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The roles of Tuha Peut Gampong in healthcare services for pregnant women Farisni, Teungku Nih; Fitriani, Fitriani; Indriasari, Rahayu; Yarmaliza, Yarmaliza; Putra, Onetusfifsi
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 19, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v19i2.45312


This research was aimed to identify the roles of Tuha Peut in healthcare service for pregnant women. This study was also examined the obstacles of Tuha Peut in implementing the roles and identified the efforts taken to strengthen the roles. This research employed quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach using a questionnaire to collect data was used to provide indicators for maternal healthcare and the knowledge of Tuha Peut towards maternal health care. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach using open-ended interview guide and focus group discussion (FGD) was employed to explore the constraints and efforts in improving maternal healthcare. The research location was in Nagan Raya, Aceh Province. A total of 48 respondents was recruited in this study. The result shows there is a relevance between the health care achievement and TuhaPeut knowledge as the legislative assembly in decision making regarding the village fund (p 0.001). Concerning the decision-making, most Tuha Peut were not involved in decision-making related to the health sector. Some of them were only passively involved, and some could not provide considerations for maternal healthcare. Unfortunately, efforts to maximize their roles in improving maternal healthcare had not been carried out. It is recommended that TuhaPeut can be more involved in every planning process of maternal healthcare service, such as arranging Qanun as the jurisdictional basis. Tuha Peut’s roles can be maximized to increase the health care for pregnant mothers.
Factors associated with smoking behaviour among Indonesian students: Analysis of the 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey Faisal, Debri Rizki; Putra, Onetusfifsi; Nadira, Nindy Audia
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53638/phpma.2022.v10.i2.p05


Background and purpose: The smoking prevalence in youths aged 10-18 years in Indonesia increased from 7.2% in 2013 to 9.1% in 2018. The aim of this study was to assess factors related to smoking behavior among students in Indonesia. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of the 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) Indonesia data. The sampling technique used was two-stage cluster sampling, classified by schools and classes. The samples included in this analysis were all students aged 13-15 years who participated in the survey and have complete data, accounted for 9,789 respondents. The data were analysed with the Chi-Square Test and Logistic Regression with a 95% confidence interval and p value of 0.05. Results:  A total of 3,595 students (36.72%) had smoked. The number of respondents was the most in the age group of 13-15 years (51.43%). The number of male respondents was 44.01% and women 55.99%. Most students (90.29%) had seen cigarette advertisements, 55.88% of them saw people smoking in school areas and 46.88% saw teachers smoking at schools. The results of a multivariate analysis found factors affected smoking behaviour in students were the friend's offer to smoke (AOR=10.69; 95%CI: 7.37-15.50), male gender (AOR=13.94; 95%CI: 11.56–16.81) and presence of people smoking in the house (AOR=2.15; 95%CI: 1.88-2.45). Conclusion: Environmental cues and peer pressure are associated with smoking among students. Optimizing smoke free and health education about the dangers of cigarettes is essential to counteract the extensive exposure to environmental influence to smoking.
Hubungan Perilaku Pekerja Dengan Kecelakaan Kerja di Pabrik Indarung IV PT. Semen Padang Juniasih, Helmi; Is, Jun Musnadi; Putra, Onetusfifsi; Nursia, Lili Eky; Saputra, Firman Firdauz
Jurnal Berita Kesehatan Vol 17 No 1 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Gunung Sari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58294/jbk.v17i1.170


Kecelakaan kerja dipengaruhi dengan perilaku selama bekerja. Pekerjaan di pabrik industri semen berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian sehingga pekerjaan harus dilakukan secara hati-hati. Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Perilaku Pekerja dengan Kecelakaan Kerja di Pabrik Indarung IV PT. Semen Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode  kuantitatif analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 61 sampel.  Teknik pengambilan data memakai data primer yang diperoleh dari instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner. Uji  statistik chi-square digunakan untuk pengolahan data dan di analisis dengan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang bermakna  antara pengetahuan dengan kecelakaan kerja dengan nilai p-value=0,000<0,05 dengan POR = 23,000, CI 95%  = (4,632-114,202), adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap dengan kecelakaan kerja dengan nilai p-value=0,000<0,05 dengan POR = 11,083, CI 95% = (3,311-37,102) dan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara tindakan penggunaan APD dengan kecelakaan kerja dengan nilai p-value=0,002<0,05 dengan POR = 6,333, CI 95% = (2,005-20,003). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku pekerja dengan kecelakaan kerja di Pabrik Indarung IV PT. Semen Padang. Diharapkan kepada perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap penggunaan alat pelindung diri dan meningkatkan disiplin pekerja dalam menggunakan alat pelindung diri.
Effects of Steaming on the Functional Properties and Mineral Content of Lumi-Lumi Fish (Harpodon Nehereus) Meal Safrida, Safrida; Rahma, Cukri; Putra, Onetusfifsi; Rinawati, Rinawati; Nurtiana, Winda; Kurniati, Yeni
J-Kesmas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Vol 10, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/j-kesmas.v10i1.7462


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mineral content, phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and soluble protein of Lumi-lumi fish meal (Harpodon nehereus) treated with and non-steamed for 30 min. The results revealed that iron (Fe) mineral content was significantly higher in the steamed than non-steamed treatment but not in calcium (Ca). However, there was a decrease in the minerals magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), and zinc (Zn) during the steamed process, which was not significant. Then, during steamed, there was a significant decrease in antioxidant activity but not in total soluble protein, whereas phenolic content increased. Based on the findings of this study, Lumi-lumi fish (Harpodon nehereus) meal steamed treatment could be the best treatment because it contained the best phenolic and Fe and Ca minerals.
Faktor Keluarga Ibu Terhadap Rerata Berat Bayi Lahir Berdasarkan Karakteristik Rumah Tangga di Indonesia (Analisis Data Ifls 5) Putra, Onetusfifsi; Rimonda, Rubi; Fadillah, Mardi; Kusumawardani, Eva Flourentina; Siahaan, Perry Boy Chandra; Saputra, Firman Firdauz; Paradhiba, Meutia
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2800


Salah satu indeks yang dapat menggambarkan maternal (ibu), kematian bayi dan tingkat kesejahteraan suatu masyarakat adalah Berat Bayi Lahir. Pada tahun 2013 UNICEF angka BBLR di Indonesia mencapai angka 10,2 persen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk efek interaksi antara karakteristik rumah tangga dengan lingkungan terhadap rata-rata berat bayi lahir di Indonesia. Sebuah study srossectional dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis data survei dari IFLS 5 di Indoensia. Variabel yang diukur adalah berat bayi lahir, kemiskinan, sanitasi, pekerjaan, dan pendidikan. Data di analisis secara univariat dan multivariat dengan regresi linear ganda. Hasil analsiis dalam penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa Pendidikan dan pekerjaan merupakan factor risiko terhadap rerata berat bayi lahir. Sedangkan pendidikan merupakan faktor dominan terhadap rata-rata berat bayi lahir pada keluarga. Oleh karena itu, perbaikan pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan bert bayi lahir di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Berat badan lahir, pendidikan, status bekerja, faktor ibuOne of the indices that described of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and the welfare of a community was birth weight. In 2013, according to UNICEF that rate of low birth weight LBW in Indonesia was 10.2 percent. This study aimed to examine the effect of maternal factors like  household and neighborhood characteristics on average birth weight in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted by analyzing survey data from IFLS 5 in Indonesia. Variables measured were birth weight, poverty, sanitation, anemia, working status, and education. Data was analyzed univariately and multivariately with multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis in this study found that education and occupation are risk factors for average birth weight, while education was the dominant factor for average birth weight in families. Therefore, improving education is one of the efforts in improving and optimizing the birth weight of babies in IndonesiaKeywords: Birth weight, education, working status, maternal
Analisis Masalah Kesehatan Program Pencegahan Penyakit HIV/AIDS Di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar Tahun 2018 Febriyanti, Febriyanti; Kusumawardani, Eva Flourentina; Nugroho, Agung; Paradhiba, Meutia; Fadillah, Mardi; Putra, Onetusfifsi; Harahap, Laila Apriani Hasanah; Saputra, Firman Firdauz; Siahaan, Perry Boy Chandra; Rimonda, Rubi; Syam, Nasrianti
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i2.3334


HIV/AIDS adalah masalah serius di Kabupaten Blitar dengan lonjakan kasus AIDS pada tahun 2017 (120 kasus) dibandingkan 2016 (160 kasus). Meski HIV mengalami penurunan, cakupan pengobatan ARV rendah (33,75% pada 2016 dan 50% pada 2017) karena kejenuhan dan persepsi kesembuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Blitar (2014-2017) dan wawancara pemegang program HIV. Temuan menunjukkan prioritas kesehatan lain seperti hipertensi, diabetes, gangguan mental, kanker serviks, tuberkulosis dan demam berdarah. Demam berdarah dan HIV/AIDS adalah masalah utama menurut kriteria Urgency, Seriousness, Growth (USG). Diperlukan komitmen dalam memberikan konseling sebelum ARV, melibatkan Pengawas Minum Obat dan tenaga kesehatan untuk memperbaiki pengendalian ARV.Kata kunci: HIV/AIDS, Blitar, ARV, StigmaHIV/AIDS was a significant concern in Blitar District, with a surge in AIDS cases in 2017 (120 cases) compared to 2016 (160 cases). Although HIV experienced a decline, the ARV treatment coverage remained low (33.75% in 2016 and 50% in 2017) due to both treatment fatigue and the perception of recovery. This research utilized a descriptive method with data obtained from Blitar District Health Office (2014-2017) documents and interviews with HIV program managers. Findings revealed other health priorities such as hypertension, diabetes, mental disorders, cervical cancer, tuberculosis, and dengue fever. Dengue fever and HIV/AIDS were identified as the primary concerns based on Urgency, Seriousness, Growth (USG) criteria. Commitment to counseling before ARV treatment is necessary, involving Drug Adherence Supervisors and healthcare professionals to enhance ARV treatment control.Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Blitar, ARV, Stigma
Gambaran Pelaksanaan Surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2017 Kusumawardani, Eva Flourentina; Paradhiba, Meutia; Fadillah, Mardi; Putra, Onetusfifsi; Saputra, Firman Firdauz; Siahaan, Perry Boy Chandra; Rimonda, Rubi; Harahap, Laila Apriani Hasanah; Syam, Nasrianti
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2977


Kasus HIV/AIDS terdapat hampir di semua negara di dunia tak terkecuali Indonesia. Penyakit ini telah menulari seluruh lapisan masyarakat termasuk bayi dan anak-anak. Perlu adanya kegiatan surveilans rutin untuk melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan sehingga dapat memonitoring jumlah kasus pada periode waktu tertentu. Kegiatan surveilans  HIV merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk mengontrol penyebaran kasus HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian: untuk memberikan gambaran evaluasi sistem surveilans HIV berdasarkan komponen sistem dan atribut surveilans di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian: jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi evaluasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada petugas surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur sejumlah 3 orang menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian: berdasarkan komponen sistem surveilans 66,7% petugas surveilans HIV memiliki tingkat Pendidikan S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat peminatan epidemiologi dan 33,3% adalah S2 Kesehatan Masyarakat. Pengumpulan, pengisian formulir hingga alur pelaporan dianggap mudah, dan tidak mengalami keterlambatan dalam proses input data ke aplikasi SIHA. Proses analisis hanya dilakukan ditingkat Dinas Kesehatan, sedangkan ditingkat Puskesmas tidak. Sistem surveilans HIV di Kabupaten/Kota di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur masih memerlukan perbaikan dalam analisis, ketersediaan pedoman surveilans HIV, dan perlunya peningkatan pengetahuan petugas terkait surveilans HIV.Kata Kunci: Surveilans, HIV/AIDS, Komponen, SistemHIV/AIDS cases exist in almost every country worldwide, including Indonesia. This disease has affected all segments of society, including infants and children. Regular surveillance activities are needed to record and report cases, enabling the monitoring of the number of cases over specific periods of time. HIV surveillance is an effective method to control the spread of HIV/AIDS cases. The aim of this study was to provide an evaluation of the HIV surveillance system based on its components and surveillance attributes in the East Java Provincial Health Office. This qualitative study employed an evaluation study design. Data collection involved interviews with three HIV surveillance officers in the East Java Provincial Health Office, using a questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that 66.7% of the HIV surveillance officers possessed a bachelor's degree in Public Health with a specialization in epidemiology, while 33.3% held a master's degree in Public Health. The data collection, form completion, and reporting processes were considered easy, with no delays in inputting data into the SIHA application. The analysis process was only conducted at the Provincial Health Office level and not at the Primary Health Center level. The HIV surveillance system in the districts and cities within the jurisdiction of the East Java Provincial Health Office still requires improvement in terms of analysis, availability of HIV surveillance guidelines, and the need for increased knowledge among surveillance officers regarding HIV surveillance..Keywords: Surveillance, HIV/AIDS, Components, Systems