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Journal : Al Fawatih: Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis

Al FAWATIH:Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/alfawatih.v4i1.7151


AbstrakQital seringkali disalahpahami oleh sebagian pihak, bisa jadi dipengaruhi oleh pembacaan yang salah terhadap teks-teks keagamaan atau persepsi yang keliru terhadap sejarah praktik qital itu sendiri. Dinamisasi praktik qital bisa juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial-politik yang dialami oleh setiap umat Islam dalam setiap situasi dan kondisi. Sehingga dalam konteks apa qital harus ditegakkan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara eksplisit makna qital dalam perspektif tafsir kontemporer. Penelitian ini bersumber dengan merujuk langsung pada Al-Qur’an dan kitab-kitab tafsir kotemporer, antara lain:Tafsīr Al-Tahrīr wa Al-Tanwīr karya Ibnu ‘Asyur,Tafsir Al-Wasītkarya Sayyid Thanthawi,Tafsīr Rawaiu’ Al-Bayandan Shafwat Al-Tafasir karya Syekh Ali Ash-Shabuni,Tafsīr Al-Munīrkarya Wahbah Az-Zuhaili, dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Karīm karya Abdullah Syahatah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan historis dengan analisis teks dan konteks melalui kitab-kitab tafsir kontemporer. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap kitab-kitab tafsir kontemporer, dapat disimpulkan; pertama, bahwa QS. Al-Hajj ayat 39 dan QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 190-193 sebagai ayat pertama yang turun dalam rangka memberikan izin kaum muslimin berperang melawan orang-orang musyrik Makkah. Oleh karena itu, perang dalam Islam bersifat defensif (Difa’i), jugaberdasarkan QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 193 dan beberapa ayat lainnya yang menyerukan perdamaian. Kedua, perang dapat menjadi salah satu instrumen dari berbagai instrumen untuk mencapai keadilan dan penumpasan penindasan. Perang mungkin saja dilakukan, jika kondisi dan keadaanya persis seperti ketika ayat-ayat qital diturunkan. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’an,Qital, Analisis, Tafsir KontemporerABSTRACT            This research is a Library Research study, which examines "Analytical Studies of Qital Verses from the Perspective of Contemporary interpretation". Qital is often misunderstood by some parties, it may be influenced by a wrong reading of religious texts or a wrong perception of the history of the practice of itself.            The dynamics of the practice of qital can also be influenced by socio-political factors faced by every Muslim in every situation and condition. Soin what context is qital carried out. The purpose of this study is to find out explicitly the meaning ofqital in the perspective of contemporary interpretation. This study is very necessary in order to reduce radical ideas in society.            The sources of this research include primary and secondary sources, namely by referring directly to the Qur'an and books of contemporary interpretation, including: Tafsīr Al-Tahrīr wa Al-Tanwīrby Ibn 'Asyur, Tafsir Al-Wasīt by Sayyid Thanthawi, Tafsir Rawaiu' Al-Bayan and Shafwat Al-Tafasirby Sheikh Ali Ash-Shabuni, Tafsīr Al-Munīrand Al Wasithby Wahbah Az-Zuhaili, and Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Karim by Abdullah Syahatah. This study uses a historical approach with text and context analysis through contemporary commentary books. Based on the results of the analysis of contemporary commentary books, it can be concluded; first, that QS. Al-Hajj verse 39 and QS. Al-Baqarah verse 190-193 as the first verse that was revealed in order to give permission for the Muslims to fight against the polytheists of Mecca. Therefore, war in Islam is defensive (difa'i), also based on the QS. Al-Baqarah verse 193 and several other verses that call for peace. Second, war is only one of many instruments to achieve justice and suppress oppression. War can be carried out at this time, if the conditions and circumstances are exactly as when the qital verses were revealed. Keyword: Al-Qur’an, Qital, Analysis, Contemporary Interpretation