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International Conference on Languages and Arts
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Sudah Profesionalkah Guru Kita? Sebuah Refleksi terhadap Fenomena yang Ditemukan di Lapangan Novia Juita
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam makalah ini diangkat dari beberapa fenomena yang ditemukan di lapangan sebagai tindak lanjut dari adanya program sertifikasi guru. Seorang guru yang sudah disertifikasi harus menjalankan sejumlah kewajiban sebagai konsekuensi bahwa guru yang bersangkutan sudah disertifikasi dan menerima tunjangan profesi. Isu yang paling santer adalah adanya kewajiban mengajar sebanyak 24 jam perminggu. Akibatnya, para guru sibuk memenuhi tuntutan ini. Ada yang harus mencari jam mengajar tambahan ke berbagai sekolah swasta, dan ada pula yang justru mengambil sebagian jam guru mata pelajaran sejenis yang belum disertifikasi. Pertanyaan yang muncul, apakah dengan mengajar 24 jam perminggu tuntutan keprofesionalan yang dimaksud di dalam Undang-Undang sudah terpenuhi? Fenomena lain yang ditemukan berupa persepsi yang keliru atau kurang tepat terhadap program sertifikasi. Ketika guru mengikuti program sertifikasi (PLPG), sudah lulus sertifikasi, otomatis predikat guru profesionalpun diperoleh, selesai pulalah segalanya, dalam arti guru enggan lagi untuk menambah ilmu dan wawasan. Ketika diadakan tes kompetensi, barulah banyak pihak kaget. Selanjutnya, dari hasil pengamatan di lapangan dan wawancara dengan para guru terungkap pula bahwa masih banyak guru yang belum menguasai secara baik konsep materi yang seharusnya mereka kuasai sesuai dengan yang tercantum di dalam kurikulum. Dalam pelatihan Guru-guru sekolah menengah yang mata pelajarannya di-UN-kan yang diadakan oleh Pascasarjana UNP belum lama ini terungkap bahwa masih banyak materi yang belum terkuasai dengan baik oleh guru. Kata kunci: profesionalisme guru, sertifikasi, karakteristik guru profesional, bahasa Indonesia
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceedings of the 4th ISLA 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This article is talking about learning English on speaking subject by using the fairy tales with local wisdom for elementary and high schools’ students. This article aims to identify and describe: first, the implementation of learning English on speaking subject by using the fairy tales with local wisdom that consist of measures of learning, teaching, learning activities, and evaluation and second, the value of local wisdom contained in the fairy tales that used in learning English on speaking subject. The implementation of learning English on speaking subject by using the fairy tales with local wisdom, using a thematic approach which consists of: the creation of attractive atmosphere with musical instruments, the process of extracting the insight students through questions and answers, the telling of fairy tales by teachers with regard domains of storytelling aspect, the telling of fairy tales by students with attention to aspects of storytelling, questions and answers in order to provoke the students to express opinions, inference, evaluation, and follow-up with clarifications and amplifications on the end of the lesson. Learning evaluation conducted by the evaluation process and the evaluation of results. In addition, this article also showed that the value of local wisdom contained in fairy tales are the moral individual, social, and religious. Key words: Learning English on Speaking Subject, Fairy Tales, Local Wisdom
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper discusses the structure of the interaction in pedagogical discourse produced by participants in English classes at senior high schools. The source of data consited of twenty lesson’s transcript regarded as complete interaction stating from opening to closing. The analysis was based on Sinclair and couldhard model looking interaction as a chierarchical units in which the higher level units consist of the lower level units. The findings reveals that the structure of the lesson consisted of opening, topic discussion and closing. The opening unit consisted of greeting and topic introduction and exchanges relating to motivating students and the introduction of the lesson outline were not found. The transactional units were not strategically wrapped, preliminary exchanges were usually availeble but the  terminal exchanges were mostly absent. . It might lead to a believe that the teacher develop the transaction’s flow as if it were a face to face and personal interaction. The exchange units were dominated by eliciting moves showing the characteristics of traditional classroom where the teacher dominated the class. The move units were dominated by head acts and less than five percent elaborated with prehead acts or posthead acts and the selection act were not used by the teacher to enhanced the student’s learning. The closing units consisted of few summary and greeting. In conclusion the structure of the classrooom interaction studied are closer to tradional classroom as compared to thinking classroom.   Key words: classroom discourse, interaction, structure of the interaction, teacher talk
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Game is one of the traditional media for character building. One of the traditional games in the district of Ende, Flores, NTT is Wara Gheri means 'angin literally scratching'. The community is also often called the "shell game" as a tool in the form of coconut shell game. Wara Gheri game is one of the community's cultural heritage of Ende. Participants of the game are divided into 2 groups consisting of 4 to 10 people, it could be more. This game have 5 stages: stage Sedo 'punching', stage Wegu 'kick', Sere stage Kenga or Wara Kenga 'push in the open state', Sere Kubhe stage or in a state of Were Kubhepushed face down ', and the last stage Gheri Wara.Wara Gheri game contains the value of educational, recreational, and competitive. Through this game, children are taught the importance of honesty, sportivity, unity, and solidarity. Wara Gheri game can be an alternative character education and business personalities resistance to erosion of the nation. This article is going to explore the relationship between traditional games Wara Gheri with nature-based character education children's wisdom traditions. Keywords: wisdom traditions, traditional game Wara Gheri, character education
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 2nd ISLA 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Kurikulum dalam pengertiannya yang populer sebagai program akademik formal di sekolah untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi peserta-didik, berperan penting dalam praktik pembelajaran.  Atas dasar itulah, pemerintah Indonesia mengontrol pengembangan dan implementasi kurikulum.  Paper ini mengungkap berbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan kurikulum pendidikan seni rupa yang seringkali menjadi sorotan para pemangku kepentingan, yakni: (1) tingkat kurikulum: nasional atau lokal?; (2) cakupan kurikulum di sekolah umum: apresiasi seni rupa atau kreasi seni rupa, atau keduanya?; (3) kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kaitannya dengan dampak pengiring yang negatif; (4) basis perubahan kurikulum-tertulis yang tidak didasari atas evaluasi yang komprehensif; (5) pertanyaan yang belum terjawab tentang Kurikulum 2013.  Karena pemerintah berada pada posisi yang menentukan dalam pengembangan dan implementasi kurikulum, maka pihak pemerintahlah yang paling memiliki otoritas untuk menangani isu-isu tersebut. Tugas kita adalah membangkitkan kesadaran  akan pentingnya isu-isu tersebut untuk ditangani secara cerdas dan profesional. Keywords: curriculum, visual arts education,
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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The research is carried out to describe the role and position of bundo kandung  as woman who was  instrumental in the formation of the next generation character in the local Minangkabau’s novels during the new order. The novels of the research subject are Warisan by Khairul Harun, Bako by Darman Moenir, Orang-Orang Blanti and Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi, and  TamboSebuah Pertemuan by Gus Tf. Sakai. The research uses qualitative description method, and content analysis approach. The result shows that the role and position of women as bundo kandung have been carried out well enough both as a wife and a mother. However, some might just take advantage materially from spouses in which the women or wives cannot stay when things go wrong in their family. The role of women in father’s family is more talked about in Bako, rather than being a woman as a birth mother because Man’s mother, one of the characters in the novel, is mentally ill. Therefore, it is reasonable for bako (sister of father) to take over his mother’s responsibility and build a virtuous personality based on religion and culture in Minangkabau society to nurture him. Even so, the role of women as bundo kandung is shown through bako’s attitude in taking care of their brother’s children. In the novel, Orang-Orang Blanti, bundo kandung is supposed to be taken into account of the Minangkabau tradition. But, their position does not work as it is. The reason for this is men who get the title as penghulu or mamak hold more power than bundo kandung does. Negeri Perempuan also shows that bundo kanduang’s authority is getting lessened in the eyes of Minangkabau community. Bundo is simply a people’s symbol, but not to own full rights in the formation personality children and children in his family. The novel Tambo describes women as bundo kandung have a great responsibility for their family, community, and husband’s community. In this novel visible that women are not only responsible for the formation of children’s personality, but is also able to protect her husband’s family.   Keywords: bundo kandung, novel, Minangkabau tradition, new order.
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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The tittle above shows that if a person learns a traditional dance of a specific community, they unconsciously learn about the culture and the moral values of the community too, which is beneficial to them. According to Hughes (2009), the learning process of traditional dance covers four different learning’s ethics: (1) discipline; (2) courtesy and respect; (3) socialize and not arrogant; (4) consistency and confidence. This four ethics can be analyzed in an integrated manner on the textual and contextual of a traditional dance. Among other things: dancing is actually a skill capability that will not be achieved without strong discipline to practice continuously. Salam hormatin the form of squat’s motion, both hands brought together in front of the chest or in the direction of the guest (organized into ten fingers) as initiating a traditional dance. This act is actually to educate the polite nature and mutual respect toward each other. Empirically, dance can be used as a medium of learning in the intimate and socialize formations. The beauty of dance itself can be achieved with simultaneous movement or uniform. Every motion that made by the whole body is the vision of the intellectual character’s build, discipline, art and spiritual, creative and fear of God. So that, the process that must be undertaken in learning a dance is not just memorizing the movement of the dance as a text, but the dancers need to keep planting the values of it in their life.  It is importance as it helps to led the process of personality’s formation which is guide to responsibility and sharing to achieve the goal to always be independent and have their own true identity.   Keywords: Character’s Development, Traditional Dance, Dance Lessons, True Identity
Designing the Teaching Model for Reading Class at Senior and Junior High School Jufri Syahrudin
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Reading is one of the English language skills taught to the students at junior and senior high schools in  Indonesia. Based on the current syllabus, known as Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), the teaching of reading at junior and senior high schools is based on genre or kinds of texts.  In reading class, the students are provided with competences as stated in Competence Standard (Standar Kompetensi) and Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar) of  the syllabus.  In this case, the product of reading class is that the students are able to comprehend some kinds of texts, such as narrative, recount, descriptive, procedure text and so forth. To gain the goal of teaching reading, a teacher should design a teaching model by selecting and using appropriate methods or technique and media and related teaching activities. The method or technique and media chosen will determine the teacher’s success and the students’ achievement in the reading class. The method and media, however, are not sufficient to achieve the teaching objectives. The more important aspect the teacher should prepare is the teaching and learning activities to help the students gaining the needed competences as demanded by Kompetensi Dasar in the syllabus. For this purpose, the writer discusses how a teacher designs Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) or Lesson Plan by referring to syllabus and how the plan can be implemented in the classroom. For this purpose, the writer gives a model of reading activities which can be applied by the teacher and how those activities are done according to the teaching stage in reading class.
Menakar Fungsi Dulce Et Utile Karya Sastra Remaja Indonesia Muhammad Al-Hafizh
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Sebuah karya sastra tidak diciptakan dalam suatu kekosongan, tetapi diciptakan karena dibutuhkan oleh manusia. Sastra memiliki fungsi dulce et utile; mempunyai fungsi ganda untuk menghibur sekaligus bermanfaat bagi manusia. Sastra menghibur dengan cara menyajikan keindahan dan imajinasi, selain itu sastra juga memiliki unsur didaktis sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan pesan pengajaran tentang nilai-nilai kebaikan. Ada tiga komponen yang berperan penting dalam mengkomunikasikan fungsi tersebut; pengarang sebagai pengirim pesan, karya sastra itu sendiri sebagai isi pesan, dan pembaca sebagai penerima pesan yang tersirat dalam karya sastra. Seiring dengan dinamika perkembangan zaman, fungsi karya sastra remaja Indonesia juga mengalami perobahan. Tulisan ini mengupas transformasi fungsi dulce et utile karya sastra remaja Indonesia. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa bacaan remaja (salah satunya karya sastra remaja) telah membentuk selera remaja. Mereka lebih senang jadi model atau bintang sinetron yang terkenal sehingga lebih cepat dapat uang. Dan karya sastra remaja memfasilitasinya dengan mengangkat tema seputar kehidupan remaja dan bahasa remaja. Sebagai akibatnya, karya sastra remaja lebih cendrung menekankan pada aspek hiburan (dulce) dan lemah pada sisi manfaat (utile). Karya sastra tersebut dianalisa dengan cara melihat kecendrungan ideologi pengarang, tema sentral karya sastra dan relevansinya dengan semangat zaman, serta bagiamana penerimaan masyarakat pembaca terhadap karya tersebut. Hasil tulisan ini  diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam menekankan pentingnya bagi kita untuk terus mempertahankan fungsi menghibur dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kebaikan dalam karya sastra.   Kata kunci: karya sastra remaja,dulce et utile,ideologi sastra
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is inspired by the change in the college curriculum, since 2002/2003 from competency based curriculum to curriculum with the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF or mostly known as KKNI in Indonesia) since 2013/2014. In order to accommodate the questions in higher education, on the existence of curriculum at Music, Dance, and Drama (Sendratasik) Study Program at LPTK (Education Institutions) for the last seven years (since 2007) refering to the change of curriculum in the national education system. This research aims to view and examine the reliability of curriculum Sendratasik Study Program of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang (FBS UNP) that has been designed and being implemented. This study is also as the input for the assessment and comparison of the development of art education curriculum. Keywords: Reliability Curriculum, Education Art, Sendratasik

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