Masrukan Masrukan
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Published : 7 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Pengaruh Gaya Kognitif dan Gender Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa N. Adiastuty; S. B. Waluya; Junaedi Junaedi; Masrukan Masrukan; C. M. Putri
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh gaya kognitif dan gender terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ex post facto dengan desain penelitian adalah desain two factorial. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas X SMK Pertiwi Kuningan tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 49 siswa pada dua kelas. Satu kelas sebagai kelas laki-laki terdiri dari 23 siswa dan satu kelas lainnya sebagai kelas perempuan terdiri dari 26 siswa yang dipilih melalui teknik proportionate stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan tes uji GEFT (Group Embedded Figure Test). Data dianalisis menggunakan uji two way anova. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kreatif antara siswa dengan gaya kognitif field dependent dan field independent, 2) Tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kreatif antara siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan, 3) Tidak terdapat interaksi faktor gaya kognitif dengan faktor gender terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa. Abstract. The purpose of this research is to see whether there is effect of cognitive style and gender on student’s mathematical creative thinking skills. This research used ex post facto method with the research design was a two factorial. This research was conducted in class X SMK Pertiwi Kuningan school year 2019/2020 with research subjects totaling 49 students in both classes. One class as a male class consisting of 23 student and one other class as a female class consisting of 26 student which used by proportionate stratified random sampling tecnique. Data collection using test instruments for creative thinking skills and GEFT test (Group Embedded Figure Test). The analysis used two-way anova test. The conclution in this research is 1) There are differences in the ability to think creatively between students with cognitive style field dependent and field independent, 2) There is no difference in the ability to think creatively between male and female student, 3) There is no interaction between cognitive style factors and gender factors on student’s creative thinking skills.
Improving Mathematical Communication Feylosofia Putri Agry; Kartono Kartono; Masrukan Masrukan
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research was conducted due to the lack of mathematical communication skills among prospective elementary school teachers. Knowing the mathematics communication skills of prospective elementary school teachers is the aim of this study. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects used in this study were 6 semester 1 students in the basic concepts of mathematics subject. The data collection uses questions related to Combination material with 6 items related to mathematical communication skills.
Mathematics Communication Ability in Mathematics Learning in Pandemic Times Indra Martha Rusmana; Kartono Kartono; Zainuri Zainuri; Masrukan Masrukan
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The pandemic period that has lasted for one year has made the face of education in this country experience significant changes, one of which is the learning process carried out by distance learning through an online system by utilizing various available platforms. This makes changes in various cognitive abilities of students, including students' mathematical communication skills. Mathematical communication skills in learning mathematics are very necessary. This is because mathematical communication can explain and organize the thinking skills possessed by students, both orally and in writing. A student who has good communication skills can provide the right response between students and other students through the media used in learning. The purpose of this paper is to present the understanding of mathematical communication skills with the scope of two things, namely the ability of students to use mathematics as a communication tool (mathematical language), and the ability of students to communicate the mathematics learned as the content of the message that must be conveyed. How and why communication is important to build a mathematical community through open communication channels in the classroom, especially during a pandemic.
Building Numerical Literacy for Prospective Mathematics Teachers Through Analogical Reasoning Mutia Mutia; Kartono Kartono; Masrukan Masrukan; Dwijanto Dwijanto; Kristina Wijayanti
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to analyze how analogical reasoning as one of the reasoning in mathematics can build the numeracy literacy of prospective mathematics teachers. Qualitative methodology was used in this recent study. Data collection techniques in this study are test, observation, interview, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was processed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Analogous reasoning is one way that can be used in learning to build numeracy literacy because, with analogical reasoning, students will try to find problems that are similar to the questions given and then learn them by reading and understanding the information it provides. However, analogous reasoning in research can only be done by students with high abilities, while students with low abilities have not been able to use this reasoning. Nowadays, reasoning is very mandatory to use in literacy-based learning because literacy requires reasoning, without reasoning, it will be difficult for students and prospective teachers to be able to solve numeracy literacy questions.
Analysis of Students' Critical Thinking Ability Based on Sense of Belonging to Mathematics Endang Retno Winarti; Kartono Kartono; Wardono Wardono; Masrukan Masrukan
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to analyze students' critical thinking ability in introduction to number theory courses based on their sense of belonging mathematics. The learning model used is the Issue Rule Application with online Collaborative Assessment. Critical thinking ability are needed in learning mathematics, especially in introduction to number theory courses. Make grow a sense of belonging to mathematics is fundamental in educational research, regardless of other factors. Online learning certainly provides flexible learning opportunities but comes with important issues in the current pandemic. For online learners, maintaining a sense of belonging to mathematics can provide a way to enhance learning experiences and achievements. This research is a qualitative or naturalistic research because it is carried out in natural conditions that produce descriptive data. Interviews were conducted on 6 students after collecting data on critical thinking skills using a test and sense of belonging mathematics using a questionnaire. The results showed that students with a high sense of belonging to mathematics did not always have high critical thinking skills, students with moderate sense of belonging to mathematics had moderate critical thinking skills, students with low sense of belonging to mathematics had low critical thinking skills and some had low sense of belonging to mathematics. Also high. This happens because students in the first semester still need to develop a sense of belonging in mathematics by providing continuous motivation, optimizing interaction/involvement in learning, and having a fun learning culture.
The Role of Digital Literacy on the Performance of Christian Religious Higher Education Lecturers in the Era of Society 5.0 Candra Nugraha Wati; Fakhruddin Fakhruddin; Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto; Masrukan Masrukan
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Christian Religious Higher Education (CRHE) has a contribution in realizing Indonesia's national education goals, namely educating the life of the nation. One of the challenges in the world of education in the era of society 5.0 is the rapid development of technology that integrates with life. This requires every CRHE lecturer to be able to adapt to change and have digital literacy skills so that they can support lecturer performance. This study aims to analyze the role of digital literacy on the performance of CRHE lecturers in the era of society 5.0 and the challenges of lecturer digital literacy. This research method is qualitative, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and documents from relevant research journals. The results of the study show that digital literacy plays an important role in the performance of CRHE lecturers, namely: 1) the dimensions of technical skills, digital literacy can make it easier for lecturers to use digital technology, 2) the cognitive dimension, digital literacy enables lecturers to manage, analyze and synthesize digital resources, and 3) the social dimension, digital literacy enables lecturers to build networks with other researchers and communicate effectively with colleagues, students and the community.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Pembelajaran Higher Order Thinking Skill pada Jenjang Sekolah Dasar Muhammad Kharis; Masrukan Masrukan; Arief Agoestanto; Mulyono Mulyono; Mashuri Mashuri
Jurnal Panjar: Pengabdian Bidang Pembelajaran Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Pengembangan Kualitas Guru dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/panjar.v3i1.52952


Salah satu masalah yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir siswa adalah masalah-masalah yang memerlukan pemikiran tingkat tinggi. Ciri utama kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) adalah kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif. Khalayak sasaran pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru di SDN Kandri 1 dan Cepoko karena sebagian besar guru-guru tersebut masih kesulitan menentukan model pembelajaran yang tepat dan cara melakukan evaluasi kaitannya dengan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi ini. Solusi yang diberikan untuk memecahkan kesulitan tersebut adalah melakukan workshop yang dimulai dengan pelatihan dan penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang mendukung HOTS. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru-guru di SD Negeri Kandri 1 dan SD Negeri Cepoko terkait pembelajaran Matematika HOTS yang ditunjukkan dengan guru-guru dapat menyusun soal-soal matematika HOTS dan perangkat pembelajaran matematika HOTS beserta evaluasinya.