Siti Fatimah Pradigdo
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang

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Mentel (Permen Wortel) Sebagai Solusi Penambah Vitamin A Lidiyawati, Rita; Dwijayanti, Fifi; Yuwita S., Nurasih; Fatimah Pradigdo, Siti
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang mempunyai hasil panen sayuran dan buah-buahan yang sangat tinggi misalnya wortel (Daucus carota). Wortel (Daucus carota) adalah tumbuhan sayur yang ditanam sepanjang tahun, terutama di daerah pegunungan yang memiliki suhu udara dingin dan lembab, kurang lebih pada ketinggian 1200 meter di atas permukaan laut. Tumbuhan wortel mernbutuhkan sinar matahari dan dapat turnbuh pada semua musim. Perkembangan zaman menyebabkan timbulnya permintaan konsumen yang selalu menginginkan inovasi baru dalam pengolahan makanan. Disisi lain tingkat konsumsi wortel sebagai bahan pangan masih rendah. Solusi tentang pengolahan wortel sebagai upaya meningkatkan nilai jual produk wortel, menumbuhkan minat masyarakat agar senang mengkonsumsi wortel. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual wortel, maka muncul inovasi produk wortel berupa permen wortel. Kandungan β-karoten dalam wortel merupakan provitamin A yang berfungsi melindungi mata dan kandungan antioksidan sebagai antikanker. Dari hasil produksi tersebut, permen wortel dapat menghasilkan produk pangan baru yang mempunyai nilai gizi yang tinggi. Sehingga kebutuhan gizi masyarakat Indonesia tercukupi.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (e-Journal) Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (E-Journal)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

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Youth groups have several problems such as consumption of fruits and vegetables that are less and overweight problems, so that adolescents can maintain their health, it is necessary to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this study was to analyze the consumption of fruit and vegetables that are lacking as a risk factor for overweight among adolescent girls in FKM Undip Semarang class of 2018. This study uses an observational analytic type and a quantitative approach with a case-control design, as for sampling using a purposive sampling technique with total a sample of 84 research subjects. BMI data is taken by measuring the height and weight of research subjects. Data on fruit and vegetable consumption practices were obtained using FFQ sheets and 24-hour Food Recall sheets. For bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. The results showed that the number of servings of fruit consumption (p = 0.815) and the number of servings of vegetable consumption (p = 0.500) were not risk factors for overweight events. The results of this study also showed that the frequency of fruit consumption (p = 0.019; OR = 3.700; Cl 95% = 1.192-11.48) and the frequency of vegetable consumption (p = 0.023; OR = 3.333; Cl 95% = 1.14 - 9.72 ) can be said to be a risk factor for overweight events. It is expected that young women (female students) can apply the basic knowledge of nutrition that has been accepted to college and can increase the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables to prevent the incidence of overweight in adolescence.
HUBUNGAN ASUPAN ENERGI, MAKRO DAN MIKRONUTRIEN DENGAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA LANJUT USIA (Studi di Rumah Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Wening Wardoyo Ungaran, Tahun 2017) Simamora, Deborah; Kartasurya, Martha Irene; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (e-Journal) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): JANUARI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.457 KB)


High intake of saturated fat, sodium and low intake of calcium and magnesium can increase blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension at Wening Wardoyo Elderly Social Service House, Ungaran was quite high (25.5% had systolic hypertension). The purpose of this research was to analyze the correlations between energy intake, macro, and micronutrients and blood pressure on elderly at Wening Wardoyo Elderly Social Service House, Ungaran. This study was an explanatory research with a cross-sectional design. Subjects in this study were 26 elderly men and women, aged 60-90 years old, who were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured by the researchers using a digital tensimeter. Data collection on food intake was conducted by Food Weighing, which then were processed by nutrisurvey. Data analysis was done using Pearson Product Moment correlation test. The results showed that 26.9% of respondents had systolic prehypertension, 19.2% of them were in the first phase, 23.1% had diastolic prehypertension, and 3.8% had diastolic hypertension at the first phase. Among respondents, 69.9% had moderate energy intake, 88.5% of respondents had excessive saturated fat intake, and 88.5% of respondents had lack intake of magnesium. All respondents had a low sodium intake, as well as a reduced intake of calcium. There was a correlation between saturated fat intake with systolic (r=0.758; p=0.003) and diastolic (r=0.856; p=0.001) blood pressures. There was no correlation between the energy adequacy level, sodium intake, calcium intake and magnesium intake with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It recommended for the institution administrators to arrange the new menu by reducing high saturated fat foods.
ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STATUS GIZI BALITA SUKU ANAK DALAM (SAD) (Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pematang Kabau Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Sarolangun Jambi) Fitri, Reza Kartika; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah; Rahfiludin, Muhammad Zen
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 5, No 4 (2017): JULI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.629 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v5i4.18770


Malnutrition is the most important problem because of the direct impact to growth retardation. Inadequate nutritional intake in toddler particularly in 24-59 months will lead to growth retardation. The aim of this research was to analyze factors affecting toddler’s nutritional status in inner child’s tribe in Pematang Kabau Health Center, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi. This was a quantitative research with cross sectional design. Population of this research were mothers of inner child’s tribe in Pematang Kabau Health Center, Sarolangun Regency in total of 40 people. Sampling technic of this research was using purposive sampling of the total population. Data was analyzed using Rank Spearman. Results of this research showed that most of the toddler’s nutritional status was Good (70%). Mother’s knowledge was classified as good (57,5%), toddlers who were taboo of eggs and livestock were 37,5%. Most toddlers had a big family (92,5%). Most toddlers had adequate energy intake (72,5%) and adequate protein intake (65%). Toddlers who had infectional disease were 60%. There were a significant correlation between toddler’s nutritional status in inner child’s tribe with food taboo (p=0,001), energy intake (p=0,001), protein intake (p=0,001) and infectional disease (p=0,007). Otherwise, mother’s knowledge and number of family members had no significant correlation with toddler’s nutritional status in inner child’s tribe. It is necessery for the health center to monitor toddler’s nutritional status periodically. Especially for inner child’s tribe whose nutritional status is good to keep maintaining them. Mothers could be involved in Integrated Service Posts as Cadres so they could share their knowledge to other mothers.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (e-Journal) Vol 6, No 5 (2018): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.379 KB)


The process of degeneration in the elderly less acurate results in height measurement, which has an impact on BMI calculation. Julia Pertiwi created a formula to measure elderly’s height by combining knee height and arm span for Javanese community. The purpose of this study was to determine the compatibility of elderly’s height predictor dan Body Mass Index measurements based on knee height and arm span. This quantitative study used a cross-sectional design. Height was measured by stadiometer, weight by digital scales, knee height by Knee Height Caliper, and arm span by measuring tape. Comparison were conducted through Anova and Kruskal-Wallis tests. This study was conducted on Javanese community in Sambiroto village, Semarang. Fifty two subjects, 18 men and 34 women were aged 60 yeares and over, stand up straightly, and Javanese. Exclusion criteria were hunchback, disability, stiff joints, tremor, fracture, and arm span deformities. The results showed that there was no difference actual height and BMI based on actual height with height and BMI based on Fatmah’s formula (knee height and arm span), Julia’s formula, and Chumlea’s formula on men. There was difference height and BMI based on actual height with height and BMI based on Fatmah’s formula (knee height and arm span), Julia’s formula, and Chumlea’s formula on women. Conclusion: there was a suitability of elderly’s height predictor and BMI measurements based on knee height and arm span. The Fatmah’s formula based on arm span was the best formula for calculating height and BMI on men, and Julia’s formula was the best formula for women, because these formulas had closest results with height and BMI based on actual height. Suggestions for the next researcher should increase the number of samples and be carried out in different ethnicities.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 3, No 3 (2015): JULI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (93.091 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v3i3.12147


Nutritional problem that often occurs to young women is the lack of nutrient intake which caused energy deficiency chronic. According to riskesdas 2007, Kediri risk prevalence of energy deficiency chronic up to 14.9%. The purpose of this study was to know the difference of physical activity, hemoglobin rate and physical fitness in energy deficiency chronic student and non energy deficiency chronic student. Study design of this research is analytic comparative study with cross sectional approach. Population for this study is female student of Senior High School 1 Grogol, Kediri in the 10th and 11th grade 401 in total. Study sample is 32 female students for each group. Using purposive sampling. Man – Whitney U test is used to analyze physical activity differentiation.Whereas hemoglobin and physical fitness differentiation is analyzed by Independent T Test. Result showed that physical activity ofenergy deficiency chronic student has no significant different (p=0,087) with non energy deficiency chronic student, Hemoglobin rate for energy deficiency chronic student has significant different (p=0,027) with non energy deficiency chronic student and physical fitness for energy deficiency chronic student has nosignificant different (p=0,074)with non energy deficiency chronic student. Conclusion of the research is There is no difference between physical activity and physical fitness while hemoglobin rate gives significant difference to energy deficiency chronic student and non energy deficiency chronic student. Recommended for the health department regarding to the procurement of Fe tablet and socialization on the impacts and prevention of anemia for the prevention of anemia in adolescence.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 4, No 3 (2016): MEI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.32 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v4i3.12885


In 2013 Semarang City was in the third positition among the highest of severe malnutrition in Central Java Province. Therefore Local Health office has built malnutrition clinic to treat severe malnutrition cases. The activities in this clinic aimed to alleviate malnutrition. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge, child care pattern, disease history, growth and nutrition intake of  post-treated under five malnourished children in Semarang Nutrition Cinic. This study was a descriptive study. The subject were 25 treated severe undernourished under five year children at Semarang Nutrition Clinic in 2014. Data were collected by interviews using questionnaires, semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaires (SQFFQ), and weight measurements. Data were analized and presented in the form of graphs and tables. Results showed that 80% mothers had good knowledge. All mothers get have less portion of food than needed, 72% mothers served unvaried food, 80% children had not complete immunization, 52% had diarrhea, 40% had upper respiratory tract infection, 24% had tuberculosis in the last 6 month. The average energy adequacy rate was (61.7+8.0)%, protein adequacy rate was (81.7+13.5)%, and fat adequacy rate (95.48+22.9)%. At post treatment at Nutrition clinic, the percentage of severe malnourished decrease into 52%, but after 6 months release from nutrition clinic, the number of severe malnourished children increased into 92%. It is concluded that after six months released from the nutrition clinic, the nutritional status of the children were decreased.
Kurangnya Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur Sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Overweight Pada Remaja Putri (Studi pada Mahasiswi di Salah Satu Universitas di Kota Semarang) Awaliya, Henu Bey Putri; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah; Nugraheni, Sri Achadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Title :  Lack Of Fruit And Vegetable Consumption as a Risk Factor of Overweight Status on Female Adolescent Background :  Youth groups have several problems such as consumption of fruits and vegetables that are less and overweight problems, so that adolescents can maintain their health, it is necessary to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this study was to analyze the consumption of fruit and vegetables that are lacking as a risk factor for overweight among adolescent girls in FKM Undip Semarang class of 2018. Methods : This study uses an observational analytic type and a quantitative approach with a case-control design, as for sampling using a purposive sampling technique with total a sample of 84 research subjects. BMI data is taken by measuring the height and weight of research subjects. Data on fruit and vegetable consumption practices were obtained using FFQ sheets and 24-hour Food Recall sheets. For bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. Result:The results showed that the number of servings of fruit consumption (p = 0.815) and the number of servings of vegetable consumption (p = 0.500) were not risk factors for overweight events. The results of this study also showed that the frequency of fruit consumption (p = 0.019; OR = 3.700; Cl 95% = 1.192-11.48) and the frequency of vegetable consumption (p = 0.023; OR = 3.333; Cl 95% = 1.14 - 9.72 ) can be said to be a risk factor for overweight events. Conclusion : It is expected that young women (female students) can apply the basic knowledge of nutrition that has been accepted to college and can increase the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables to prevent the incidence of overweight in adolescence.
Studi Keamanan Pangan Kimiawi dari Logam Berat Timbal pada Euthynnus Sp , di Perairan Semarang. Widajanti, Laksmi; Girsang, Rohdearni; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2004): OKTOBER 2004
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.3.2.66 - 68


ABSTRACT Background: One of the impact of industrial development is the decreasing water quality that may cause pollution of living resources,especially the fish. The objective of this research is to determine the consentration of lead (Pb) Euthynnus sp. and to analize its  chemical safety in the coast  Semarang.  Methods:  This study  is a descriptif research with a cross sectional approach. The 30 samples of Euthynnus   was taken from the markets in Semarang City, including  Jatingaleh, Peterongan, Bulu, Johar, dan Rejomulyo market. Results:  The finding of this research showed that the highest  Lead consentration in Euthynnus Sp was 2,51 ppm and the lowest was  0 ppm  with the average of  0,81 ppm  and the standard deviation was  0,91 ppm.   There was 33,3 % sample which has the concentration of Lead  more than the maximum standard. Conclusion: It was suggested to choose the fresh fish to consumed by considering the site of fish catching. It is also suggested to  the government and  the related institution in semarang City to make a regulation and policy to protect the consumer from the toxic effect of heavy metal in fish.   Key word : Euthynnus sp., heavy metal (Lead),  Coast of Semarang
Hubungan Tingkat Stres dan Status Anemia dengan Dismenorea Primer Pada Siswi Kelas XII di SMAN 1 Nganjuk Rahmatanti, Riris; Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah; Pangestuti, Dina Rahayuning
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.4.246-254


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Dismenorea primer banyak ditemui pada wanita usia sekitar 17-24 tahun dan masih menjadi permasalahan yang dikeluhkan bagi remaja putri karena dapat menyebabkan terganggunya aktivitas sehari-hari dan tertinggalnya mata pelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres, status anemia dengan dismenorea primer pada siswi kelas XII di SMAN 1 Nganjuk.Metode: Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional ini dilakukan kepada 74 siswi dengan metode proportional stratified random sampling dari 213 siswi kelas XII SMAN 1 Nganjuk. Variabel bebas yang diteliti adalah tingkat stres dan status anemia, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah dismenorea primer. Data karakteristik seperti usia menarche, lama menstruasi, riwayat keluarga, dan kebiasaan sarapan diperoleh dengan wawancara terstruktur. Profil status gizi seperti IMT/U, kecukupan kalsium, magnesium, Fe dan vitamin E dan status anemia, berturut-turut, diperiksa dengan pengukuran antropometri, formulir semi-FFQ dan food picture, pengukuran kadar hemoglobin menggunakan Hemochroma. Penentuan tingkat aktivitas fisik, tingkat stress dan  persepsi dismenorea primer, berturut-turut, dilakukan dengan kuesioner IPAQ, DASS 42, dan MSQ.  Uji bivariat dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05.Hasil: Sebanyak 34% remaja putri mengalami dismenorea primer, anemia 71,6% dan yang mengalami stres 56,8%. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres (p=0,002; C=0,339) dan status anemia (p=0,001; C=0,552) dengan dismenorea primer. Lama menstruasi (p=0,008; C=0,293), riwayat keluarga (p=0,010; C=0,287), tingkat kecukupan kalsium (p=0,001; C=0,640), tingkat kecukupan Fe (p=0,009; C=0,639) serta tingkat kecukupan vitamin E (p=0,001; C=0,596) juga berhubungan dengan dismenorea primer.Simpulan: Dismenorea primer remaja putri berhubungan dengan tingkat stres dan status anemia. Namun demikian, dismenorea primer juga dipengaruhi oleh lama menstruasi, riwayat keluarga, tingkat kecukupan kalsium, Fe dan vitamin E. Kata kunci: tingkat stres, status anemia, dismenorea primer, siswi SMA, Nganjuk ABSTRACT Title: Relationship between Stress Level and Anemia Status with Primary Dysmenorrhoea in Class XII Students at SMAN 1 Nganjuk Background: Primary dysmenorrhoea is mostly found in women aged around 17-24 years and is still a problem that is complained of for young women because it can cause disruption of daily activities and lagging subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of stress levels, anemia status with primary dysmenorrhoea in class XII students at SMAN 1 Nganjuk.Method: This cross sectional design study was conducted on 74 students using proportional stratified random sampling method from 213 students of class XII SMAN 1 Nganjuk. The independent variables studied were stress level and anemia status, while the dependent variable was primary dysmenorrhoea. Data on characteristics such as menarche age, menstrual period, family history, and breakfast habits were obtained by structured interview. Nutritional status profiles such as BMI /U, adequate calcium, magnesium, Fe and vitamin E and anemia status, respectively, were examined by anthropometric measurements, semi-FFQ forms and food pictures, measurement of hemoglobin levels using Hemochroma. Determination of the level of physical activity, stress levels and perception of primary dysmenorrhoea, respectively, was carried out with the IPAQ questionnaire, DASS 42, and MSQ. Bivariate test was analyzed using Chi Square with a significance level of 0.05.Results: As many as 34% of adolescent girls experienced primary dysmenorrhoea, anemia 71.6% and those experiencing stress 56.8%. There is a relationship between stress level (p = 0.002; C = 0.339) and anemia status (p = 0.001; C = 0.552) with primary dysmenorrhoea. Menstrual duration (p = 0.008; C = 0,293), family history (p = 0.010; C = 0,287), calcium adequacy level (p = 0,001; C = 0,640), adequacy level of Fe (p = 0,009; C = 0,639) and adequate levels of vitamin E (p = 0.001; C = 0.596) are also associated with primary dysmenorrhoea.Conclusion: Primary dysmenorrhoea in adolescent girls is associated with stress levels and anemia status. However, primary dysmenorrhoea is also influenced by menstrual length, family history, adequate levels of calcium, Fe and vitamin E. Keywords: Stress Level, Anemia Status, Primary Dysmenorrhoea, High School Girls, Nganjuk
Co-Authors Adriana Rizki Novita Ahmad Walihul Mahalli Andini Masyita Dewi Anggita Habsari Anindita Nur Aisiyah Apoina Kartini Aqila Yulinda Sani Athiyah Athiyah Atik Mawarni Atikah Atikah Aulia Annisa Awaliya, Henu Bey Putri Billy Suyatman Bulan Putri Intan Raisa Cindy Chintya Putri Haryanto Cholida Adiba Dharminto Dharminto Dianissafitrah Hidayati Dina Happy Yusinta Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti, Dina Dyah Sulistyoning Tyas Rahayu Elisa Mawarti Elsa Nur Aini Elvia Raissa Vania Eni Kurniawati Erika Kusuma Hastuti Fahmi Arifan Fasella Dizka Febrinsa Fifi Dwijayanti Fitri Khoiriyah P. Fitri, Reza Kartika Hanifah Maharani Hanin Imtinan Alwina Herliana Endang Supriyatini Hikmah Nurlita Ida Farida Isninda Priska Syabandini Juwita Pramodya Wardhani, Juwita Pramodya Kudarti Kudarti Kurnia Sari Ramadhon Laela Maya Ufa Laksmi Widajanti Laksmi Widajanti Laksmi Widajanti Larasati Dwi Nor Aini Lulu Nafysatul Alwy M. Zen Rahfiluddin M. Zen Rahfiluddin Marantina Diska Widayani, Marantina Diska Martha Irene Kartasurya Merry Wenda Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin Mujahidah Amrina Rosyada Nabilla Putri Humala Niken Wening Nurasih Yuwita S., Nurasih Nurul Islami Dini Putri Nurul Agustyanti R. Djoko Nugroho Radix Cita Mafngula Nandar Rahmatanti, Riris Ratnaningtyas Ayu Mardani Rendy Ardianto Ria Yuniati Riski, Finia Rita Lidiyawati, Rita Rofiana, Annisa Restu Rohdearni Girsang, Rohdearni Ronny Aruben Selli Marsellina Boru Sembiring Simamora, Deborah Sri Achadi Nugraheni Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Tiurma Sinaga Tri Wahyuni Ulsla Arsil Majidah Umi Kasanah Uswatun Khasanah Vinna Audinni Putri Wisnu Broto Wisnu Broto Zatalina Hanani Zen Rahfiluddin