Edy Susanto
Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik Dan Radioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

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Jurnal Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2018): OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.681 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jrmik.v1i2.3845


 AbstrakPelayanan filing adalah salah satu bagian penting dari Unit Rekam Medis, terutama untuk pemerliharaan rekam medis. Penataan ruang filing yang baik dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan petugas. Penataan ruang filing harus dilakukan berdasarkan aspek ergonomis dan antropometri petugas agar tidak menimbulkan risiko K3. Aspek ergonomi di ruang filing RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta belum sesuai dengan antropometri petugas, hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan penurunan produktivitas kerja petugas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meninjau aspek ergonomi ruang filing berdasarkan antropometri petugas filing terhadap aspek K3 petugas.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisa statistik yang bersifat deskripsi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan, perlengkapan serta suhu dan kelembaban ruang filing RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta sudah sesuai dengan teori kecuali untuk alat bantu pijakan. Ukuran rak penyimpanan rekam medis tidak ergnomis dibandingkan antropometri petugas filing. Namun tinggi dan lebar sub rak penyimpanan sudah sesuai dengan dimensi rekam medis.Adapun risiko K3 yang dapat dialami petugas filing antara lain kebakaran, terjepit roll o’pack, terjatuh dari alat bantu pijakan, kaki dan tangan pegal, nyeri tengkuk, gatal-gatal, luka akibat tergores, gangguan penglihatan, sesak nafas dan tenggorokan serak.   Abstract(English Title :Review of Ergonomic Aspect of Filing Room Based on Filing Officers Anthropometry to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta).The filing service is an important part of the Medical Record Unit, especially for medical record keeping. A good filing arrangement is required to facilitate the work of the officer. Spatial filingshould be done based on the aspect of ergonomic and anthropometry of the officers so it’s  not  causing OHS risk for the officers. Ergonomicsaspects of filing room in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta not in accordance with anthropometry officers, it can lead to decreased work  /productivity officer. The purpose of this research is to review the aspect of ergonomic filing space based on the anthropometry of filing officer toward aspect of OHS.This type of research including to the case study research. Methods of data collection are observation and interview. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis which was description.The results showed that the management, equipment and temperature and humidity filing room in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is in accordance with the theory except for the tool footing. The size of the medical record storage rack is not ergonomic compared to the anthropometry of the filing officer. However, the height and width of  sub racks are in accordance with the dimensions of the medical record file. The risk of OHS that can be happen by filing officers are fire, wedged  roll o'pack, falling from the tool footing, pain of leg and hand, nape pain, itching, scratches due to scratches, visual impairment, shortness of breath and throat hoarse.
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/.v5i1.151


The type of study is quantitative descriptive with cross sectional study. The population of this study are neoplasm patients in September-Desember 2015 about 429 patients, with the sample are 81 documents. The sample collected by Simple Random Sampling technique. In this study, data collected by observation and noted with check list. Data analyzed by description and served using table. The result showed that the number of neoplasm cases at Sultan Agung Hospital of Semarang in February and March in 2016 are 414 patient. The accuracy of neoplasm code at Sultan Agung Hospital of Semarang is 0% accurate and 100 % inaccurate for morphological code. Then the neoplasm code is  48% accurate and 52 % inaccurate
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/.v2i1.34


ABSTRACTThis study aims to review the completeness and incompleteness resume filling out the form in the Lotusroom because it has the largest number of patients. The content of completeness reviewed in this study areidentification, important statement and authentication. Outcome resume has an important role as a meanof communication between physicians and other officers, the underlying planning of patient care, enablingmaterial analysis and evaluating quality of patient care, a legal document as patient needs, hospitals anddoctors, generating clinical data for research and education as well as providing information to the insuranceor any other payments. Therefore, the completeness of filling outcome resume is important. This study usesdescriptive analysis to do observations. Observations made on secondary data then processed to producequantitative data. The results showed that the completeness of outcome resume content identification form asmuch as 97.93%, significant report as much as 89.44% authentication as much as 96.00%and correct reportas much as 97.48%. From these results it can be concluded that the completeness of the whole elements rangefrom 94, 61%. Refers to the minimal standard documents which proposed the health department in 2007,that the documents should be 100%. It can be concluded that outcome resume in Ciamis District Hospital isincomplete filling.Keywords: Completed Outcome Resume
Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Di Bagian Filing Irmawati Irmawati; Lily Kresnowati; Edy Susanto; Teni Ikhsan Nurfalah
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/jmiki.v7i1.215


ABSTRACTOccupational health and safety is not only important for medical record officers but also can support work productivity. Health and safety of a good medical record worker will have a positive impact on work productivity of medical recorder so that will improve health service and benefit to hospital. Occupational risk can result in the decrease of work productivity, so efforts should be made to minimize the occurrence of the impact of occupational risk. Health and safety is intended to prevent, reduce, protect and even eliminate the risk of work accident (zero accident). Behavior of medical recorder filing section in work is one of the causes of risk of work accident, namely unsafe action and unsafe condition. Therefore it is necessary to conduct research on health and safety of medical records officer. To know health and safety of medical record employee of filing department at RSUD Banyumas based on human factor, work equipment factor, and work environment factor. This research type is case study with qualitative approach and cross sectional research design. The subject of this research is the medical recorder of the filing department of RSUD Banyumas while the object of the research is health and safety. Technique of collecting data by way of division of questioner, interview, observation, and study documentation. Data analysis techniques use reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The technique of data validity by means of technique triangulation.       The results of this study indicate that the health and safety of medical record officer filing section seen from human factors, work equipment factors, and work environment factors. In Human Factors knowledge recorder filing Health and Safety (K3) is good enough. In environmental factors temperature and humidity are in accordance with the standard, while for lighting need to be a contrast setting light so as not too dim and too bright. On the work equipment factor need maintenance, repair, improvement, replacement, and addition as needed, while for shelf filing integrated mental health needs to be replaced so as not to harm filing officer.ABSTRAKKesehatan dan keselamatan kerja tidak hanya penting bagi petugas rekam medis tetapi juga dapat menunjang produktivitas kerja. Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja petugas rekam medis yang baik akan berdampak positif terhadap produktivitas kerja petugas rekam medis sehingga akan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan dan menguntungkan bagi rumah sakit. Risiko kecelakaan kerja dapat menimbulkan turunnya produktivitas kerja, sehingga perlu dilakukan usaha untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya dampak risiko kecelakaan kerja. Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dimaksudkan untuk mencegah, mengurangi, melindungi bahkan menghilangkan resiko kecelakaan kerja (zero accident). Perilaku petugas rekam medis bagian filing dalam bekerja merupakan salah satu penyebab risiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja, yaitu unsafe action dan unsafe condition. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja petugas rekam medis.Tujuan Penelitian adalah Mengetahui kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja petugas rekam medis bagian filing di RSUD Banyumas berdasarkan faktor manusia, faktor peralatan kerja, dan faktor lingkungan kerja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan rancangan penelitian secara cross sectional. Subjek penelitian ini adalah petugas rekam medis bagian filing RSUD Banyumas sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Teknik pengambilan data dengan cara pembagian kuisioner, wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan editing, verifikasi organizing, analizing dan tabulasi.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja petugas rekam medis bagian filing berdasarkan faktor manusia, peralatan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja. Pada Faktor manusia pengetahuan petugas rekam medis bagian filing menganai Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) sudah cukup baik. Pada Faktor lingkungan suhu belum sesuai standar,kelembapan sudah sesuai dengan standar,sedangkan untuk pecahayan perlu adanya pengaturan kontras cahaya agar tidak terlalu redup dan terlalu terang.  Pada faktor peralatan kerja perlu pemeliharaan, perbaikan, peningkatan, penggantian, dan penambahan sesuai kebutuhan ,sedangkan untuk rak filing kesehatan jiwa terpadu perlu dilakukan penggantian agar tidak membahayan petugas filing.
Tinjauan Angka Rawat Ulang Dalam Mendukung Legalitas Perawatan Rumah Sakit di Era JKN Edy Susanto; Elise Garmelia
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/jmiki.v9i1.322


Re admission adalah suatu kejadian seorang pasien dirawat kembali yang sebelumnya telah mendapat layanan rawat inap di rumah sakit. Readmission merupakan suatu penanda kualitas perawatan pasien di rumah sakit yang diidentifikasi oleh rencana kesehatan yang telah dibuat sebagai kunci dari komponen sebuah pelayanan yang diberikan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meninjau angka rawat ulang (re-admission) rumah sakit untuk menunjang keabsahan perawatan pasien di rumah sakit. Metode penelitian observasional dengan analitik data pasien pulang rawat sebagai populasi dan data pasien rawat ulang (re-admison < 7 hari) sebagai sample. Hasil adalah jumlah pasien pulang  rawat inap tahun 2019  sebanyak 40.256 dan 297 pasien rawat ulang di tahun 2019. Terdapat asal pasien (63,64%) berasal dari  kota Semarang, 100 pasien (33,67%) bersala dari luar kota semarang dan  8 pasien (2,69%) bersal dari luar jawa tengah. Ada hubungan antara kejadian readmission dengan Wilayah  (p=0,025) ,  LOS ( p= 0.027)  dan  morbiditi  (p= 0.033). Kesimpulan Jumlah pasien pulang  rawat inap tahun 2019  sebanyak 40.256 terdapat 297 pasien rawat ulang atau re-admision. Angka rawat ulang di RS. KMRT Wongsonegoro adalah 0,74 %. Usia pasien rawat ulang antara usia 1 bulan hingga 83 tahun, median 48 tahun. Ada hubungan kejadian pasien pulang re-admition dengan Wilayah (aksesibitas), LOS dan Morbiditas. Juga Ada hubungan antara Morbiditi dengan LOS dan Kelas rawat dengan Jaminan pembiayaan.Tidak ada hubungan antara usia, jenis kelamin dan Rujukan/cara masuk RS terhadap kejadian, re-admission. Saran  rancangan interface tracking system untuk pasien rawat ulang, 
Design of an Information System for Testing the Blood Characteristics on Increasing the Impact of Vibration using a Prototype “Blood Shaker Machine” Jessica Juan Pramudita; Edy Susanto; Luthfi Rusyadi
Genius Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.478 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v3i2.153


Objective: The general purpose of this research is to design an information system based on the application of blood characteristics testing on platelets to increase the impact of vibration by using a "Blood Shaker Machine" examined through a Haematology Analyzer (HA) and Peripheral Blood Smear (SADT) at any changes in the increase in vibration. Method: The method used in this study is to design an application-based system on the "Blood Shaker Machine" and test the increase in vibration on changes in blood quality both in terms of the number and morphology of the platelets. Result: Significant changes in the morphology of erythrocytes and platelets in the 10 Hz vibration group for 15 minutes also indicated a change in the quality of blood cells, both erythrocytes and platelets.  Conclusion: There is a significant difference in erythrocyte morphology changes between before and after being vibrated at 10 Hz with a p value of 0.014 and There is a significant difference in platelet morphology between before and after being vibrated at 10 Hz with a p value of 0.000.
JRI (Jurnal Radiografer Indonesia) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Perhimpunan Radiografer Indonesia (PARI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.126 KB) | DOI: 10.55451/jri.v1i1.11


Backgroud: Fat Saturation is useful in MR Imaging to supress high signal from fatty tissues. When Fat Saturation is used in combination with gadolinium, enhancing lessions become more conspicuous. T1 post-contrast examination usually does not require fat saturation, in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung combined with fat saturation. Another interesting things are the tumor, metastasis and inflammation will be isointense on T1 enhance contrast but still added Fat Saturation. The objectives of this research is to find out anatomy information differences between TIWI TSE Post Gadolinium with and without Fat Saturation and acknowledge which better anatomy information between two pulse sequences. Methods: The research uses quantitative method with experimental approach and questionnaire. The research takes place at Radiology Unit RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung on May-June 2013 with 20 patients with a variety of cases using gadolinium and 5 respondents. Data analysis uses univariate method, wilcoxon test, and friedman test Results: The research result shows that are differences anatomy information between TIWI TSE Post Gadolinium with and without Fat Saturation by P value 0,000 (sig.<0,05). The anatomy information has good present on the first treatment T1WI TSE Post Gadolinium with Fat Saturation pulse by mean rank 2,99
JRI (Jurnal Radiografer Indonesia) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perhimpunan Radiografer Indonesia (PARI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.67 KB) | DOI: 10.55451/jri.v2i1.33


Background : Examination procedure of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Brain Perfusion in patient with tumor disease at Radiology Department of National Brain Hospital used the MR Perfusion sequence with the Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) method with the addition of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) method which was also used to determine CBF values. Nevertheless CBF values can also be obtained from the use of the DSC method. The application of these two roles in patient with tumor disease certainly has their respective roles in providing accurate information for the diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the application of MR perfusion with the Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) method and the Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) method for the diagnosis of patient with tumor disease at Radiology Department of National Brain Hospital. Methods :The type of this research is qualitative with case study approach. The data were collected from March – April 2019 at at Radiology Department of National Brain Hospital by using observation method, interview with radiology specialist doctor, sending doctor, FGD, and documentation. Data obtained from the study were analyzed by making the transcript then reduced in the form of categorization table and open coding, presented in quote form and then can be drawn conclusion. Result : Brain perfusion MRI examination procedures in tumor patients begin with examination preparation, preparation of tools and materials, carry out the examination using the MRI Brain protocol with contrast and without contrast. The use of contrast uses the Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) method and non-contrast use using the Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) method where both complement each other to inform perfusion parameter values. Conclusion : The conclution of this study indicate still needed the application of both MR perfusion methods, namely the ASL method and the DSC method. The ASL method will provide additional information in the form of absolute values of Cerebral Blood Flow that are not affected by permeability, besides that the DSC method is able to provide Cerebral Blood Volume values that are used as a parameter of Perfusion MR evaluation. Keyword : ASL, DSC, Tumor, CBF
Informasi Anatomi Mri Knee Joint Sekuen T2 Space FS dan PD Space FS pada Potongan Sagital Dengan Klinis Ruptur Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Arifina Nuridzati; Edy Susanto; Rasyid Rasyid
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 9, No 1: JANUARY 2023
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v9i1.9771


Background: The T2 and PD sequences are the most sensitive sequences in evaluating injury to the ACL and surrounding soft tissue. Based on observations at the Radiology Installation of Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, the anatomical information generated in the MRI knee joint examination of the PD SPACE FS sequence is almost the same as the T2 SPACE FS sequence. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in anatomical information and optimal sequences on MRI examination of the knee joint sagittal section sequences of PD SPACE FS and T2 SPACE FS in clinical ACL rupture.Method: This research was a quantitative study with an experimental approach, carried out at the Radiology Installation of Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta on 10 samples with the application of different sequences for each sample, with the anatomy assessed by the informant namely ACL, meniscus, articular cartilage, and bone marrow. Further data analysis was carried out using the Wilcoxon test. Result: There was a difference in anatomical information between PD SPACE FS sequences and T2 SPACE FS sequences on MRI examination of the sagittal knee joint with clinical ACL rupture, with the ρ-value of the Wilcoxon test 0.001 or ρ-value0.05. This was due to differences in the use of TR and TE parameters in each sequence. The PD SPACE FS sequence was more optimal in visualizing anatomical information than the T2 SPACE FS sequence with an anatomical mean rank of meniscus 3.50, articular cartilage 3.50, and bone marrow 5.50, whereas in ACL anatomy the mean rank value was the same between the two sequences, which is 2.00. Conclusion: It was because the PD SPACE FS sequence had a more heterogeneous contrast difference than the T2 SPACE FS sequence so each anatomy could be well evaluated in the PD SPACE FS sequence.