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Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol. 20 No. 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.185 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/jlka.v20i1.1036


ABSTRACT This research discusses the traces of Hadramaut intellectualism through the relationship of the scholarly genealogy of Hadramaut ulama with the 20th century Nusantara ulama. In addition, it analyzes the typo­logy of Hadramaut Pesantrens and the role of their alumni in developing the da’wah movement in Indonesia. This research is a literature review study through a library research approach, focusing on books, articles, and online news, strengthened by interviews and field observations. This research found that: first, the Hadramaut Pesantren is connected through the sending of Indonesian students to Darul Musthafa, Rubath Tarim, and al-Ahgaff University; the three institutions show an inclusive character that is still suitable to be applied in Indonesia. Second, the influence of Hadramaut intellectualism can be seen through the relationship between the scholarly genealogy of Hadramaut ulama and Nusantara ulama in the book of safinat al-najā, sulām al-taufīq, muqoddimatu al-hadromiyyah, all of which became the reference books of Nusantara ulama in compiling sharah or explanations of the book of kāsyifat al-sajā, faidh al-hijā 'alā naili al-rojā, nadzam nailul roja, kasyful hijā fī tarjamati safīnat al-najā, tanwīru al-hijā fī nadzmi safīnat al-najā, i'ā nat al-rafīq 'alā nadzmi sulām al-taufīq, inqōdzu al-ghorīq fī nadzmi sulām al-taufīq, mirqōtu al-shu'ūdi al-tashdīq fī syarhi sulām al-taufīq and mauhi­batu dzi al-fadhli al-hasyīyati 'alā mukhtashor afādhol. Third, the influen­ce of Hadramaut alumni, especially the alawiyyin circles, still has a fairly strong prosely­tizing influence in Indonesia after the first batch of 30 students in 1998 Darul Musthafa returned to Indonesia and developed da'wah by establishing taklim assemblies or Pesantrens. Keywords: Hadramaut, Intellectualism, Nusantara, Pesantren   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang jejak intelektualisme Hadramaut melalui hubungan genealogi keilmuan ulama Hadramaut dengan ulama Nusantara Abad ke-20, dan juga menganalisis tipologi pesantren Hadra­maut dan peranan alumninya dalam mengembangkan gerakan dak­wah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka (library research) melalui buku, artikel, dan berita online, diperkuat dengan wawancara dan penelusuran lapangan (observasi). Penelitian ini meng­hasil­kan kesimpulan bahwa: pertama, jaringan pesantren Hadramaut ter­hubung melalui pengiriman santri Indonesia ke Darul Musthafa, Rubath Tarim, dan Universitas al-Ahgaff yang ketiga lembaga tersebut menunjuk­kan karakter inklusif yang masih cocok diterapkan di Indonesia. Kedua, pengaruh intelektualisme Hadramaut dapat dilihat melalui hubungan genealogi keilmuan ulama Hadramaut dan ulama Nusantara dalam kitab safinat al-najā, sulām al-taufīq, muqoddimatu al-hadromiyyah, yang se­mua­nya menjadi kitab rujukan ulama Nusantara dalam menyusun syarah atau penjelasan kitab kāsyifat al-sajā, faidh al-hijā ‘alā naili al-rojā, nadzam nailul roja, kasyful hijā fī tarjamati safīnat al-najā, tanwīru al-hijā fī nadzmi safīnat al-najā, i’ānat al-rafīq ‘alā nadzmi sulām al-taufīq, inqōdzu al-ghorīq fī nadzmi sulām al-taufīq, mirqōtu al-shu’ūdi al-tashdīq fī syarhi sulām al-taufīq dan mauhibatu dzi al-fadhli al-hasyīyati ‘alā Mukhtashor Bafādhol. Ketiga, pengaruh alumni Hadramaut terutama kalangan alawiyyin sampai saat ini masih memiliki pengaruh dakwah yang cukup kuat di Indonesia setelah 30 santri angkatan pertama tahun 1998 Darul Musthafa pulang ke Indonesia dan mengembangkan dakwah dengan mendirikan majelis taklim atau pesantren.     Kata kunci: Hadramaut, Intelektualisme, Nusantara, Pesantren
Challenging the Status Quo: Khaled M. Abou El Fadl’s Perspectives on Islamic Legal Authority and the Restrictive Fatwa on Women’s Solo Travel Muhammad Fauzinudin Faiz; Dawam Multazamy Rohmatulloh; Muhammad Solikhudin
Journal of Islamic Law Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/jil.v4i1.1071


This article discusses Khaled M. Abou El Fadl’s (El Fadl) views on Islamic legal authority and his critique of the fatwa prohibiting women from travelling alone without a maḥram (unmarriageable kin) issued by the Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinions (CRLO), Saudi Arabia. This research employs a literature review method by analysing several fatwas issued by the CRLO and several of El Fadl’s works as primary sources. The research findings indicate that El Fadl strives to formulate an authoritative and progressive Islamic law. El Fadl criticises the CRLO’s authoritarian fatwa regarding the prohibition of women travelling alone without a maḥram using a hermeneutic framework. El Fadl emphasises that the reader must understand the message of the religious text by connecting the text at the time of its revelation with the current text, considering the text’s competence, meaning determination, and representation. According to El Fadl, the hadith text used as a basis by the CRLO is no longer relevant in the current context because of the sense of security can be overcome on which the fatwa is based. The author argues that El Fadl’s views belong to progressive Muslim thinking. This article is expected to contribute to the discourse on openness and inclusivity in Islam.
Pesantren Tradition and the Existence of Tarekat Syattariyah in the Java War of 1825-‎‎1830‎ Moh Ashif Fuadi; Moh. Mahbub; Martina Safitry; Usman Usman; Dawam Multazamy Rohmatulloh; M. Harir Muzakki
TSAQAFAH Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Tsaqafah Jurnal Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v18i1.7666


The Java War had its unique influence on the development of pesantren. Prince Diponegoro plays the struggle against the invaders with some of his soldiers who come from among the pesantren. After his defeat in the Java War of 1825-1830, many Diponegoro warriors spread to teach religion. This research will discuss the sustainability of the struggle of Diponegoro warriors in pesantren and the Islamic treasures of the Java War, such as strengthening pesantren traditions and the existence of tarekat syattariyah (syattariyah order). This research is classified as historical research through Kuntowijoyo's historical research methods: topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. This research yielded several conclusions, namely: First, after its defeat in the Java war, the struggle of Diponegoro warriors with a cleric-santri background continued through the establishment of pesantren with a change in strategy more to intellectual strengthening. Second, intellectual traditions during the Java War, one of which was through the study of yellow books typical of pesantren with fiqh and Sufi patterns such as Fatḥ al-Qarîb and Tuḥfah al-Mursalah ila Rûḥ al-Nabiy. Third, the existence of the tarekat syattariyah that had an anti-colonial character at that time was quite popular in Java, made the order followed by prince Diponegoro and some of his soldiers. Fourth, when compared to the Padri War, the typology of da'wah struggle developed by Diponegoro warriors is more moderately patterned identically to Walisongo's accommodating character.
Digital Innovation in Pesantren Education: Prediction to Welcome Global Islam Awakening Ansori Ansori; Dawam Multazamy Rohmatulloh; Didi Sudrajat; Sitti Asnaeni. Am; Sri Utami
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Islamic Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v5i2.2222


This paper aimed to discuss the creativity and innovation of Islamic boarding schools in the digital era. The research method of this study was literature, by looking for related literature contained in books, articles, and websites both national and international publications. The results of this study indicate that pesantren that only survive on the old learning system, without relying on technological sophistication, will be left behind by communities that have implemented a technological system. It is hoped that this discussion is useful for other Islamic educational institutions, it is necessary to carry out various creativity and innovations through technology so that pesantren are more alive not only in the real world but in cyberspace. For similar research, it can be used as comparison material with field studies between traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia.
Digital Innovation in Pesantren Education: Prediction to Welcome Global Islam Awakening Ansori Ansori; Dawam Multazamy Rohmatulloh; Didi Sudrajat; Sitti Asnaeni. Am; Sri Utami
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Kh Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v5i2.2222


This paper aimed to discuss the creativity and innovation of Islamic boarding schools in the digital era. The research method of this study was literature, by looking for related literature contained in books, articles, and websites both national and international publications. The results of this study indicate that pesantren that only survive on the old learning system, without relying on technological sophistication, will be left behind by communities that have implemented a technological system. It is hoped that this discussion is useful for other Islamic educational institutions, it is necessary to carry out various creativity and innovations through technology so that pesantren are more alive not only in the real world but in cyberspace. For similar research, it can be used as comparison material with field studies between traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia.