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Journal : Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences

Basic Concepts of Community Social Change: A Descriptive Study Arditya Prayogi; Ayon Diniyanto; Dimas Prasetya
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 04 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i04.294


Changes that occur in human life in society can be understood as social change. This social change is absolute because it will be experienced by every society wherever and whenever. This article was written with the aim of elaborating on various important things and highlighting several main concepts in social change in society. This is so that the phenomenon of social change in society can be understood more fully. This article was written using a qualitative descriptive method by describing important concepts which are the main points in this article. Data collection is supported by using literature study techniques. From the results of the study, we get a picture that social change as a process of change that occurs in social life always takes place without stopping and will continue along with human existence itself. As a process, social change in a society is not an outcome or finished product. There is a process of mutual agreement or decision taken by each individual or community group. Various agreements in social change in society can be regarding social values, social norms, patterns of organizational behavior, the structure of social institutions, layers in society, power and authority, social interactions and soon.
Co-Authors Aanisa Rahmalia Itsnaini Abu Hanif I. F. Adityo Muktiwibowo Agus Sapriansa Agus Sapriansa Ahmad Faridh Ricky Fahmy Ahmad Randi Ahmad Tabi'in Ahmad Tabi'in Alfatull Azizah Allisa Zanuba Ardiyan Darutama Asyfia Ika Yuliani Ayon Diniyanto Baryachi Baryachi Bunga Desyana Pratami Devy Arisandi Devy Arisandi Dewi Anggraeni Dhieka Fitri Ananda Dimas Prasetya Dimas Prasetya Elsa Maulidina Fachri Ali Faiqotul Mutia Faliqul Isbah Fika Luthfia Sari Fina Firqotun Najiyah Fitri Nurdianingsih Ida Royani Imam Prayogo Pujiono Iqbal Kamalludin Irfandi Islachatun Nimah Ismawati Ismawati Jilma Dewi Ayu Ningtyas Kalbuana, Nawang Khaneishia Azzahra Khusnu Asirah Khusnu Asirah Lilik Riandita M. Ali Ghufron M. Arif Kurniawan M. Zulvi Romzul Huda Fuadi M.Ikhwanul Kirom Maharani Zahara Miftahul Mukaromah Moh. Farkhanur Rizqi Moh. Muslih Moh. Rofiki Muhammad Ammar Defi Muhammad Jauhari Muhammad Jauhari Muhammad Nasrullah Mukhafidoh Mukhafidoh Nadya Nurunnisa Febiani Nailatus Zulfa Naimah Sundari Nani Nuryani Neyla Rajwa Noor Fina Sholawati Noorma Fitriana M. Zain Noorma Fitriana M. Zain Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari Nurul Maisyal Nurul Safitri Prabowo, Dimas Setiaji Pratomo Cahyo Kurniawan Qorina Fiani Qurrota A'yun Rhischa Assabet Shilla Rhischa Assabet Shilla Rhischa Assabet Shilla Ridho Aji Anggana Ridho Aji Anggana Rifatul Qonita Rihaadatul Aisyi Riki Nasrullah Riyen Sefiyani Rohmad Abidin Rohmad Abidin Roslina Maulida Ryan Deriansyah Saiful Anwar Shilvi Aqilah Singgih Setiawan Singgih Setiawan Siraj Siti Chofifah Subhi, Muhamad Rifa'i Tria Marita Tsania Rif’atul Munna Ulfa Kurniasih Uzmatul Fakhizati Vira Qorina Widodo Hami Yaqin, Alamul Zahrotun Nisa Zulaikhah Fitri Nur Ngaisah Zulfa Syarifah