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The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science)
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The The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) covers the whole spectrum of intelligent informatics, which includes, but is not limited to : • Artificial Immune Systems, Ant Colonies, and Swarm Intelligence • Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems • Bayesian Networks and Probabilistic Reasoning • Biologically Inspired Intelligence • Brain-Computer Interfacing • Business Intelligence • Chaos theory and intelligent control systems • Clustering and Data Analysis • Complex Systems and Applications • Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing • Cognitive systems • Distributed Intelligent Systems • Database Management and Information Retrieval • Evolutionary computation and DNA/cellular/molecular computing • Expert Systems • Fault detection, fault analysis and diagnostics • Fusion of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems • Green and Renewable Energy Systems • Human Interface, Human-Computer Interaction, Human Information Processing • Hybrid and Distributed Algorithms • High Performance Computing • Information storage, security, integrity, privacy and trust • Image and Speech Signal Processing • Knowledge Based Systems, Knowledge Networks • Knowledge discovery and ontology engineering • Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning • Memetic Computing • Multimedia and Applications • Networked Control Systems • Neural Networks and Applications • Natural Language Processing • Optimization and Decision Making • Pattern Classification, Recognition, speech recognition and synthesis • Robotic Intelligence • Rough sets and granular computing • Robustness Analysis • Self-Organizing Systems • Social Intelligence • Soft computing in P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing Technologies • Stochastic systems • Support Vector Machines • Ubiquitous, grid and high performance computing • Virtual Reality in Engineering Applications • Web and mobile Intelligence, and Big Data
Articles 14 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021" : 14 Documents clear
Forecasting Number of Covid-19 Positive Patients in Sorong City Using the Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing Methods Matheus Supriyanto Rumetna; Tirsa Ninia Lina
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2908


Sorong City is a part of West Papua Province, Indonesia. This city is one of the cities which have been affected by the Covid-19. This research attempts to provide a solution for the Sorong City Covid-19 Task Force’s need for forecasting number of potential Covid-19 positive patients in the coming months so that faster treatment could be made. Such need has emerged due to the absence of laboratories and the increasing number of positive Covid-19 patients in the city. The absence of laboratories in the city has made the task force to send samples of presumed Covid-19 patients to the laboratories in Makassar City in order to be examined and tested. This process has been time consuming and further reducing the task force’s already reduced performance effectiveness because of the social distancing policy applied in cities in Indonesia. The forecasting methods utilized in the research were the Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing. The methods were applied using POM-QM Software for Windows Version 5. The results of the Exponential Smoothing method are better than the results of the Moving Average method in forecasting the number of possible Covid-19 patients in July. For August and September forecasts, the results of the Moving Average method are better than the results of the Exponential Smoothing method. The results from both methods could be used as reference by the Sorong City Covid-19 Task Force in making decision and establishing policy.
Indonesian Shadow Puppet Recognition Using VGG-16 and Cosine Similarity Ida Bagus Kresna Sudiatmika; I Gusti Ayu Agung Sari Dewi
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2579


Wayang is one of Indonesia's cultural heritages that must be preserved, where puppets have various functions not only as a means of art, Wayang is also used as a means of religious ceremonies in Indonesia. Therefore, It is very important to preserve the wayang tradition, to preserve it and it is well known by the public, especially young people. In this research, to participate in the preservation of wayang, the authors propose a preservation approach using artificial intelligence and web scraping techniques. Artificial intelligence in this case is carrying out the process of recognizing wayang images and finding information from the puppet data. In searching for information, web scraping techniques are used where information is automatically retrieved from the internet. Information obtained from the internet will be processed using the TF-IDF method and cosine similarity. This study uses the CNN architecture on the existing model, namely VGG-16. The training process is carried out with 200 iterations with an accuracy of 89%. The application of the CNN network architecture and web scraping has been successfully applied and will still be developed in the future to obtain maximum results
Design of DSS The Best Employee Performance Using Analytical Hierarchy Process UML Based Rizaldi Rizaldi; Dewi Anggraeni
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2910


Employees are a highly needed human resource. In order to achieve the desired goals, the agency conducts the best performance appraisal of employees. The Analytical Hierarchy Process method is a method for determining criteria and choice alternatives, followed by calculating the eigenvector value and testing its consistency. The application of analytical hierarchical analysis of the best employee performance appraisal process, where the results of this assessment can encourage every employee to give the best performance to the agency. The best employee performance decisions are made at the ambalutu village hall office. There are several criteria for performance appraisal, namely communication skills, honesty, cooperation, and person. Analysis method analytical hierarchy process where each criterion will be assessed in pairs comparison with other criteria to get priority value. In this study the results of the ratio were 0.07, which means that the assessment was consistent because it was less than 0.1, so the percentage of communication values was 40%, honesty 34%, cooperation 17% and personal 10%.
Implementation of Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) in Determining the Best Graduates Sonya Malinda Harahap; Iman Judi Tua Situmeang; Siti Hummairoh; Mesran Mesran
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2848


The best graduates are pride or people who are considered capable of selling their soft skills or hard skills after completing their Diploma III (D-III) or Starata 1 (S-1) education. The best graduate degrees selected are obtained from several criteria, such as the Grade Point Average (GPA), Organization, Achievement, Intermediate Semester / Corrective Examination, and Attitude during their education at a university. In determining the best graduate students, sometimes obstacles arise, causing difficulty in determining the best graduates. Therefore, to determine the best graduate, each alternative must have criteria. Which one, Each criterion has a weight that has been determined individually and is carried out by the completion process using the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method for the ranking process. The highest score or ranking will be used as an alternative recommendation that will get the title of the best graduate .
Simulation and Analysis of Network Security Performance Using Attack Vector Method for Public Wifi Communication Andy Susanto; Wahyu Kusuma Raharja
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2764


The use of wifi networks in public spaces has a risk of robbery of user access data in cyberspace, such as banking transactions, social media and other online access. The threat of Man In The Middle Attack (MITM) attacks is carried out on public wifi networks to gain access to user information by illegal means. The attack vector simulation process is carried out on the site access ARP Poisoning attack with Ettercap device performs interception and manipulation which provides 08: 00: 27: 25: 22: 99 MAC address information to the target. Session Hijacking attack simulations are carried out using a cookie manager plugin on the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. SSL Stripping attacks by better intercepting and downgrading HTTPS to HTTP communication protocols. Poisoning ARP attacks get information from targets such as Mobile IP MAC Address F4: 09: D8: EA: EC: E7 and Server 08: 00; 27: CC: 59: OE and user: admin Passed: password. The results of the Session Hijacking attack on the HTTP protocol get a session id in the form of phpsessiid = 4f1pnfr081e4jero11truspb60 \ r \ n which is used the specified session id time without entering user authentication. The Session Hijacking attack on the HTTPS protocol was unsuccessful and the SSL Striping attack on the HTTPS protocol was unsuccessful
Comparison of the WASPAS and MOORA Methods in Providing Single Tuition Scholarships Nelly Khairani Daulay; Bunga Intan; Muhammad Irvai
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2969


Single Tuition Scholarship (UKT) is a grant provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to universities, both State Universities (PTN) and Private Universities (PTS). This aims to help underprivileged people so they can get education in higher education, both PTN and PTS. The large number of UKT recipient participants overwhelmed the University and made the decision not objective. For this reason, it is necessary to have a decision support system (SPK) in order to help deal with these problems. There are many methods that can be used in SPK including the MOORA method, WASPAS, TOPSIS, SAW, WPS and many more. In this study, researchers tried to compare two methods between the WASPAS method and the MOORA method in determining UKT scholarship recipients. There are five criteria for selecting recipients of UKT assistance, namely parents' income, electricity bills, water bills, land and building taxes and family expenses. The results of this study were students who got the first rank with the WASPAS method, namely 4,152 and students with the MOORA method, namely 3,218. This shows that these students are entitled to receive UKT grants
Analysis and Design of E-Commerce Applications on CV XYZ With User Centered Design Method Jimi Asmara
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2865


Along with the rapid and sophisticated development of technology, it has had a huge impact in today's life. This is demonstrated by the increasing development activities and development of information technology. One of the means used for the development of information technology is the use of computers. The purpose of this research is to analyze and design a website-based E-Commerce application so that it can help salesmen to get as many car purchase costumer databases as possible in order to be followed up in order to realize car purchases, attract many customers and maintain customer loyalty in order to further improve the sales process on the CV. XYZ. The method used for is with user centered design where in this method selurus activity involves the user. The result of this study is to produce a website-based application system design with the application of E-Commerce so as to make it easier for costumers to know the information of car loan simulations and monthly promos available at CV dealers. XYZ and also facilitated by being able to access independently through PCs, laptops and by using smartphones whenever and wherever consumers are, so as to increase sales on CV. XYZ
Implementation of Turbo Boyer Moore Algorithm for Hijab Online Shop Application Zulaika Susanti; Nelly Astuti Hasibuan
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2460


Hijab is an obligation for Muslim women to cover their genitals. Hijab itself is now not only used by adult women or casual people, but has also penetrated teenagers including female students. The development of online shops or commonly referred to as olshop through internet media has mushroomed in Indonesia, and is even well known by the general public. Today's smartphones have developed and are in great demand by the public because of the various features that appeal to the user community. The hijab buying and selling system using an Android-based mobile application is a hijab sale and purchase that can be done easily to provide accurate information to potential consumers, but due to the large number of hijab products being sold, it can make finding information on a hijab product desired by potential consumers difficult to obtain. quickly and precisely. To solve the above problems, the authors designed the hijab online shop application using one of the editors for android programming, namely, Eclipse Juno. The string matching algorithm is used to simplify the process of searching for information on a particular hijab product in the application designed by the author to apply the Moore Turbo Boyer algorithm
Build Data Backup with Nextcloud Based Infrastucture as A Service (IAAS) Concept on Budi Darma University Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2975


Data or important documents for each lecturer are often neglected in terms of storage and several other cases that cause important document files, for example, rank files, inpasing, certificates, teaching modules, practicum modules that are damaged due to viruses and ransomware when users use the internet using their own laptop. Some other problems include theft, fire, flooding, suddenly damaged laptop, illegible external storage or laptop hard drive, forgetting to backup to Google Drive, forgetting Google Drive password, missing internet package, not being accessed locally and having many problems when the data is somewhere when it's needed. By implementing a centralized data backup in each university with the nextcloud-based Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) concept, it can provide an alternative to the above problems with the result that 90% of the data will be safe and confidential. Then data access is faster because the server is located in the college area and the data is also held by the respective owner of the lecturer account concerned.             
Analysis of the Resilient Method in Training and Accuracy in the Backpropagation Method Widodo Saputra; Agus Perdana Windarto; Anjar Wanto
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i1.2922


Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one of the clusters of computer science that leads to artificial intelligence, there are several methods in ANN, one of which is the backpropagation method. This method is used in the prediction process. In some cases the backpropagation method can help in problems solving, especially predictions. However, the backpropagation method has weaknesses. The results of the backpropagation method are very influenced by the determination of the parameters so that the convergence becomes very slow. So needed an optimization method to optimize the performance of the bakpropagation method. The resilient backpropgation method is one solution, this method can change the weight and bias of the network with a direct adaptation process of weighting based on local gradient information from learning iterations so that it can provide optimal results. The data used is the Higher Education Gross Enrollment Rate in Indonesia from 2015-2020 by province. The results were obtained from several data testing with architectural experiments 3-5-1, 3-20-1, 3-37-1, 3-19-1, 3-26-4 and 3-4-1 from backpropagation and resilient testing, shows that the data training process can be optimized significantly, but the accuracy is not evenly optimal

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