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Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Published by Universitas Riau
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Articles 187 Documents
Practicality Test Experimental Device of Twisting Modulus As a Medium of Learning Physics Puspita, Amelia Dwi; Islami, Nur; Yennita, Yennita; Ma’ruf, Zuhdi
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to determine the practicality of a twisting modulus of elasticity experimental device along with student worksheets as a medium of learning physics. The method used as a Research and Development (R & D) with Borg and Galls development model at the stage of preliminary test called a test of practicality. Descriptive analysis of the data obtained by filling the questionnaire score an average yield of every aspect the practicality of using a Likert scale ratings. The results showed that the assessment teachersof experimental device about the shear modulus obtained 3.67 is very high category and 3,77 is high by student. The Results of research on student worksheet as an experimental using obtained 3.77 and 3.30 with very high category by teachers and students. So it can be concluded that the experimental device and student worksheet is practical as a medium of learning physics
Analysis of the Use of Science Instructional Media in the High Grade of State Elementary School 52 in Lima Puluh Sub-District, Pekanbaru City Crysty, Regina; Adiputra, M. Jaya; Syahrilfuddin, Syahrilfuddin
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The use of science learning media has become an obligation of learning as the implementation of active learning curriculum. This study analyzes the teachers comprehension of the use of instructional media in schools, especially the science intructional media in the high grade of elementary schools. The observed components include teacher comprehension of media, creativity, skills, objectivity, facilities and infrastructure, learning format, practicality, motivation, endurance, suitability of learning objectives, goals of science as an output, science objectives as a process, science objectives as a scientific attitude, conformity media, student learning styles and flexibility. The results of this study indicate that teachers have used intructional media, but tend to procedural according to the guidebook and learning media tend to be only as a complement to learning, does not lead to the learning objectives of science.
The Mapping of English for Bussiness Communication Competence of the Students of Vocational Schools in Coastal Areas (Dumai, Bengkalis, Meranti, and Inhil) in Riau Province Ras, Fakhri; Syarfi, Mohd.; Syafrianti, Maria
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims at getting an accurate map of English for Bussiness Communication Competenceof the students of vocational schools in coastal areas of Riau Province in the form of writing ability. The target group of the study are the students of the vocational schools as big as 2476 students. Due to thehomogenous characters of the population, in term of age and academic backgrounds, the sample is taken randomly as big as 25% out of them that is 619 students. The thehnique of collecting data is asking the respondents to write personal letter and curriculum vitae.The collected data are judged by using Brown’s writing description (Brown:2004). The findings are as the following: a). the the average of the respondents’ writing ability in personal letter is 3.45 out of 4, b). the average of the respondents writing ability in curriculum vitae is 3.24 out of 4. The implication of these findings are that the respondents should be given more exercises, and corrections in using structure and vocabulary items in order to achieve the standard use of two language compenents in making personal letter and curriculum vitae.
The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Model and SETS Vision in Sadeng 03 Elementary School to Enhance 4th Grade Students’ Activities and Learning Outcomes Setyasto, Novi; Wijayama, Bayu
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Based on preliminary observation in Sadeng 03 Semarang elementary school has been found some challenges which needed to be overcome in the learning process, especially in 4th grade. Teacher has not implemented yet problem-based learning whichis suggested byRegulation of Education and Culture Minister Number 22/ 2016 about Process Standardto be implemented in the learning process. Students tended to be passive learners and their learning outcomes were low. This was classroom action research which was divided into three cycles. This study aimed to enhance students’ activities, and learning outcomes by applying problem-based learning model and science, environment, technology, society (SETS) Vision in the learning process. The samples of this research were 30 students of 4th grade. Data was derived from observation, test, field note, and documentation. Qualitative and quantitative description were used in this research.The results showed that implementation ofPBL and SETS vision was effective to improve students’ activities proved by the improvements of students’ activities from 1st cycle (high category) to the 2nd and 3rd cycle (very high category). In addition, there were found improvements of students’ learning outcomes in every cycle which showed by the increases of average scores from 60 (pre-cycle) to 80 (3rd cycle). In conclusion, the implementation of PBL and SETS vision was effective to level up the students’activities, and learning outcomes of 4th grade students of Sadeng 03 elementary school.
Analysis on the Ability in Writing Poem of Fourth Grade Students at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi, Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict, Pekanbaru City Putri, Nia Syamsu
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study is aimed to describe the ability in writing poemof fourth grade students at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi, MarpoyanDamaiSubdistrict, Pekanbaru City. This research used descriptive quantitative research methods. The research instrument used was a test in writing poem. The data obtained in the ability to write poem is seen from four aspects: number of lines, number of syllables, poetry a-b-a-b and content. Based on the results, from 70 students, there were 57 students who were highly skilled (81.42%), 10 students who were skilled (14.29%), and 3 students who were skilled enough (4.29%), while there is no students in category less skilled. Overall, the ability of students in highly skilled category got an average score of 91%. This shows that the ability of fourth grade students of Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi in MarpoyanDamaiSubdistrict, Pekanbaru City in writing poem as a whole is "highly skilled".
Modesty in Learning Teacher of 3rd State School Sinaboi District at Rokan Hilir Regency Sinaga, Mangatur; Charlina, Charlina; Septyanti, Elvrin; Ayu Pertiwi, Tri Yuliana
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study describes the language fluency of teachers of SMP Negeri 3, Sinaboi District, Rokan Hilir Regency in learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The object of this study is the teachers speech in the learning process. The theory used is pragmatic, based on the context of the follow-speech utterances, and politeness based on the premise Leech who viewed politeness from the standpoint of the hearer and not from the viewpoint of the speaker based on six maxims of politeness. The results showed that the speech teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Sinaboi District of Rokan Hilir in learning shows (1) the maxim of wisdom, that teachers are always (a) reducing the profit himself and (b) to maximize the advantages of students in learning activities; (2) the maxim of generosity (generosty maxim), namely the teacher respects students; (3) the maxim of appreciation, namely the teacher (a) does not mock, (b) interrupts each other, or (c) does not demean students; (4) the maxim of simplicity or humility, that is, the teacher is humble by reducing praise for oneself; (5) the maxim of agreement, namely teachers to foster compatibility with the students, and (6) kesimpatisan maxim, namely teachers maximize sympathy to their students.
Smartphone Use and its Effects on the Student Final Grade (a case study in the Environmental ChemistryClass) Nazar, Muhammad; Muliana, Rahmi; Hanum, Latifah
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This research aimed at investigating the effects of smartphone usage on the environmental chemistry student’s final grades and identifying the dominant applications used by students in order to help the learning process during environmental chemistry course taking. The participants in this research were 24 students who enrolled the environmental chemistry course in the even semester of academic year 2017/2018. The duration of smartphone usage data was collected by using App Usage application, student responses were recorded using questionnaires and the final scoreobtained from the final test results. The result reveals that for every 1000 seconds increase of smartphone use yields an increase in a final score about 1 point (out of 100). In the other word, the independent variable can explain the dependent variable of about 16.4%. The app usage also recorded that some applications dominantly used by students in the environmental chemistry coursewere found to be browser application such as Chrome and MozillaFirefox, data processing application such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point and PDF Reader. This result implies that if the use of smartphone is properly controlled, the positive effects could be gained.