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Penerapan Asas In Dubio Pro Natura dan In Dubio Pro Reo oleh Hakim Perkara Lingkungan Hidup Wahyu Risaldi; Mujibussalim Mujibussalim; M. Gaussyah
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 20, No 3 (2018): Vol. 20, No. 3 (Desember 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kanun.v20i3.11151


Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui kesesuaian penerapan asas asas in dubio pro natura dalam putusan perkara lingkungan hidup, dan kemungkinan penerapan asas in dubio pro natura perkara pidana lingkungan hidup. Penerapan asas ini penting karena kerusakan lingkungan hidup akan mengancam umat manusia, sehingga penegakan hukum lingkungan harus dilakukan penegak hukum. Melalui Undang-Undang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, dikenal sistem penegakan melalui suatu asas yang diterapkan oleh hakim, yakni asas in dubio pro natura dan asas in dubio pro reo. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, ditemukan bahwa penerapan asas in dubio pro natura dan in dubio pro reo sesuai dengan tujuan Undang-Undang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Di samping itu, asas in dubio pro natura bisa juga diterapkan dalam perkara pidana. Penerapan asas ini efektif dalam penyelesaikan perkara lingkungan hidup. Implementation of the In Dubio Pro Natura and In Dubio Pro Reo Principles by the Environmental Judges This study aims to find out the suitability application of in dubio pro natura principles in environmental case decisions, and also the possibility of applying it’s principle in environmental crimes. The implementation of this principle is important because environmental damage will threaten humanity, so the enforcement of environmental law must be carried out by law enforcers. Through Environmental Protection and Management Law, it is known as a system of enforcement through principles applied by judges, that are the in dubio pro natura and the in dubio pro reo principles. This is normative research, it was found that the implementation of the in dubio pro natura and in dubio pro reo principles was in accordance with the objectives of the Environmental Protection and Management Law. In addition, the in dubio pro natura principle can also be applied in criminal cases. The implementation of this principle is effective in resolving environmental cases.
Kewenangan Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan dalam Mengisi Jabatan Struktural Iswandi Iswandi; Suhaimi Suhaimi; M. Gaussyah
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 19, No 2 (2017): Vol. 19, No. 2, (Agustus, 2017)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRAK: Artikel ini ingin menjawab hal yang menjadi pertimbangan yang diberikan Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan kepada Bupati bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara yang akan diangkat dalam jabatan struktural. Selain itu, hal lain adalah keterlibatan badan ini dalam melakukan seleksi Aparatur Sipil Negara yang akan diangkat dalam jabatan struktural. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran dari Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan dalam mengangkat atau memilih pegawai negeri yang akan diangkat dalam jabatan struktural adalah hanya sebatas wewenang urusan menyeleksi administrasi. Badan ini tidak terlibat dalam pengambil keputusan akhir, akan tetapi hanya melakukan tugas administrasi untuk diajukan kepada kepala daerah terkait pegawai negeri yang akan menduduki jabatan struktural. Artikel ini menyarankan agar kepala daerah mengikutsertakan Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan dalam urusan pengambilan keputusan. Official Consideration Body Authority and Official Ranking in Fulfilling Structural Position ABSTRACT: This article is going to answer the consideration given by the Office of Official Rank Consideration and Duty to the Head of District for civil servants who will be appointed in the official ranks. In addition, it also explores the involvement of this body in the selection of the State Civil Apparatus to be appointed in structural positions. This is juridical-normative research. The findings show that   the role of the Office of Official Position Consideration and Duty in appointing or choosing a civil servant who will be appointed in a structural position is only limited to the authority of administrative process. This body doe not involve as the final decision-maker, it only performs the administrative duty to be submitted to the head of the region related to the civil servant who will occupy the structural positions. It is recommended that the head of the region should include the Office the decision making process.
Implementasi Penerapan Ganti Kerugian terhadap Korban Penganiayaan di Banda Aceh Danil Rahmatsyah; Mohd. Din; M. Gaussyah
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Vol. 18, No. 2, (Agustus, 2016)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRAK. Pasal 98 Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1981 Tentang KUHAP berbunyi Jika suatu perbuatan yang menjadi dasar dakwaan di dalam suatu pemeriksaan perkara pidana oleh pengadilan negeri menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain, maka hakim ketua sidang atas permintaan orang itu dapat menetapkan untuk menggabungkan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian kepada perkara pidana itu. Pada pasal tersebut mengatur tentang ganti kerugian terhadap korban tindak pidana, namun dalam penerapan pasal tersebut tidak optimal di mana beberapa putusan tidak memuat ganti kerugian terhadap korban tindak pidana.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui, menganalisis dan menjelaskan penerapan ganti kerugian terhadap korban tindak pidana penganiyaan, dan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan kendala dan hambatan penerapan ganti kerugian.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum dengan mengunakan metode yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penerapan Pasal 98 KUHAP terkait ganti kerugian belum diterapkan secara optimal oleh para korban penganiyaan dengan alasan tidak mengetahui adanya hak untuk menuntut ganti kerugian atas penganiayaan yang dialaminya, korban menghendaki agar kasus yang dialami cepat selesai dan tidak berlarutlarut, dan sebagian korban kejahatan merasa jika melakukan tuntutan ganti rugi justru akan memperpanjang persidangan dan semakin berlarut penyelesainnya. Implementation of the Application of Compensation for Victims of Abuse in Banda Aceh  ABSTRACT. Article 98 Act No. 8 Year 1981 about the Code of Criminal Procedure reads If an act that became the basis of the charges in an examination of the criminal case by the district court cause harm to another person, then the chief judge of the trial at the request of that person can assign to combine the lawsuits for damages to the criminal case that. In that article governing the compensation of victims of crime, but in the application of the article is not optimal in which some of the decisions do not contain indemnification of the victims of crime. Research purposes to identify, analyze and explain the implementation of compensation for victims of criminal acts of maltreatment, and to identify and explain the constraints and barriers to the implementation of the locker compensation. Metode of research is the study of law by using empirical juridical methods. The results showed the application of Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code related damages have not been implemented optimally by victims of persecution by reason of not knowing their right to sue for compensation on persecution they experienced, the victim wants the case with fast finish and not for a prolonged period, and some victims of crime feel if making a claim for compensation will only prolong the trial and the more protracted its solution.
Traffic Compliance Index of Acehnese Community M Gaussyah; Dedy Yuliansyah
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kanun.v23i2.21014


The purpose of this article is to analyze and discuss the correlation between the behavior of the Acehnese and the culture of traffic discipline. Every road user is obliged to obey the traffic rules, but the number of accidents is increasing every year, resulting in numerous deaths, injuries and property damage. This is an empirical legal research using a survey method with a qualitative approach. Interviews, observations, and file review is also used in this research. The results show that the traffic behavior of Acehnese remains poor, with the observation-based traffic compliance index having a value of 5.41 on a scale of 1-10. Most violations were committed by male drivers with 2 (two) wheels. The most common violations are not wearing a helmet, not turning on the main lights during the day, and not having a driver's license (SIM). Most traffic violations are committed by individuals between the ages of 17 and 40, most of whom have a high school education or equivalent. It is necessary to optimize the socialization of traffic discipline and the arrangement of traffic fiqh by the Aceh Provincial Police of Traffic Department (Ditlantas Polda Aceh), local authorities and related agencies.
Landasan Hukum Koordinasi dan Kerjasama TNI-Polri dalam Penanganan Konflik Sosial Muhammad Hanafiah; M. Gaussyah; Saleh Sjafei
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Vol. 18, No. 2, (Agustus, 2016)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRAK. Pertimbangan hukum memorandum of understanding terkait negara menyerahkan kewenangan penanganan konflik sosial pada TNI-Polri, didasarkan pada Undang-Undang No. 2/2002 tentang Kepolisian, Undang-Undang No. 34/2004 tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), Undang-Undang No. 7/2012 tentang Penanganan Konflik Sosial. Undang-undang tersebut belum ada peraturan pelaksana. Agar ketentuan undang-undang tersebut efektif dalam tugas pembantuan TNI-Polri, maka TNI-Polri membuat kesepakatan dimana aturan pelaksananya tertuang dalam nota kesepahaman antara TNI dan Polri dalam menangani konflik sosial. Pertimbangan dalam membuat MoU tersebut adalah untuk mewujudkan sinergitas TNI-Polri dalam rangka memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat sehingga dengan adanya MoU tersebut sebagai pedoman untuk melaksanakan kerjasama memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban masayarakat. Selain itu dalam MoU tersebut sesuai dengan tujuan dan sasaranya untuk mengatur bagaimana mekanisme tugas perbantuannya, dukungan logistik, serta komando dalam pelaksanaannya. The Legal Basis for Coordination and Cooperation of The TNI-Polri in the Resolution of Social Conflict ABSTRACT. The research shows that the MoU consideration in regard with the state providing the power in tackling the social conflict to the Indonesian Military-Police, it is based on the Act Number 2, 2002 on the Indonesian Police, the Act Number 34, 2004 concerning the Indonesian Military, the Act Number 7, 2012 on Social Conflict Tackling that both acts have no clear implementing rules, in making the rules effective in the cooperation hence they make MoU as an agreement between Military and Police in tackling social conflict. The consideration in making the MoU is to create the synergy between the Military and Police in keeping security and peace hence by the MoU it becomes the guidance in conducting cooperation of keeping security and peace in society. Apart from that, the MoU has been in accordance with its aim and target.