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Journal : Pharmaciana: Jurnal Kefarmasian

Publication trend of TMPRSS2 as SARS-CoV-2 receptor during the COVID-19 pandemic Lalu Muhammad Irham; Dyah Aryani Perwitasari; Yudha Rizky Nuari; Wirawan Adikusuma; Haafizah Dania; Rita Maliza; Made Ary Sarasmita; Rocky Cheung; Adi Wira Septama
Pharmaciana Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.474 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v13i1.24052


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not yet been fully under public health control, which is still currently impacting a large number of people worldwide in 2023. Since the pandemic emerged, the growing number of publications related to TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor worldwide has increased rapidly with various findings and qualities. It is important to determine the trend of TMPRSS2 publication as no such studies currently exist that represent the publication trend related to this critical field of study. Here, we employed a bibliometric-based approach to evaluate the research trends of TMPRSS2 mechanistically as the SARS-CoV-2 receptor. We identified 1012 research documents published between 2020 and 2022 for this study. The most common document category was "Research Article" (646 articles, 63.84%) followed by "Review Article" (261 articles, 25.79%), and letters to editors (57 articles, 5.63%). Germany was the most cited country with a total of citations (9400 citations), followed by the USA (6409 citations) and China (1788 citations), respectively. In conclusion, given the impact of COVID-19, this study indicated TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor as a timely and highly relevant research topic.
Validity and reliability of “Short-questionnaire of tuberculosis patients’ knowledge about anti-tuberculosis and hepatotoxicity” (SQ-KSH-TB) Dyah Aryani Perwitasari; Muh. Deni Kurniawan; Lalu Muhammad Irham; Imaniar Noor Faridah; Triantoro Safaria; Woro Supadmi; Didik Setiawan; Triantoro Safaria
Pharmaciana Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.673 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v13i1.24773


Until presently, tuberculosis has been a burden to Indonesia, placing the country third among countries with the heaviest tuberculosis burden in the world. Tuberculosis treatment takes a long period and may cause side effects. Therefore, it requires sufficient tuberculosis knowledge on the patients' part for the patients to know of the side effects of anti-tuberculosis and how to deal with them. This research aimed to obtain a short questionnaire of tuberculosis patients' knowledge about anti-tuberculosis and hepatotoxicity (SQ-KSH-TB) which determines patients' knowledge of anti-tuberculosis side effects and how to handle them. This research employed a cross-sectional design and involved 17 public health services (puskesmas) and three hospitals in Yogyakarta Province. The inclusion criteria were patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and being in a tuberculosis treatment period with a public health service or a pulmonary hospital in Yogyakarta Province. The exclusion criteria were the patients passing away, having completed a six months treatment or having been receiving treatment for over six months, and being unwilling to cooperate in the research. The questionnaire used in this research was a questionnaire that was developed based on prior research work, containing eight questions on a Guttman scale. Validity and reliability analyses were carried out with Pearson's product-moment correlation and the Kuder-Richardson-20 test, respectively. As many as 194 subjects enrolled in this research. The eight questions in the questionnaire had r count values greater than the r table, hence meeting the validity criterion. Meanwhile, the KR-20 value obtained was 0.721, indicating a good level of reliability. The SQ-KSH-TB was able to meet the validity and reliability criteria, showing applicability in the Indonesian context.
Validity and reliability of the world health organisation-five well being index (WHO-5) questionnaire in early detection of depression during Covid-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta Mutmainnah Siradjuddin; Dyah Aryani Perwitasari; Lalu Muhammad Irham; Haafizah Dania; Tetie Herlina
Pharmaciana Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v13i2.24319


The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta, has created a psychological impact on the community. One of the psychological impacts is depression. This issue can be overcome by early detecting depression using an instrument called the World Health Organization-Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5). Unfortunately, this instrument is currently unavailable in the Indonesian version. Therefore, this study aims to obtain a valid and reliable Indonesian version of the WHO-5, which can later be used by pharmacists as an instrument to early detect depression in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta. This research employed a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were people who visited Apotek UAD 1 and 2, who met the inclusion and were not included in the exclusion criteria. The WHO-5 questionnaire proceeded through a translation process from the English version to the Indonesian version. The original version of the WHO-5 questionnaire, which was the final translated version, was tested on 40 respondents to gain its validity and reliability. The analysis of the validity test using the Pearson Correlation of five questions on the WHO-5 questionnaire has revealed an average value of r = 1, indicating that the questionnaire is valid. The result of the reliability test with Cronbach Alpha is 0.853. In conclusion, the Indonesian version of the WHO-5 questionnaire meets the validity and reliability criteria so that the questionnaire can apply to the community.
Co-Authors Abdi Wira Septama Abdi Wira Septama Abdi Wira Septama Abdi Wira Septama Abdi Wira Septama Adi Wira Septama Ageng Brahmadhi Akrom, Akrom Anisa Devi Kharisma Wibowo Anisa Nova Puspitaningrum Anisa Nova Puspitaningrum Anisa Nova Puspitaningrum Anita Silas La’ah Arief Rahman Afief Arief Rahman Afief Arief Rahman Afief Ayu Lifia Nur Kartikasari Barkah Djaka Purwanto Barkah Djaka Purwanto Bramadi Arya Chita Widia Delfi Iskardyani Denys Chichi Kusumastuti Didik Setiawan Dyah Aryani Perwitasari Dyah Aryani Perwitasari Eko Mugiyanto Febriana Astuti Firdayani Firdayani Firdayani Fredrick Dermawan Purba Gina Noor Djalilah Gina Noor Djalilah Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Henry Budiawan Prasetya Herjanti Ratnawiningsih Ilham Alifiar Ilham alifiar Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Jaka Pradika La Malihi Lisza Niarisessa Made Ary Sarasmita Maliza, Rita Maulida Mazaya Melodia Rezadhini Melodia Rezadhini Menit Ardhiani Menit Ardhiani Muh. Deni Kurniawan Muhammad Fathurrahman Mutmainnah Siradjuddin Nanik Sulistyani Ni Made Ary Sarasmita Nining Medi Sushanti Nining Medi Sushanti Nining Sugihartini Nur Rahayuningsih Pendicho Eko Yuliyanto Pratama, Kharisma Rafiastiana Capritasari Rahmat Dani Satria Rahmat Dani Satria Riat El Khair Riat Khair Rizka Novia Atmadani Rockie Chong Rocky Cheung Rocky Cheung Rocky Cheung Siti Urbayatun Solikhah Susan Fitria Candradewi Tetie Herlina Triantoro Safaria Triantoro Safaria uswatun chasanah Wahyu Rahmatulloh Wahyu Widyaningsih Wirawan Adikusuma Wirawan Adikusuma Woro Supadmi Yudha Rizky Nuari Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria