalah keterbatasan dalam melakukan kegiatan tatap muka di dalam kelas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan bantuan pembelajaran agar PdP dapat berjalan optimal meskipun tidak ada interaksi tatap muka antara guru dan siswa. Penelitian ini menyoroti penerapan Augmented Reality untuk mendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam situasi epidemi Covid-19, khususnya dalam topik seni ukiran kayu. Aplikasi selular AR Wood Carving Art menggunakan model desain ADDIE. Aplikasi seluler AR Wood Carving Art dievaluasi berdasarkan kegunaannya (ease of use). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, responden menyetujui bahwa aplikasi selular AR Wood Craving Art berguna dan aplikasi menghemat waktu ketika pengguna menggunakannya sehingga aplikasi selular AR Wood Craving Art efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran yang membuat pengguna lebih produktif, kreatif, dan inovatif. Ease of Use of Augmented Reality as an Online Learning Tool to Improve Student Performance and Achievement in Wood Carving Art Abstract: The global crisis following the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has had an impact on the teaching and learning process (PdP). The main problem with PdP during the Covid-19 epidemic was the limitation in conducting face-to-face activities in the classroom. Therefore, a learning aid is needed to enable PdP to run optimally even though there is no face-to-face interaction between teachers and students. This research highlights the application of Augmented Reality to support distance learning in the Covid-19 epidemic situation, specializing in Wood Carving Art for the subject of Visual Arts. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application uses the ADDIE design model. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application is evaluated based on its ease of use. Based on the result, respondents agree that the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application is useful and the application saves time when users use it, therefore the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application is effectively used in learning which makes users more productive, creative, and innovative. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Ease of Use, Teaching and Learning.
SIGMA TEKNIKA Vol 5, No 1 (2022): SIGMATEKNIKA, VOL. 5, N0. 1, JUNI 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/sigmateknika.v5i1.4141


The safe box is one of the targets of theft crimes. With today's technological advances, the parts of our bodies can be used as unique identities so that they can be used as system access. This method is quite good because the security system can immediately recognize the physical characteristics of the owner when opening the safe. In this case the authors make a safe box security system with passwords and fingerprints verification based on IoT. This system uses a combination interlock where the fingerprint scanner cannot perform a fingerprint scan without entering a password. Then the alarm will sound, and the system will send a telegram message notification to the safe owner's cell phone if there is an error more than three times when entering the password or during fingerprint scanning, as well as when the safe door is open and when the safe lose of primary power supply to avoid the possibility of the safe moving when there is a theft. Keypad and fingerprint scanner to open the safe door. NodeMcu V3 as a medium for sending data from the microcontroller system to the safe owner's cell phone to provide information to the safe owner in the event of an attempt to break into the safe by someone else. LCD screen as a guide in the process of opening the safe door. From the manufacture of this tool, it is hoped that if someone who wants to break into a safe will be easily identified and maintain more security.
The usefulness of an Augmented Reality-based Interactive 3D Furniture Catalog as a Tool to Aid Furniture Store Sales Operations Ismail Ismail; Evan Syaputra; Benny Dwika Leonanda; Nur Iksan; Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqie; Mohd Razimi Husin; Hishamuddin Ahmad; Ismail Yusuf Panessai
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) Vol 16, No 4 (2022): October
Publisher : IndoCEISS in colaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijccs.69570


The global crisis, that has resulted from the outbreak of Covid-19, influences all aspects of daily life. Due to the people's poor purchasing power, several major stores, such as Furniture Store-XYZ, were forced to close several branches. To counter this, it will be required to adopt unique initiatives that will assist attract visitors and enhance sales while still adhering to the established health protocols. AR-Furniture is the ideal technology to solve this problem. AR-Furniture is an Augmented Reality-based technology that enables a 3D furniture catalog to present a complete picture of a piece of furniture in a virtual form that appears natural and identical to the original. The MDLC development process used in the AR-Furniture Mobile App. According to the study's findings, 100% of respondents agree that AR-Furniture helps to sell and to buy process be done effectively and productively and gives the users innovative ideas. 70% of respondents strongly agree that AR-Furniture makes it easier for users to reach their goals and that AR-Furniture allows users to do whatever they want. 100% of respondents strongly believe that AR-Furniture is helpful and that shoppers can save time while picking the right furniture. Furthermore, AR-Furniture makes it simple for consumers to select preferred furniture without engaging with shopkeeper workers.
Tele Alert System Based on ECG Signal Using Virtual Instruments Environment Saif, M. N. Saif Al-din; Sawsan. D Mahmood; Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqi; Ismail Yusuf Panessai; Achmad Yani; Abdi Manaf; Nur Iksan
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Vol 9 No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijai-0902.464


This manuscript addresses the design and implementation of a portable PC-based ECG device. Three electrodes are often employed for ECG recording, with two of them being connected to the patient's chest via the ECG amplifiers' differential inputs. Therefore, every stage of the design takes into account factors like low cost, low power consumption, portability, and simplicity of usage. In this system, the ATMEL Company's ATMEGA 328 low-power microcontroller is investigated for signal processing and delivering digital format to a PC through a serial connection, where it is then displayed utilizing LabVIEWTM SP1 software ( The released version in Feb. 2022). A portable tool that can capture, amplify, filter, and analyze biological signals is this one ECG. The intended device's target beneficiary was the intensive care unit.
Goods Movement Robot Prototype Design With Wheel Arm System Mirza Arif Maulana; Reza Nandika; Nur Iksan; Achmad Yani; Ismail Yusuf Panessai; Nurul Akhmal Mohd Zulkefli
International Journal of Recent Technology and Applied Science (IJORTAS) Vol 5 No 1: March 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijortas-0501.497


One of the uses of robotics technology that is developing is in the field of warehousing, with robots transferring vehicle goods used in the industrial world, especially in the warehousing section. The item transfer robot has 2 navigations, namely on the wheeled part, namely the robot can maneuver in all directions without the need to rotate the body of the robot (holonomic robot). Then one of the robots that is used quite often in the industrial world is the arm manipulator. Robots that have a physical shape like a human arm and a degree of freedom (Degree of Freedom). The transfer robot system is controlled remotely using an IoT-based smartphone using the ESP32 Wemos D1 R32 module as the robot's driving brain and ESP32-Cam as the robot's drilling visual. Several robot tests are carried out to ensure that the designed robot can run properly. From the results of functional testing, parts of the robot can run well. The robot can walk through commands from a smartphone, the gripper on the arm manipulator can grasp objects and the ESP32-Cam can display images to the smartphone.
Augmented Realiti Application For Introducing Animal Names in Kadazandusun Language Primary School Rozella Salun; Nadia Akma Ahmad Zaki; Achmad Yani; Nur Iksan
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 5 No 1: April 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0501.502


Kajian ini adalah mengenai satu Aplikasi Augmented Realiti, dimana ia menjurus kepada memperkenalkan nama-nama haiwan dalam subjek Bahasa Kadazandusun untuk murid Tahun. Selain itu, aplikasi ini dibangunkan sebagai BBM bagi subjek BKD di sekolah rendah, dimana subjek ini masih baru diperkenalkan dan memerlukan BBM yang berbentuk teknologi dalam PDP untuk memastikan pembelajaran lebih bermakna. Objektif utama pembangunan projek ini adalah untuk membangunkan satu aplikasi yang membolehkan murid mengenali nama-nama haiwan dalam Bahasa Kadazandusun secara nyata melalui aplikasi Augmented Realiti. Keadah yang saya gunakan untuk membangunkan aplikasi ini adalah, kaedah ADDIE yang terdiri daripada fasa analisis, fasa reka bentuk, fasa pembangunan, fasa pelaksanaan dan fasa penilaian. Aplikasi ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan beberapa perisian iaitu, perisian unity 3D, perisian JSK, dan perisian SDK. Pengkaji menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen utama kajian untuk mendapatkan maklumat penting daripada respondon untuk dianalisis. Kesimpulannya, aplikasi Augmented Realiti adalah salah satu alat bantu mengajar kepada para guru agar pembelajaran di dalam kelas lebih menarik perhatian murid. Augmented Realiti Application For Introducing Animal Names in Kadazandusun Language Primary School Abstract: This research is about Augmented Reality application, where it leads to introducing animal names in Kadazandusun language subject in primary school year 1. More than that, the application was develop as teaching aids in primary school, where the Kadazandusun language subject newly introduced and need teaching more meaningful. The main objective to this application development is allows students to recognize the Kadazandusun language in real time through Augmented Reality application. The method that I was used to develop the application is, ADDIE method which consists of analysis phase, design phase, development phase, implementation phase and assessment phase. The application was develop using some software, unity 3D software, JSK software and SDK software. The researcher used a questionnaire as the main instrument of the study to option important information from respondents for analysis. In conclusion, Augmented Reality application is one of the teaching aids for teachers so that learning in the classroom is more attractive to students. Keywords: ADDIE, Augmented Reality, Teaching and Learning Aids.