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Pengembangan Krim Pewarna Rambut Permanen Mengandung Ekstrak Daun Ketapang (Terminalia catappa L) dan Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) Erny Marleny Effendy; Shelly Taurhesia; Anny Victor Purba
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 16 No. 02 Desember 2019
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1260.491 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/pharmacy.v16i2.5859


Perubahan warna rambut menjadi putih pada usia lanjut sering kurang disukai. Keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan pengembangan pewarna rambut dari ekstrak daun ketapang dan daun jambu biji. Ekstrak daun jambu biji mengandung pyrogallol yang berfungsi sebagai pembangkit warna dan ekstrak daun ketapang mengandung punicalagin sebagai polyphenol yang berfungsi sebagai pewarna. Kedua bahan ini diformulasikan dalam sediaan krim dengan tujuan memudahkan dalam pemakaian. Pada penelitian ini digunakan ekstrak daun jambu biji dengan konsentrasi 12,5% dan ekstrak daun ketapang dengan variasi konsentrasi 10; 12,5; dan 15%. Penambahan logam tembaga sulfat 1% (F5B) terhadap formula optimal menjadikan warna lebih tua. Pengujian warna pada pewarna rambut dengan penambahan logam menggunakan alat kromameter memberikan warna merah dengan nilai a (9,00) warna biru dengan nilai b (3,37) warna yang terrefleksi adalah coklat tua, sedangkan pewarna rambut tanpa penambahan logam memberikan warna merah dengan nilai a (7,36), warna biru dengan nilai b (16,96) warna yang terrefleksikan adalah coklat muda. Hasil uji keamanan menggunakan tiga ekor kelinci dengan metode uji iritasi akut dermal dengan indek iritasi nol (0) dinyatakan aman serta tidak mengiritasi.
Formulasi Sediaan Serum Anti Aging dengan Kombinasi dari Ekstrak Buah Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) dan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) Rima Apria Purwanti; Yunahara Farida; Shelly Taurhesia
Jurnal Fitofarmaka Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2022): JURNAL FITOFARMAKA INDONESIA
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jffi.v9i2.864


Aging is a problem for everyone, especially those who have entered middle age and above. Aging can be caused by various factors, namely factors that come from within the body and from outside the body. One of the extrinsic factors were sun exposure, temperature / humidity and free radicals. Skin aging is mostly caused by free radicals, one of which is sunlight radiation. This study aims to produce a serum preparation that functions as an antioxidant with a combination of tomato extract and watermelon rind. The antioxidant activity of tomato extract, watermelon rind extract and combination extract was carried out using the DPPH method, then the anti aging serum was formulated using hydroxy ethyl cellulose, glycerin, DMDM hydantoin, ethoxy diglycol and aqua DM. Evaluation of serum preparations includes physical evaluation (organoleptic examination, dispersibility, homogeneity, viscosity, irritation test), chemistry (pH), and microbiology. Data were analyzed using one way Anova, the results differed significantly when the p-value was less than 0.05 (p <0.05). The results showed that the combination extract had a better IC50 value of 59.19 ppm, tomato extract 69.89 ppm, watermelon rind extract 79.29 ppm. Combined serum preparation at F1 (T: S / 1: 1) IC50 value was 97.37 ppm, F2 (T: S / 1: 2) 80.70 ppm, F3 (T: S / 2: 1) 69.81 ppm so it is included in the category of strong antioxidants.
ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTIVENESS (Propionibacterium acnes) OF KOMBUCHA FACE TONER FORMULA WITH GREEN TEA LEAF (Camellia sinensis L.) Aprilia Fatma Ely; Shelly Taurhesia; Teti Indrawati
Medical Sains : Jurnal Ilmiah Kefarmasian Vol 8 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37874/ms.v8i3.809


Acne is a process of chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. Approximately 80-100% incidence of acne occurs in adolescents. One solution is to use an antibacterial agent called catechins. It can be easily obtained from green tea, which has high catechin content. The amount of catechins used as antibacterial substances in green tea can also be increased by fermentation. In addition, lactic acid-fermented green tea can inhibit the growth of P. acnes. This study aimed to produce green tea kombucha face toner with anti-acne activity and good physical stability. This study included an experimental research. The research population was in the form of antibacterial compounds in face toner. The sample was green tea kombucha, which showed antibacterial activity at a concentration of 50% with an 18 mm Diameter of Inhibition Zone (DIZ). And the best formula is F1 with 0.84 mm DIZ, has a pH of 4 which is safe for the skin, clear solution, has clean power, it is also stable during storage at 30o and 40oC, but it has a rather disagreeable scent of toner. Keywords: Acne, Antibacterial, Green Tea Leaves Kombucha, Face Tone
ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTIVENESS (Propionibacterium acnes) OF KOMBUCHA FACE TONER FORMULA WITH GREEN TEA LEAF (Camellia sinensis L.) Aprilia Fatma Ely; Shelly Taurhesia; Teti Indrawati
Medical Sains : Jurnal Ilmiah Kefarmasian Vol 8 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37874/ms.v8i3.809


Acne is a process of chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. Approximately 80-100% incidence of acne occurs in adolescents. One solution is to use an antibacterial agent called catechins. It can be easily obtained from green tea, which has high catechin content. The amount of catechins used as antibacterial substances in green tea can also be increased by fermentation. In addition, lactic acid-fermented green tea can inhibit the growth of P. acnes. This study aimed to produce green tea kombucha face toner with anti-acne activity and good physical stability. This study included an experimental research. The research population was in the form of antibacterial compounds in face toner. The sample was green tea kombucha, which showed antibacterial activity at a concentration of 50% with an 18 mm Diameter of Inhibition Zone (DIZ). And the best formula is F1 with 0.84 mm DIZ, has a pH of 4 which is safe for the skin, clear solution, has clean power, it is also stable during storage at 30o and 40oC, but it has a rather disagreeable scent of toner. Keywords: Acne, Antibacterial, Green Tea Leaves Kombucha, Face Tone