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SOSIALISASI PANDUAN KLASIFIKASI DAN KONSTRUKSI KAPAL IKAN FRP KURANG DARI 12 METER DI WILAYAH PESISIR PULAU RAAM Nurul Huda; Andreas Pujianto; Yani Nurita Purnawanti; Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Rezza Ruzuqi; Ahmad Nurfauzi; Djoko Prasetyo; Bagas Prakoso; Muhfizar Muhfizar; Egbert Joshua Sirait; Pundi Ramadhan Sudrajat
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 01: Mei 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Raam Island is a village located in the city of Sorong, West Papua Province which has several business groups for FRP boat craftsmen, especially for fishing purposes. The standard manufacturing process standards applied by fiber ship craftsmen make the quality of the fabrication results different from each existing shipyard. The socialization activity was carried out by presenting materials directly to shipyard owners and FRP ship craftsmen. BKI as a state-owned company engaged in survey services and ship certification has regulations related to ship construction. In 2020, BKI issued "Guidance for Certification of FRP Fishing Vessel less than 12 m" which is very suitable for the type of ship produced by ship craftsmen on Raam Island. FRP), ship structure design & FRP ship stability, machinery installation, electrical installation, and ship safety equipment. Evaluation is given by giving pre-test and post-test methods to see the progress of participants in understanding the material given. From 10 questions given in the post test, most of the participants have shown significant improvement when compared to the pre test.
The INCREASING COMPETENCY IN BASIC ENGINEERING OF HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICITY INSTALLATION FOR MADRASAH ALIYAH EMEYODERE STUDENTS-SORONG CITY: Peningkatan Kompetensi Dasar Teknik Dasar Instalasi Listrik Rumah Tangga Bagi Pelajar Madrasah Aliyah Emeyodere-Kota Sorong Andreas Pujianto; Egbert Joshua Sirait; Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Bagas Prakoso; Arhandy Arfah; Jalila Syarief
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 02: November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.897 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bs.v2i02.38


Society in general uses electrical energy as a source of energy needs. Household electricity is widely used for daily necessities such as cooking, moving water, washing clothes, ironing clothes, etc. The purpose of the training carried out for Madrasah Aliyah Emeyodere Sorong City students is expected to increase knowledge and skills in the installation of household electrical installations. The method used in training is the provision of theoretical material in lectures and discussions. The practical method is also used by installing household electricity with a PLN source, one socket, and controlling lights with a switch. Evaluation of training activities used pre and post-tests. The results of the t-test analysis conducted showed that the results of the post-test were significantly different from the pre-test with an average difference of 18.42. These results indicate an increase in the evaluation carried out.
SOSIALISASI PROGRAM STICOM DAN PRAKTIK BUDIKDAMBER DI KAMPUNG MAKBUSUM, DISTRIK MAYAMUK, KABUPATEN SORONG: Sosialisasi Program Sticom Dan Praktik Budikdamber Di Kampung Makbusum, Distrik Mayamuk, Kabupaten Sorong Ernawati Ernawati; Hendra Poltak; Rezza Ruzuqi; Agung Setia Abadi; Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari; Intanurfemi Bacandra Hismayasari; kadarusman kadarusman; Boby W Ziliwu; Bagas Prakoso
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 02: November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.667 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bs.v2i02.39


STICOM (Smart Tilapia Community) is a program initiated by the study program. Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic Fisheries Cultivation Techniques collaboration with the Majaran Fish Seed Center. This activity expected to increase public awareness about the use of land or narrow areas to cultivate fish such as vegetables that are effective in buckets. That this will also increase the income of the residents of the Mayamuk district. Then the activity was carried out using the STICOM socialization method and the practice of making BUDIKDAMBER (fish in buckets). The socialization activity invited the residents of the Mayamuk district. After that a satisfaction survey was carried out. The results obtained are that the Mayamuk community is satisfied with the activities that have been carried out by the team and hopes that these activities will be repeated to evaluate activities.
Edukasi Perawatan Fiberglass Pada Kapal Long Boat Menggunakan Metode Material Komposit Di Pulau Rutum, Kepulauan Ayau, Raja Ampat Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Rezza Ruzuqi; Bagas Prakoso; Marcelinus P. Saptono
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55338/jpkmn.v4i2.1084


The diversity of Indonesia's wealth is marked by the number of small islands, natural resources are still unexplored. The West Papua province has the outermost islands, one of which is Rutum Island. Rutum Island is one of the islands in the Ayau Archipelago (West Papua Province). The people of Rutum, mostly use boats that are less than 15 meters in size to carry out fishing activities and so on. Most of the ships are made of Fiberglass reinforced Polymer Composite Material. The condition of the area is surrounded by coral reefs. So many ships were damaged. The ship maintenance process is very difficult, because the condition of the area is far from the city center. In general, the ship maintenance process adjusts to the level of damage to the ship. On the island of Rutum, the ship's damage to the lower hull suffered loss of the ship's walls. The use of appropriate standards, needs to be applied so that the ship provides a sense of security and comfort for users. The method used in this activity is the material compossit method. Then patch the damaged parts with a resin-catalyst alloy reinforced with fiberglass Woven Roven 600 and Chopped Strand Mat 450. The number and variety of layers are adjusted according to the reference. The results obtained show a strong patch. However, if viewed from the damage, there needs to be additional repairs. This is because, the main material of the ship is already porous due to sea water.
Edukasi Perawatan dan Perbaikan Panel Lampu Solar Sel di Pulau Bras, Papua Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Bagas Prakoso; Egbert Josua Sirait; Marcelinus P. Saptono; Ahmad Rizal Nurul
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

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Lampu tenaga surya dapat menghidupkan beberapa perangkat elektronik, seperti kipas, setrika, lampu, televisi dan sebagainya. Dengan hadirnya lampu tenaga surya di kepulauan mapia tepatnya di pulau brass merupakan sebuah kegembiraan bagi masyarakat di pulau terluar Indonesia. Karena tidak dapat terjangkaunya sebuah kabel dari PLN, tentunya masyarakat di Pulau Terluar Indonesia berinisiatif menggunakan lampu tenaga surya. Akan tetapi, banyak kendala dimana beberapa perangkat elektronik tidak dapat hidup, hal ini dikarenakan sebuah papan solar cell terdapat debu atau kotoran. Semakin tebal debu yang hinggap di atas papan solar cell, maka serapan cahaya matahari pun semakin sedikit, oleh karena itu perlunya beberapa perawatan salah satunya membersihkan papan solar sel, serta diperlukan beberapa perngantian kabel-kabel yang telah lama bahkan terkelupas akibat dimakan oleh musim. Tujuan dari PKM ini untuk memberikan edukasi kepada Masyarakat di pulau brass dan metode yang digunakan adalah memberikan form kuesioner pada masyarakat sekitar. Hasil dari PKM yang telah dilakukan adalah masyakarat dapat melakukan perbaikan dan perawatan solar sel tersendiri, terbukti Ketika mereka langsung praktik setelah diajarkan oleh Tim PKM.
PENYULUHAN PERAWATAN MESIN TEMPEL PERAHU PENYEBERANGAN BAGI PELAKU UTAMA TRANSPORTASI LAUT DI PULAU DUM Ryan Puby Sumarta; Andreas Pujianto; Bagas Prakoso; Carles Yerid Absalom Nalle; Ahmad Hamir; Siswanto Siswanto
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 11 (2023): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i11.3998-4008


Transportasi laut perahu bermotor “taksi laut” merupakan sarana penyeberangan utama baik orang maupun barang dari Pulau Dum ke Sorong atau sebaliknya. Kesadaran akan perawatan mesin penggerak perahu dari pelaku utama pengelola taksi laut adalah salah satu hal krusial dalam pelayaran.Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan penyuluhan kepada pemilik, kondektur, maupun motoris taksi laut terkait perawatan mesin tempel yang baik dan benar guna mencegah terjadinya kerusakan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan persiapan acara kegiatan, pemberian materi penyuluhan, serta evaluasi kegiatan melalui pre-test dan post-test. Survei dan koordinasi dengan mitra dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan tempat dan waktu pelaksanaan, peserta, materi, maupun pemateri. Pemberian materi dilakukan dengan metode ceramah maupun tanya jawab tentang materi konfigurasi dan perawatan mesin tempel. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan berjumlah 88 orang. Evaluasi pre-test maupun post-test menggunakan sampel sebanyak 22 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji t-paired untuk membandingkan hasil rata-rata evaluasi yang dilakukan. Hasil rata-rata nilai evaluasi pre-test dan post-test memiliki perbedaan signifikan dari uji t-paired. Kenaikan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 26,82 daripada pre-test menunjukkan bahwa peserta memahami materi yang diberikan oleh pemateri.
Improving the performance of microbubble through the modification and optimization of venturi-type generator Sigit Deddy Purnomo Sidhi; Andreas Pujianto; Akhmad Nurfauzi; Djoko Prasetyo; Basino Basino; Muhammad Alfan Ansori; Egbert Joshua Sirait; Bagas Prakoso
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 22, No 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v22i2.4267


Venturi-type generators are recognized as one of the most promising microbubble generators with potential in various fields. However, there is still room for further optimization of their performance to meet the requirements of real applications, such as aeration systems or water treatment applications. This research modified the geometry of a venturi-type generator with specific dimensions:  a length of 80 mm, an inside diameter of 26 mm, a throat diameter of 7.2 mm, a convergent nozzle angle of 30°, a divergent diffuser angle of 30°, and an airflow inlet diameter of 6 mm. By varying the water flow rates (i.e., 22 L/min, 26 L/min, and 30 L/min) and air flow rates (i.e., 0.1 L/min, 0.2 L/min, and 0.3 L/min), the study observed the average diameter, size distribution, Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate (SOTR), and Standard Aeration Efficiency (SAE) of the generated microbubbles. This study aims to improve the performance of a microbubble generator, particularly by optimizing the relative size, distribution, and main parameters for real applications. The proposed modification and optimization successfully produced microbubbles with an average diameter of 180-450 μm. Furthermore, the optimal combinations of water and air flow rates (i.e., 30 L/min of water and 0.1 L/min of air) produced approximately 60% of microbubbles with a diameter of no more than 200 μm. These combinations also enable the delivery of a SOTR and SAE values of 0.94 kgO2/h and 1.73 kgO2/kWh, respectively.