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The Community empowerment of mud crab fishing through the establishment of a joint business group Handayani, Handayani; Gunaisah, Endang; Ulat, Muhammad Ali; Katili, Vicky; Mustasim, Mustasim; Poltak, Hendra
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (520.545 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.4534


Mangrove areas have high economic potential that support community welfare. However, crab fishermen have not enjoyed welfare because the conversion of mangrove ecosystems reduces the quantity of fish caught, fishing facilities are inadequate, and the marketing of the catch is not well distributed. Problem solving is carried out through initial surveys, Focus Group Discussions, and training accompanied by evaluation and follow-up. The results of the activity revealed that the crab fishing community had understood the material provided and a Joint Business Group was formed as a follow-up to the fishery instructor. In the future, the formed Joint Business Group needs to be provided with assistance to be more independent.
Aplikasi Analytical Hierarchy Process: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Seleksi Desa Inovasi di Wilayah Sorong Ismail Ismail; Muhamad Ali Ulat; Muhfizar Muhfizar; Mustasim Mustasim; Hendra Poltak
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 26 No. 4 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.26.4.530


Rural-urban social inequality is a problem that must be solved to achieve prosperity and economic justice that is desired by all human beings. Efforts to overcome the problem are to create and carry out the Program of Marine and Fisheries Innovation Village which is a program of marine and fisheries community empowerment to be able to take advantage of technology and innovation as an effort to improve their lives. Limited budget and resources cause not all villages that are partners in community service at the Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic can be turned into Marine and Fisheries Innovation Villages. This research was conducted to determine the priority ranking of villages to be selected and to carry out innovation and technology interventions according to the predetermined criteria. Decision making in this marine and fisheries innovation village requires a systematic and accurate method using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the case study, the selection of the innovation village program was carried out at three locations in the Sorong area (Walal Village, Rimbapala Village, and Pulau Raam Village). The criteria used in the selection of alternative innovation villages were: 1) having local government support, 2) community response, 3) having superior fishery commodities, 4) accessibility, and 5) in accordance with the resources owned by the KP Sorong Polytechnic. The results obtained based on the AHP method were Raam Island 58,7%, Walal 21,9%, and Rimbapala 19,4%. The conclusion is that the village selected as the innovation village is Raam Island with the highest score of 58,7%. Keywords: alternatives, analytical hierarchy process, criteria, innovation village, options
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 6, No 1 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v6i1.7810


Abstract. The potential of mangrove habitat which has high economic potential cannot be optimized to improve the welfare of mangrove crab fishermen. Capital factors and lack of understanding in conducting business analysis are problems for fishermen who carry out their business activities to increase their income. The purpose of this community service is to provide an understanding of access to capital and business analysis of mud crab so that fishermen are able to carry out business analysis independently.The solution to the problem is carried out in the coordination stage with the fisheries office, surveys, Forum Group Discussions, implementation of community service through lectures using media challenges that invite fisheries and banking offices and empathetic team mentoring of locations, and evaluation of activities through interviews. The results of the activity provide an increase in partners' understanding of the process of facilitating banking capital and business feasibility analysis. Abstrak.  Potensi habitat mangrove yang memiliki potensi ekonomis tinggi belum dapat dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi nelayan kepiting bakau. Faktor permodalan dan ketidakpahaman melakukan analisa usaha menjadi permasalahan bagi nelayan dalam menjalankan aktivitas usahanya meningkatkan pendapatannya. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman akses permodalan dan analisa usaha kepiting bakau sehingga masyarakat nelayan mampu melakukan analisa usaha secara mandiri. Solusi permasalahan mitra dilakukan melalui tahapan koordinasi dengan pihak dinas perikanan, survey, Forum Group Discussion, pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat melalui ceramah menggunakan media daring yang mengundang dinas perikanan dan perbankan dan pendampingan tim secara luring di empat lokasi, serta evaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan melalui wawancara. Hasil kegiatan memberikan peningkatan pemahaman mitra terhadap proses fasilitasi permodalan perbankan dan analisa kelayakan usaha.
OPTIMIZATION OF SUSTAINABLE CAPTURE FISHERIES IN FAD FOR FISHERMAN Mustasim Mustasim; Misbah Sururi; Abudarda Razak; Ismail Ismail; Muhammad Ali Ulat; Amir Machmud Suruwaky; Handayani Handayani; Endang Gunaisah; Vicky Rizky Affandy Katili; Hendra Poltak
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i2.4011


Abstrak: Keberadaan rumpon sebagai alat bantu penangkap ikan dapat meningkatkan produksi dan keberlanjutan lingkungan perlu didukung dengan alat tangkap yang ramah lingkungan. sesuai dengan jenis ikan pada rumpon. Pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk memberikan keterampilan kepada nelayan untuk dapat membuat alat tangkap ramah lingkungan. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu memberikan ceramah dan praktik dilakukan dengan panduan instruktur memperagakan cara kerja untuk menghasilkan output kegiatan. Harapannya nelayan mandiri dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraanya. Kegiatan diikuti oleh kelompok nelayan kelurahan Saoka yang mendapat bantuna rumpon sebanyak 10 orang. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat nelayan mampu membuat alat tangkap ramah lingkungan berupa jaring insang hanyut pelagis kecil, rawai vertikal pelagis kecil, dan handline pelagis besar.  Evaluasi terhadap dampak rumpon dan alat tangkap ramah lingkungan terhadap pendapatan diperoleh hasil 2 orang nelayan mengalami kenaikan pendapatan sampai 10%, 5 orang nelayan mengalami kenaikan pendapatan 11-25%, 3 orang nelayan mengalami kenaikan pendapatan sebesar 26-100%.Abstract: The existence of FADs as a tool for fishing can increase production and environmental sustainability needs to be supported by environmentally friendly fishing gear. according to the type of fish on the FAD. Community service aims to provide skills to fishermen to be able to make environmentally friendly fishing gear. The method of implementation is to give lectures and practices conducted with the instructor's guide demonstrating how it works to produce the output of the activity. The hope is that fishermen are independent and can improve their welfare. The activity was followed by a group of fishermen from Saoka Village who received 10 people of FADs. The results of the community service of fishermen are able to make environmentally friendly fishing gear in the form of small pelagic gill nets, small pelagic vertical longlines, and large pelagic handlines. Evaluation of the impact of FADs and environmentally friendly fishing gear on income resulted in 2 fishermen experiencing an increase in income of up to 10%, 5 fishermen experiencing an income increase of 11-25%, 3 fishermen experiencing an income increase of 26-100%.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i2.4133


Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di wilayah komunitas mangrove bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mitra sasaran terkait fungsi, nilai, dan manfaat mangrove sehingga mitra sasaran bertindak melestarikan mangrove, keberlanjutan ekonomi, dan keseimbangan pembangunan. Rangkaian program yang dilakukan berupa focus group discussion yang dipandu oleh moderator untuk mengidentifikasi masalah , penyuluhan sebagai solusi pemecahan masalah, dan evaluasi. Metode penyuluhan dilaksanakan dengan ceramah. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 30 peserta berasal dari empat wilayah ekosistem mangrove yaitu Kladufu, Tampa Garam, Remu Selatan, dan SP IV. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi diperoleh 100% mitra menggunakan alat tangkap ramah lingkungan, 80 % menangkap dengan ukuran dan berat sesuai regulasi, dan 40% menanam mangrove untuk keberlanjutan.Abstract: Community service activities in the mangrove community area aim to increase the target partners' understanding of the functions, values and benefits of mangroves so that target partners act to conserve mangroves, economic sustainability, and balance development. The series of programs carried out in the form of focus group discussions guided by the moderator to identify problems, counseling as a solution to problem solving, and evaluation. The extension method is carried out by lecturing. The activity was attended by 30 participants from four areas of the mangrove ecosystem, namely Kladufu, Tampa Garam, Remu Selatan, and SP IV. The results of the evaluation of activities carried out by interviews and observations obtained that 100% of partners used environmentally friendly fishing gear, 80% caught the size and weight according to regulations, and 40% planted mangroves for sustainability.
PENDAMPINGAN KELOMPOK KEWIRAUSAHAAN MUDA BAGI PEMULA BIDANG KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN DI POLITEKNIK KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN SORONG Hendra Poltak; Gatot Hendra Prakoso; Endang Gunaisah; Muhammad Ali Ulat; Mustasim Mustasim; Muhammad Zaky Latif; Mohammad Sayuti; Misbah Sururi; Muhfizar Muhfizar; Bambang Winarno
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.618 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v4i2.4025


ABSTRAKEvaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap kegiatan wirausaha muda masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan kelompok seperti ide yang ditampilkan merupakan ide tahun sebelumnya, penyusunan proposal belum sesuai, belum ada strategi pemasaran, dan teknik presentasi yang kaku. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berwirausaha sehingga dapat menjadi bekal Ketika lulus pendidikan. Metode pendampingan dilakukan dengan ceramah, diskusi, dan tanya jawab serta proses coaching kepada tiga kelompok wirausaha taruna dan satu wirausaha alumni. Hasil pendampingan dengan metode CPDT dan coaching meningkatnya kreativitas kelompok wirausaha, proposal bisnis sesuai pedoman, dan kelompok mampu melakukan presentasi lebih menarik dan efektif. Kata kunci: wirausaha muda; pendampingan; ceramah; diskusi dan penugasan; coaching. ABSTRACTThe evaluation carried out on young entrepreneurial activities still has several weaknesses in the group, such as the ideas presented in the previous year, inadequate proposal preparation, no marketing strategy, and rigid presentation techniques. This community service aims to improve entrepreneurial skills so that they can become provisions when graduating from education. The mentoring method is carried out by lectures, discussions, and questions and answers as well as a coaching process to three youth entrepreneur groups and one alumni entrepreneur. The results of assistance with the CPDT method and coaching increased the creativity of entrepreneurial groups, business proposals according to guidelines, and groups were able to make more attractive and effective presentations. Keywords: young entrepreneurs; accompaniment; lectures, discussions and assignments; coaching.
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): APTEKMAS Volume 5 Nomor 2 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v5i2.4720


Innovation village is a village that has the potential to be developed into an independent and empowered village. Problems in the village in the form of difficulties and marketing its business products and the need for simple bookkeeping understanding as the basis for its business continuity. Efforts to achieve the goal are carried out community service in accordance with mutual agreement. The activity was carried out using a face-to-face lecture method attended by 20 target partners. The results of the activity obtained an increase in understanding of marketing management by 60% and an increase in simple bookkeeping understanding by 45%.
PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN ALAT PENANGKAPAN IKAN RAMAH LINGKUNGAN Mustasim Mustasim; Endang Gunaisah; Muhammad Ali Ulat; Handayani Handayani; Ismail Ismail; Amir M Suruwaky; Misbah Sururi; Vicky Rizky Affandy Katili; Hendra Poltak
Mitra Mahajana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Flores

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/mahajana.v2i1.799


Destructive fishing has the potential to reduce the sustainability of marine resources and the productivity of marine products which will have an impact on the welfare of fishermen. Various motives for destructive fishing include economic, social, cultural motives, and even ignorance that this action is against the law. Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong carries out community service as an effort to provide understanding regarding environmentally friendly fisheries through lectures and the practice of making environmentally friendly fishing gear. The activity lasted for 2 days, attended by 20 fishermen target partners of Saoka Village. The results of the practice in the form of environmentally friendly fishing gear are handed over to target partners for use in fishing operations.
Students' Perceptions of the Movie Story of Joy Inspiring Entrepreneurs Hendra Poltak; Tio Arriela Doloksaribu; Muhfizar Muhfizar; Endang Gunaisah; Mustasim Mustasim
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2157


Movie have an influence in creating audience perceptions and playing attitudes, behaviors, and actions. This study aims to determine student perceptions of the joy film story that inspires entrepreneurship. Qualitative descriptive research approach is used to determine the perception of the film Joy. Selected informants as many as 3 students who can retell the film Joy for students have watched so it is easy to confirm the information. The results of the interview show that Joy's film has a positive perception of the struggle of the entrepreneur character Joy and inspires students to intend to become entrepreneurs.
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The application of digitalization that has been developed massively has constraints, especially in human resources that have weaknesses in digital literacy and technical skills, as well as underdeveloped digital infrastructure. This makes the digital divide between regions, professions, social status, education and age, exacerbating inequality. As a result, the ease of the digital age such as work efficiency and effectiveness, increased economic productivity cannot be enjoyed which gets the digital divide. The study sample was 30 fishermen maladum Mes regency. The research method used is a pseudo-experimental method with the design of one group pretest-posttest. The results showed that there were differences in knowledge and skills of digital literacy practices after getting the intervention.
Co-Authors Abu Darda Razak Abudarda Razak Agung Setia Abadi Amir M Suruwaky Amir M. Suruwaky Amir Machmud Suruwaky Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anjas AS Komboe Arhandy Arfah Asmira Rumalolas Astervina W. Puspitasari Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari Astuti Astuti Bagas Prakoso Bambang Winarno Boby W Ziliwu Charles Nalle Daniel Heintje Ndahawali Dheni Rossarie Endang - Gunaisah Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Ferdinand Hukama Taqwa Gatot Hendra Prakoso Handayan Handayani Handayani - Heri Sutanto Hismayasari, Intanurfemi B I Komang H Permana Intanurfemi Bacandra Hismayasari Intanurfemi Hismayasari Iskandar Iskandar Ismail Ismail Ismail Ismail Jaulim Sirait Kadarusman Katili, Vicky Lay Tjarles Lay Tjarles Leoni Hayu Sabrina Putri Lila Gardenia Maqdits Hikmatian Matahari Matahari Misbah Sururi Moejiono Moejiono Muh Guntur Ketuut Muh Kasim Muh. Kasim Muhamad Ali Ulat Muhammad Ali Ulat Muhammad Idris Muhammad Zaky Latif Muhfizar Muhfizar Muhfizar, Muhfizar Mustasim, Mustasim Nur Anjelika Saputri Nurfitri Rahim Nurul Huda Pujianto, Andreas Ratna Ratna Renaldo Fredly Rumaherang Rezza Ruzuki Rezza Ruzuqi Ristiana Dwi Cahyani Ristiani Samsul Muhammad Sayuti, Mohammad Serisanthi Irsani Oklan Bothmir Sigit Purnomo Sidhi Simon Manutilaa Sri Wahyuni Firman Sudirman Sudirman Suharyanto Suharyanto Sulistyowati, Beta Indi Syafril Sanusi Tinggal Hermawan Tio Arriela Doloksaribu Ulat, M Ali Ulat, Muhammad Ali Vicky Rizky Affandy Katili Vicky Rizky Katili Yani Nurita Purnawanti Yuniar Ayu Hafita Zakeus Wuarbanaran