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International Conference on Languages and Arts
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Proceeding of the International Seminar on Languages and Arts is published by Faculty of Languages and Arts of State University of Padang (FBS Universitas Negeri Padang).
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Articles 138 Documents
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Makalah ini membahas tentang model pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia berbasis psikologi bahasa (psikolinguistik) untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, melalui tiga tahapan proses mental, yaitu komprehensi, produksi, dan bio-neurologis. Model ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan terhadap guru dan peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar sampai kelas XII sekolah menengah. Penyusunan model ini melibatkan peran serta guru, pemerintah, dan orang tua, guna membangun paradigma pendidikan yang dapat mencerdaskan bangsa. Berdasarkan kajian psikologi dan neurologi bahasa, maka tersusun suatu model sederhana pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, yaitu Menudas (Membaca + menulis à cerdas). Menudas ini diperoleh melalui buku-buku karya sastra Indonesia tekenal yang mendunia melalui pengaktifan area sensorik dan motorik, sehingga terjadi pencerdasan mentalistik bangsa Indonesia.
Aplikasi Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Gerak Ekspresif Siswa pada Pembelajaran Tari di Sekolah Dasar Yuliasma Yuliasma
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Pembelajaran seni tari di SD seharusnya memberikan peluang untuk memperoleh kesenangan karena dalam proses pembelajaran siswa diberikan kebebasan untuk melahirkan gerak sesuai dengan kemampuan otot dan perkembangan jiwanya. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya pembelajaran tari di SD Sumatera Barat 75% terabaikan, tidak dibelajarkan, karena ada kesalahan konsep dalam pembelajaran. Memotivasi siswa melalui rangsangan idesional/cerita merupakan salah satu upaya guru untuk membangun konsep pembelajaran tari yang  dapat memudahkan siswa untuk mengenal dirinya. Membangkitkan imajinasi kreatif siswa melalui cerita yang pada akhirnya diharapkan akan membentuk alur –alur gerak yang sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan motorik siswa. Tidak ada keterpaksaan dalam melakukan gerak, tidak ada gerak yang salah yang ada hanyalah baik dan kurang baik. Gerak akan baik jika telah mengalami distilirisari (diperhalus). Tidak semua gerak dapat dikatakan tari akan tetapi semua gerak dapat dijadikan  sebagai bahan penyususnan tari. Inilah inti kompetensi yang diharapkan dalam KTSP agar siswa mampu mengekspresikan diri. Aktivitas guru dalam strategi  pembelajaran aktif adalah, guru mengajak para siswa untuk menemukan sendiri gerak–gerak pribadinya Tidak ada unsur keterpaksaan dalam melakukan gerak. Guru memotivasi siswa untuk melahirkan gerak tubuhnya melalui eksplorasi , kemudian hasil penemuan gerak disusun menjadi rangkaian-rangkaian gerak yang terwujud dalam unsur gerak yaitu ruang,waktu dan tenaga. Semakin banyak ruang gerak yang digunakan siswa dalam melahirkan gerak tubuh semakin bervariasi gerak tersebut dan semakin kreatif.   Kata kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif, Kemampuan Gerak Ekspresif Siswa, Pembelajaran Tari di SD
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Studies on civic education learning materials about, especially the topics which are related to the rights and obligations of citizens, democracy, human rights, national identity, and national perception is very strong with the values of the Minangkabau culture imbued by the teachings of Islam which pretty much contains the values of the nation's character. Course material covering the fields of: Introduction to Civic education, National Identity, and the State Constitution, State Relations and citizens, Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights association, National Insights as geopolitical Indonesia, National Defence of Indonesia, National Integration, and National Strategy in state affair, including how to overcome development issues at the local, national, regional, and international level, contained a variety of Minangkabau traditional value as a contributor to educational values of the nation's character. That is what needs to be understood, and further explored, and to be finally implemented and communicated to the students in the learning process. Thus, the lecturers of civic education may play a role in planting values education on local based. The method used is a qualitative descriptive study. The objects are the 100 students who take the citizenship course as the general course at State University of Padang (UNP) during the semester of January- June 2014. The purposes of the study are: (1) to describe the values of traditional Minangkabau in strengthening civic education, (2) to find the Minangkabau traditional values tendency ​​in shaping the national character of the student based on the students’point of view.   Keywords: character education, Minangkabau, Citizenship learning, and student
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Character is the absolutely of characteristic that human having. It is original and rooted in human personality. It can be better with knowledge and human understanding of kindness, desire to do goodness, and do good thing. The understanding of moral’s concept, moral’s attitude, and moral’s behavior are also involved. The understanding of them can be grown throw formal and informal of education, and also reading form. Entertaining reading form and has humanist value is a good way to support the learning of the good characteristic.  In new modern Indonesian language context has happening moral’s critical that is shown by the increasing of deviant behavior, the rate of violence, crime, and widespread of pornography network. Because of that the Indonesian character development for young people especially is needed to be encouraged. To realize that purpose, literature is an alternative reading way which can be used. Literature, especially prose has usefulness aspect and entertaining that can persuade readers to learn characters values. In Indonesia’s literature Minangkabau’s Local Color especially, for example, can be learned some character values related to culture and Minangkabau custom. This paper has purpose to description some character of values that contain in Indonesia’s literature minangkabau’s local color, especially in Aa Navis’s short stories. His short stories is collected in Robohnya Surau Kami’s book is considered has a power to reflection the character of values that born in Minangkabau philosophy and can be used as the material learning by young people.   Keywords: learning, short stories, philosophy, Indonesia’s literature minangkabau’s local color, character’s values.
IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM 2013 MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA: Pola Pikir, Pendekatan Ilmiah, Teks (Genre), dan Penilaian Otentik Atmazaki Atmazaki
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 2nd ISLA 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Setelah berdebat panjang lebar melalui media massa dan proses sosialisasi ke berbagai perguruan tinggi dan organisasi-organisasi di bidang pendidikan, akhirnya pemerintah (Kemendikbud) memutuskan pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 dimulai tahun ini. Kurikulum baru yang diluncurkan oleh Mendikbud hari Senin tanggal 15 Juli 2013 di SMAN 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta, ini diterapkan secara bertahap di 6500 sekolah (SD, SMP, dan SMA/SMK) untuk tiga mata pelajaran: Matematika, Sejarah Indonesia, dan Bahasa Indonesia. Peristiwa ini menandai perubahan yang menurut Mendikbud sangat dibutuhkan untuk kemajuan bangsa Indonesia. Kurikulum baru ini diharapkan mendorong siswa agar mampu lebih baik dalam melakukan observasi, bertanya, bernalar, dan mengomunikasikan (mempresentasikan) apa yang diperoleh atau diketahui setelah menerima materi pembelajaran.1
Perbandingan Kinerja Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Kota Padang Panjang yang Belum dan Telah Sertifikasi Dilihat dari Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Muhammad Zaim
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Sertifikasi guru telah mengangkat harkat dan martabat guru dari sisi kesejahteraan yang diperoleh guru sebagai konsekuensi logis terhadap sertifikat guru profesional yang dimilikinya. Namun, mendapatkan gaji yang besar belum menjamin meningkatnya kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran di kelas. Dari empat kompetensi guru, pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional, dua kompetensi, yaitu pedagogik dan profesional berkaitan langsung dengan kinerja guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran yang bermutu. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis kinerja guru bahasa Inggris yang belum dan telah sertifikasi pada kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional tersebut. Data diperoleh dari 36 responden yang terdiri dari 16 orang guru SMA Padang Panjang yang belum mengikuti sertifikasi dan 20 orang guru yang telah lulus sertifikasi guru pada tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket yang menggunakan skala likert berisi penilaian tentang capaian kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional guru yang belum dan telah sertifikasi. Data dianalisis dengan mencari skor rata-rata pada masing-masing kompetensi dan subkompetensi pedagogik dan profesional. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa secara umum kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional guru bahasa Inggris yang telah sertifikasi lebih baik dari guru belum sertifikasi, tetapi pada beberapa subkompetensi tidak ada perbedaan antara kompetensi guru yang belum dan telah sertifikasi. Kata Kunci: Guru Profesional, kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, kinerja
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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To learn a foreign language is to learn that there are other ways of using language than those that we are used to. This can be a shock for people learning a second language for the first time. This teaches students that there are other ways of organising a language and other ways of constructing meaning than those that they were brought up with. As well as providing knowledge about the new language, it teaches learners to see their own first language in a new light. This provides a greater maturity about the state of the world, and about one’s own first language. Whatever the method of language education, this should always apply.
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper aims at discussing, values and characters in translation process that must be taught to the students in order to produce good translation. In the translation process, translators face various problems whether untranslatability issues, culture, and ideology. To resolve these problems translators are required to have the competence and intelligence of selecting the best strategy. To that end, in teaching translation skill, the students are trained to not easily give up, choosing a good diction, and the best way to convey the message contained in the target language. Translators are required to be honest but should not be too honest/plain. Translators must not add or subtract in the target language, but the translator may add and reduce information. This principles seem ambiguous, could it be done is teaching process?   Keywords: translation, characters building, translation competencies.
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper is part of Competitive Grant second year (2014) research titled ―The Creation of Ceramic Craft Based on Bataknese Ethnic Art as a Local Specialty with Global Nuance‖. This research aims to produce ceramic works of art by implementing traditional ornaments of Bataknese ethnic of North Sumatra. In the first year (2013), 30 ceramic craft‘s structural designs and Bataknese ethnic ornament design sketches have been produced. This study is a new formula related to Ceramic Craft Based on Bataknese Ethnic Art as a Local Specialty with Global Nuance. In the second year (2014), the traditional Bataknese ethnic ornamental designs are implemented to the ceramic craft‘s structure. The application of the ornamental design is done in three stages. The first stage is to apply the design to ceramic structures using a pencil. The second stage is to color the design with Bataknese ethnic colors of red, black, and white by using poster and wall paint. The third stage is to provide a layer of clear-lacquer-colored acrylic so that the color from poster and wall paper is not scratched. Thus, in this second year, ceramic craft which have been decorated with Bataknese ethnic of North Sumatra ornamental motifs have been produced. Since this Competitive Grant study lasts for 3 (three) years, the plan in the third year (2015) is to conduct a ceramic crafts exhibition, to do focus group discussion (FGD) involving artisans, faculty and students of the Fine Arts Department of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, arts practitioners, and the media.
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 2nd ISLA 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Teaching English to elementary school students is viewed as hard task and sometimes boring. This is caused by the fact that many teachers can not create teaching and learning process appropriately to satisfy and interest their students. That is why, a teacher should be able to seek an appropriate technique which is  in accordance with the students’ interest and development. This paper is aimed at explaining and discussing the technique for teaching English at elementary school through playing activities. This kind of technique is assumed to be suitable with the development of students in that school. The playing model should be designed as well as possible so that they can help the teacher and the students to achieve instructional objectives easily, quickly and effectively. These activities are arranged to fulfill the teaching goal by following the common steps of teaching, that is, pre-teaching, whilst teaching and post-teaching. In this teaching model the teaching is done by the following sequence; selection, orientation association, confirmation and communication. By this way, it is expected that the students will learn better and can communicate in English sooner.