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International Journal of Social Science and Business
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International Journal of Social Science and Business (IJSSB) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), Indonesia. The main objective of IJSSB is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJSSB aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Businnes and social science and become the leading journal in Businnes and social science in the world.
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Articles 27 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May" : 27 Documents clear
Service Quality of Brady Cronin, E-SQ, and E-CRM Models in Building Loyalty Through Nagari Bank Customer Commitment in Padang City Susriyanti; Nandan Lima Krisna; Lusiana
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i1.52995


This study aims to investigate the relationship between e-service quality, e-satisfaction, e-trust, and e-commitment in building customer e-loyalty. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach, with primary data collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents who were customers of Bank Nagari in Padang City. The population of this study consisted of all Bank Nagari customers in Padang City, and the sample taken was 200 respondents. The instrumentation of this study uses the Likert scale to measure respondents' perceptions of the variables studied. The collected data was analyzed using the Smart PLS (Partial Least Squares) program as a data analysis method. This analysis method includes descriptive analysis to see descriptive statistics of the variables studied, as well as inferential analysis to test the relationship between these variables, including testing the validity and reliability of tests, t-tests, path coefficients, effect measures, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that electronic service quality, electronic satisfaction, electronic trust, and electronic commitment have a significant relationship with electronic customer loyalty. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the quality of electronic service, electronic satisfaction, electronic trust, and electronic commitment have an important role in building electronic customer loyalty. The implication of this research is that organizations need to pay attention to and improve these aspects in an effort to build strong e-customer loyalty.
Social Assistance by Corporations in Pandemic Era: Between Obligations or Culture? Danang Wahyu Muhammad; Izzy Al Kautsar
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.46105


Gotong royong is the cultural root of Indonesian society. The attitude of gotong royong is manifested in togetherness and kinship as integration of Indonesian people. The Pandemic of the new coronavirus has extensively tested the course of gotong royong values. In the context of corporate’s philanthropy activities, it aims to provide social benefits, the current trend shows there is a new corporate philanthropy paradigm, namely strategic philanthropy that can provide social benefits while increasing long-term profits such as spread the existence of the product name, and foster partnerships between business units. This study analyze the trends, motives, and moral directions of the corporate's philanthropic activities after introducing pandemic restrictions on national culture (gotong royong). The research method used in this research is normative with a conceptual approach. This study uses secondary data through primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The data collected will be analyzed using a qualitative approach and stated descriptively. The final results of those research that there are a considerable effect of corporate morality strongly influences the motives and motivation of corporations in carrying out social activities. Corporate morale is influenced by stakeholder backgrounds, goals, and corporates business strategies. So in order to maintain the unity and stability of the corporations and the surrounding community, multi-stakeholder collaboration with the principle of gotong royong through national clusters to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic is urgently needed.
Celebrity Endorsements and Brand Attitudes Toward Buying Interest Ayunda Ramadhani; Nurul Insani
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.47383


In recent years, the influence of celebrities on brand advertising is very promising. Undoubtedly, celebrity endorsements increase a company's brand awareness through endorsements. This study aims to determine the influence of celebrity endorsement and brand attitude on buying interest in adolescents. This study used a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study amounted to 100 students at SMA X Sangatta Utara who were selected by purposive sampling techniques. The data collection methods used were the scale of purchase intent, celebrity endorsements, and brand attitudes. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The collected data was analyzed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program version 21.0 for windows. The results of this study showed that there was a significant influence between celebrity endorsement and brand attitude towards buying interest (F = 39.0 16; p = 0.000; R2 = 37.5%). There was no significant effect between celebrity endorsements on buying interest (β = 0.070; t = 1.978; p = 0.544). There was a significant influence between brand attitudes toward purchase intent (β = 0.556; t = 4.859; p = 0.000).
Feasibility Reconstruction of Kumbasari Park as a Tourism Attraction I Nyoman Sunarta; I Made Trisna Semara; I Made Sudjana; Angelina Hartono
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.51882


Kumbasari Park has been proven to have a fairly good level of tourist friendliness. However, this is not enough to make Kumbasari Park a tourist attraction in Denpasar. Even though its existence has been in tune with the tourism concept of Denpasar, which is heritage tourism. Therefore, this study was conducted to figure out whether Kumbasari Park is suitable as a tourist attraction or not by reviewing the implementation of the rights, obligations, and prohibitions that have been stated in Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach using direct observation and documentation to collect the data. Furthermore, the result of the observation was adjusted to the list of articles 19 to 27 in Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism. Based on the observation and data collected, it was found that Kumbasari Park should have been classified as a representative tourist attraction through the perspective of implementing rights, obligations, and prohibitions according to Indonesia’s tourism law. However, there are still some further improvements that need to be made by the management of Kumbasari Park.
The Influence of Organizational Culture and HR Competency on Employee Commitment and Their Impact on Organizational Performance Vivi Nila Sari; Hamdy Hady; Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.51921


There are several factors that affect Organizational Performance through Employee Commitment including Organizational Culture and HR Competencies. This study aims to empirically test and prove the direct influence of Organizational Culture and HR Competencies on Employee Commitment. The direct influence of Organizational Culture and HR Competencies on Organizational Performance and the influence of Organizational Culture and HR Competencies indirectly through the mediation of Employee Commitment to Organizational Performance. This study used a quantitative approach. The population consists of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the West Sumatra Tourism Office. This study is a population census study with a sample of 248 people. Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method with SmartPLS Application. The results showed that the accepted hypothesis that Organizational Culture and HR Competencies have a direct impact on employee commitment and the influence of the construct of Organizational Culture and HR Competencies on organizational performance whose hypothesis is accepted. The employee commitment variable in this study cannot be a mediator variable of Organizational Culture and HR Competence variables. The results of this research are expected to advance the science of human resource management and behavior for the benefit of both academics and practitioners.
Determination of Business Opportunities and Implications for the Level of Community Welfare Marta Widian Sari; M. Havidz Aima; Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.51928


Great business opportunity can be utilized by the community and the government in increasing state income and improving the welfare of the community, especially the tourism business. This study aims to analyze the effect of family support and activities on business opportunities and the level of community welfare and tourism. The method used is descriptive. This research was involving the marine tourism community as subject. The study used primary data (questionnaires) from 209 respondents from the tourism community. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling Analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS). This study shows family support, tourism activities, business opportunities, and welfare levels as valid and reliable constructs lowest loading factor 0.6 and Cronbach alpha more than 0.7. The findings of this study indicate that partially family support and activity have a significant effect on community business opportunities. Further findings reveal that the level of welfare is significantly influenced by tourism activities, but not significantly influenced by family support. Regarding the mediating variable, business opportunities significantly mediate family support on welfare levels but do not significantly mediate activities and some results. This study is contradictory with previous theories and research, because of the different phenomena and objects studied.
Role of Learning and Growth Perspective in The Mediating Relation of Human Resource Function with Employee Champion: Evidence from The Small Medium Industries Sapta Rini Widyawati; I Made Surya Prayoga; Tiksnayana Vipraprastha; I Wayan Gede Antok Setiawan Jodi; Ni Luh Gede Putu Purnawati; Pande Ketut Ribek
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.52276


Human resources (HR) is a key factor for achieving company competitive advantage, but research on the competitive advantage of HR is still little to do. As is known, the superiority of HR can be seen from the role of HR as an employee champion. This study aims to analyze the effect of the HR function on employee champions from the perspective of learning and growth as a mediating variable. The research sample consisted of 627 employees form 14 the small medium industries. The sample obtained was 82 employees. This research was conducted using questionnaires and interviews. In making the questionnaire used a scaling technique Likert to measure attitudes, income, and perceptions of people or groups of people about social phenomena that occur. The analytical tool used was SEM-PLS. The findings of the research result found that the HR function does not directly influence employee champions, but after incorporating the perspective of learning and growth as a mediating variable. It appears that the effect of the HR function on employee champions.
Investigating the Impact of Green Marketing on Stay Decisions: The Mediating Role of Green Consumer Behavior Ni Made Ayu Natih Widhiarini; Theresia Pradiani; Fathorrahman
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.53309


Changes in the behavior of tourists after the COVID-19 pandemic, who are more concerned with sustainable impacts, have intensified the implementation of green marketing, including the emergence of various environmentally friendly accommodations such as glamping. However, almost no research that examines the application of green marketing in glamping accommodation, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of green marketing in glamping accommodation, especially in Indonesia, given the lack of research that has been conducted in this context. This research type used quantitative methods. Data collection was conducted by distributing a questionnaire in google form to 100 tourists who stayed at Pelaga Eco Park Glamping, Bali, Bali between August – September 2022. The sample was taken using an accidental sampling technique. The analytical method used is Path Analysis using SEM-PLS. The results showed green marketing has a positive and significant effect on the decision to stay; green marketing has a positive and significant impact on green consumer behavior; green consumer behavior has a positive and significant impact on the decision to stay; green consumer behavior can be an intervening variable partially on the influence of Green marketing with the decision to stay. This research implies that glamping managers can be more concerned about planning and implementing green marketing to win the market while contributing to environmental sustainability.
Visiting Decision Model: Products, Prices, and Digital Marketing Through Consumer Satisfaction Visiting Decision in Tourism in Solok Regency Emil Salim; Hapzi Ali; Yulasmi Yulasmi
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.53320


The tourism sector is very important in the country's foreign exchange earnings, a developed tourism sector should be supported by products, prices, and how tourism carries out its digital marketing. However, due to the lack of products, prices, and marketing offered, the tourism sector in Solok Regency experienced a decrease in tourist visits. The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that are considered relevant to influence visiting decisions, namely products, prices, and digital marketing. This type of research is causal research with data collection methods through surveys and questionnaire dissemination, and with a sample of 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0 software, Hypothesis Test using SmartPLS 3.0. The results stated that product variables and digital marketing had a positive and significant effect on visiting decisions. However, the price stated that it did not affect the decision to visit. The implication of this study is that tourism managers must also prioritize developments that occur in the tourism industry so that tourist attractions are not left behind in the face of competition with other tourist attractions.
The The Uncertainty of Essential Oil as a Cosmetic Product Market: A Market Sociology Perspective Syifa Andini Salsabila
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v7i2.53485


Essential oil as a cosmetic product is believed to be one of the highest-demand commodities, especially when the back to nature is the current leading trend. However, the essential oil market itself faced an uncertain future. The uncertainty problem in this market can be seen from the fluctuating prices and difficulties in assessing the product. The previous studies mostly saw this problem from the supply side and it can be concluded that there is lack of data and information about the market demand for essential oils. Therefore the aim of this study is to analyze the uncertainty of essential oil as a cosmetic product market. This study tried to answer the central initial problem of market sociology, the constitution of demand. Furthermore, the constitution of demand will discuss about the problem of price and quality assessment of this commodity. Library research was used by the author in this article. The findings shows that the uncertainty problem in the constitution of demand can be seen in the fluctuating price of essential oils and the difficulties faced by experts and non-experts assessing the quality of essential oils. The reason for its difficulties is that the commodities are only assessed from their material qualities. Previous studies about cosmetic and Indonesian Traditional Herbal Medicine (Jamu) and several documents of essential oil reports, will enlarge the constitution of demand side of this essential oil market.

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