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JURNAL BIOMEDIK adalah JURNAL ILMIAH KEDOKTERAN yang diterbitkan tiga kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, November. Tulisan yang dimuat dapat berupa artikel telaah (review article), hasil penelitian, dan laporan kasus dalam bidang ilmu kedokteran..
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Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Rampengan, Novie H.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12331


Abstract: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a respiratory disease caused by Corona virus (MERS-CoV). This virus was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that until June 2015 there were 26 countries infected by MERS-CoV with a total of 1,334 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection and 471 deaths. According to WHO as many as 75% of MERS-CoV cases are secondary cases, obtained from other infected people. In mid 2015 it is reported that MERS-CoV attacked South Korea with 172 confirmed cases of MERS-CoV and 27 deaths. There are no approved antiviral agents for the treatment of MERS-CoV infection or vaccine available for the prevention of MERS-CoV. MERS cases are treated with supportive therapy such as hydration, antipyretics, analgesics, respiratory support, and antibiotics in case of secondary infectionKeywords: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Corona virus, treatmentAbstrak: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) merupakan penyakit saluran napas yang disebabkan oleh Corona virus (MERS-CoV). Virus ini pertama kali dilaporkan pada tahun 2012 di Arab Saudi. WHO melaporkan bahwa sampai Juni 2015 terdapat 26 negara terinfeksi MERS-CoV dengan total 1.334 kasus yang dikonfirmasi laboratorium terinfeksi MERS-CoV dan 471 kematian. Menurut WHO sebanyak 75% dari kasus MERS-CoV merupakan kasus sekunder, yaitu diperoleh dari orang lain yang terinfeksi. Pada pertengahan tahun 2015 dilaporkan MERS-CoV menyerang Korea Selatan dengan 172 kasus yang dikonfirmasi laboratorium terinfeksi MERS-CoV dan 27 kematian. Belum ada antivirus yang disetujui untuk pengobatan infeksi MERS-CoV atau vaksin yang tersedia untuk pencegahan MERS-CoV. Penanganan MERS-CoV dengan terapi suportif berupa hidrasi, antipiretik, analgetik, bantuan pernapasan, dan antibiotik bila terjadi infeksi sekunder.Kata kunci: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Corona virus, penanganan
MALT lymphoma in terminal ileum a case report Indrawati, Yeti
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12336


Abstrak: Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALToma) merupakan subtipe ketiga tersering dari limfoma non-Hodgkin. Gejala klinis sering insidius sebagai lesi yang low grade dan cenderung terlokalisasi untuk waktu lama. Saluran cerna, terutama lambung, merupakan lokasi ekstranodal tersering. MALToma dari ileum jarang ditemukan dengan patogenesis yang tidak diketahui pasti. Mengenai 5-year survival untuk MALToma dilaporkan 81%. Kami melaporkan kasus seorang laki-laki berusia 80 tahun dirawat di Bagian Emergensi RS Siloam Manado dengan nyeri abdomen dan adanya massa dalam abdomen. Pemeriksaan radiologi abdomen dan USG memperlihatkan adanya massa pada area usus halus. Pada pasien ini dilakukan laparotomi. Hasil histopatologik menunjukkan suatu MALT limfoma dari ileum terminalis.Kata kunci: MALT limfoma, ileum terminalis.Abstract: Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALToma) is the third most common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma subtype. Clinical presentation is often insidious as a low grade lesion and the disease tends to remain localized for a long period of time. The gastrointestinal tract, but in particular the stomach, is by far the most common extra-nodal site. MALToma of ileum, however is rare. Little is known with certainty about the pathogenesis of the disease but overall 5-year survival for MALToma is reported as 81%. We reported an 80-year-old male presented to the Emergency Department of Siloam Hospital Manado with abdominal pain and an abdominal mass. He underwent an abdominal radiology and abdominal ultrasound which showed a mass in the small intestinal area. A laparotomy and a tumor biopsy were performed on him. The histopathological result was consistent with MALT lymphoma of terminal ileum.Keywords: MALT lymphoma, terminal ileum
Ekek anti mikroba terapi larva Wangko, Sunny

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12332


Abstract: Chronic wound is still a world-wide problem that spends a very high cost related to its management and treatment. Although there are a lot of promising studies about wound healing process, the prevalence and incidence of chronic wound and its complications are still high. Conventionally, the management of chronic wound consists of surgical debridement, manual irrigation, dressing, and antimicrobial therapy (topical and/or systemic). It is accepted that microbial biofilm and its complexity play important roles in non-healing wounds. This biofilm consists of polymicrobial colonies embedded in exopolymeric matrix produced by the biofilm itself and has a high tolerance to host defence mechanisme, antibiotics, and antiseptics. Larval therapy has been approved by FDA to be used in chronic wound management. It has antimicrobial effects besides its other effects on wound healing inter alia mechanical debridement, anti-inflammation, angiogenesis, and destabilization of biofilm enzymes. Further studies are needed to explore the effects of larval therapy, especially its excretion/secretion components, so that it can be applicated more aesthetically.Keywords: chronic wound, wound healing process, biofilm, larval therapyAbstrak: Luka kronis merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia yang telah memboroskan biaya cukup tinggi. Walaupun telah terjadi kemajuan dan pemahaman mengenai penyembuhan luka, prevalensi dan insidensi luka kronis dan komplikasinya tetap meningkat pesat. Secara konvensional, perawatan luka kronis terdiri dari debrideman, irigasi manual, dressing untuk mempertahankan kelembaban, dan terapi antimikroba (topikal dan atau sistemik). Adanya biofilm mikroba serta kompleksitasnya pada luka kronis telah disepakati sebagai salah satu kunci gagalnya penyembuhan luka. Biofilm mikroba terdiri dari koloni-koloni mikroorganisme polimikrobial terkemas dalam matriks eksopolimerik yang diproduksi olehnya sendiri dan memiliki toleransi tinggi terhadap pertahanan pejamu (host), antibiotik, dan antiseptik. Terapi larva telah diterima oleh FDA dan telah terbukti berefek antimikroba disamping efek lainnya terhadap penyembuhan luka, antara lain: debrideman mekanis, anti-inflamasi, angiogenesis, dan destabilisasi enzim biofilm pada luka. Studi lanjut diperlukan untuk mengeksplorasi efek terapi larva terutama komponen ekskresi/skresi larva terhadap penyembuhan luka agar dapat diaplikasikan secara lebih estetik.Kata kunci: luka kronis, penyembuhan luka, biofilm, terapi larva
Perbandingan efektivitas asam perasetik dan feracrylum pada pola kuman ulkus diabetik Wagiu, Angelica M. J.; Sumangkut, Richard M.; Sapan, Heber B.; Waworuntu, Louise A. J.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12335


Abstract: Diabetic ulcer is a condition of infection, ulceration, and or destruction of inner skin tissue related to neurological disorders and degrees of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in diabetic patients. Diabetic ulcer is prone to infection due to decreased immune response, therefore, opportunistic microbes can become pathogens. Infection is sttill a serious problem in diabetic ulcer since the high cost and long duration of treatment lead to complicated neclected ulcer. This study aimed to obtain the present profile of microbes in diabetic ulcers and the effectivitveness of peracetic acid dan feracrylum in the treatment of diabetic ulcers. This was a descriptive analytical study. The ulcer degree was determined by using PEDIS criteria. Pus specimen was taken with a sterile technique using a transport media, cultured in the Baxtec machine, and the microbes were identified and further tested for sensitivity to peracetic acid dan feracrylum 1%. The results showed that of the 57 patients there were 36 females with a mean age of 58.77+ 9.077 years. Most of the patients (30 patients) had diabetic ulcers of 4th degree. The result of pus culture showed Gram negative Proteus mirabilis as the most frequent microbe (17.5%). The sensitivity test showed that 100% of 12 types of microbes, 83.3% of Citrobacter diversus, and 60% of Proteus mirabilis samples were sensitive to peracetic acid, meanwhile, all microbes were resistant to feracrylum 1% dan NaCl as controls,. Conclusion: Peracetic acid was more effective than feracrylum 1% as topical antimicrobial for diabetic ulcer.Keywords: diabetic ulcer, microbe, topical antimicrobial agentAbstrak: Ulkus diabetik adalah suatu kondisi adanya infeksi, ulserasi dan atau kerusakan jaringan kulit yang lebih dalam yang berhubungan dengan kelainan neurologik serta berbagai tingkatan peripheral arterial disease (PAD) pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM). Ulkus diabetik lebih mudah terinfeksi karena respons kekebalan tubuh penderita DM biasanya menurun, bahkan kuman oportunistik juga dapat menjadi patogen. Infeksi masih menjadi masalah yang paling serius dialami penderita ulkus diabetik oleh karena biaya pengobatan yang besar dan waktu perawatan yang lama sehingga ulkus sering dibiarkan terinfeksi dengan komplikasi tanpa perawatan adekuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data terkini pola kuman penderita ulkus diabetik dan untuk mengetahui efektivitas asam perasetik dan feracrylum pada pola kuman ulkus diabetik. Jenis penelitian ini ialah deskriptif analitik. Derajat ulkus dinilai dengan kriteria PEDIS. Spesimen pus diambil secara steril dengan media transpor, ditanam dalam mesin Baxtec, kemudian dilakukan identifikasi kuman dan uji sensitivitas terhadap asam perasetik dan feracrylum 1%. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari 57 penderita ulkus diabetik terbanyak ialah perempuan (36 penderita) dengan rerata usia 58,77+9,077 tahun. Sebagian besar ulkus diabetik (30 penderita) termasuk derajat 4. Hasil kultur memperlihatkan Proteus mirabilis (Gram negatif) yang tersering (17,5%). Hasil uji sensitivitas pola kuman memperlihatkan 100% sampel dari 12 jenis kuman, 83,3% dari Citrobacter diversus, dan 60% dari Proteus mirabilis sensitif terhadap asam perasetik, sedangkan terhadap feracrylum 1% dan NaCl sebagai kontrol, seluruh kuman telah resisten. Simpulan: Asam perasetik lebih efektif dibandingkan feracrylum 1% sebagai antimikroba topikal pada ulkus diabetik.Kata kunci: ulkus diabetik, mikroba, antimikroba topikal
Pengaruh latihan core-strengthening terhadap stabilitas trunkus dan keseimbangan pasien pasca stroke Wowiling, Paulina E.; Sengkey, Lidwina S.; Lolombulan, Julius H.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12334


Abstract: This study aimed to analyze whether core-strengthening exercise could correct trunk stability and increase balance in post stroke patients. This was an experimental study with a pretest – posttest group design. Subjects were trained to perform the core strengthening exercise for 12 sessions. The trunk stability was evaluated with trunk impairment scale (TIS) and the balance was evaluated with Berg balance scale (BBS) and timed up and go test (TUG). Data were analyzed with the paired T-test and the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that there were 23 subjects that met the inclusion criteria. Of the 23 subjects, only 19 subjects completed the 12 sessions of exercise. The statistical analysis showed that there were significant increases of TIS (P <0.0001), BBS (P <0.0001), and TUG (P <0.0001) after the whole exercise. Conclusion: Core-strengthening exercise improved trunk stability as wel as static and dynamic balance in post stroke patients.Keywords: core-strengthening exercise, trunk stability, static and dynamic balanceAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana latihan core-strengthening memperbaiki stabilitas trunkus dan meningkatkan keseimbangan pada pasien pascastroke. Jenis penelitian ini ialah eksperimental dengan pretest–posttest group design. Subjek penelitian ialah 23 pasien pasca stroke yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Perlakuan yang diberikan ialah latihan core-strengthening sebanyak12 sesi. Penilaian stabilitas trunkus menggunakan trunk impairment scale (TIS) sedangkan keseimbangan diukur dengan Berg balance scale (BBS) dan timed up and go test (TUG). Data dianalisis menggunakan uji T berpasangan dan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari 23 subjek penelitian hanya 19 yang menyelesaian 12 sesi latihan, Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan latihan penguatan trunkus sebanyak 12 sesi didapatkan peningkatan bermakna dari TIS (P <0,0001), BBS (P <0,0001), dan TUG (P <0,0001). Simpulan: Latihan core-strengthening dapat memperbaiki stabilitas trunkus serta keseimbangan statik dan dinamik pada pasien pasca stroke.Kata kunci: Latihan core-strengthening, stabilitas trunkus, keseimbangan statik dan dinamik
Disfungsi ereksi pada penyakit kardiovaskular Sasube, Nancy; Rampengan, Starry H.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12330


Abstract: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common among cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients. It is an important component of the quality of life. Moreover, it also confers an independent risk for future CV events. There is usual a 3-year time frame between the onset of ED symptoms and a CV event which offers an opportunity for risk mitigation. Thus, sexual function should be incorporated into CVD risk assessment for all males. Algorithms for the management of patient with ED have been proposed according to the risk for sexual activity and future (comprising of both lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment) improve overall vascular health, including sexual function. Proper sexual counselling improves the quality of life and increase adherence to medication. Testosterone assessment may be useful for both diagnosis of ED, risk stratification, and further management. There are issues to be addressed, such as whether PDE5 inhibitors reduce CV risk. Management of ED requires a collaborative approach and the role of the cardiologist is pivotal.Keywords: cardiovascular disease, erectile dysfunction, sexual functionAbstrak: Disfungsi ereksi (DE) umumnya ditemukan pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular. DE merupakan komponen penting terhadap penurunan kualitas hidup pada laki-laki dan merupakan indikator terhadap risiko kejadian penyakit kardiovaskular di masa depan. Terdapat jangka waktu sekitar 3 tahun antara munculnya DE dan kejadian penyakit kardiovaskular, sehingga masih ada kesempatan untuk mencegah risiko yang akan terjadi. Dengan demikian fungsi seksual harus dimasukkan dalam penilaian risiko penyakit kardiovaskular pada semua laki-laki. Algoritma untuk penanganan pasien DE telah dirumuskan sesuai dengan risiko aktivitas seksual dan kejadian penyakit kardiovaskular di masa depan. Beberapa pendekatan untuk mengurangi resiko penyakit kardiovaskular terdiri dari perubahan gaya hidup dan pengobatan farmakologi dapat meningkatkan kesehatan termasuk fungsi seksual. Konseling seksual yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap pengobatan. Penggunaan testosteron dan inhibitor PDE5 dapat bermanfaat dalam pengobatan DE. Penanganan DE memerlukan kerjasama dari berbagai bidang spesialistik termasuk peran dari kardiologis.Kata kunci: disfungsi ereksi, fungsi seksual, penyakit kardiovaskular
Pengaruh transfer of motor skill learning dari tangan sehat terhadap peningkatan fungsional tangan paresis pasien stroke subakut ., Elina; Sengkey, Lidwina S.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12333


Abstract: This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of transfer of motor skill learning from healthy hand on increasing functional paretic’s hand of stroke patient. This was a descriptive study conducted at the Instalation of Medical Rehabilitation, Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. There were 26 patients of subacute stroke that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All subjects were trained for 6 weeks and then were evaluated with nine hole peg test dan Sollerman hand function test. The results showed that of the 26 patients, 15 (57.7%) were males. The highest percentages were as follows: mean of age was 57.58 years old (38.5%), onset of stroke was less than 10 weeks (65.4%), and nonhaemorrhagic stroke (88.5%). The Wilcoxon test showed that there were significant differences of nine hole peg test and Sollerman hand function test scores before and after exercise (P <0.001). Conclusion: Transfer of motor skill learning from healthy hand could increase functional paretic hand of stroke patients.Keywords: stroke, transfer of motor skill, bilateral transfer, mirror neuronAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh transfer of motor skill learning tangan sehat terhadap peningkatan fungsional tangan paresis pasien stroke subakut. Jenis penelitian ini ialah deskriptif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik RSUP Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Sebanyak 26 orang pasien stroke fase subakut yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua subyek diberi latihan selama 6 minggu kemudian dilakukan penilaian dengan nine hole peg test dan Sollerman hand function test. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari 26 subjek, persentase tertinggi ialah laki-laki sebanyak 15 orang (57,7%), usia rata-rata ialah 57,58 tahun (38,5%), onset terjadinya stroke kurang dari 10 minggu (65,4%), dan stroke non-hemoragik (88,5%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon menyatakan terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada nilai nine hole peg test dan Sollerman hand function test sebelum (awal) dan sesudah (akhir) perlakuan (p <0,001). Simpulan: Transfer of motor skill learning tangan yang sehat dapat meningkatkan fungsional tangan paresis pasien stroke subakut.Kata kunci: stroke, transfer of motor skill, bilateral transfer, mirror neuron
Peran GnRH agonis Suparman, Erna; Suparman, Eddy
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.8.1.2016.12329


Abstract: Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonists have a higher biological potential than endogenous GnRH. Administration of a GnRH agonist triggers FSH and LH secretion from the pituitary (flare-up effect), however, after several days pituitary sensitivity continues to decrease which causes decreases of LH, FSH, estrogen, and progesterone (down-regulation). Preoperative administration of GnRH agonists is recommended in uterine fibroid with severe anemia to reduce blood loss before, during, and after surgery. Due to shrinking of fibroid, laparoscopy or laparotomy with Pfannenstiel incision can be performed. Moreover, myomectomy will not require extensive incision, damaged myometrium and adhesion are minimum, therefore, those conditions will increase the success of fertility; facilitate the removal of submucosal fibroid with histeroscopy; and enable the vaginal hysterectomy more easily. In patients with polycystic ovarial syndrome, GnRH agonists will suppress the high levels of LH and testosterone. GnRH agonists halt the growth and reduce the size of an endometriosis, therefore, they can be used in patients with precocious puberty and premenstrual syndrome. The combination of exogenous gonadotropin plus a GnRH agonist used in vitro fertilization is associated with increased pregnancy rate as compared with the use of gonadotropins without a GnRH agonist. The administration of GnRH agonists trigger hypoestrogen that causes osteoporosis and other complaints such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness, headache, and sleep disturbance. GnRH agonists can be combined with low-dose estrogen and progestin (add-back therapy) to reduce these side effects. Addback provision of therapy is started 12 weeks after administration of GnRH agonists.Keywords: GnRH agonist, exogenous gonadotropinAbstrak: GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) agonis memiliki potensi biologis yang lebih tinggi daripada GnRH endogen. Permulaan pemberian GnRH agonis memicu pengeluaran FSH dan LH dari hipofisis (flare-up effect). Setelah beberapa hari sensitivitas hipofisis terhadap rangsangan GnRH agonis terus berkurang yang menyebabkan penurunan LH, FSH, estrogen, dan progesteron (down regulation). Pemberian GnRH agonis preoperatif dianjurkan pada mioma uteri dengan anemia berat untuk mengurangi kehilangan darah sebelum, selama dan setelah operasi. Dengan mengecilnya mioma maka dapat dilakukan tindakan laparoskopi atau laparatomi dengan insisi Pfannenstiel, juga saat miomektomi tidak diperlukan insisi luas, kerusakan miometrium dan perlekatan menjadi minimal sehingga akan meningkatkan keberhasilan fertilitas; mempermudah pengangkatan mioma submukosum dengan histeroskopi; dan mempermudah melakukan vaginal histerektomi. GnRH agonis pada pasien sindroma ovarium polikistik akan menekan tingginya kadar LH dan produksi testosteron. GnRH agonis menghentikan pertumbuhan dan mengurangi ukuran endometriosis, selain itu GnRH agonis dapat digunakan pada pasien dengan pubertas prekok dan sindroma premenstrual. Pada fertilisasi in vitro penggunaan kombinasi gonadotropin eksogen ditambah GnRH agonis berhubungan dengan peningkatan keberhasilan kehamilan dibandingkan dengan penggunaan gonadotropin tanpa GnRH agonis. Pemberian GnRH agonis memicu keadaan hipoestrogen yang menyebabkan osteoporosis dan keluhan lain seperti hot flushes, vagina yang kering, sakit kepala, dan gangguan tidur. GnRH agonis dapat dikombinasi dengan estrogen dosis rendah dan progestin (add-back therapy) untuk mengurangi efek samping tersebut. Pemberian addback therapy ini dimulai 12 minggu setelah pemberian GnRH agonis.Kata kunci: GnRH agonis, gonadotropin eksogen

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