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Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Published by Jayapangus Press
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Core Subject : Education,
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan is an scientific journal published by Jayapangus Press, aims at providing scientific insights regarding various educational situations or interactions, of all level and types of education. The foci of the journal are: 1) Review of educational curriculum, 2) Review of learning materials, 3) Teaching media and teaching aids, 4) Teaching methods and strategies, 5) Teacher’s competencies, 6) Studies on learner’s and teacher’s development, 7) Educational institution management studies, 8) Characters, gender, and educational evaluation.
Articles 289 Documents
Investigasi Miskonsepsi pada Materi Perkembangbiakan Tumbuhan Menggunakan Metode CRI (certainty of response index) di Sekolah Dasar Milati Darmastuti; Anatri Desstya
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v7i1.3033


Science is material that is closely correlated with experiments and observations, as well as the complexity of living things and their lives, including plants. Plant reproduction is considered to be an area of material that is classified as difficult to convey because it is dense and requires long observations. This difficulty then becomes the trigger for misconceptions among students. This research aims to desCRIbe the level of misconceptions among elementary school students regarding plant reproduction material. This type of research is qualitative with a data collection method using a test instrument using the Certainty of Response Index (CRI) method, with a total of 25 questions that have been tested for validity and reliability, with a validity score of 0.468 and a reliability score of 0.60. The validity of this research was checked by testing the validity and reliability of the test instrument, checking the consistency of filling in the CRI values during the research, and using a formula to calculate the incidence of misconceptions. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the questions can be declared valid and reliable. The research results showed that 32% had misconceptions, 28% knew the concept with certainty, 29% didn't know the concept correctly, and 4% guessed the answer. The percentage of misconceptions at 32% can be categorized as moderate. The highest misconception in the material explaining perfect flowers was 89%, while the lowest misconception in the material explaining the meaning of vegetative plant reproduction was 0%, which means that no students experienced misconceptions about the material.
Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Melalui Model Pembelajaran Context-Based Learning (CBL) Pada Materi Dinamika Gerak Hairiyah Hairiyah; Kinkin Suartini; Taufiq Al Farizi
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v7i1.3035


One of the troubles in Indonesian training is that the system of tutorial development remains not substantial and is abstract and even a way from actual existence, making it tough to train college students' creative wondering abilties. This study targets to enhance innovative questioning talents using the context-based learning (CBL) studying model on motion dynamics fabric. There are several articles associated with these studies for analysis. The sample for this research was 64 students taken from 2 classes, namely class XI K and XI L among 6 class XI at SMAN 3 Pandeglang. The methodology employed for data analysis to ascertain an increase in creative thinking skills in students is the N-gain test. Based on the N-gain analysis, the findings indicated an improvement in creative thinking skills using the context-based learning (CBL) learning model on Motion Dynamics material. This was obtained derived from the outcomes of statistical calculations which indicated the presence of increase in the value of N-gain in the class undergoing the experiment by 0.84 in the high category, while in the control class the N-gain value was only 0.39 falling within the moderate category. Therefore, learning using the context-based learning model is recommended to be employed to enhance the creative thinking abilities of students, especially in contextually related materials such as Motion Dynamics material.
Evaluasi Implementasi Kurikulum Cambridge dengan Model CIPP Sufyan Suri; Muhamad Sholeh; Erny Roesminingsih
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v7i1.3040


This research aims to evaluate the implementation of the Cambridge curriculum using the CIPP evaluation model with four evaluation components, namely context, input, process, and product. The research was carried out at Al Azhar 13 Islamic Junior High School, Surabaya. This research is evaluation research using a qualitative approach. The data analysis technique used is the Miles, Huberman & Saldana’s technique, namely data condensation, display, and verification. The results of the research show that Al Azhar 13 Islamic Junior High School carried out a good context evaluation, one of which was the program background, objectives, and environmental factors and needs. Input evaluation was also carried out well, demonstrated by the existence of resource factors that support curriculum implementation, namely human resources and infrastructure. The process evaluation was carried out well and went through several process stages from planning to evaluation. Product evaluation was also carried out well, demonstrated by the results and impact of curriculum implementation. The conclusion given is in the form of a recommendation for Al Azhar 13 Islamic Junior High School Surabaya to continue implementing the Cambridge curriculum to increase international insight and the quality of education.
Pengaruh Media Gambar Berseri Terhadap Kemampuan Bercerita Pada Anak Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Sudha Kumara Denpasar I Putu Gede Sutrisna; Made Rismawan; Ni Kadek Ayu Nita Sari
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v7i1.3045


The basic ability to tell stories must be possessed by early childhood to improve speaking skills. However, in reality children's skill in story telling is still poor. Serial picture media is an alternative to improve storytelling skill in early childhood. To determine the effect of serial picture media toward storytelling skill in children at Sudha Kumara Kindergarten Denpasar. This study employed a pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. The population of this study were all students of Kindergarten B with total sample 25 students recruited through total sampling technique. The data was collected using the skill of storytelling observation sheets and analyzed by using the non-parametric Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. The statistical test showed that there was an effect of serial picture media on the skill of storytelling in children at Sudha Kumara Kindergarten Denpasar (p-value < 0.001, z = -4.492). There is an increase in children's storytelling skill after using serial picture media; so that, the teacher can provide serial picture as learning media in early childhood to improve storytelling skill.
Pengaruh Model Context-Based Learning Berbantuan Simulasi PhET terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis pada Materi Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke Evi Fadilah; Taufiq Al Farizi; Kinkin Suartini
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v7i1.3047


The main focus of this research is centered on the issue of low critical thinking skills among high school students, particularly in the study of elasticity and Hooke's law. The research aims to investigate how a context-based learning model with the assistance of PhET simulations influences students' critical thinking skills in the context of elasticity and Hooke's law. The study was conducted at SMAS Cengkareng 1 Jakarta for five weeks in October 2023, involving a sample of 30 students. The sample selection utilized purposive sampling, comprising 30 students from class XI MIPA B (control group) and class XI MIPA A (experimental group). The applied design was quasi-experimental with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Data collection involved a critical thinking test instrument consisting of twelve essay-type questions (validated with a validity of 0.86 and reliability of 0.83). The results of the posttest hypothesis test using the t-test at a significance level of 0.05 showed a sig.(2-tailed) value of 0.000, with the conclusion H0 rejected (indicating the influence of the context-based learning model with PhET simulation assistance on students' critical thinking skills). The critical thinking of the experimental group showed a greater improvement (N-gain 0.459 in the moderate category) compared to the control group (N-gain 0.288 in the low category). The implications of this research encourage educators to implement learning models to enhance low critical thinking skills, allowing students to actively engage with complex challenges related to real-life contexts. The study underscores the need to improve critical thinking skills across various subjects.
Peran Pasraman Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Formal Dalam Membentuk Karakter Religius Peserta Didik Ryan Naraditya; I Made Paramarta
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v4i4.3096


Education in Indonesia is an activity that must be carried out by children, in Indonesia itself children are required to get education at school for 12 years, but education is not only in school but can be obtained from the environment, and also family. Education is divided into three namely formal, non-formal, and informal education. Religious education is something that is very important for children to get which can support the behavior and behavior and manners of children. Hindu religious education has a very important role and has a share in achieving the goals of this nation. Formal Pasraman as an educational institution based on Hinduism has a very important role in shaping the character of students. This research uses qualitative research with literature study. The results of this study indicate that Pasraman activities, as a formal educational institution, are an effort to provide education to the younger generation of Hindus in a simple form in accordance with local traditions, customs, dresta, conditions. With this formal pasraman, it is hoped that the younger generation of Hindus can get more Hindu religious education, and no longer hesitate because the formal pasraman has the same position as formal schools in general, so that the goals of this nation can be achieved and have the next generation of the nation that has a religious spiritual character.
Gaya Pacaran Anak-Anak Sekolah Dasar Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Hindu Ni Putu Mariantika; I Wayan Suwendra
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v4i4.3097


During adolescence a person experiences puberty or the transition from childhood to adolescence. Puberty is also known as physical maturation, a rapid transition that mainly occurs in the early stages of adolescence and involves changes in the body and hormones. At this time, the opposite sex begins to be attracted. Many children today are familiar with the term dating. Dating can be defined as an effort to establish a relationship and cultivate a sense of love before entering a more serious level or marriage. Dating at elementary school age has a great risk because children are mentally unprepared or unstable and not mature enough to make decisions. Therefore, the importance of early education to avoid negative things. This research uses a type of qualitative research using a descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that the importance of religious understanding must be given to children of today's young generation, in order to create a young Hindu generation with Suputra character. Hinduism does not regulate through prohibitions but teaches about true self-awareness. Hinduism recognizes the concept of Catur Asrama and Catur Purusa Artha. Basically, Catur Purusha Artha is a philosophy of life from Catur Asrama, namely the four stages of life in this world. Therefore, the younger generation, especially elementary school children, must be given assistance and understanding so that they can make good use of their childhood (Brahmacari) to learn and pursue achievements.
Pengaruh Pemberian Gadget Pada Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini Di Desa Penarungan Ni Wayan Suyanti; I Putu Suarnaya
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v4i4.3098


In today's modern era, almost everyone in various circles from young to old is inseparable from using gadgets. Gadgets as electronic devices that can make it easier for everyone to find and get information anywhere and anytime. Gadgets are also one of the communication tools that can connect a person from various countries easily. Behind the advantages of using gadgets, there is also another side that can affect early childhood development. The importance of early childhood education which aims to avoid unwanted things to children from an early age needs to be considered. This research uses a type of qualitative research using a descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that appropriate stimulation and experiences in childhood have a positive impact on children's learning abilities, health, and well-being as adults. The overuse of gadgets in early childhood is quite a concern nowadays because it can have a negative impact on the child's developmental system and can even be slow to respond when someone interacts with the child. Therefore, it is important to focus on the overall development of children from an early age and ensure that gadget use does not hinder their development. Each child has different needs, so it is important to monitor and adjust the use of equipment according to the child's development and needs.
Tri Kaya Parisudha Sebagai Landasan Ajaran Etika Dan Moral Dalam Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Generasi Muda Ni Putu Chandra Arini; Ida Bagus Kade Yoga Pramana
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v4i4.3099


The younger generation is the generation that will bring change to a country. The ethics and morals of the younger generation need to be considered because they will become an example for future generations. Ethical and moral teachings need to be taught from an early age by parents, teachers and the surrounding community. In Hinduism, ethical and moral teachings are associated with Susila, Susila is good behavior carried out by humans. This teaches about the values regarding the good and bad actions that are done by someone in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to find out what teachings from Tri Kaya Parisudha are used as the basis of ethics and morals for the younger generation. The method used is qualitative method with literature study. The results of this study are that Tri Kaya Parisudha is used as the basis for the application of ethical teachings or Susila to be applied by the younger generation so that they are able to give birth to generations who have good morals and ethics in the surrounding community. The parts of Tri Kaya Parisudha's teachings are Manacika which means good thinking, Wacika which means saying good and right things and Kayika which means doing good which refers to the view of truth (dharma).
Nilai Pendidikan Agama Hindu Dalam Tari Baris Jangkang Desa Pakraman Pelilit Nusa Penida Ni Putu Ida Lasyana Dewi; Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/cetta.v4i4.3100


Indonesia has a lot of cultural wealth in the form of art, including music, sound, painting, sculpture and dance. The dances that developed in Indonesia have various types and are unique in each region. Culture or art that develops in Indonesia, especially in Bali, has an important role, both as a supporter of religious rituals and as a medium of entertainment. Sacred dance faces challenges in the current era, mainly due to the increasing influence of tourism and the ever-growing dynamics of Balinese society. This gives rise to debate and negotiation regarding which dances should be reserved for sacred events and which may be performed as tourism entertainment. In response to this, it is important to inherit and preserve sacred dances that are danced in religious ritual ceremonies because they have many spiritual and philosophical values. Even though some dance arts have experienced extinction, it turns out that there are still several dance arts that remain strong and strong among the people of Nusa Penida. One example is the Baris Jangkang Dance which can be found in Desa Pakraman Pelilit, Nusa Penida, Klungkung. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, where the data that is processed and analyzed is presented in words arranged into a sentence. The history of this dance comes from the story of a person from Desa Pakraman Pelilit who had supernatural powers named I Nyoman Kulit. This dance contains educational values from a Hindu perspective. These values should be passed on to society as a basis or guide for life so that they have a clear direction and purpose in life. It has religiosity values from the aspect of the purity of the dancers and also the symbols of the clothing used. Has the value of education as a unifier of society.