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JPB : Jurnal Patria Bahari Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): JPB: NOVEMBER 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1000.498 KB) | DOI: 10.54017/jpb.v1i2.24


Peranan awak kapal atau ABK yang bekerja di kapal agar selalu menggunakan alat-alat keselamatan pada saat kerja di dek maupun di kamar mesin guna menghindari hal-hal yang   tidak   diinginkan   terjadi   seperti   kecelakaan   di   atas   Kapal.   Penelitian   ini menggunakan  metode  cause  and  effect  dengan  diagram  fishbone  dan  formal  safety assessment  menggunakan  tahapan  wawancara  dan  Qusioner  dengan  tujuan  untuk mendapatkan standar safety Work assessment yang direkomedasikan IMO. Penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja di atas di Kl. Frans Kasiepo masih kurang diterapkan dalam pekerjaan  oleh  crew diantaranya  kurangnya  keterampilan  atau  pengetahuan tentang penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja dan kurang adanya familiarisasi keselamatan kerja untuk crew di atas kapal. Kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi pada crew Kl. Frans Kasiepo disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti, kurangnya pengalaman crew dalam bekerja di atas kapal, kurangnya kedisiplinan dan pemahaman akan penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja. Sehingga mengkibatkan kerugian bagi crew maupun bagi Instansi.
KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT KEPULAUAN AYAU KABUPATEN RAJA AMPAT TERHADAP KESELAMATAN PELAYARAN DI ALUR PELAYARAN SEMPIT Siswanto Siswanto; Arief Nashrul Firdani; Lay Tjarles; Muji Setiyono; Alfian Jainul Cahya; Ilham Marasabessy; Yuniar Ayu Hafita; Heri Sutanto; Moejiono Moejiono; I Komang Hedi P; Marcelinus Petrus Saptono; Johanes Ohoiwutun; Sony Rumalutur
Publisher : UNIMAR AMNI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4289.859 KB) | DOI: 10.33556/jstm.v23i1.329


Kepulauan Ayau merupakan salah satu pulau terluar yang ada di Indonesia berada di bagian Indonesia Timur yang berada di bagian utara dari Provinsi Papua Barat. Sulitnya akses menuju ke kepulauan Ayau selain dari jaraknya yang jauh dari Pulau Waigeo juga terdapat karang-karang laut indah yang mengelilingi kepulauan Ayau. Karang-karang tersebut menyebabkan kapal harus berhati-hati untuk masuk kedalam perairan kepulauan Ayau ketika melewati alur pelayaran sempit untuk dapat sandar di pulau Abidon. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisa fishbone dalam menentukan faktor – faktor penunjang keselamatan pelayaran di alur pelayaran sempit kepulauan Ayau.  Alur pelayaran dikepulauan Ayau tidak terdapat buoy sebagai rambu pemandu pada alur pelayaran sempit. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat sekitar terhadap keselamatan pelayaran adalah memasang ranting kayu pada batu karang yang dangkal sebagai penanda alur pelayaran. Kearifan lokal yang peduli dengan keselamatan pelayaran ini berharap bisa memandu kapal untuk bisa mampir dan menunjukan keindahan karang laut di kepulauan Ayau.
Determinansi Tingkat Pengalaman Mengajar dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Adnan Dini; Heri Sutanto; Muhammad Saleh
Movere Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53654/mv.v5i1.334


Abstract: This study aims to determine the determinants of the level of teaching experience and level of education on lecturer performance. This research was carried out within the scope of the Makassar Barombong Shipping Polytechnic. The design of this research is to use a descriptive research type and the method used in this research is a survey method with path analysis techniques for data analysis. At the Makassar Barombong Shipping Polytechnic, the total study population was 85 lecturers. So in total there are 85 lecturers. The hypotheses put forward in this study are all acceptable because each effect shown has a P-Values ​​<0.05. So it can be stated that the independent variable to the dependent has a significant influence.
Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Melalui Sosialisasi Peran dan Manfaat Hutan Mangrove: Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Melalui Sosialisasi Peran Dan Manfaat Hutan Mangrove Intanurfemi Hismayasari; Hendra Poltak; Ismail Ismail; Ernawati Ernawati; Agung Setia Abadi; Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari; kadarusman kadarusman; Muhamad Ali Ulat; Yuniar Ayu Hafita; Moejiono Moejiono; Heri Sutanto; Iskandar Iskandar; Syafril Sanusi; Muhammad Idris; Charles Nalle; I Komang H Permana
Buletin SWIMP Vol 2 No 02: November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.969 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bs.v2i02.42


This activity aims to determine the impact of socialization in increasing knowledge and understanding of the role and benefits of mangroves. The socialization activity was attended by 10 participants using the clasical method and the field practice method. Based on the results of the evaluation, it was found that there was an increase in participants' knowledge and understanding regarding the role and benefits of mangroves from an average of 32% to 95% and could provide the right justification so it is hoped that the increase in knowledge would be accompanied by an increase in public awareness to actively participate in preserving mangrove forests.
Study of Changes in Mangrove Areas Around the Barombong Maritime Polytechnic Irwan Jaya; Faisal Saransi; Heri Sutanto; Suryansyah Surahman
Hengkara Majaya Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61759/hmj.v5i1.79


Recently, coastlines in several areas of Indonesia have experienced erosion, which is quite worrying. Makassar City is one of 30 coastal cities in Indonesia that is estimated to be potentially affected by rising sea levels. As is the case in the Tanjung Bunga and Barombong Beach areas, the level of abrasion is very high. The beaches in these two areas have experienced a decline in coastline over the years, so they have moved far inland. This is caused by several factors, such as the influence of waves that occur in coastal waters, the influence of local winds, the presence of tides and the existence of coastal currents around Tanjung Bunga due to the lack of physical wave dampening structures, such as the lack of artificial structures/ buildings and mangrove forests. as physical protection of the coast. This study was conducted to identify changes in the extent of mangrove cover around the Barombong Shipping Polytechnic campus concerning data and information processing using a geographic information system (GIS). Based on the results of the data analysis, there has been a change in the extent of the mangrove ecosystem around the study location. This change in area can be seen from the upward trend over the last ten years. In 2013-2018, there was an increase of ​​30.38% or around 8.2 ha. In 2018-2023, there was an increase in the area of ​​7.36% or around 2.6 ha; in 2013-2023, there was an increase of ​​39.97% or around 10.8 ha.