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All Journal Maksimum : Media Akuntansi Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Infestasi Journal of Accounting and Investment Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis DERIVATIF Akuisisi : Jurnal Akuntansi Jurnal Agribisnis Management Analysis Journal Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam Jurnal Manajemen & Keuangan Journal of Accounting Science al-Uqud : Journal of Islamic Economics BERDIKARI : Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Kompartemen : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi RJABM (Research Journal of Accounting and Business Management) SENTRALISASI Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi NISBAH: JURNAL PERBANKAN SYARIAH Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi (JAA) Budimas : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences RATIO: Reviu Akuntansi Kontemporer Indonesia juremi: jurnal riset ekonomi Jurnal Ekonomi Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital (MINISTAL) Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics (IJBA) Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (FJMR) Journal of Finance and Business Digital (JFBD) Innovation Business Management and Accounting Journal Review of Applied Accounting Research Asian Journal of Management Analytics Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Jurnal Mahasiswa Akuntansi Samudra
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The Effect of Diversity of Board of Directors and Environmental Performance on Corporate Social Responsibility (Empirical Study of Companies Registered at the Ministry of Environment in 2020) Dhea Vania Dominique Pijoh; Arbi Arsi Ave Noor; Isfi Arininiswah Muawanah; Aditya Prasetyanto; Bima Cinintya Pratama
Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 7 (2022): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Business, Accounting & Economics (
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pssh.v7i.469


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the diversity of the board of directors and environmental performance in corporate social responsibility. For this study, the population consisted of manufacturing companies traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020. Purposive sampling was the method used to collect data so that 71 of the total sample of companies met the requirements. With the help of the SPSS application, descriptive statistical analysis methods were used in the data analysis process. Based on the findings of this investigation, the Corporate Social Responsibility factors are known as the foreign Director, tenure, gender, and environmental performance do not interact with each other at all.
The Influence of Intellectual Capital and Shariah Compliance on Social Performance (Study Empirical on Islamic Banks in 2018-2020) Vienka Ferenzha Salsabilla; Umi Solikhah; Fyna Maulina; Depriska Lailatul Aroof; Ufi Anjani; Bima Cinintya Pratama
Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 7 (2022): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Business, Accounting & Economics (
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pssh.v7i.471


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Intellectual Capital and Shariah Compliance on Social Performance. The sample of this research is in the form of financial statements of Islamic banks on The Financial Services Authority for the period 2018 - 2020 for 3 years. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling technique so that a sample of 13 companies is obtained that has met the criteria. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression with the help of the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that Intellectual Capital and Shariah Compliance have no partial effect on social performance.
Risk Disclosure in Indonesian Banking: The Role of Board of Directors and Institutional Ownership Dhea Vania Dominique Pijoh; Bima Cinintya Pratama; Hadi Pramono; Ira Hapsari
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): December 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ministal.v1i4.2181


This study aims to examine risk disclosure by considering the influence of board tenure, gender composition of female board of directors, and institutional ownership. This study used a purposive sampling method at commercial banks registered with OJK in a total of 205 samples with 41 banking companies during the 2017-2021 period. To test the research hypothesis used panel data regression model analysis. The analysis techniques used in this study were descriptive statistical tests, preliminary tests (Breusch-Pagan, likelihood tests, hausman tests), diagnostic tests (heteroscedasticity tests and autocorrelation tests), and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the three preliminary tests in determining the panel data regression model, this study will use the fixed effect model to examine the relationship between variables in the regression model 1. The results of the analysis prove that board tenure and institutional ownership have a positive effect on risk disclosure, while the gender composition of female directors has no effect on risk disclosure.
The Moderation Role of Islamic Corporate Governance and Internal Control on the Effect of Zakat Performance Ratio on Fraud Rafli Hafiz Ramadhan; Iwan Fakhruddin; Azmi Fitriati; Bima Cinintya Pratama
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1 No. 8 (2022): December 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v1i8.2148


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh zakat performance ratio (ZPR) terhadap fraud, dengan islamic corporate governance (ICG) dan internal control sebagai variabel moderasi. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan syariah yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dengan jumlah observasi sebanyak 82. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis model regresi data panel. Teknik analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menentukan model regresi data panel maka penelitian ini akan menggunakan model fixed effect untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel pada model regresi 1 dan model regresi 2. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini diperlukan tingkat kepatuhan syariah untuk mencegah terjadinya tindakan kecurangan (fraud).
Maqashid Sharia Performance In Indonesian Islamic Banks: The Role Of Intellectual Capital And Sharia Supervisory Boards Cross-Membership And Gender Diversity Vienka Ferenzha Salsabilla; Bima Cinintya Pratama; Hadi Pramono; Ira Hapsari
SENTRALISASI Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Sentralisasi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/sl.v12i1.2028


This study will examine the link between intellectual capital and maqashid sharia performance as well as the moderating effects of cross-membership and gender diversity of the sharia supervisory board to improve the influence of intellectual capital on maqashid sharia performance. The secondary source of data for this study was the yearly financial statements listed in the Indonesian Financial Services Authority between 2008 and 2020. The data analysis method used in this inquiry was a panel data regression model. The analytical techniques employed in this work include descriptive statistical tests, preliminary tests, and hypothesis testing. According to the results of the three preliminary tests that were used to develop the panel data regression model, this study uses the random effect model in models 1 and 2 to evaluate the relationship between intellectual capital elements and maqashid sharia performance. Cross-membership and the gender of SSB women are moderating factors. The results of this study show that intellectual capital influences Indonesian Islamic Banks' performance following maqashid sharia positively. This suggests that making better use of intellectual capital can improve a company's maqashid sharia performance. Cross-membership has a negative impact on maqashid sharia's performance, demonstrating that it will hinder the board's ability to focus and function effectively, which will lead to a decrease maqashid sharia performance. The results of this study demonstrate that the average female representation on the sharia supervisory board is only 4% of the total samples, meaning that it cannot affect maqashid sharia performance. Therefore, the female gender of the sharia supervisory board has no impact on maqashid sharia performance. In this study, there was no empirical support for the claim that gender diversity and cross-membership on sharia supervisory boards may increase intellectual capital for maqashid sharia performance.
NISBAH: Jurnal Perbanka Syariah Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): NISBAH: Jurnal Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Sharia Banking Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics, Djuanda University, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jn.v8i2.7348


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis produk pembiayaan (mudharabah, musyarakah, murabahah, ijarah) dan dana pihak ketiga terhadap profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah selama 2017–2021. Studi ini menggunakan data sekunder. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan sampel yang dikumpulkan tidak seimbang. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah data panel model regresi dengan STATA 17 melalui 3 tahap pengujian. Pengujian pertama yaitu preliminary test untuk menentukan model yang digunakan melalui uji Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian, Chow, dan Hausman. Dari hasil preliminary test, penelitian ini menggunakan model random effect untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel. Pengujian kedua diagnostic test yaitu heteroskedastisitas dan autokorelasi. Dilanjutkan dengan pengujian ketiga yaitu uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembiayaan musyarakah dan murabahah berpengaruh positif terhadap profitabilitas. Sebaliknya, pembiayaan Ijarah dan dana pihak ketiga memiliki efek negatif pada profitabilitas. Sedangkan pembiayaan mudharabah tidak berpengaruh pada profitabilitas.
Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Indonesian Banks: The Role of Board of Commissioners Rizky Ramdani; Bima Cinintya Pratama; Hadi Pramono; Nur Isna Inayati
Journal of Finance and Business Digital Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Desember 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jfbd.v1i4.1916


This study aims to examine the effect of meeting frequency, and multiple boards of commissioner's positions on Intellectual Capital Disclosure with institutional ownership as a moderating variable. This study used a sample of 41 conventional banks during the 2017-2022 period. To test the research hypothesis using panel data regression model analysis. The analysis techniques used in this study were descriptive statistical tests, preliminary tests (Breusch-Pagan, Likelihood tests, Hausman tests), diagnostic tests (heteroscedasticity tests and autocorrelation tests), and hypothesis testing. This study also shows that institutional ownership weakens the relationship between the number of board of commissioners' meetings and Intellectual Capital Disclosure and institutional ownership affects the relationship between multiple boards of commissioners' positions and Intellectual Capital Disclosure.
Tax Avoidance in Indonesian Banking: The Role of Transfer Pricing and Corporate Ownership Qashash Medya Supriyanto; Bima Cinintya Pratama; Eko Hariyanto; Ani Kusbandiyah
Journal of Finance and Business Digital Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Desember 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jfbd.v1i4.2180


This research was conducted to examine the factors affecting tax avoidance, including transfer pricing, institutional ownership, and foreign ownership. This research also examines the role of institutional ownership and foreign ownership as moderating variables. The samples of this study was conventional banks registered with the Financial Services Authority with a sample of 41 conventional banks during the 2017 – 2021 period. In testing the hypothesis of this study using panel data regression analysis. The analysis techniques used in this study were descriptive statistical tests, preliminary tests (Breusch-Pagan, likelihood tests, Hausman tests), diagnostic tests (heteroscedasticity tests and autocorrelation tests), and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the three preliminary tests in determining the panel data regression model, this study will use the fixed effect model to examine the relationship between variables in regression models 1 and 2. This study reveals that transfer pricing has a negative effect on tax avoidance, the smaller the receivables owned by the company the smaller the company will do tax avoidance.
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2023 Periode Januari - Maret
Publisher : SEAN Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to examine the effect of Sharia Compliance, Islamic Corporate Governance and Company Size on Internal Fraud in sharia banks. Independent variables used are Sharia Compliance with Profit Sharing Ratio (PSR) and Islamic Investment Ratio (IIR) as a proxy, Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) and Company Size. The dependent variable used is Internal Fraud. The number of research samples in this study were 124 samples from total 15 Islamic banks in Indonesia that were observed during 2012–2021 using a quantitative approach. Determination of the sample obtained by using convenience sampling. This study employs Data Panel Regression with STATA 17 and were analyzed using the Fixed Effects Method. The result of this study indicate that Islamic Investment Ratio (IIR) and Company Size have positive effects on Internal Fraud. Profit Sharing Ratio (PSR) has negative effect on Internal Fraud. While Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) has no effect on Internal Fraud.
The Influence of Institutional Ownership, Proportion of Independent Commissioners, Gender of Female Board of Directors, and Company Size on Company Financial Performance Ninda Ayu Primadani; Sri Wahyuni; Edi Joko Setyadi; Bima Cinintya Pratama
Asian Journal of Management Analytics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajma.v2i1.2516


This study aims to examine the effect of institutional ownership, the proportion of independent commissioners, the gender of female directors, and company size on the company's financial performance. The population of this study is Consumer Non-Cyclicals companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2019-2021. The sampling method used was purposive sampling and 147 samples were obtained. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that institutional ownership variables, the proportion of independent commissioners, the gender of female board of directors has no effect on company financial performance, and company size has a negative effect on company financial performance, because the bigger the company size, the lower the financial performance.
Co-Authors Adhitia Nur Fatah Aditya Prasetyanto Ailsa Nadiyah Shabrina Aji Fajar Ismail Akhmad Darmawan Akhmad Darmawan Alfalisyado Alfato Yusnar Kharismasyah Amalia Utami Andra Tiara Syafira Anggun Tri Wardani Ani Kusbandiyah Arbi Arsi Ave Noor Ardita Nafia Nur Apriliyanti Arif Nugroho Arini Hidayah, Arini Arya Wanda Wirayuda Ashilla Nadiya Amany Astian Yosi Meilani Azmi Fitriani Azmi Fitriati Azmi Fitriati Bagas Akbar Dwi Pangestu Rimbawan Bagis, Fatmah Bayu Sindhu Raharja Chichi Dwi Rismawati Cici Wardiati Deanisa Wahyuantika Debby Katleya Zahra Salsabilla Depriska Lailatul Aroof Desi Novita Sari Dhea Vania Dominique Pijoh Dhea Vania Dominique Pijoh Diana Widiyastuti Didi Setyono Dwi Shafamega Azzahra Dwi Vina Rahmawati Dwita Indah Bestari Dyah Anggraeni Purnomo Edi Joko Setyadi Eka Yeni Salasatie Eko Haryanto Ernia Wati Erny Rachmawati Fahmi Rochmat Ngabdillah Fatmah Bagis Faza Lutfi Rahayu Felia Oktafiani Felicity Zahro Tunisa Karbaila Francinita Putri Frank Aligarh Fyna Maulina Ganut Muharromi Hadi Pramono Hadi Pramono Hadi Pramono Hadi Pramono Hardiyanto Wibowo Hardiyanto Wibowo Hardiyanto Wibowo Hardiyanto Wibowo, Hardiyanto Hepy Dwi Aranita Herman Felani Herman Felani, Herman Ian Himawan Susanto Ilma Hartikasari, Annisa Indriana Putri Inta Gina Setiawiani Ira Hapsari Ira Hapsari Ira Hapsari Isfi Arininiswah Muawanah Iwan Fakhruddin Karin Maharani Sasongko Kharismasyah, Alfato Yusnar Leni Widayanti Lili Prasasti Lingsir India Anteng Tunggil Putri M. Raflihuda Satriawan Makhrus Makhrus Mamduh M. Hanafi Mastur Mujib Ikhsani Mastur Mujib Ikhsani Maulida Nurul Innayah Miftahul Furqon Muhammad Abilio Fauzan Muhammad Fuad Muhammad Wafiyudin Nadila Hoerunisa Naelati Tubastuvi Ninda Ayu Primadani Novi Dirgantari Nur Isna Inayati Nur Isna Inayati Purnadi Purnadi Qashash Medya Supriyanto Rafli Hafiz Ramadhan Retnaningrum, Maharani Rifka Utami Arofah Rina Mudjiyanti Risa Triwardani Rizky Ramdani Rozindar Haryo Salam Salsa Rizky Dwi Annisa Sasongko, Karin Maharani Selamet Eko Budi Santoso Siti Fatimah Siti Nur Azizah Slamet Eko Budi Santoso Sri Wahyuni Sri Wahyuni Suryo Budi Santoso Tiara Pandansari Ufi Anjani UMI SOLIKHAH Umu Marhamah Vienka Ferenzha Salsabilla Wulan Ratna Sari Yugi Maheswari ES Yunita Restufani Zulfikar Ali Ahmad