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Education on Giving Leaflets and The Potential of Karamunting Leaves (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) Herbal Efficacious in Society M. Andi Chandra; Muhammad Hidyatullah
DIKDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): DIKDIMAS : JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT  VOL 2 NO 1 APRIL 2023
Publisher : CV Media Inti Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.821 KB) | DOI: 10.58723/dikdimas.v2i1.80


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly throughout the world including Indonesia. The use of herbal medicinal plants has increased since the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, one of which is karamunting leaves. The methods used include: Field observations, we recorded the number of residents, their work and the plants that grow in the yard so that they can provide education to the community, especially in the North Landasan Ulin Village, Lianganggang District, Banjarbaru City. The results of the initial observation activities were carried out to look for problems in the community, the problems encountered by the community service team were the lack of public knowledge about plants that have the potential for traditional medicinal properties. Planting in the yard of the house has a characteristic as an herbal medicine. The conclusion from this activity was that education and giving leaflets for karamunting plants received a positive response from the community, after being given materials and leaflets as well as interactive discussions, the community realized the importance of using herbal medicines as an alternative treatment and increasing body immunity.
Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jabb.v4i2.532


Abate powder In the field, the use of abate powder is still not well controlled, because the community feels that there has been a change in the quality of the water, such as taste, smell, and color. Papaya leaves can be processed and used as a natural mosquito repellent that is safe and inexpensive. Papain contained in papaya leaves has antitoxic properties even in low doses, when enters the body of Aedes aegypti mosquito larva it will cause a chemical reaction in the body's metabolic processes which can cause inhibition of growth hormone so that the larvae can’t grow into instar IV. Even the aftermath of the inability of the larva to grow resulted in death. This activity was carried out to empower the community in the utilization of papaya leaves as a natural larvicide to prevent the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever which is mediated by the Aedes aegypty
Identification of bacterial morphology and catalase coagulation test on propionibacterium acnes bacteria M. Andi Chandra
Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Surya Hijau Manfaat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52465/johmpe.v1i2.152


Infection is a way for microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi to enter the skin which can cause skin problems such as acne. purpose of this study was to determine the morphology of p. acnes by gram staining method, then the catalase test was used to determine the ability of microorganisms to decompose hydrogen peroxide by producing catalase enzymes and coagulase test is a bacterial examination to detect the formation of coagulase enzymes that bind to the bacterial cell wall. The results obtained were that the morphology of the bacteria was in the form of salt and purple in color, the catalase test was positive and the coagulase test was positive. The conclusion obtained was that P. acnes ATCC 11827 was included in the group of gram-positive bacteria based on the results of gram staining and catalase and coagulase tests.
Pengaruh Perbedaan Pelarut dan Optimasi Waktu Inkubasi Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes Terhadap Ekstrak Etanol 96% Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine americana Merr.) M. Andi Chandra; Didik Rio Pambudi; Fitriyanti; Siti Kholilah; Wahyudin Bin Jamaludin
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi 2023: Special Issue
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jif.specialissue2023.art7


Background: Acne (acne vulgaris) is still a major health problem. Treatment with antibiotics raises problems in the form of resistance, irritation, and immune hypersensitivity. Alternatives derived from natural ingredients are needed to avoid these problems, namely Dayak onions.Objective: To find out the activity of the ethanol extract of onion bulbs in inhibiting the growth of P. acnes based on the variation of the incubation time duration of the bacteria as well as the solvent.Method: Phytochemical screening tests looked for alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, steroids, tannins, and saponins. Testing of the extract’s ability to inhibit bacteria was carried out with variations in the incubation times (24 and 48 hours) and solvents, namely Na-CMC and DMSO. The bacteria growth inhibition test employed the well-diffusion method, and the resulting data was analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Dayak onion extract contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. Na-CMC solvent obtained the highest inhibition ability of Dayak onion extract at a concentration of 40% with an inhibition value of 10.12±1.840mm (24 hours), and 11.575±1.694 mm (48 hours) while DMSO solvent showed the highest inhibition at a concentration of 20% with inhibition values of 15.48±1.198 mm (24 hours) and 15.91±1.625 mm (48 hours). Interpretation of the results of the Wilcoxon test based on ranking showed a positive difference at 48 hours of incubation.Conclusion: The optimal incubation time of P. acnes was 48 hours with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the best solvent. Intisari Latar belakang: Jerawat (acne vulgaris) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama. Penannganan dengan antibiotik memunculkan masalah berupa resistensi, iritasi hingga imunohipersensitivitas. Diperlukan alternatif yang berasal dari bahan alam untuk menghindari masalah-masalah tersebut, yaitu bawang dayak (Eleutherine americana Merr.). Tujuan: mengetahui aktivitas ekstrak etanol umbi bawang Dayak dalam menghambat pertumbuhan P. acnes berdasar variasi lama waktu inkubasi bakteri P. acnes dan variasi pelarut.Metode: Pengujian skrining fitokimia meliputi uji alkaloid, flavonoid, triterpenoid, tanin dan saponin. Pengujian aktivitas ekstrak dalam menghambat bakteri dilakukan dengan variasi waktu inkubasi yaitu 24 jam dan 48 jam, serta penggunaan pelarut yang berbeda yaitu Na-CMC dan DMSO. Uji penghambatan bakteri menggunakan metode difusi sumuran dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis data menggunakan SPSS.Hasil: Ekstrak bawang dayak mengandung alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid dan triterpenoid. Pengujian menggunakan pelarut Na-CMC didapatkan kemampuan hambat esktrak bawang dayak tertinggi pada konenstrasi 40% dengan nilai penghambatan 10,12±1,840mm (inkubasi 24jam) dan 11,575±1,694mm (inkubasi 48jam) sedangkan dengan pelarut DMSO didapatkan daya hambat tertinggi pada konsentrasi 20% dengan nilai penghambatan 15,48 ±1,198mm (inkubasi 24jam) dan 15,91±1,625mm (inkubasi 48jam). Interpretasi hasil dari uji Wilcoxon berdasarkan peringkat, menunjukkan perbedaan yang positif pada inkubasi 48 jam. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diperoleh waktu inkubasi optimal dari bakteri P. acnes adalah 48 jam dengan pelarut terbaik yang dapat digunakan adalah dimetil sulfoksida (DMSO).Kata kunci: Bawang Dayak, antibakteri, DMSO, Na-CMC, waktu inkubasi
Education on Giving Leaflets and The Potential of Karamunting Leaves (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) Herbal Efficacious in Society M. Andi Chandra; Muhammad Hidyatullah
DIKDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): DIKDIMAS : JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT  VOL 2 NO 1 APRIL 2023
Publisher : CV Media Inti Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58723/dikdimas.v2i1.80


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly throughout the world including Indonesia. The use of herbal medicinal plants has increased since the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, one of which is karamunting leaves. The methods used include: Field observations, we recorded the number of residents, their work and the plants that grow in the yard so that they can provide education to the community, especially in the North Landasan Ulin Village, Lianganggang District, Banjarbaru City. The results of the initial observation activities were carried out to look for problems in the community, the problems encountered by the community service team were the lack of public knowledge about plants that have the potential for traditional medicinal properties. Planting in the yard of the house has a characteristic as an herbal medicine. The conclusion from this activity was that education and giving leaflets for karamunting plants received a positive response from the community, after being given materials and leaflets as well as interactive discussions, the community realized the importance of using herbal medicines as an alternative treatment and increasing body immunity.
Pengaruh Masa Inkubasi Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes terhadap Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol 96% Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine americana Merr.) Didik Rio Pambudi; Fitriyanti Fitriyanti; Siti Kholilah; Wahyudin Bin Jamalludin; M. Andi Chandra
Jurnal Pharmascience Vol 10, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pharmascience
Publisher : Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jps.v10i2.15531


Masa inkubasi bakteri berbeda-beda tergantung jenis bakteri yang digunakan. Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) merupakan bakteri gram positif dengan masa inkubasi 24 jam dan 48 jam. Penetilian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari masa inkubasi P. acnes terhadap aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol 96% umbi bawang dayak (E. palmifolia (L.) Merr.). Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi sumuran dengan 5 variasi konsentrasi yaitu 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% dengan kontrol positif yang digunakan adalah Doksisiklin 30 µg/disk dan Na-CMC 0,5% sebagai kontrol negatif. Hasil penelitian ekstrak etanol 96% umbi bawang dayak (E. americana Merr.) terhadap bakteri P. acnes diperoleh zona hambat berturut-turut 8,21±1,092; 6,89±1,160; 5,74±1,992; 8,71±2,392 dan 10,12±1,840 untuk 24 jam dan9,5±1,586; 8,912±1,888; 8,575±3,035; 9,6±1,810 dan 11,575±1,694 untuk 48 jam. Hasil menunjukkan masa inkubasi bakteri P.acnes berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak etanol 96% umbi bawang dayak (E. americana Merr.). Kata Kunci: Bawang Dayak, 24 Jam, 48 Jam, Zona Hambat, Metode Sumuran The incubation time for bacteria varies depending on the type of bacteria used. Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) is a gram-positive bacterium with an incubation period of 24 hours and 48 hours. This study aims to determine the effect of the incubation period of P. acnes on the antibacterial activity of the 96% ethanol extract of Dayak onion (E. palmifolia (L.) Merr.) bulbs. Antibacterial activity testing used the well-diffusion method with 5 concentration variations, namely 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% with the positive control used being Doxycycline 30 µg/disk and 0.5% Na-CMC as a negative control. The results of the 96% ethanol extract of Dayak onion (E. americana Merr.) bulbs against P. acnes bacteria obtained inhibition zones of 8.21 ± 1.092; 6.89±1.160; 5.74±1.992; 8.71 ± 2.392 and 10.12 ± 1.840 for 24 hours and 9.5 ± 1.586; 8,912±1,888; 8.575±3.035; 9.6±1.810 and 11.575±1.694 for 48 hours. The results showed that the length of incubation time for P.acnes bacteria affected the antibacterial activity of the 96% ethanol extract of Dayak onion (E. americana Merr.) bulbs.
Education and Training on Making Kelakai Syrup (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) as a Medicinal Plant: Edukasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Sirup Kelakai (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) Sebagai Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Hafiz Ramadhan; M. Andi Chandra; Dyera Forestryana
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i1.12082


Herbal drinks are a cultural heritage given by our parents that are useful in increasing our immunity. Until now, there are still many people who choose to consume herbal drinks because they are sourced from natural plant materials so that they do not cause side effects and harmful reactions to the body. This Community Service is located in North Landasan Ulin Village, Liang Anggang District. Banjarbaru City where the target is women. Providing education and training on making mandarin syrup (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) which has the potential to increase immunity. The results of this community service activity showed that the knowledge of making mantle leaf syrup has increased in the percentage of knowledge from the pretest and posttest scores by 70% and residents are able to make a syrup product that has the potential to be efficacious as traditional medicine during the covid-19 pandemic.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2024
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v8i1.23315


The focus of community service activities is to give knowledge and information to the public about education and training on tea processing from karamunting (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) leaves. Activities in educational efforts related to the use of medicinal plants from Kalimantan resources and training on processing tea from karamunting leaves. This program was attended by 20 people. Extension methods in the form of lectures and direct demonstrations. Participants who participated in this activity focused only on the people who were members of the KWT (Kurnia Lestari). The media is used in the form of leaflets and brochures. Evaluation of the knowledge that has been given uses a pre-test and post-test system. Based on the pretest value, it can be seen that knowledge is 90%, while the post-test results show an increase in knowledge to (98%). The education and training program for processing tea from karamunting (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) leaves is considered effective as a preventive measure against the use of traditional medicine.  ---   Fokus dari kegiatan pengabmas yaitu memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai edukasi dan pelatihan pengolahan teh dari daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa). Kegiatan berupa edukasi tentang pemanfaatan tanaman berkhasiat obat sumber daya Kalimantan dan pelatihan pengolahan the dari daun karamunting. Program ini dihadiri 20 orang. Metode Penyuluhan berupa ceramah dan demonstrasi secarang langsung. Peserta yang berpartisipaso dalam kegiatan ini berfokus hanya pada masyarakat yang tergabung dalam KWT (kurnia lestari). Media yang digunakan berupa leaflet dan brosur. Evaluasi terhadap pengetahuan yang telah diberikan menggunakan sistem pre-test dan post test. Berdasarkan nilai pretest terlihat bahwa pengetahuan sebesar 90%, sedangkan hasil post-test menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan menjadi (98%). Program edukasi dan pelatihan pengolahan teh dari daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) dinilai efektif sebagai tindakan preventif penggunaan obat tradisional.