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Jurnal Katalisator
ISSN : 25020943     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Jurnal Katalisator (ISSN Online : 2502-0943) is a journal containing scientific articles through a review by peer reviewers in chemistry. Jurnal Katalisator publishes original manuscripts, short review reviews on the branches of chemistry including: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry and applied chemistry. The Catalyst Journal is published 2 (two) times a year, April and October.
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Articles 84 Documents
Perbandingan Akrilamidakopi Bubuk Tradisional Dan Luwak Dengan Metode HPLC Ridho Asra; Rusdi Rusdi; Sofia Nofianti; Nessa Nessa
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 4, No 2 (2019): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v4i2.4644


Akrilamida merupakan senyawa kimia terdapat pada kopi yang disangrai pada suhu diatas 120 ˚C, berpotensi menyebabkan kanker pada manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kandungan akrilamida dalam kopi bubuk tradisional dan kopi  luwak dengan metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi.  Fase gerak yang digunakan asetonitril: aquabidest (15: 85, v/v), dengan detektor Photodioday-Array (PDA) pada ℷ   200 nm. Akrilamida dalam sampel kopi bubuk teridentifikasi pada waktu retensi (tR) ± 6,8 menit. Metode ini terbukti valid dengan linearitas y = 356468 + 293761 x, koefisien korelasi (r) = 0,9993, batas deteksi 1,9901 µg/mL dan batas kuantitasi 6,6337 µg/mL, presisi dengan % SBR = 0,207 %, akurasi dengan % perolehan kembali kopi bubuk tradisional dan kopi bubuk luwak 99 % dan 104 %. Kadar akrilamida dalam sampel kopi bubuk 1 sampai 6 berturut-turut adalah 1115 ± 12,17 µg/g sampel (1), 687 ± 7,58  µg/g sampel (2), 1461 ± 63,89 µg/g sampel (3), 221 ± 3,54 µg/g sampel (4), 128 ± 3,24 µg/g sampel (5), 195 ± 1 µg/g sampel (6). Dari keenam sampel kopi bubuk menunjukkan bahwa kadar akrilamida masing-masing sampel berkisar antara 128 sampai 1461 µg/g. Kadar yang diperoleh melebihi batas aman konsumsi akrilamida yang dikeluarkan oleh WHOAcrylamide is a chemical compound found in roasted coffee at temperatures above 120 ˚C which can potentially cause cancer in humans. The purpose of this research was to analyze acrylamide contents in traditional ground coffee and civet ground coffee by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. This analysis was carried out by isocratic elution system, the mobile phase of acetonitrile : aquabidest (15 : 85, v/v), using the stationary phase of the Shimadzu Shimpack ODS C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm), flow rate of 0.5 mL/minute, injection volume 20 µL, with a Photodioday-Array (PDA) detector at a wavelength of 200 nm. Acrylamide in ground coffee samples was identified at retention time (tR) ± 6.8 minutes. This method is proved valid with the linearity y = 356468 + 293761 x, correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9993, limit of detection 1.9901 µg / mL and limit of quantitation 6.6337 µg / mL, precision with % RSD = 0.207 %, acuracy with % recovery of traditional ground coffee and luwak ground coffee 99 % and 104 %. Acrylamide levels in 1 to 6 ground coffee samples in a row is 1115 ± 12.17 µg / g samples (1), 687 ± 7.58 µg / g samples (2), 1461 ± 63.89 µg / g samples (3), 221 ± 3.54 µg / g sample (4), 128 ± 3.24 µg / g sample (5), 195 ± 1 µg / g sample (6). Of the six ground coffee samples showed that the acrylamide levels of each sample ranged from 128 to 1461 µg / g. The levels obtained exceed the safe limits of acrylamide consumption released by WHO
STABILITAS ANTOSIANIN DARI KULIT TERONG BELANDA MERAH (Solanum betaceum Cav.) TERHADAP PH DAN SUHU Sandra Tri Juli Fendri; Verawati Verawati; Putri Saimi Nuras
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5023


There had been identification and stability test of anthocyanin liquid extract from skin of eggplant of Holland that red colored using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Anthocyanin is a color compound that responsible mostly red, blue and purple in fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants and these anthocyanins belong to the flavonoid group. Eggplans of Holland is taken from Tabing market, Padang City. The extraction process was performed by maceration method using solvent of 96% ethanol: HCl 1% (9:1). The identification of the anthocyanin compound on the sample extract was done by color reaction with 2 M NaOH and 2 M HCl. Stability of the anthocyanin pigment was tested by both the pH and temperature difference treatments. The pH used was pH 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, while the temperature used was 30oC, 40oC, 60oC, 80oC and 100oC. The parameters of stability are the color of solution, maximum wavelength (λmax) and absorbance. The anthocyanin pigments stability test Eggplant of Holland was performed by using one-way of statistical data of variances (ANOVA), the liquid leather extract was stated stable at the influence of pH to temperature (temperature 30, 40, 60 and 80oC), especially at pH 1-3 next pH 5 and pH 7.Keywords : Anthocyanin, identification, pH, temperature, stability test
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 2 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i2.5538


Pada penelitian ini diuji kandungan logam berat akibat aktivitas penambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI) di Sungai Singingi. Pemilihan penentuan kandungan  logam berat Hg dan Cd karena kita ketahui pada pengolahan emas dipakai logam merkuri bersamaan dengan kadmium untuk mengikat emas. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan penentuan titik sampling secara purposive berdasarkan lokasi maraknya aktivitas PETI. Sampel diukur pada empat titik dimulai dari titik yang paling dekat hingga titik paling jauh dari aktivitas PETI. Adapun hasil pengujian untuk kadar merkuri dari titik kesatu hingga titik ke empat berturut-turut : 0,9676 mg/L ; 0,1357 mg/L ; 0,0646 mg/L dan 0,0282 mg/L. Kadar logam Kadmium yang terdeteksi di sungai tersebut ; 0,00002 mg/L ; 0,00004 mg/L ; 0,00003 mg/L dan 0,0009 mg/L. Bila dibandingkan dengan angka baku mutu logam berat di perairan maka kadar logam berat merkuri sungai Singingi sudah jauh diatas ambang batas baku mutu yang diizinkan yakni sebesar 0,001 mg/L, sementara untuk logam cadmium masih berada dalam ambang baku mutu yang diizinkan yakni sebesar  0,01 mg/L untuk cadmium. Diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi bahaya logam berat karena perairan mencapai kategori tercemar dan dapat dilakukan penanggulangan masalah tersebut.  Kata kunci:      Penambangan emas, logam berat, pencemaran AbstractOn this research heavy metal content due to illegal gold mining (PETI) activities in Singingi river, Riau was measured. Heavy metal such as Hg  and Cd were chosen because their are used to bind the gold . This research used survey method with purposive sampling based on the rise location of PETI activities. Sample was measured at 4 point that started from the nearest and up to the furthest of PETI activities. The result of mercury metal measurement was 0,9676 mg/L ; 0,137 mg/L ; 0,0646 mg./L, and 0,0282 mg/L, and the result for cadmium measurement sequentially was 0,00002 mg/L; 0,00004 mg/L ; 0,00003 mg/L and 0,00009 mg/L. If were compared with the quality standard of heavy metal in aquatic, hence the mercury level in Singingi river has considerably higher than the quality standard, around 0,001 mg/L. Cadmium were still allowed with the number of quality standard for lead is 0,03 mg/L and 0,01 mg/L for cadmium. The result of the research are expected to give some information about the risk of heavy metal to the society because the rivers was polluted.  Keywords:  gold mining, heavy metals, pollution  
Aktivitas Antioksidan Si Ungu Mentawai Reny Salim; Suryani Suryani
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5275


Research has been conducted on the antioxidant activity of Mentawai leaves in the form of infusion. The result is the strength of the antioxidant activity of purple leaf infusion is moderate. The results obtained give the idea to continue further research based on the concept of growth factor growth research contributing to the secondary metabolites of a plant. Purple leaves contain anthocyanin composition which is seen from the color of the leaves. Anthocyanin compounds are a class of flavonoids that are well-known as one of the secondary metabolites that have antioxidant properties. In this study, the purple leaves sampled were purple leaves and for the stability of the anthocyanin, the pollination process was carried out at high but short temperatures. After that it is extracted using the kinetic maceration method. Maceration uses 70% ethanol solvent in a small amount of acid to keep anthocyanin compounds stable. After that continued with the fractionation process using chloroform, ethyl acetate, and air solvents. The antioxidant strength testing of extracts and fractions is carried out using DPPH as a strong free radical because the testing process is easy and simple. The results of the study obtained IC50 values of extracts and fractions (chloroform, ethyl acetate, air) respectively (9; 138.56; 15.62; 16.65) μg / mL. The category of antioxidant strength from extracts and fractions is strong and moderate.Sebelumnya telah dilakukan penelitian tentang kekuatan aktivitas antioksidan daun ungu Mentawai dalam bentuk infusa. Hasilnya kekuatan aktivitas antioksidan infusa daun ungu tergolong sedang. Hasil yang diperoleh memberikan suatu ide untuk melanjutkan pengujian berikutnya berdasarkan konsep penelitian bahwa faktor lingkungan tumbuh dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap kandungan metabolit sekunder dari suatu tumbuhan. Daun ungu mengandung senyawa antosianin yang terlihat dari warna daun. Senyawa antosianin merupakan golongan flavonoid yang terkenal sebagai salah satu golongan metabolit sekunder berkhasiat antioksidan. Dalam penelitian ini daun ungu yang dijadikan sampel adalah daun yang seluruhnya berwarna ungu dan untuk menjaga kestabilan antosianinnya maka proses penyerbukan dilakukan dengan suhu tinggi namun waktu pendek. Setelah itu diekstraksi dengan menggunakan metode maserasi kinetik. Maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 70% dalam suasana sedikit asam agar senyawa antosianin tetap stabil. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan proses fraksinasi menggunakan pelarut kloroform, etil asetat, dan air. Pengujian kekuatan antioksidan ekstrak dan fraksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan zat DPPH sebagai radikal bebas yang kuat namun mudah dan sederhana proses pengujiannya. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh nilai IC50 ekstrak dan fraksi (kloroform, etil asetat, air) berturut-turut adalah (9; 138,56; 15,62; 16,65) µg/mL. Kategori kekuatan antioksidan dari ekstrak dan fraksi adalah kuat dan sedang.