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Cakrawala : Jurnal Humaniora Bina Sarana Informatika
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Jurnal Cakrawala difokuskan kepada kajian dan keilmuan bidang Humaniora dan Sosial yang meliputi bidang Bahasa, Komunikasi, Sosial.
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Strategi PT. Indosat Tbk dalam Mensosialisasikan Nama dan Logo Kepada Customer Karina Utami Putri; Raffiudin Akil; Melati Kusuma Wardhani
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.644 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5547


Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pentingnya pemahaman mengenai sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan dalam merubah nama dan logo baru sebagai cerminan identitas suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis strategi yang dilakukan PT. Indosat Tbk dalam mensosialisasikan nama dan logo baru kepada customer yang sesuai dengan strategi komunikasi 7C Cutlip & Center. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan eknik pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara dan data sekunder dari buku – buku yang relevan dengan penelitian, dokumen perusahaan dan internet. Teknik analisis data kualitatif menggunakan model Miles & Hubberman sementara eknik pemeriksaan kepercayaan berupa triangulasi sumber. Berdasarkan hasil peneitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi komunikasi 7C oleh Cutlip & Center yaitu kredibilitas yang cukup dalam melakukan sosialisasi dengan dibantu oleh divisi yang terkait, konten dan konteks yang disampaikan sesuai dan dapat dimengerti, kesinambungan dan konsistensi isi pesan selalu diperhatikan, saluran komunikasi telah optimal mencakup media cetak, elektronik, dan tatap muka.
Membangun Karakter Anak Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan Islam & Keluarga Dian Mohamad Anwar
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.988 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5263


Penelitian  ini membahas tentang pentingnya pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan dalam keluarga. Study ini penting karena dalam pembangunan kemajuan dan karakteristik suatu negara harus ditopang dengan kualitas karakter dan moral rakyatnya, dalam hal ini khususnya adalah remaja sebagai pewaris tongkat estafet kepemimpinan dan kemajuan negara Indonesia. Study ini membahas bagaimana pendidikan Islam dan keluarga mampu membentuk karakter anak bangsa yang cerdas, berkarakter dan berakhlak. Metode  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah  metode deskriptif analitik yaitu dengan menggambarkan konsep para ahli pendidikan dan psikologi tentang pendidikan karakter, konsep pendidikan islam dan konsep peranan orang tua dalam keluarga. Penulis kemudian menganalisis untuk menemukan korelasi antara konsep yang ada dalam proses pembentukan karakter. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan agama dan pendidikan keluarga dalam hal ini orang tua memiliki peranan penting dalam pembentukan karakter anak bangsa. Pendidikan agama islam mengarahkan tiap manusia kepada perilaku dan karakter yang positif, dan konsep peranan orang tua dalam pendidikan keluarga berperan besar sebagai rule model dalam proses pembiasaan untuk aplikasi pendidikan islam, keduanya merupakan komponen yang tidak dapat dipisahkan untuk mampu membangun karakter anak bangsa yang berkarakter positif, cerdas dan agamis.
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.222 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5893


The study was conducted to determine the application, fulfillment, and control of quality standards and their implementation in the world of education. Qualitative methods are used with Descriptive Research types. The results and discussion of efforts to maintain the quality of education are difficult to release in relation to quality management. In quality management all management functions carried out by education managers are directed so that all services provided to the maximum extent possible or exceed customer expectations. In connection with these efforts, efforts are needed to control quality or quality control. In the perspective of quality management, controlling the quality of a product after it is produced can face the risk of a number of products that do not meet the expected standards. This means that the production process is more expensive. In the field of education this logic also applies.  Keywords: Implementation, Quality Assurance, Education
Pengaruh Pelayanan dan Harga terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan di PT Setiajaya Mobilindo Eigis Yani Pramularso
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.543 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5887


Abstract  - Increasingly tight business competition is accompanied by changes in the needs and desires of customers who always dynamically require companies to be able to adapt so that customers remain satisfied with the company's performance. Service quality and price determination offered are important parts so customer satisfaction is maintained. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction of PT Setiajaya Mobilindo. The population in this study were customers of PT Setiajaya Mobilindo located on Jl. Raya Tole Iskandar Depok who received body & paint services and the sample was 61 respondents taken randomly. The data analysis tool uses multiple linear regression with processing techniques using SPSS. From the results of the study it is known that service quality and price together have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Partially service quality and price also have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. The number of R square (R2) shows service quality and price contribute 58.6% to customer satisfaction, while the rest is influenced by other factors outside of this study. Keywords: Service Quality, Price, Customer Satisfaction
Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan Uber Edisi Boxes Aryadillah Aryadillah
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.264 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.6223


In answering the current business competition, it is necessary to have a different promotion strategy from other competitors. In this case, it is not just to gain as much profit as possible, but also becomes an attraction for consumers if the company uses a media promotion strategy that is unique or different from the others, so there is a message that is created through communication semiotics. online motorcycle taxi phenomenon. Online motorcycle taxi services such as motorcycle taxi, grab and uber have stolen the attention of users of public transportation services. One of several online motorcycle taxi that is now stealing the attention is Uber. Through the Uber Edition Boxes advertisement, this online motorcycle taxi service has stolen the attention of other online motorcycle taxi users. Since it was published on November 1, 2017 through YouTube, this ad has been watched by 2,637,183 by cyber activists. This uniquely conceptualized ad carries the message "watch and see what will happen if our city is filled with people in unit boxes that fill city streets to the point of being ridiculous. Imagine that the people in this box are cars ... # ridetogether #unlockJakartas " 
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.151 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5882


AbstractMigration is not only migrating to another land but most importantly, to the different social and cultural surrounding. This does affect not only identity development but also parenting style. The problem of identity development and parenting in the migrant family is shown in the German movie titled Solino. This movie shows the story of an Italian family who migrated to Germany and faced many identity problems. This research questioned the depiction of how the identity development of migrant children affected by the style of fatherhood. The question will be answered using the qualitative method and literary analysis. Identity development, parenting, and cinematography theories are used to illuminate the scenes in the movie. The result shows that the authoritarian parenting style used by father figure to his children who rise in the egalitarian German society will force the children to rebel. This movie delivers an essential message that migrant parent should open and adopts the right parenting style to raise their children in different social and cultural society.  Keywords: Fatherhood, migrant, parenting style, identity. AbstrakBermigrasi bukan hanya tentang perpindahan wilayah tapi juga perpindahan dalam konteks sosial dan budaya yang baru. Hal ini mempengaruhi perkembangan identitas, dan dalam konteks orang tua, mempengaruhi pola pengasuhan terhadap anak anaknya. Permasalahan mengenai identitas dan  parenting dalam konteks keluarga migrant diangkat dalam Film Jerman berjudul Solino. Film ini berkisah mengenai keluarga Italia yang bermigrasi ke Jerman dan menghadapi banyak permasalahan identitas pada keluarga tersebut. Penelitian ini berupaya meneliti bagaimana penggambaran perkembangan identitas dan karakter anak migrant terkait dengan gaya pengasuhan tokoh ayah. Pertanyaan ini dijawab menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dan kajian pustaka. Teori perkembangan identitas dan parenting, serta teknik sinematografi digunakan untuk menganalisis adegan-adegan secara mendalam pada film Solino.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa gaya asuh authoritarian yang  digunakan tokoh ayah pada anak anak yang besar di wilayah Jerman yang egaliter, membuat tokoh anak memberontak secara frontal. Melalui film ini ditunjukan bahwa anak migrant tumbuh besar dalam lingkungan social dan budaya yang berbeda dari budaya asal, sehingga tokoh orang tua dituntut dapat menyesuaikan perubahan social budaya yang dihadapi. Kata Kunci: Fatherhood, migrant, pola asuh, identitas. 
Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Dagsap Endure Eatore Jakarta Selatan Julia Retnowulan; Isnurrini Hidayat Susilowati; Wiwik Widiyanti
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.629 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5896


Human resources is one important factor for the progress of a company, one of the aspects that affect the achievement of human resources that have high performance is the motivation of work. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of work motivation on employee performance at PT Dagsap Endura Eatore Jakarta. The author uses the method of observation, questionnaires, study documentation. The author distributed questionnaires to 56 respondents by using Likert scale. Data analysis technique using correlation coefficient, determination, regression equation, then writer process the data by using SPSS version 22. Based on calculation of correlation coefficient obtained equal to 0,750 which mean, there is strong relation between work motivation to employee performance at PT Dagsap Endura Eatore Jakarta. From result of calculation of coefficient of determination obtained result of equal to 0,563 or 56% and the rest 44% influenced by other factors like compensation, promotion, training, and seen from regression equation formed Y = 14,774 + 0,650X this indicate that without work motivation employee performance of 14,774 units and if the motivation to work increased 1 unit it will increase the employee performance of 0.650 units.
DISTOPIA KONDISI LIBERALISME DALAM FILM TIGA (Studi Semiotika Roland Barthes Tentang Distopia Liberalisme di Jakarta dalam Film Tiga) Tuty Mutiah; Dhefine Armelsa; Faqihar Risyan; Agung Raharjo
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.672 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5633


Dystopia in Film Tiga Liberalism Conditions (Roland Barthes Semiotics Studies about Dystopia on Liberalism in Jakarta in Film Tiga). This study goals is to determine the meaning of dystopian condition of Jakarta in the Film Tiga through the sign, signifier and signified. Three films is a film that adopts Liberal describe the depravity of Jakarta twenty years in the future in 2036. The method used semiotic analysis of Roland 2 Bartes.The object of research is the Film Tiga were directed by Anggy Umbara and classified through five objects dystopia condition of Jakarta, dystopian condition of the state apparatus, dystopia conditions of religion, dystopia technology, and dystopias journalism to find signs and markers and meaning at the level of the first and second, the denotation, connotations and myths.These results indicate that the situation of Jakarta transformed into an increasingly metropolis marked by the increasing number of high-rise buildings, as well as demonstrations marked depicted in 2015 until 2025. In 2026, the revolution ended and became State Liberalism. Changes in the State apparatus are characterized by the wish to dominate the world to create freedom in the face of the earth. One is to get rid of religion, by damaging the face of religion. State Officials do havoc with bring into conflict of the Religion. Changes religion marked by shifting religious values, is marked by religion becomes a thing wrong choice. The lack of freedom is depicted in this film, must be eradicated in order to function in a Liberal to be ideal. Technological changes are interpreted as changes in technology that convey information quickly, as well as the ability to hacked That meaning is characterized by technological devices that undergo changes such as, mobile phones, flash, televisions, doors, computers, laptops and so forth is now transformed into transparent. The changes meant the journalistic agenda setting media that is still happening characterized by lack of freedom of the press.
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk di Di YouTube Melalui Subscriber Tertinggi dan Kualitas Tayangan Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Taat Kuspriyono
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.389 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.5453


Media sosial saat ini memegang peran yang cukup penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, baik kategori remaja, dewasa bahkan orang tua. Salah satu media sosial yang ada di masyarakat adalah YouTube, yang menyajikan tayangan dalam bentuk Video. Tayangan yang menyajikan audio visual ini menyajikan berbagai informasi, hiburan, edukasi bahkan juga promosi produk. Kalau dicermati dalam konten YouTube menyajikan tombol “Subscriber”  yang dirancang agar orang berlangganan video di YouTube tersebut. Dengan kata lain semakin banyak pelanggan video maka akan semakin besar pula kemungkinan terjadinya penayangan video tersebut. Dan ini secara otomatis semakin banyak penayangan video maka akan semakin populer video tersebut dan juga akan semakin banyak orang yang melihat promosi dari produk yang ditawarkan. Dengan kualitas tayangan produk yang begitu menarik baik dari segi gambar, suara dan desain membuat kebanyakan orang tertarik untuk membeli produk tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah (explanatory research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode penelitian survei, dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada beberapa narasumber. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa Strategi Pemasaran Produk dan  Kualitas Tayangan Iklan secara besama-sama memberikan kontribusi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk.Kata Kunci: Subscriber, YouTube, Starategi Pemasaran
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 19, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.145 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v19i2.6208


Teknologi Informasi merupakan salah satu komponen dalam pembangunan nasional.  Masyarakatpun telah mengenalnya dan banyak sudah terampil dalam penggunaannya. Kemiskinan yang berada ditiap provinsi di Indonesia memiliki tingkatan yang berbeda. Tetapi apakah disebagian masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat miskin telah sama trampilnya dengan masyarakat yang telah mapan.  Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitaif dengan metode analisis data statistik. Dan ternyata, daerah yang tingkat kemiskinannya tinggi, pasti tingkat penguasaan keterampilan teknologinya rendah.

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