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Journal : ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

Pengaruh Dosis Terhadap Efektifitas Vaksin POM Vibrio alginolyticus 74 kDa pada Ikan Kerapu Macan Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Desrina Desrina; Arief Taslihan; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Budhi Kuncoro Jati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 16, No 2 (2011): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.635 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.16.2.95-102


Vibrio alginolyticus adalah bakteri patogen penyebab penyakit vibriosis pada ikan kerapu budidaya di Indonesia. Vaksin Protein Outer Membran (POM) V. alginolyticus telah terbukti imunogenik pada ikan kerapu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh dosis vaksin  terhadap kemampuan POM V. alginolyticus 74 kDa dalam merangsang kerja sistem kekebalan spesifik ikan dan menentukan efek dosis terhadap perlindungan yang dihasilkan. POM(74 kDa) diisolasi dengan metoda sonikasi dan SDS-PAGE, dan dimurnikan dengan metoda elektroelusi. Vaksin diberikan dengan metoda suntik intraperitoneal ke ikan kerapu ukuran 8-10 cm (berat 1013 g) dengan dosis 0 (kontrol), 5, 10 dan 15 µg/0, 1 ml PBS/ 10 g ikan (n= 30 ekor/dosis).  Ikan kontrol disuntik dengan 0,1 ml PBS steril. Satu minggu kemudian ikan disuntik booster dengan cara dan dosis yang sama.  Dua  minggu  setelah  booster  dilakukan  uji  tantang  dengan  dengan  menyuntikkan  bakteri  Vibrio alginolyticus 8 secara intramuskular dengan dosis 0,1 ml X 109 sel/ml, dan ikan dipelihara selama 2 minggu. Jumlah ikan yang mati selama masa uji tantang dihitung untuk menentukan Relative Percentage Survival (RPS). Titer antibodi diukur sebelum percobaan dan setiap minggu selama penelitian. Ke 3 dosis yang diberikan efektif dalam merangsang respon kekebalan humoral ikan kerapu dan menghasilkan kekebalan yang melindungi yang hampir sama yang terlihat dari nilai RPS untuk dosis 5, 10 dan 15 µg masing masing 72, 87 dan 72%. Kata kunci: vaksin POM,  kerapu, dosis  Vibrio alginolyticus is a causative agent of  vibriosis of cultured grouper in Indonesia.  It has been reported  that the Outer Membrane Protein (OMP) of V. alginolyticus vaccine was immunogenic on grouper.  Vaccine dose is important in determining the ability of vaccine to conferred protective immunity. The objectives of the present research was to determine effect of vaccine doses on (1)  the specific immune response of grouper and (2) conferring protective immunity of grouper. OMP V. alginolyticus (74 kDa) was isolated by sonication and SDSPAGE, and purified by mean  electroelution. Vaccine was delivered by intraperitoneal injection to grouper juvenile (8 - 10 cm long  and  weigh10 - 13 g) in three doses;  0 (kontrol), 5, 10 dan 15 µg/0, 1 ml PBS/ fish (n= 30 fish/ dose).  Control fish were injected with 0,1 ml sterile PBS steril. One week later, booster  was given in the same manner as the primary vaccination. Two weeks following booster (week 4), fish were challenge with  V. alginolyticus 8 by intramuscular injection (0,1 ml X 109 sel/ml) and fish were maintained for two weeks. Fish mortality pos challenge test was counted to calcualte the Relative Percentage Survival (RPS). Antibodi titer was measured before vaccination and weekly for 4 week. All three doses tested were effective to  trigger the specific immune response of grouper dan conferred protective immunity with similar degree as shown by the RPS for dose 5, 10 dan 15 µg were 72, 87 dan 72% respectively. Key words: vaccine, OMP, grouper, dose.
Cacing Endoparasit Ikan Jeruk (Abalistes stellatus) dari Panfai Pekalongan Desrina Desrina
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 12, No 4 (2007): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.807 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.12.4.233-238


 Informasi cacing endoparasit ikan di Indonesia masih sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profll cacing endoparasit ikan jeruk (Abalistes atellatus), salah satu jenis ikan konsumsi yang banyak ditangkap di perairan Pekalongan. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2001. Jumlah ikan jeruk yang diperiksa adalah 30 ekor, yang merupakan hasil tangkapan nelayan tradisional dan dipasarkan dalam keadaan segar di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Batang dan Pekalongan. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan memeriksa organ organ dalam dan mata ikan satu persatu dibawah mikroskop. Parasityang ditemukan diawetkan dalam alkohol 70%. Parasit diidentirikasi pada waktu masih hidup dan setelah diawetkan. Semua ikan yang diperiksa terinfeksi cacing endoparasit. Cacing yang ditemukan terdiri atas 12 spesies Nematoda yaitu Anisakis simplex, Anisakis sp, Porrocaecum sp, Pseudoanisakis sp, Raphidascaris sp, Contracaecum sp, Camallanus sp, Procamallanus sp, Cucullanus sp, Philometra sanguinea, Philometra sp, Gnathostoma hispidium, dan I spesies Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus lucii. Parasit cacing paling banyak jenisnya ditemukan pada saluran pencernaan, diikuti oleh mesenteri dan rongga tubuh, hati, gonad dan dalam rongga mata. Prevalensi infeksi parasit yang tertinggi adalah Anisakis sp yaitu 80%. Intensitas per spesies cacing yang ditemukan relatif rendah berkisar 0,1- 5,85 ekor/ikan. Infeksi cacing tidak mempengaruhi berat gonad (r=-0,064, p<0,01) dan faktor kondisi ikan jeruk (r=0,0354, p<O,OI). jumlah cacing cendrung meningkat dengan bertambahnya berat ikan (r=0,476, p<0,05).Kata kuncl: cacing, endoparasit, ikan jeruk Information on endoparasitic helminths offish in Indonesia is very scanty. The objective of this research was to determine endoparasitic helminthes of trigger fish (Abalistes stellatus) from Pekalongan coast. A total of 30 trigger fish were examined during period April to August 2001. Fresh fish caught by traditional fishermen were obtained from Pekalongan and Batang fish auction. Each of internal organs and eyes cavity were examined for its worm under microscope. Worms found were preserved in 70% alcohol and identified alive as well as after being preserved. All offish examined were infected by worm. Parasites found consisted of 12 species of nematodes namely Anisakis simplex, Anisakis sp, Pseudoaniakis sp Porrocaecum sp, Raphidascaris sp, Contracaecum sp, Camallanus sp, Procamallanus sp, Cucullanus sp, Philometra sanguinea, Philometra sp, Gnathostoma hispidium, and I species Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus lucii. The most infected organs is alimentary tracts, followed by mesentery and body cavity, liver, gonad and eye cavity. Anisakis sp had the highest prevalence (80%). Intensity of each worm species was relatively low, range from 0,1- 5,85 worms/ fish. Worm infection did not affect the gonad weight (r=-0,064, p<0,0\) and fish condition factor (r=0,0354, p<0,01). The number of worms that infects trigger fish tended to increase as the fish weight increase (r=0,476, p<0,05). Key words : helminths, endoprasites, trigger fish
Parasit Ikan Kepe Kepe Garis (Shaetodon octotesciatus) dari Pantai Jepara Desrina Desrina
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 7, No 1 (2002): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1032.589 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.7.1.27-32


Informasi sebaran geografis parasit ikan hias laut di Indonesia sangat dibutuhkan untuk membuat peraturan tentang Ialulintas ikan dan penanganan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis parasit, prevelensi dan intensitas parasit ikan kepe kepe garis (Chaetodon octofasciatus) dari pantai Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Jumlah ikan yang diperiksa adalah 60 ekor. Ikan diperoleh dari nelayan desa Bandengan, Jepara. Pemeriksaan ikan dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengembangan Wilayah Pantai (LPWP) Fakultas Perikanan. dan Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro di Jepara, selama Mei - Agustus 200I. lkan diperiksa dalam keadaan seger. Pengamatan ektoparasit dilakukan pada lamella insang, preparet ules lendir tubuh, dan sirip. Pemeriksaan endoparasit ikan dilakukan melalui pengamatan organ-organ dalam yang terlebih dahulu dibedah, dan kemudian diletakkan dalam petridish yang berisi air laut. Gejala klinis yang terlihat dicatat dan parasit yang ditemui diidentifikasi pada waktu segar dan setelah diawetkan. Prevalensi dan intensitas parasit juga dihitung. Parasit yang ditemukan terdiri atas tiga spesies ektoperasit yaitu Cryptocaryon irritans, Ergasilus, dan Actinocleidus sp.. Endoparasit yang ditemukan adalah Lecithocirium neopacificum dan Ichthyophonus hoferi. Prevalensi infestasi secara umum termasuk tinggi yaitu 78% akan tetapi prevalensi setiap spesies rendah sampai sedang , berkisar 6,67-40% dan intensitas parasit rendah yaitu 0,92- 25,32 individu. Kata kunci: parasit, ikan Kepe-Kepe. jepara  Data of geographical distribution of parasites of marine ornamentel fish in lndonesia is needed to construct regulation offish transportation. The purposes of this study were to determine parasites, prevalence and intensity of parasites of emperor butterfly fish (Chaetodon octofasciatus) from Jepara Coast. A total of 60 fresh fish were examined from May to August 2001. Fish were obtained from fishermen at Bandengan village Jepara and examined at the Coastal Development Laboratory (LPWP). Jepara. Ectoparasitic examination was carried out by examining gill lamellae, smear from the skin and fins. Fish was then necropsied. Each organ was placed in a petridish containing sea water and sliced. Parasites found were examined using a compound microscope. Any clinical signs was also noted. Parasites were identified alive as well as the preserved one. Prevalence and intensity of parasites were calculated. Parasites found consisted of three species of ectoparasites namely Cryptocaryon irritans, Ergasilus sp. and Actinocleidus sp. Endoparasites found were Lecithocirium neopacificum and Ichthyophonus hoferi, 78% of fish examined were infected which was relatively high. However, prevalence of each parasite species was ranged from low to moderate (6.67-40%) and intensity were fairly low (0 92-25.32 individu).Keywords: parasite, emperor butterfly fish, Jepara
Parasites Identification and Histopathology Changes on Blood Cookle (Anadara granosa Linnaeus, 1758) Yuni Karnisa; Desrina Desrina; Ita Widowati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 24, No 4 (2019): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.004 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.24.4.171-178


Blood cockle Anadara granosa is a popular sea food in Indonesia and potential for aquaculture. Currently, blood cockle aquaculture is at early stage, done by taking the larva from wild and raised them in the pond. Wild animal naturally carries parasites without outward clinical signs but can cause disease problem under aquaculture condition.  This study aimed to identify parasites and histopathology changes in wild A. granosa.  Blood cockles (n=90) were randomly collected during 3 months at three stations in the coastal waters of Bedono (Station 1: the intertidal area of the edge near to the mangrove area, station 2: the center of intertidal area, station 3: the area near to the sea), a village located on North Java coast and supplied blood cockle larva to the area. Parasites examination was conducted in the laboratory by macroscopic (observation of clinical symptoms) for ectoparasites and microscopic (using a microscope) for endoparasites. Histopathology preparation was done by taking three cockles at each station and cutting tissue that includes gills, foot, gonads, digestive tract and mantle. Organs were fixed in a 10% NBF solution, processed, mounted in paraffin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Parasites found were identified and the level of intensity and prevalence were calculated. There were three species of parasites found: Pinnotheres sp. (Intensity 1 ind/cockle; Prevalence: 3.33%), Perkinsus sp. (Intensity: 9.3 cell/cockle; Prevalence: 37.03%), Nematopsis sp. (Intensity: 4.25 cell/cockle; Prevalence: 29.62%). There were no histopathology changes on infected tissues which may relate to low diversity, prevalence and intensity of parasites found in this study.
Uji Keganasan Bakteri Vibrio pada Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) Desrina Desrina; Arief Taslihan; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Suryaningrum Susiani
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 11, No 3 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.702 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.11.3.119-125


Tiga belas isolat bakteri Vibrio yang terdiri atas 6 spesies diuji keganasannya pada ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) sehat yang berukuran panjang 9 – 13 cm dan berat 20 – 30 g. Ke enam spesiesbakteri Vibrio yang diuji adalah Vibrio alginolyticus (6 isolat), V. vulnificus (2 isolat), V. ordalii (2 isolat) V. fluvialis, V. anguillarum dan V. mectnikovii masing masing 1 isolat. Bakteri Vibrio ini berasal dari ikan Kerapu sakit dan air tambak dari berbagai tempat di Indonesia. Uji keganasan dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan suspensi bakteri sebanyak 0,5 ml x 109 CFU/ml secara intramuskular di bagian dorsolateral. Jumlah ikan yang disuntik adalah 5 ekor/isolat. Ikan kontrol (5 ekor) disuntik dengan 0,5 ml PBS steril. Ikan dipelihara selama 2 minggu didalam akuarium (vol air 40 L) yang dilengkapi dengan aerator. Jumlah ikan yang mati, waktu kematian serta gejala klinis yang terlihat dicatat. Untuk memastikan sebab kematian dan mengkonfirmasikan keberadaanbakteri vibrio yang disuntikkan, ikan yang mati dibedah dan bakteri diisolasi dari ginjal dan luka pada tubuh. Pada akhir penelitian semua ikan yang masih hidup dibunuh dan bakteri diisolasi dari ginjal. Bakteri hasil uji keganasan diidentifikasi dengan metoda biokimia. Semua isolat menyebabkan kematian pada ikan uji kecuali V.metchinovkii dan tidak ada ikan kontrol yang mati. Kultur murni isolat yang disuntikkan direisolasi dari semua ikan yang mati. Berdasarkan jumlah ikan uji yang mati dan waktu kematian isolat terdapat 4 isolat yang ganas yaitu V.anguillarum, V. ordalii (S) dan V. fluvialis (S) dan V. alginolyticus 8 (J). Gejala klinis ikan yang sakit sama yaitu nafsu makan berkurang, berenang miring dan lemah, ginjal pucat warna tubuh gelap. Beberapaisolat menyebabkan luka di punggung yang berkembang jadi borok.Kata kunci: keganasan, Vibrio, Kerapu, ikan, penyakit.Thirteen isolates of Vibrio which consists of 6 spesies were tested its virulency on healthy fishes, Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) with size 9 – 13 cm (tota length) and 20 – 30 g (weight). Those sixspecies of Vibrio were Vibrio alginolyticus (6 isolate), V. vulnificus (2 isolate), V. ordalii (2 isolate) V. fluvialis (1 isolate), V. anguillarum (1 isolate) and V. mectnikovii (1 isolate). These Vibrio were isolated from sick Kerapu and water pond from various places in Indonesia. The test was done by intramuscular injection of bacteria suspension i.e. 0,5 ml x 109 CFU/ml on the dorsolateral of the fish. The number of injected fish were 5 fish/isolate, while control fishes were injected with 0,5 ml of sterile PBS. The fishes were grown for 2 weeks on 40 L aerated aquariums. Mortality of the fish, time as well as clinical simptoms were recorded. The occurence of injected bacteria was confirmed by isolating the bacteria from the kidney and wound of the dead fishes At the end of the experiment all the live fishes were killed and bacteria on its kidney were isolated. All thebacteria were identified by using biochemical method. The results showed that all isolates have caused mortality on the fish except V. metchinovkii as well as control fishes. Four other isolates were found to be virulence. Clinical simptoms of sick fishes were the same i.e. lack of feeding activity, abnormal swimming activity and weak, pale kidney, and dark colouration of the skin. Several isolates have caused wound on the back of the fish as well.Key words: virulency, Vibrio, Kerapu, fish, diseases.