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Distribusi Nyamuk (Diptera: Culicidae) Vektor Penyakit di Kecamatan Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka Mn, Milusnawati; Afriyansyah, Budi; Suwito, Awit
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.263-266


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, lebih rincinya adalah Kecamatan Sungailiat, Kabupaten Bangka dilaporkan adanya kasus penyakit yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk, sehinggah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan pola distribusi nyamuk di tiga Kelurhan, Kecamatan Sungailiat, Kabupaten Bangka serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyebarannya.Metode: Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2019 di Kecamatan Sungailiat, dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, HLC (Human Landing Collection) dan menggunakan analisis Indeks Morisita.Hasil: Hasil identifikasi dan pola distribusi  diperoleh 5 spesies nyamuk diantaranya Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictu, Ar. sulbalbatus, Cx. hutchinsoni, dan Cx. quinquefasciatus dan memiliki pola distribusi mengelompok, dan dengan faktor lingkungan relatif sama dan merupakan faktor yang baik untuk perkembangbiakan nyamuk.Simpulan: Berdasarkan hasil perolehan nyamuk tertinggi adalah Cx. hutchinsoni. Ketiga genus ini menunjukan kecenderungan dengan pola distribusi mengelompok, disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya pencatatan waktu pengamatan secara teratur/jam untuk metode HLC. Kata kunci: Aedes, Armigeres,Culex, HLC, Bangka ABSTRACTTitle: Distribution of disease vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Sungailiat Subdistrict, Bangka District  Background: In Bangka Belitung Islands Province, especially Sungailiat Subdistrict, Bangka Regency has reported many case of diseases caused by mosquito, This study aims to distribution patterns of mosquito in the three villages of Sungailiat Subdistrict, and the factors at influence.Method: The study was conducted from May to August 2019 in Sungailiat Subdistrict with the purposive sampling method, Human Landing Collection (HLC), the result was analyzes by the Morisita Index.Result: The results of identification and distribution patterns obtained by 5 mosquito species, Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictu, Ar. sulbalbatus, Cx. hutchinsoni, and Cx. quinquefasciatus, with cluster distribution patterns, and with the same relative environmental factors and is a good factor by mosquito breeding.Conclusion:. Based on the result, the highest yield of adult mosquitoes was Cx. hutchinsoni. These three Genera show a tendency with clustered distribution patterns. It is recommended to further research the observation time regularly each hour for the HLC method.  Keywords: Aedes, Armigeres,Culex, HLC, Bangka
Faktor - Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Perawat di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang Arsita, Alma Nofia Mega; Sriatmi, Ayun; Kusumastuti, Wulan
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.255-262


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Sebagai pelayanan publik di bidang kesehatan, rumah sakit harus menjamin mutu pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien sebagai pengguna layanan publik. Berdasarkan observasi terkait kepuasan pasien di rawat inap di dapatkan, masih belum terpenuhinya standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) kepuasan pasien di rawat inap hal ini mencerminkan kinerja perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan di rawat inap yang masih kurang baik.Komponen yang berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat cukup kompleks, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengamatan lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat di rawat inap RSUD Ungaran.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross secsional. Populasi terdiri dari 123 perawat yang berada di unit rawat inap RSUD Ungaran dengan sampel sebesar 87 perawat  yang di ambil dengan cara proportional random sampling.Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepemimpinan, kebijakan, motivasi, pelatihan dan pengembangan, kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja. Dan variabel terikat penelitian ini adalah kinerja perawat. Uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji Chi Square.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan di ruang rawat inap yang memiliki kinerja baik jumlahnya lebih besar dari pada kinerja kurang. Terdapat hubungan kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja perawat di rawat inap rumah sakit dengan  p – value 0,000. Adanya hubungan kebijakan terhadap kinerja perawat dengan  p – value 0,011. Terdapat  hubungan motivasi perawat terhadap kinerja perawat dengan p – value 0,0036. Adanya hubungan pelatihan dan pengembangan terhadap kinerja perawat dengan nilai p – value 0,026. Terdapat hubungan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja perawat dengan nilai p – value 0,026. Adanya hubungan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja perawat dengan nilai p – value 0,030.Simpulan: Dari hasil penelitian di simpulkan seluruh variabel bebas berhubungan dengan variabel terikat penelitian.Kata kunci: kinerja, perawat, rumah sakit.ABSTRACTBackground: Hospitals as public services must considered quality of services provided to community. Observations about inpatient statisfication, the minimum service standards have not yet been met about inpatient statisfication, this reflects the performance of nurses in providing inpatient services. Factors related to nurse performance are quite complex, so that further observations need to be done. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to the performance of nurses inpatients at Ungaran General Hospital.Method: This research is a survey research used quantitative methods with cross secsional design. The population was 123 nurses who were in the inpatient unit of Ungaran District Hospital with a sample of 87 nurses taken by proportional random sampling. Variabels consist of leadership, policy, motivation, training and development, job satisfaction, work environment.Relationtship test used chi square test.Result: The performance of nurses in providing inpatient services that have a good category as much as  who have less categories. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of leadership to the performance of nurses with p – value 0,000. There is a policy relationship to nurse performancewith p- value0,011 . There is a relationship of nurse motivation on nurse performance with p – value 0,0036. There is a relationship between training and development on nurse performancewith p – value 0,026. There is a relationship of job satisfaction with nurse performance with p – value 0,026 There is a relationship between the work environment and the nurse's performance with p – value 0,030.Conclusion:All independent variabel have relationships with dependent variabels.Keywords: performance, nurses, hospitalABSTRACTBackground:Hospitals as public services must considered quality of services provided tocommunity. Observations about inpatient statisfication, the minimum service standardshave not yet been met about inpatient statisfication, this reflects the performance of nurses in providing inpatient services. Factors related to nurse performance are quite complex, so that further observations need to be done. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to the performance of nurses inpatients at Ungaran General Hospital.Method:This research is a survey research used quantitative methods with cross secsional design. The population was 123 nurses who were in the inpatient unit of Ungaran District Hospital with a sample of 87 nurses taken by proportional random sampling. Variabels consist of leadership, policy, motivation, training and development, job satisfaction, work environment.Relationtship test used chi square test.Result:The performance of nurses in providing inpatient services that have a good category as much as  who have less categories. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of leadership to the performance of nurses with p – value 0,000. There is a policy relationship to nurse performancewith p- value0,011. There is a relationship of nurse motivation on nurse performance with p – value 0,0036. There is a relationship between training and development on nurse performancewith p – value 0,026. There is a relationship of job satisfaction with nurse performance with p – value 0,026 There is a relationship between the work environment and the nurse's performance with p – value 0,030.Conclusion:All independent variabel have relationships with dependent variabels.
Kadar Debu Terhirup dan Gangguan Fungsi Paru pada Masyarakat di sekitar Stasiun Tawang Semarang Aziza, Nurul; Rahardjo, Mursid; Budiyono, Budiyono
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.304-310


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Transportasi berperan penting terjadinya pencemaran udara baik dalam bentuk gas atau partikel seperti debu. Stasiun Tawang merupakan stasiun induk yang ramai dikunjungi. Berdasarkan pengukuran kadar debu, didapatkan kadar debu total di kawasan Stasiun Tawang sebesar 441,16 µg/Nm3. Debu dapat mengganggu fungsi paru pada masyarakat yang beraktivitas di area tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar debu terhirup dengan gangguan fungsi paru pada masyarakat di sekitar Stasiun Tawang SemarangMetode: Jenis penelitian menggunakan analitik observasional dengan desain studi cross sectional. Populasi penelitian sejumlah 83 orang yang beraktivitas setiap hari di Stasiun Tawang yaitu pedagang tetap, pedagang kaki lima, petugas rel, petugas kebersihan, satpam, dan petugas parkir dengan jumlah sampel 45 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dimana pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria inklusi yaitu bersedia menjadi responden, berusia produktif, dan durasi kerja ≥8 jam/hari. Kadar debu terhirup diukur menggunakan alat Personal Dust Sampler selama 1 jam, gangguan fungsi paru diukur menggunakan alat spirometer. Variabel dependen adalah gangguan fungsi paru pada masyarakat di Stasiun Tawang dan variabel independen adalah paparan debu terhirup, umur, jenis kelamin, status gizi, masa kerja, durasi paparan, dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri dengan variabel pengganggu adalah kebiasaan merokok. Analisis statistik penelitian ini menggunakan uji Chi square α=0,05.Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukan 18 orang (40%) terpapar debu terhirup di atas NAB. Pemeriksaan fungsi paru menunjukan 44,4% orang mengalami gangguan. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar debu terhirup (p-value = 0.001), jenis kelamin (p-value = 0.049), umur (p-value = 0.013), masa kerja (p-value = 0.027), penggunaan alat pelindung diri (p-value = 0.029) dengan gangguan fungsi paru pada masyarakat di sekitar Stasiun Tawang Semarang.Simpulan : Kadar debu terhirup merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru pada masyarakat di sekitar Stasiun Tawang Semarang.Kata kunci: Transportasi, debu, paru, masyarakat, Stasiun ABSTRACT Title: Inhaled Dust Levels and Impaired Lung Function in Communities around Tawang Station SemarangBackground: Transportation plays important of role in air pollution in form of gas and particle such as dust. Tawang Station is a main station that is highly visited. Based on the measurement of dust in the ambient are 441.16 μg/Nm3. Dust can influence the pulmonary function people in the area. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of inhaled dust and disorder lung function of the people who activited at Tawang Station, Semarang.Method: Type of research used observational analytic and cross sectional study design. Population of the research amount 83 people who activited at Tawang Station are permanent traders, street vendors, rail officers, janitors, security,and parking officers with a total sample are 45 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling where sampling based on inclusion criteria that is willing to be a respondent, productive age, and duration of work ≥8 hours/day. Inhaled dust levels tested using the Personal Dust Sampler for 1 hour and lung vital capacity used a spirometer. The dependent variable impaired pulmonary function at Tawang Station, the independent variable was inhaled dust, age, sex, nutritional status, years of service, duration of exposure, and use of personal protective equipment and the confounding variable is smoking habit. Statistical analysis used the Chi square test α=0,05.Result: The results that 18 people (40%) had inhaled dust levels the threshold limit values and the disorders lung function are 44.4%. There a correlation between the level of inhaled dust (p-value = 0,001), sex (p-value = 0.049), age (p-value = 0.013), years of service (p-value = 0.027), use of personal protective equipment (p-value = 0.029) and disorders lung function of the people who activited in Tawang Station SemarangConclusion: Inhaled dust is a risk factor around Semarang Tawang Station.Keywords: transportation, dust, lung, community, station
Binge Eating Hubungannya Dengan Gaya Makan, BMI dan Food Addiction Kusbiantari, Dyah; Fitriana, Efi; Hinduan, Zahrotur Rusyda; Srisayekti, Wilis
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.267-271


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Binge eating semakin meningkat populasinya dan banyak studi telah dilakukan di berbagai negara, namun di Indonesia penelitian binge eating belum banyak ditemukan. Binge eating juga berkaitan dengan gangguan lainnya, oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai prevalensi dan faktor resiko di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui secara deskriptif prevalensi binge eating di Indonesia dan hubungannya dengan BMI, gaya makan dan food addiction.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian crossectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 553 orang mahasiswa dengan rentang usia 17-19 tahun (perempuan 67% dan 33 % laki-laki) di 4 Universitas di Kota Semarang. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner, variable yang dikaji binge eating hubungannya dengan BMI, gaya makan dan food addiction, dalam studi ini dilakukan uji statistik deskriptif dan korelasi menggunakan Spearman.Hasil: Perilaku binge eating moderate dan severe diketahui sebanyak 11,03% (P =7,78%, L= 4,16%) dengan berat badan kurus (1%) dan normal (7%). Gaya makan uncontrolled eating (UE) prevalensinya paling tinggi binge eating dibandingkan emotional eating (EE) dan cognitive restraint (CG). Non food addiction dilaporkan pada individu dengan binge eating moderate (2,5%) dan severe (0,4%). Food addiction terbanyak dilaporkan pada sampel dengan binge eating non/mild. Penemuan menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang sangat signifikan antara skor total BES dan TFEQ (ρ = 0,116), BES dan YFAS (ρ = 0,504), TFEQ dan YFAS (ρ = 0,161), p < 0.001.Simpulan: Hubungan yang kuat antara binge eating, gaya makan dan food addiction, Binge eating dengan tingkat keparahan non/mild dan moderate banyak terlihat pada BMI katagori normal. Gaya makan UE dilaporkan memberikan kontribusi terbanyak pada terjadinya binge eating. Kata kunci: binge eating, bmi, food addiction, eating style.ABSTRACTTitle: Binge eating in Relationship With Eating Style, BMI and Food addiction  Background: Binge eating is increasing in population and many studies have been conducted in various countries, but in Indonesia there have not been many studies on binge eating. Binge eating is also related to other disorders, therefore it is necessary to conduct research on the prevalence and risk factors in Indonesia. This study aims to describe descriptively the prevalence of binge eating in Indonesia and its relationship with BMI, eating style and food addiction.Method: This research is a cross-sectional study with a total sample of 553 students (67% women and 33% men), age range from 17-19 years at 4 universities in Semarang city. Data were collected using a questionnaire, the variables studied binge eating related to BMI, eating style and food addiction, statistical test in this study were using descriptive and Spearman’s correlation.Result: Moderate and severe binge eating behaviors were found to be 11.03% (P = 7.78%, L = 4.16%) with underweight (1%) and normal (7%). Uncontrolled eating (UE) style has the highest prevalence of binge eating compared to emotional eating (EE) and cognitive restraint (CG). Non food addiction was reported in individuals with moderate binge eating (2.5%) and severe (0.4%). Most food addiction was reported in samples with binge eating non / mild. The findings show a significant correlation between the total BES and TFEQ scores (ρ = 0.116), BES and YFAS (ρ = 0.504), TFEQ and YFAS (ρ = 0.161), p < 0.001.Conclusion: A strong relationship between binge eating, eating style and food addiction, Binge eating with non / mild and moderate severity is mostly seen in normal BMI categories. EU eating style is reported to contribute the most to the occurrence of binge eating. Keywords: binge eating, bmi, food addiction, eating style
Hambatan Akses Pelayanan Infertilitas pada Pasien dari Kawasan Urban dan Rural yang Berobat di Klinik Bayi Tabung Halim Fertility Center RSIA Stella Maris Halim, Binarwan; Girsang, Ermi; Nasution, Sri Lestari Ramadhani; Manalu, Putranto
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.272-278


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Masalah infertilitas dihadapi 15-20% pasangan usia subur yang membawa dampak masalah pada sosial dan psikologis kepada pasangan, keluarga maupun masyarakat. Secara garis besar, pasangan yang mengalami infertilitas akan menjalani proses panjang, dimana proses ini dapat menjadi beban fisik dan psikologis bagi pasangan infertilitas. Saat ini terdapat 12% pasangan infertilitas yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia baik di desa maupun di kota. Mengingat pelayanan infertilitas yang masih belum merata dan hanya terpusat pada kota-kota yang besar. Pelayanan kesuburan belum merambah ke seluruh lapisan masyarakat.Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan hambatan terhadap akses pelayanan infertilitas pada masyarakat urban dan rural yang berobat di Klinik Bayi Tabung Halim Fertility Center RSIA Stella Maris Medan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis deskriptif dan analitik. Sebanyak 130 responden terbagi dalam dua kelompok masing masing 65 responden kelompok rural dan 65 responden kelompok urban.Hasil: Pada penelitian ini ditemukan tiga variabel yang signifikan (p=0,014, p=0,023 dan p=0,005) dalam analisis multivariat yaitu tingkat ekonomi dengan nilai OR 2,606 (95% IK 1,210-5,611), letak geografi dengan nilai OR 3,905 (95% IK 1,203-12,677), dan sosial budaya dengan nilai OR 5,299 (95% IK 1,659- 16,929).Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna tingkat ekonomi, letak geografi dan sosial budaya pada pasien kawasan perkotaan dan perdesaan dalam akses pelayanan infertilitas di Klinik Bayi Tabung Halim Fertility Center RSIA Stella Maris Medan. Kata kunci: hambatan akses, infertilitas, urban, ruralABSTRACTTitle: Infertility Care Access Barriers in Patient of Urban and Rural Areas of the Treatment Clinic IVF Fertility Center RSIA Halim Stella Maris  Background: The problem of infertility is faced by 15-20% of couples of childbearing age that have an impact on social and psychological problems for couples, families and communities. Broadly speaking, infertile couples will undergo a long process, where this process can be physical and psychological burden for the couple infertility. Currently, there are 12% of couples infertility scattered throughout Indonesia, both in villages and cities. Given the infertility services that are still not evenly distributed and only focused on large cities. Fertility services have not penetrated to the whole society.Method: The research looked at how different barriers to access to infertility services in urban and rural communities who seek treatment at the Fertility Clinic Halim tube baby center RSIA Stella Maris Medan. This type of research used in this study is quantitative with interview techniques using a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and analytically. A total of 130 respondents were divided into two groups each 65 rural respondents and 65 urban respondents.Result: This study found three significant variables (p = 0.014, p = 0.023 and p = 0.005) in multivariate analysis that economic level with OR 2.606 (95% CI 1.210 to 5.611), geography with OR 3.905 (95% CI 1.203 to 12.677), and socio-cultural with OR 5.299 (95% CI 1,659- 16.929).Conclusion: There are significant differences in economic levels, geographical and socio-cultural patient urban and rural areas in access to infertility services at the Clinic IVF Fertility Center RSIA Halim Stella Maris Medan. Keywords: barriers to access, infertility, urban, rural 
Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Fasilitas Umum Keagamaan Masjid Dengan Metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) Yusuf, Abdul Mazid; Manaf, Irfan; Anissa, Lentiani; Yulianti, Almaida; Pratama, Muhammad Rivaldi; Taufik, Ahmad; Salafudin, Salafudin
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.284-289


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Kekhawatiran masyarakat meningkat sejalan dengan meluasnya penularan COVID-19 di hampir seluruh penjuru dunia dan protokol untuk menurunkan tingkat penurunan di sejumlah negara lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya, mengidentifikasi bahaya, mengetahui level resiko, dan langkah pengendalian resiko berkaitan dengan potensi penularan COVID-19.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-observatif dimana sebagian besar referensi dan data-data literatur diperoleh melalui media internet dengan berfokus pada metode HIRA. Objek penelitian adalah masjid meliputi area sholat utama, ruang audio, teras, toilet dan tempat wudhu.Hasil: Hasil identifikasi terdapat 13 sumber potensi bahaya, 7 potensi bahaya level sangat tinggi, 3 potensi bahaya level tinggi, 2 potensi bahaya level sedang dan 1 potensi level rendah. Simpulan: Faktor penyebab potensi bahaya antara lain: kurangnya informasi, kesadaran masyarakat kurang dan sikap memperingatkan yg tidak tegas. Untuk mengurangi resiko tersebut dilakukan pengendalian resiko meliputi administrasi, eliminasi, substitusi, dan APD.Kata Kunci: COVID-19, HIRA, potensi bahaya, masjid, pengendalian resiko ABSTRACTTitle: Prevention of Covid-19 Spread in the Mosque's Public Religious Facilities Using the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) MethodBackground: As Pandemic of Covid-19 around the world the higher the concerns raised from governments, workers and organizations face major challenges in combating the Covid-19 pandemic and protecting safety and health in the work environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential for hazards, identify hazards, determine the level of risk, and risk control measures related to the potential transmission of Covid-19.Method: This research is a descriptive-observative study where most of the references and literature data are obtained through internet media by focusing on the HIRA method. The object of research is the mosque covering the main prayer area, audio room, terrace, toilet and ablution place.Result: The identification results found 13 sources of potential hazards, 7 very high level potential hazards, 3 high level potential hazards, 2 moderate level potential hazards and 1 low level potential. Conclusion: Factors causing potential hazards include: lack of information, lack of public awareness and indecisive warning. To reduce these risks, risk control include administration, elimination, substitution, and PPE.Keywords: Covid-19, HIRA, potential danger, mosque, risk control
Hubungan Konsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji dengan Obesitas pada Remaja di RT 15 Dusun 3 Desa Loa Kulu Kota Kecamatan Loa Kulu Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur 2019 Mardiana, Mardiana; Titania, Dhea; Dirgandiana, Maulidya; Fahrizal, Muhammad Fikri; Sari, Putri Amala
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.279-283


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang saat ini banyak terjadi di kalangan remaja adalah obesitas. Adanya arus globalisasi memberi kemudahan sehingga berpengaruh pada pola hidup termasuk diantaranya perubahan pola makan. Konsumsi makan cepat saji yang berlebihan dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah kesehatan sebagai contoh obesitas. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi makanan cepat saji dengan obesitas pada remaja di RT 15 Dusun 3 Desa Loa Kulu Kota Kecamatan Loa Kulu Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel independen (konsumsi makanan cepat saji) dan variabel dependen (obesitas). Populasi adalah seluruh remaja di RT 15 Dusun 3 Desa Loa Kulu Kota dengan jumlah 106. Sampel sebanyak 95 orang menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Hasil analisis statistik menggunakan uji Spearman dengan tingkat signifikasi α = 0,05.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistis didapatkan p-value= 0,194>0,05 yang berarti tidak ada hubungan secara signifikan antara konsumsi makanan cepat saji dengan obesitas pada remaja di RT 15 Dusun 3 Desa Loa Kulu Kota.Simpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan antara konsumsi makanan cepat saji dengan obesitas dapat dikarenakan pengaruh dari faktor genetik dan aktivitas fisik. Penting bagi remaja untuk tetap memperhatikan konsumsi makanan cepat saji untuk mengurangi risiko obesitas untuk peningkatan kualitas derajat kesehatan. Kata kunci: makanan cepat saji, obesitas, remaja, aktivitas fisik, faktor genetikABSTRACTTitle: The Relationship between Fast Food Consumption and Obesity in Adolescents in RT 15 Dusun 3 Loa Kulu Village, Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province 2019  Background: One of non-communicable disease that are currently happening among teenagers is obesity. The current of globalization provides convenience so that it affects the lifestyle, including the changes in dietary habit. Excessive consumption of fast food can cause various health problesms such as obesity. That purpose of this research was to determine fast food consumption and its association with obesity among teenagers in RT 15 Dusun 3 Loa Kulu Kota Village Sub-district Loa Kulu distict Kutai Kartanegara.Method: The type of this research was quantitative research with Cross Sectional approach. This research consisted of independent variable (fast food consumption) and dependent variable (obesity). The population was all teenagers in Rtb 15 Dusun 3 Loa Kulu Kota Village with a total of 106. A sample of 95 people used the Purposive Sampling method. The results if the statistical analysis used the Spearman test with the significance level α = 0,05.Result: Based on the statistical analysis obtained p-value = 0,194>0,05 which means there was no significancant association between the fast food consumption and obesity among teenagers in RT 15 Dusun 3 Loa Kulu Kota Village.Conclusion: It can be concluded that there was no association between the fast food consumption and obesity due to the influence of genetic factors and physical activity. It is important for teenagers to pay attention to the consumption of fast food to reduce the risk of obesity in order to improve the quality of health status. Keywords: fast food, obesity, teenagers, physical activity, genetic factors
Penilaian Proses Pengolahan Limbah Cair di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta Dian Nur Afriliani; Nurjazuli Nurjazuli; Nikie Astorina Yunita Dewanti
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.290-296


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Air limbah rumah sakit bersumber dari kegiatan dapur, ruang perawatan, ruang operasi, laboratorium, laundry, dan lain-lain, sehingga kaya akan bahan organik maupun anorganik serta banyak mengandung limbah B3, limbah radioaktif, dan mikroorganisme patogen. Perlu dilakukan pengolahan terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang ke badan air yang mengharuskan setiap rumah sakit memiliki unit pengolahan limbah sendiri atau bersama – sama secara kolektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penanganan limbah cair serta cara kerja IPAL di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta, membandingkan kualitas hasil parameter limbah cair yang sudah diolah dengan baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah.Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengamatan di lapangan untuk memeroleh gambaran secara langsung proses pengolahan limbah cair serta melakukan diskusi dan wawancara dengan pejabat atau petugas yang bertanggung jawab. Objek penelitiannya  yaitu IPAL di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta. Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisa secara deskriptif dengan pedoman – pedoman dan standar yang ada. Hasil: Hasil pemeriksaan kualitas air limbah masih ada yang melebihi baku mutu pada parameter mikrobiologi Total Coliform mencapai 9000 MPN/100 mL (baku mutu <5000 MPN/100 mL). Hal ini kemungkinan disebabkan tidak berfungsinya fasilitas desinfeksi pada IPAL, sehingga jumlah koliform pada outlet masih tinggi.  Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka desinfeksi perlu difungsikan agar jumlah koliform dapat memenuhi baku mutu yang diizinkan.Simpulan: Pengolahan limbah cair di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta belum sepenuhnya memadai, melihat dari masih adanya parameter yang melebihi standar baku mutu. Disarankan agar rumah sakit memenuhi seluruh ketentuan dan melakukan perbaikan terhadap tiap komponen agar pengelolaan selanjutnya dapat lebih baik.Kata Kunci: rumah sakit, limbah cair, pengolahan ABSTRACTTitle: Assessment of Liquid Wasted Treatment Process at Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta HospitalBackground: Hospital wasted water comes from kitchen, treatment room, operating room, laboratory, laundry, etc., so it is rich in organic and inorganic materials and contains a lot of B3 waste, radioactive wasted, and pathogenic microorganisms. It needs to be processed first before being discharged into a water body which requires each hospital to have its own waste treatment unit or collectively together. This study aimed to determine the process of handling wasted water as well as how the WWTP  works in Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta Hospital, comparing the quality of the results of the waste water parameters that have been processed with the quality standards set by the government.Method: This was qualitative research. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews, document review, documentation, and literature. Data collection is done by conducting observations in the field to obtain a direct description of the process of liquid waste treatment and conducting discussions and interviews with officials or officers in charge. The object of the research is WWTP at Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta Hospital. The data obtained will be analyzed descriptively with existing guidelines and standards.Result: The inspection result of wastewater quality showed that it was still exceeds the quality standard on microbiological parameters Total Coliform reaching 9000 MPN / 100 mL (quality standard <5000 MPN / 100 mL). This is probably due to the non-functioning of the disinfection facility in the WWTP, so the number of coliforms at the outlet is still high. To overcome this problem, disinfection needs to be used so that the amount of coliform can meet the permitted quality standards.Conclusion: The processing of wasted water in the Bhayangkara Tk.I R. Said Sukanto Jakarta Hospital was not yet fully adequate, seeing that there are still parameters that exceed the quality standard. It is recommended that the hospital meets all the provisions and make improvements to each component so that further management can be better.Keywords: hospital, waste water, treatment
Hubungan Tingkat Stres dan Status Anemia dengan Dismenorea Primer Pada Siswi Kelas XII di SMAN 1 Nganjuk Rahmatanti, Riris; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah; Pangestuti, Dina Rahayuning
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.246-254


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Dismenorea primer banyak ditemui pada wanita usia sekitar 17-24 tahun dan masih menjadi permasalahan yang dikeluhkan bagi remaja putri karena dapat menyebabkan terganggunya aktivitas sehari-hari dan tertinggalnya mata pelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres, status anemia dengan dismenorea primer pada siswi kelas XII di SMAN 1 Nganjuk.Metode: Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional ini dilakukan kepada 74 siswi dengan metode proportional stratified random sampling dari 213 siswi kelas XII SMAN 1 Nganjuk. Variabel bebas yang diteliti adalah tingkat stres dan status anemia, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah dismenorea primer. Data karakteristik seperti usia menarche, lama menstruasi, riwayat keluarga, dan kebiasaan sarapan diperoleh dengan wawancara terstruktur. Profil status gizi seperti IMT/U, kecukupan kalsium, magnesium, Fe dan vitamin E dan status anemia, berturut-turut, diperiksa dengan pengukuran antropometri, formulir semi-FFQ dan food picture, pengukuran kadar hemoglobin menggunakan Hemochroma. Penentuan tingkat aktivitas fisik, tingkat stress dan  persepsi dismenorea primer, berturut-turut, dilakukan dengan kuesioner IPAQ, DASS 42, dan MSQ.  Uji bivariat dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05.Hasil: Sebanyak 34% remaja putri mengalami dismenorea primer, anemia 71,6% dan yang mengalami stres 56,8%. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres (p=0,002; C=0,339) dan status anemia (p=0,001; C=0,552) dengan dismenorea primer. Lama menstruasi (p=0,008; C=0,293), riwayat keluarga (p=0,010; C=0,287), tingkat kecukupan kalsium (p=0,001; C=0,640), tingkat kecukupan Fe (p=0,009; C=0,639) serta tingkat kecukupan vitamin E (p=0,001; C=0,596) juga berhubungan dengan dismenorea primer.Simpulan: Dismenorea primer remaja putri berhubungan dengan tingkat stres dan status anemia. Namun demikian, dismenorea primer juga dipengaruhi oleh lama menstruasi, riwayat keluarga, tingkat kecukupan kalsium, Fe dan vitamin E. Kata kunci: tingkat stres, status anemia, dismenorea primer, siswi SMA, Nganjuk ABSTRACT Title: Relationship between Stress Level and Anemia Status with Primary Dysmenorrhoea in Class XII Students at SMAN 1 Nganjuk Background: Primary dysmenorrhoea is mostly found in women aged around 17-24 years and is still a problem that is complained of for young women because it can cause disruption of daily activities and lagging subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of stress levels, anemia status with primary dysmenorrhoea in class XII students at SMAN 1 Nganjuk.Method: This cross sectional design study was conducted on 74 students using proportional stratified random sampling method from 213 students of class XII SMAN 1 Nganjuk. The independent variables studied were stress level and anemia status, while the dependent variable was primary dysmenorrhoea. Data on characteristics such as menarche age, menstrual period, family history, and breakfast habits were obtained by structured interview. Nutritional status profiles such as BMI /U, adequate calcium, magnesium, Fe and vitamin E and anemia status, respectively, were examined by anthropometric measurements, semi-FFQ forms and food pictures, measurement of hemoglobin levels using Hemochroma. Determination of the level of physical activity, stress levels and perception of primary dysmenorrhoea, respectively, was carried out with the IPAQ questionnaire, DASS 42, and MSQ. Bivariate test was analyzed using Chi Square with a significance level of 0.05.Results: As many as 34% of adolescent girls experienced primary dysmenorrhoea, anemia 71.6% and those experiencing stress 56.8%. There is a relationship between stress level (p = 0.002; C = 0.339) and anemia status (p = 0.001; C = 0.552) with primary dysmenorrhoea. Menstrual duration (p = 0.008; C = 0,293), family history (p = 0.010; C = 0,287), calcium adequacy level (p = 0,001; C = 0,640), adequacy level of Fe (p = 0,009; C = 0,639) and adequate levels of vitamin E (p = 0.001; C = 0.596) are also associated with primary dysmenorrhoea.Conclusion: Primary dysmenorrhoea in adolescent girls is associated with stress levels and anemia status. However, primary dysmenorrhoea is also influenced by menstrual length, family history, adequate levels of calcium, Fe and vitamin E. Keywords: Stress Level, Anemia Status, Primary Dysmenorrhoea, High School Girls, Nganjuk
Pengaruh Pemberian Layanan SMS Gateway Pelaporan Ibu Hamil Berisiko Tinggi terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Kader dalam Melaporkan Risiko Tinggi Ibu Hamil Herdiyanti, Annisa Maghfira; Suryoputro, Antono; Fatmasari, Eka Yunila
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.297-303


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Kematian ibu di Semarang sebagian besar dikarenakan ibu memiliki faktor risiko tinggi dan komplikasi pada kehamilannya di mana harapannya dengan semakin cepat kasus risiko tinggi ditemukan dan dilaporkan maka semakin cepat pula penanganan yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian intervensi SMS gateway pelaporan ibu hamil berisiko tinggi terhadap kinerja kader dalam melaporkan risiko tinggi ibu hamil.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan quasi experimental design dan nonequivalent control group design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah responden 54 orang pada setiap kelompok. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah pemberian SMS gateway sedangkan kinerja kader dalam melaporkan risiko tinggi pada ibu hamil adalah variabel terikat.Hasil: Hasil analisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test menunjukkan ada perbedaan pretest dan posttest (p=0,000) pada kelompok intervensi setelah diberikan intervensi sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan pretest dan posttest (p=0,317). Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kinerja pada kader kelompok eksperimen yang diberikan intervensi dan kader kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan intervensi sesuai dengan analisis pengujian beda menggunakan Mann-Whitney U test (α = 0,05 ) dengan hasil nilai P-value (Sig 2-tailed) 0,000.Simpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya pengaruh diberikannya SMS gateway pada kinerja kader dalam melaporkan ibu hamil berisiko tinggi di mana kader lebih cepat melaporkan dibandingkan sistem sebelumnya. Saran pada penelitian ini yakni perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pengaruh SMS gateway terhadap peningkatan kader sepenuhnya dikarenakan hasil penelitian ini baru bisa membuktikan bahwa SMS gateway mempercepat pelaporan ibu hamil berisiko tinggi.Kata kunci: sms gateway, kinerja kader, ibu hamil berisiko tinggi ABSTRACTTitle: The Effect SMS Gateway Reporting Service for High Risk Pregnant Women on Increased Performance of Cadres in Reporting High Risk of Pregnant WomenBackground: Most maternal deaths in Semarang are due to mothers having high risk factors and complications in their pregnancy where the hope is that the sooner cases of high risk are found and reported, the sooner the handling is done. This study aims to determine the effect of providing SMS gateway interventions for reporting high-risk pregnant women to the performance of cadres in reporting high-risk pregnant women.Method: This research uses quantitative research methods using quasi experimental design and nonequivalent control group design. The sampling technique uses total sampling with 54 respondents in each group. The independent variable in this study is the provision of an SMS gateway while the performance of cadres in reporting high risk in pregnant women is the dependent variable.Result: The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test showed that there were differences in the pretest and posttest (p = 0,000) in the intervention group after the intervention was given while in the control group there were no differences in the pretest and posttest (p = 0.317). This also shows that there are differences in the performance of the experimental group cadres who were given the intervention and the control group cadres who were not given the intervention according to the analysis of different tests using the Mann-Whitney U test (α = 0.05) with the results of the P-value (Sig 2 -tailed) 0,000. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is the influence of the provision of an SMS gateway on the performance of cadres in reporting high-risk pregnant women. where the cadres report faster than the previous system. Suggestion in this research is the need for further research on the effect of SMS gateway on increasing cadre entirely because the results of this study can only prove that SMS gateway accelerates the reporting of high risk pregnant women.Keywords: sms gateway, cadre perfomance, high-risk pregnant women

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