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ALE Proceeding Vol 4 (2021): Archipelago Engineering (ALE)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/ale.4.2021.121-126


Composite material is a material that has a multi-phase system composed of reinforcing materials and matrix materials. Causes the composite materials to have advantages in various ways such as low density, high mechanical properties, performance comparable to metal, corrosion resistance, and easy to fabricate. In the marine and fisheries industry, composite materials made from fiber reinforcement, especially fiberglass, have proven to be very special and popular in boat construction because they have the advantage of being chemically inert (both applied in general and marine environments), light, strong, easy to print, and price competitiveness. Thus in this study, tensile and impact methods were used to determine the mechanical properties of fiberglass polymer composite materials. Each test is carried out on variations in the amount of fiberglass laminate CSM 300, CSM 450 and WR 600 and variations in weight percentage 99.5% -0.5%, 99% -1%, 98.5% -1, 5%, 98% -2% and 97.5%-2.5% have been used. The results showed that the greater the number of laminates, the greater the impact strength, which was 413,712 MPa, and the more the percentage of hardener, the greater the impact strength, which was 416,487 MPa. The results showed that the more laminate the tensile strength increased, which was 87.054 MPa, and the more the percentage of hardener, the lower the tensile strength, which was 73.921 MPa.
Journal Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Kelautan dan Sains Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Kelautan dan Sains
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.578 KB) | DOI: 10.30598/metiks.2022.2.1.9-14


PT. Ghody Bimantara Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pekerjaan secara umum, mulai dari perencanaan sampai kepada pelaksanaan dan bergerak di semua pekerjaan proyek konstruksi, baik bangunan gedung maupun bangunan sipil. Dalam sebuah pengerjaan pekerjaan sipil, baja tulangan banyak diaplikasikan terutama baja tulangan polos. Dalam salah satu pekerjaan, terdapat sebuah permasalahan yang membuat besi beton polos tersebut harus diujikan ulang guna mengetahui kualitas besi beton yang digunakan. Peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu menganalisis kualitas besi beton polos yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengerjakan salah satu proyek pembangunan sebuah tempat pengolahan limbah. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel yang digunakan diambil dari sampel baja tulangan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan proyek pembangunan WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) PT. Etika Dairies Indonesia, pembangunan pasar modern, dan renovasi rumah. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian sifat mekanis yaitu pengujian tegangan leleh, pengujian kekuatan tarik dan pengujian regangan terhadap masing-masing benda uji. Kemudian dilakukan uji kesesuaian masing-masing sampel berdasarkan persyaratan SNI 2052-2017. Hasil menunjukkan nilai kuat tarik pada masing-masing sampel yang didapat yakni 600,86 , 597,99 , dan 598,84 . Hal tersebut menunjukkan sampel yang diujikan menggunakan uji tarik telah memenuhi standar SNI 2052-2017, sehingga layak digunakan untuk proyek yang akan dikerjakan.
ALE Proceeding Vol 5 (2022): Archipelago Engineering (ALE)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/ale.5.2022.1-6


Material peredam panas merupakan material alami atau sintetis yang diaplikasikan untuk menahan temperatur tinggi. Pada aplikasi sipil, guna mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari material peredam panas banyak dipilih oleh karena kemampuan material tersebut. Di alam, banyak terkandung material peredam panas misalkan tanah, bebatuan mineral, dan lain sebagainya. Raw material tersebut, nantinya akan diolah atau dimanfaatkan langsung untuk diaplikasikan sebagai material peredam panas. Kota sorong merupakan sebuah kota yang memiliki kondisi paling kritis dan telah menjadi tantangan penting bagi banyak kota dalam permasalahan pulau panas perkotaan. Kondisi tersebut memacu timbulnya sebuah fenomena Urban Heat Island (UHI). Dalam upaya untuk mengurangi panas yang ditimbulkan, digunakan berbagai macam material untuk diaplikasikan di beberapa hal. Material tersebut diantaranya Material Beton Cor, Material Aspal, Material Tanah. Dalam penelitian ini, performa material dalam mengurangi panas ditentukan untuk ketiga material tersebut. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah alat ukur yang umum digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur. Pengukuran dilakukan mulai dari pagi sampai malam. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa material beton cor memiliki performa lebih baik dibanding dengan material jenis lain jika diaplikasikan sebagai atap dalam mengurangi panas. Sedangkan material aspal merupakan material yang baik jika diaplikasikan sebagai material jalan. Dengan temperatur rata-rata yang dihasilkan masing-masing material pagi = 〖32.5〗^0 C, siang = 〖60.2〗^0 C, sore = 〖34.7〗^0 C, dan malam = 〖31.0〗^0 C dan pagi = 〖30.0〗^0 C, siang = 〖33.4〗^0 C, sore = 〖29.4〗^0 C, dan malam = 〖28.5〗^0 C.
Analisis Angka Lempeng Total Mikroba Pada Ikan Asin Di Kepulauan Ayau, Papua Barat Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari; Rezza Ruzuqi; Ernawati Ernawati; Sukmawati Sukmawati; M. Iksan Badaruddin; Irman Amri; Charliany Hetharia; Latifah Latifah; Melani Manurung; Roger R. Tabalessy; Mustamir Kamaruddin; Agung Setia Abadi
JURNAL LEMURU Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Jurnal LEMURU: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan|Fakultas Pertanian|Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/lemuru.v4i3.2238


Masyarakat Kepulauan, utamanya di pulau terluar Indonesia pada umumnya membuat Ikan asin sebagai salah satu bentuk pengawetan makanan. Ikan sebagai salah satu sumber protein hewani, ikan asin banyak cukup banyak diminati oleh masyarakat. Ketersediaan ikan asin dapat ditemui di pasar tradisional maupun pasar modern. Oleh karena itu perlu kajian yang merata diseluruh wilayah mengenai keamanan pangan khususnya pada ikan asin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya cemaran mikroba pada ikan asin kakap yang ada di Kepulauan Ayau, Papua Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, dengan menggambarkan jumlah koloni mikroba terhadap setiap sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sembilan sampel mulai dari sampel A sampai dengan sampel I menunjukkan bahwa jumlah angka lempeng total bakteri pada ikan asin tidak melewati batas maksimum sesuai yang ditetapkan oleh badan standar nasional Indonesia, sehingga jika ditinjau dari uji ALT maka layak untuk dikonsumsi.
Buletin SWIMP Vol 1 No 02: November 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.594 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bs.v1i02.19


Handwashing tool is one of the facilities that must be provided by places of worship as an effort to implement health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This community service aims to provide knowledge and skills to worshipers in places of worship to make handwashing tools independently. Service activities are carried out by providing training on the manufacture of pedal-type handwashing tools so that they can be applied at the GKI Immanuel church and the Nurul Salam mosque, Supra Village, Sorong City. The theory and practice of making handwashing tools were given to training participants at the Manufacturing Workshop, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong. Pre and post-tests are used to evaluate the implementation of the training. The number of correct answers to the pre and post-test questions given to participants increased from 12.86% to 82.86%.
SOSIALISASI PANDUAN KLASIFIKASI DAN KONSTRUKSI KAPAL IKAN FRP KURANG DARI 12 METER DI WILAYAH PESISIR PULAU RAAM Nurul Huda; Andreas Pujianto; Yani Nurita Purnawanti; Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Rezza Ruzuqi; Ahmad Nurfauzi; Djoko Prasetyo; Bagas Prakoso; Muhfizar Muhfizar; Egbert Joshua Sirait; Pundi Ramadhan Sudrajat
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 01: Mei 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.403 KB)


Raam Island is a village located in the city of Sorong, West Papua Province which has several business groups for FRP boat craftsmen, especially for fishing purposes. The standard manufacturing process standards applied by fiber ship craftsmen make the quality of the fabrication results different from each existing shipyard. The socialization activity was carried out by presenting materials directly to shipyard owners and FRP ship craftsmen. BKI as a state-owned company engaged in survey services and ship certification has regulations related to ship construction. In 2020, BKI issued "Guidance for Certification of FRP Fishing Vessel less than 12 m" which is very suitable for the type of ship produced by ship craftsmen on Raam Island. FRP), ship structure design & FRP ship stability, machinery installation, electrical installation, and ship safety equipment. Evaluation is given by giving pre-test and post-test methods to see the progress of participants in understanding the material given. From 10 questions given in the post test, most of the participants have shown significant improvement when compared to the pre test.
SOSIALISASI PROGRAM STICOM DAN PRAKTIK BUDIKDAMBER DI KAMPUNG MAKBUSUM, DISTRIK MAYAMUK, KABUPATEN SORONG: Sosialisasi Program Sticom Dan Praktik Budikdamber Di Kampung Makbusum, Distrik Mayamuk, Kabupaten Sorong Ernawati Ernawati; Hendra Poltak; Rezza Ruzuqi; Agung Setia Abadi; Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari; Intanurfemi Bacandra Hismayasari; kadarusman kadarusman; Boby W Ziliwu; Bagas Prakoso
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 02: November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.667 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bs.v2i02.39


STICOM (Smart Tilapia Community) is a program initiated by the study program. Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic Fisheries Cultivation Techniques collaboration with the Majaran Fish Seed Center. This activity expected to increase public awareness about the use of land or narrow areas to cultivate fish such as vegetables that are effective in buckets. That this will also increase the income of the residents of the Mayamuk district. Then the activity was carried out using the STICOM socialization method and the practice of making BUDIKDAMBER (fish in buckets). The socialization activity invited the residents of the Mayamuk district. After that a satisfaction survey was carried out. The results obtained are that the Mayamuk community is satisfied with the activities that have been carried out by the team and hopes that these activities will be repeated to evaluate activities.
Fiberglass Boat Repair Training on Meosbekwan Island, Ayau Islands, Raja Ampat Rezza Ruzuqi; Muh. Akhsan Samaila; Irman Amri; Arief Nasrul Firdani; Safriansyah Safriansyah
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v6i2.3331


Meosbekwan Island is one of the outermost islands of Indonesia which is administratively located in the Raja Ampat district. Generally, the Meosbekwan people work as fishermen who use boats less than 12 meters in size as the main means of transportation. Most ships are made of Fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) or Fiberglass-reinforced Polymer Composite Materials. The condition of the area, surrounded by coral reefs, so that many ships were damaged because they hit the reef. The ship repair process is very difficult, because the condition of the area is far from urban areas. In general, the ship repair process adjusts to the level of damage. On the island of Meosbekwan, the ship's damage to the lower hull was torn and porous. The use of appropriate repair standards, needs to be applied so that the ship provides a sense of security and comfort for users. The procedure for repairing a damaged fiberglass boat consists of removing the outer layer until a solid part is found, then filling the damaged part with a resin-catalyst alloy reinforced with fiberglass Woven Roven 600 and Chopped Strand Mat 450. The number and variety of layers are adjusted by reference. The repair method used is the Hand Lay Up method. During the activity, one of the boats was completed together with the fishing community of Meosbekwan Island.
Edukasi Perawatan Fiberglass Pada Kapal Long Boat Menggunakan Metode Material Komposit Di Pulau Rutum, Kepulauan Ayau, Raja Ampat Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Rezza Ruzuqi; Bagas Prakoso; Marcelinus P. Saptono
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55338/jpkmn.v4i2.1084


The diversity of Indonesia's wealth is marked by the number of small islands, natural resources are still unexplored. The West Papua province has the outermost islands, one of which is Rutum Island. Rutum Island is one of the islands in the Ayau Archipelago (West Papua Province). The people of Rutum, mostly use boats that are less than 15 meters in size to carry out fishing activities and so on. Most of the ships are made of Fiberglass reinforced Polymer Composite Material. The condition of the area is surrounded by coral reefs. So many ships were damaged. The ship maintenance process is very difficult, because the condition of the area is far from the city center. In general, the ship maintenance process adjusts to the level of damage to the ship. On the island of Rutum, the ship's damage to the lower hull suffered loss of the ship's walls. The use of appropriate standards, needs to be applied so that the ship provides a sense of security and comfort for users. The method used in this activity is the material compossit method. Then patch the damaged parts with a resin-catalyst alloy reinforced with fiberglass Woven Roven 600 and Chopped Strand Mat 450. The number and variety of layers are adjusted according to the reference. The results obtained show a strong patch. However, if viewed from the damage, there needs to be additional repairs. This is because, the main material of the ship is already porous due to sea water.
Pengenalan Produk Printer 3D sebagai Alternatif Pengolahan Sampah Botol Plastik (PET) di SD Impress 5 Pulau Raam Sorong Kepulauan Rezza Ruzuqi; Hendra Poltak; Andreas Pujianto; Endang Gunaisah; Handayani Handayani; Ismail Ismail
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v6i3.1930


The waste problem is endless, especially non-organic waste. Garbage that has been collected and not managed properly can cause big problems. Raam Island is one of the areas in the city of Sorong that is constrained by waste problems. Many non-organic wastes cannot be resolved. It is a challenge for academics to be able to help solve. In this activity, one of the efforts made was the socialization of the existence of a method that can be applied to reduce non-organic waste. One of them is the introduction of 3D printer products processed from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) non-organic plastic waste. Plastic non-organic waste of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is waste produced from drink bottles, such as mineral water bottles. Knowledge of non-organic waste processing techniques needs teaching from an early age. Therefore, socialization activities are carried out starting from the elementary school level. This activity resulted in the additional insight that there is a new method for processing non-organic plastic waste, especially the type of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) often used in everyday life. Based on survey results, data was generated that this activity was very beneficial for the surrounding community. It is hoped that after this activity, the surrounding community can start not directly disposing of drink bottle waste but could collect it and then process it into useful products.