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ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (AKI) PADA KEHAMILAN Satriyo Dwi Suryantoro; Djoko Santoso; Sarah Firdausa
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21 Nomor 1 April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jks.v21i1.19284


Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in pregnancy remains a cause for fetomaternal morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries. Hypertensive complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia/eclampsia, HELLP syndrome) remains the leading cause of AKI in pregnancy. A set of systemic and renal physiological adaptive mechanisms occur during a normal gestation that will cause several changes in laboratory parameters of renal function, electrolytes, fluid and acid – base balance. Diagnosis of AKI in pregnancy is based on the serum creatinine increase and reduction of urine output. Management of AKI in pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary approach between nephrologists and obstetricians for optimizing care for both mother and child. In approaching AKI in pregnant woman, emphasis should be placed on making early and accurate diagnosis to allow prompt intervention and to facilitate recovery from AKI.
Evaluation of Quality of Life on Functional, Symptoms, and Global Health Status in Breast Cancer Patients among Chemotherapy Cycles with Cyclophosphamide-Doxorubicin-5Fluorouracil Siti Saleha; Azizah Vonna; Sarah Firdausa
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 10, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2021.10.4.261


Treatment of breast cancer with chemotherapy in several cycles has led to differences in patients' quality of life. One of the chemotherapy recommendations for breast cancer is Cyclophosphamide-Doxorubicin-5Fluorouracil (CAF). Therefore, this research aimed to determine the quality of life among chemotherapy cycles with CAF in breast cancer patients at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh. This is an observational analytic study with the cross-sectional method, where 32 patients were obtained through a total sampling technique from June to August 2019. Quality of life was measured using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ C-30), while the Kruskal-Wallis test performed the statistical analysis. The results showed that the quality of life of breast cancer patients has no significant difference among chemotherapy cycles with CAF (p>0,05). However, some changes in the functional and symptom scale among patients required a further follow-up by healthcare professionals to improve the quality of life.  Keywords: CAF, cycle, QLQ C-30, quality of life Evaluasi Kualitas Hidup pada Status Fungsional, Gejala, dan Kesehatan Umum pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Antarsiklus Kemoterapi dengan Cyclophosphamide-Doxorubicin-5Fluorouracil AbstrakPenggunaan kemoterapi dalam beberapa siklus sebagai pengobatan kanker payudara dapat menimbulkan perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien. Salah satu kemoterapi yang direkomendasikan untuk kanker payudara adalah Cyclophosphamide-Doxorubicin-5Fluorouracil (CAF). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara antarsiklus dengan kemoterapi CAF di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan metode cross-sectional. Sampel berjumlah 32 pasien yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik total sampling dari bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2019. Penilaian kualitas hidup dilakukan menggunakan European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ C-30) dan analisis statistik menggunakan uji Kruskall-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas hidup yang signifikan antarsiklus pada pasien kanker payudara dengan kemoterapi CAF (p>0,05). Meskipun demikian, beberapa perubahan skala fungsional dan gejala yang dirasakan pasien pada tiap siklus kemoterapi yang dihadapi perlu menjadi perhatian bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien.Kata kunci: CAF, kualitas hidup, siklus , QLQ C-30
The Effects of Propolis Extract Administration on HIV Patients Receiving ARV Erwin Astha Triyono; Sarah Firdausa; Heru Prasetyo; Joni Susanto; James Hutagalung; Lilis Masyfufah; Budiono Budiono; Ivan Hoesada
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : The Prodia Education and Research Institute (PERI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18585/inabj.v13i1.1381


BACKGROUND: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious disease that targets the human immune system by attacking cluster of differentiation (CD)4 cells. The use of propolis in HIV patients is expected to be safe and beneficial in terms of increasing endurance and immunity by its role in increasing CD4 level. This study aimed to analyze the influence of propolis supplementation in increasing the CD4 level in anti-retroviral (ARV)-treated HIV patients.METHODS: Double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in 50 HIV patients who took regular ARV therapy. The subjects were divided into two groups, one group was treated with ARV and propolis, while another one was given ARV and placebo. The CD4 cell count was measured during pre-treatment, in the 3rd month, in the 6th month after treatment. The level of hemoglobin, leukocyte, and platelets were also measured. The SF-12 questionnaire was used to evaluate quality of life of the subject.RESULTS: Out of 50 subjects, 43 subjects completed the study, which were 19 subjects from the propolis group and 24 subjects from the placebo group. After 3-month of treatment, there was a statistically significant difference in the increase of CD 44 level in propolis group, while the increment was not significant in the placebo group. After 6-month treatment, the increase of CD4 level was occurred in both groups, propolis and placebo, however the increment was not statistically significant. The levels of hemoglobin, leukocyte, and platelets were not altered by the treatment and remained normal throughout the study. The quality of life was improved during the study; however, it was also not statistically significant. Mild adverse events occurred in 3 subjects which were relieved after the treatment stopped.CONCLUSION: Based on the result of this study, the administration of propolis on HIV patients receiving ARV bring significant difference in the increase of CD4 in propolis group from baseline to 3 month after the treatment. While in placebo group, this increment was not significant. At the end of study, CD4 count continued to rise up, however the increase was not statistically significant. There are no hemoglobin, leukocyte, platelets, and quality of life abnormalities. Therefore, it is necesary to do further research with a spesific CD4 count. However, it may be beneficial in relieving the clinical symptoms and quality of life of patient living with HIV.KEYWORDS: CD4, ARV, HIV, propolis
Association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly population with type 2 diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 pandemic Zulfa Zahra; Cut T. Ramadhani; Teuku Mamfaluti; Subhan R. Pamungkas; Sarah Firdausa
Narra J Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Narra Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52225/narra.v2i1.51


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic progressive disease affecting the metabolic hormonal system and its prevalence in the elderly population is high. Depression is one of the psychiatric disorders in diabetic patients in particular during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. People with depression are more susceptible to leading an unhealthy lifestyle; therefore, depression and diabetes have a negative influence on life quality and aggravate complications and symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the association between depression and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted where a total of 42 diabetic patients from the Puskesmas Belakang Padang, Batam of Indonesia was recruited. The HbA1c level, the main determinant of optimum glycemic control, was measured using ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography while the level of depression was assessed using Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15). The association between depression and HbA1c levels was analyzed using the chi-squared test. Our study found that that 69% of the elderly with diabetes experienced a depression, classified as mild (40.5%), moderate (21.4%) and severe (7.1%). There were 61.9% of the subjects had poor HbA1c control. Our data suggested that the depression level was associated with HbA1c (p=0.002). In conclusion, there is a significant association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Efek Edukasi Tatap Muka versus Media Dalam Inisiasi Insulin Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien DMT2 di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sarah Firdausa; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Reva Ariani; Ahsana Nadya
Journal of Medical Science Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Journal of Medical Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.661 KB) | DOI: 10.55572/jms.v2i2.42


The Covid-19 pandemic is a threat for diabetic patients as they are prone to be worse once they got infected with the Sars-Cov-2 virus, especially in uncontrolled diabetes patients. Insulin is one of the modalities of diabetes treatment, especially in patients who have not reached the therapeutic target. Initiation of insulin is still often hampered due to lack of good education to patients. Providing face-to-face education during the Covid-19 pandemic poses a greater risk of virus transmission, therefore insulin initiation education needs to be carried out with effective communication methods. This study aims to implement interpersonal education in initiating insulin in type 2 diabetes patients using technology such as videos and educational booklets at the Hospital Dr. Zainoel Abidin, Banda Aceh. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with a pre and post-test approach. The sample collection technique was total sampling, namely all diabetic patients who received insulin initiation in July - October 2021. There were 38 respondents divided into 17 respondents for the control group and 21 respondents for the intervention group. Questionnaire data was collected before and before the intervention. Knowledge data is presented descriptively, data and quality of life before and before intervention were analyzed by t-test. The results showed that the knowledge of the respondents before and before education was good, there was no difference in knowledge before and before the intervention, both in the oral group, and in the video group. After the intervention, the mean quality of life scores improved significantly in both the oral and media groups. Conclusion: There is no significant difference between face-to-face education (oral) and education using media (videos and booklets). The effect of education orally or through the media on the knowledge and quality of life of diabetic patients is the same.
TRIGONELLA FOENUM : A REVIEW OF HYPOGLYCEMIC ACTIVITY Suryawati Suryawati; Safrida Safrida; Firdausa Sarah; Azizah Vonna; Vera Dewi Mulia
Jurnal Natural Volume 19 Number 3, October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.553 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v19i3.13405


Treatment of diabetes mellitus is intended to reduce the risk of blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy and heart disease that can develop due to the chronic increase in the blood glucose level. The selected hypoglycemic agents should be effective, safe and readily available. The widely used agents work by interrupting enzymes responsible for glucose regulation. Those enzymes are α-amilase, α-glucosidase, dipeptidyl peptidase-IV, aldose reductase and angiotensin converting enzyme. A medicinal plant, fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has been used as an antidiabetic folk medicine. This review provides information related to in vitro studies showing antihyperglycemic activity of fenugreek along with an in vivo study in animals. In addition, potential phytochemicals that have been isolated from this plant are described and play a role in the searching for the most potent agents for diabetes mellitus therapy.
The blood glucose lowering effect of Malaysian Tinospora crispa in rats SARAH FIRDAUSA; MAUNG MAUNG CHO; KHIN MAUNG MAUNG; NILAR AUNG; NORSIDAH KUZAIFAH; SURYAWATI SURYAWATI
Jurnal Natural Volume 20 Number 1, February 2020
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1193.549 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v20i1.15907


Diabetes is defined as a chronic hyperglycemia which should be countered by the effective, safe and readily available hypoglycemic agents. Herbal is among alternatives that has been used by society for years but lacks of documented evidences. Tinospora crispa (TC) is enriched by phytochemicals which potentially reduce blood glucose thus is useful for diabetic patients. This study aimed to investigate the potency of TC inreducing blood sugar and body weight. It involved 30 healthy rats divided into 5 groups namely: normal control, normal fed with TC extract, diabetic, TC-treated diabetic (dose 500 mg/kg w/w), and vitamin E-traeted diabetic rats (60 IU). The body weight and fasting blood glucose were measured each week for 1 month. The administration of TC extract 500 mg/kg (w/w) helps to maintain body weight in diabetic rats and reduce the fasting blood glucose. TC is highly potent as hypoglycemic agents therefore needed to be explored further.
The use of herbal medicines by the elderly in rural area in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study among Acehnese Suryawati Suryawati; Sarah Firdausa; T. Hidayat Syah; Vera Dewi Mulia; Hijra Novia Suardi; Zahratul Aini; Fauzul Husna; Hafni Andayani
Trends in Infection and Global Health Vol 3, No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : School of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/tigh.v3i1.31438


The use of herbal medicines has become increasingly popular worldwide. Elderly has been associated with higher consumption of many medications, including herbal medicines. However, there is a lack of documentation of medicinal herbs use among Acehnese population. Our study aimed at evaluating the profile of herbals use among the elderly population in a rural area of Aceh Province, Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted from October to November 2021 in Nagan Raya Regency of Aceh. To collect information on the use of herbs, a set of structured questionnaires was utilized. The data were presented in percentage (%). A total of 100 respondents were included comprising 54.0% female and most of the respondents aged between 60–64 years (43.0%). The largest percentage of the participants made their own herbal medicines (45.0%) and used them routinely as a habit (36.0%). About 75.0% of the elderly felt better and almost all of them (96.0%) reported no adverse reaction following herbs consumption. A total of 39 plant species were used by the respondents with Annona muricate L. was the most frequently used medicinal plant (16.0%) and leaves were the most commonly used parts (68.4%). Most of the herbs were prepared through boiling and squeezing (32.6%), and mainly used in the form of a drink (77.3%). Cough treatment with herbs made up 19.3%, followed by hypertension (18.0%), flatulence (7.6%), dyspepsia (5.8%), and fever (5.8%). Our investigation revealed consistency in the use of some medicinal herbs in the present study with published experimental data. However, since elderlies are often considered vulnerable individuals, the practice of herbal self-remedies among this population should be well-monitored.
Pelatihan produksi roti gandum sebagai pangan fungsional di Gampong Kajhu Kabupaten Aceh Besar (Training on wheat bread production as a functional food in Kajhu Village, Aceh Besar District) S Suryawati; Hilda Maysarah; Iflan Nauval; Nani Safuni; Vera Nova; Fauzul Husna; Sarah Firdausa; Hijra Novia Suardi
Buletin Pengabdian Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Bull. Community. Serv.
Publisher : The Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/bulpengmas.v1i1.20434


The purpose of this activity was to train community members in Kajhu Village, Aceh Besar District to produce wheat bread with the addition of pumpkin. These community service activities were carried out in several stages which were socialization of the importance of a healthy lifestyle through focus group discussions by 3 experts in health field (clinical pharmacology, internal medicine, and clinical nutrition) and discussions about production, packaging, and product marketing. The result showed that 60 packs of bread with approximately 80 calories were produced every production time. Marketing and transaction (ordering) of products utilized online media. The sales value for 60 breads per day was Rp.420,000, with a profit of ± Rp. 180,000. This result was a good thing for Kajhu Village community group members because it could increase household income. In conclusion, the implementation of this product-based community service program has resulted in bread products with nutritious ingredients of wheat and pumpkin which have been clinically and experimentally (in other researches) proven to have anti-diabetic properties. 
Knowledge Enhancement: Peran Edukasi Perawat Tentang Terapi Insulin Terhadap Kepatuhan Menggunakan Insulin pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Rawat Inap Sarah Firdausa; Hendra Zufry; Agustia Sukri Ekadamayanti; Rachmad Suhanda; Krishna Wardhana Sucipto
Journal of Medical Science Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Journal of Medical Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55572/jms.v4i2.76


Penanganan diabetes di ruang rawat inap lebih kompleks dan intensif dibanding rawat jalan. Kebanyakan pasien rawat inap menggunakan terapi insulin. Perawat ruangan adalah tenaga kesehatan garda depan yang intensif berhadapan dengan pasien sehingga sangat potensial menjadi edukator dalam maintenance terapi insulin. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat serta mengevaluasi kepatuhan pasien diabetes menggunakan insulin setelah keluar dari rawat inap. Pengetahuan perawat dievaluasi melalui kuesioner sebelum intervensi knowledge enhancement berupa workshop insulin. Pengumpulan sampel penelitian cross sectional ini secara total sampling yaitu seluruh perawat ruang rawat inap non akut di RSUDZA selama Agustus−September 2022. Objek penelitian adalah pasien diabetes yang menggunakan insulin selama perawatan di rumah sakit.  Data karakteristik responden, pengetahuan, asuhan keperawatan dan kepatuhan pasien ditampilkan secara deskriptif, untuk menilai kepatuhan pasien sebelum dan sesudah intervensi digunakan analisis independent t-test. Jumlah responden yang berpartisipasi 354 orang, 50,8% memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik, namun hanya 29,7% berketerampilan baik dalam hal injeksi insulin. Berdasaran hasil asesmen tersebut, dilakukan workshop insulin untuk menjawab gap pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Kepatuhan pasien diukur sebelum dan sesudah workshop. Pasien dengan kepatuhan tinggi sebanyak 44,4% sebelum intervesi dan 40% sesudah intervensi, sedangkan pasien dengan tingkat kepatuhan rendah berkisar di atas 20% baik sebelum maupun sesudah intervensi. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa knowledge enhancement terhadap perawat ruang inap tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan pasien menggunakan insulin. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan peningkatan kapasitas perawat tentang injeksi insulin tidak menjamin terjadinya peningkatan edukasi perawat terhadap pasien, dan belum membudayanya edukasi terapi insulin yang komprehensif terhadap pasien yang dirawat inap.