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International Conference on Languages and Arts
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Proceeding of the International Seminar on Languages and Arts is published by Faculty of Languages and Arts of State University of Padang (FBS Universitas Negeri Padang).
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Articles 138 Documents
Investigating the Teaching of English Literature through Narrative Inquiry Desvalini Anwar
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper seeks to argue for the significant contribution a narrative inquiry can offer for research in education. This work arises from the author’s PhD research that she is currently conducting at Deakin University, Australia. As data analysis is still in progress, this paper should not be regarded as a conclusion of her findings. The author’s intention is to explain how the literary praxis or the teaching of English literature practiced by the academics at the universities in Padang West Sumatra Indonesia can be investigated through narrative inquiry. Narrative inquiry is a study of how humans make meaning of experience by endlessly telling and retelling stories about themselves that both refigure the past and create purpose in the future (Connelly & Clandinin.1998). The focus of scrutiny is on stories told by both the research participants taken from three rounds of individual interviews and the author’s autobiographical narrative. All of these teachers’ stories inform the constraints that operate on them; these teachers teach English literature where English is a foreign language and also where reading is not yet embraced as a daily habit or a joyous task. The autobiography and interviews reflect the choices that the teachers make and thus, show their standpoint. Narrative inquiry significantly offers an opportunity for educators to articulate the realities that they experience in contradiction to the standards prescribed by, for example, the curriculum, as well as develop a reflective practice of their own. It also offers insights of and reflections on teachers’ identity and their professional development. KEYWORDS: Narrative inquiry, autobiographical narrative, stories, reflective practice, interview, literary praxis, constraints, standpoint
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 2nd ISLA 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Some explorative methods have been done in teaching translation. The approach used in this method is based on the writer’s experience during his teaching. This method is aimed at (1) introducing students to translating business, (2) giving more exposure to students in practicing translating texts, (3) exploring students’ experiences in applying translation theories and strategies, and (4) developing process-based translation research to extend translation teaching methods. The explorative-experience-based translation project is a teaching method in translating-interpreting class which allows students to explore their experience in the ‘real’ translation activities and industry as well as to apply their knowledge on translation theory and strategies of translation. The steps performed in this method are (1) giving brief description to students about business in translation, (2) introducing them to publishers, (3) guiding them in writing proposals for translation field work, (4) conducting advisory during the students’ field work (consisting class discussion and problem solving), (5) interviewing students’ difficulties during their projects, (6) recording students’ major problems (in terms of sentence and text types), and (7) expanding this procedure with a process-based research by the teacher or lecturer. The students involved in this class should have taken some basic courses as introduction to translation (translation studies), translating practice, or other related courses available in the department. Some opportunities and treats are explored through this method. These can enhance teachers’ strategy and method in translating-interpreting class. Keywords: experience, process-based research, translation business, translating project, translation strategy
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Nobody denies that the main purpose of teaching English, as a foreign language, in Indonesia especially,  is the learners are able to use English to communicate. In fact, it is found that most of students know much about English but when they are asked to use it in communication, they cannot, even their pronunciation in reading is still poor. They aren’t also be able to ask question to the interlocutor. These can be caused by many factors; one of them is the teachers do not make students accustomed to use English in the classroom. It also happens at SMPN Padang, The English teacher  and students often do code switching to Indonesia, so the students are not accustomed to use English. Based on that finding, it is wise to implement “question based” model in teaching English as an alternative teaching model to improve the students’ capability to use English as communication and to build the students’ character of self confidence and critical thinking. Keywords: Character, question-based model, ELT
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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In the process of life, we had made human beings as the subject of education. In that process, a person learns and understands of the others’ character, nature, feeling, and the way of thinking. Character is defined as a way of thinking and behaving that is typical of each individual to live and work together, both within the family, community, nation, and state that shows how a person behaves. The process of character formation is mainly directed to students. Fairy tale can be used as a tool or a bridge to achieve the mission and vision of character education. Before the society is familiar with writing, the fairy tales were used as media of social values and very in teaching from one generation to another generation. In addition to being used to sharpen the students’ fantasy and imagination, telling a fairy tale is a very effective method of delivering messages to the learners. Moreover, the activities of storytelling are also the best tool in the process of refreshing the tense atmosphere back to the pleasant atmosphere. Understanding and cultivation of character education through the fairy tale will be more easily applied by learners in daily life through the study of literature which is also expected to establish a scientific attitude.   Keywords: fairy tale, character education, scientific attitude
Applying Simulation-Based Activities in Interpretation Subject Yenni Rozimela
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper presents the merits and drawbacks of simulation- based activities applied in Interpretation subject. At the English Department of UNP, the Interpretation subject is aimed to develop students’ interpretation skills, which in turn enables the graduates to take hold of various job opportunities required these skills. Through interpretation activities, the students improve their language skills, especially listening and speaking. In addition, they are trained to develop some other-related communication skills such as interviewing people and presenting a paper in a seminar.  In other words, the students develop their communication skills. To resemble the real events of interpretation, simulation-based activities are used in the class. They are talk-show, seminar, and drama.  The students are given the roles in accordance with the activities. Here, the teaching and learning activities and the results obtained through the writer’s observation and field-notes will be presented. The problems the students face and the difficulties in carrying out the activities also need to be noted as they can be useful input for future improvement both for Interpretation and other related subjects.   Keywords: Interpretation, Simulation, Seminar, Drama, Talk-Show
Makna Mendidik pada Kain Songket Silungkang Sumatera Barat Budiwirman Budiwirman
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aims to identify the symbolic significance of education in traditional clothing Silungkang West Sumatra. To identify the motif forms containing symbolic values ​​education in songket Silungkang, and analyze the educational values ​​inherent in Silungkang songket. To browse the educational symbolic values ​​contained in this Songket, with the basic elements that should be found according to the formulation of the problem. Types of research used ethnographic methods associated with qualitative research. That is, qualitative researchers are as a human instrument, serves to adjust the focus of research, selecting informants as data sources, gathering data, assessing the quality of data, analyze data, interpret data and make conclusions on the findings, and techniques of data analysis performed by analysis of the meaning of an interactive model , model analysis has three main types of component analysis, namely data reduction, data and conclusion / verification. Each researcher collected data to move on to the data / information collected is sufficient to answer the research issues and conclusions. The results obtained by the symbolic value of education is contained in songket Silungkang used by indigenous stakeholders (the prince and Bundo Kanduang) in the customary phrase says: smart (knowledgeable), know (knowledge), good (quality), which means the smart way , that the indigenous stakeholders. Means that stakeholders must know the practice of indigenous knowledge possessed, and which either means he has the expertise and wisdom in leading the community. The conclusion of this study is the significance of education in the prince clothes and Bundo Kandung a role model for people in the area Silungkang. Keywords: Symbolic, Songket, Culture.
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This paper discussed on the loss of indigenous cultural knowledge and the impairment of Aboriginal native title claim as the impacts of Assimilation policy on Aboriginal children in 1937 until 1970s and in their later life. This paper was an  areal study of Australia by using historical approach. This study belongs to qualitative reseach. The data were collected and analysed by using library research. The method of representing the results of the analysis or the finding was written descriptively. The findings revealed that the Assimilation policy by the Australian government considering it could give benefits to Aboriginal children at that time, in fact, on the other hand it brought the negative impacts causing them to lose their indigenous cultural knowledge such as the Aboriginal language,  characters, habits, skills and arts. The bad impacts did not only include those ones, they in the next generation lost their claim to the right on their native title lands.   Keywords: Assimilation policy, indigenous cultural knowledge, native title claim, and Aboriginal children
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Children’s literature is a literary works consumed and/or produced by children in their inter-action to the environment. This kind of literature tends to be marginalized in academic, productivity and the use of the literature itself. Compared to children’s literature of other regions existing in Minangkabau territory seems almost forgotten. Children’s literature contains ideology of the author and his collectivity which is unconsciously easy and straight will be absorbed by the children, and it will influence their character, for example, they want to become a figure of hero from the comics or story they read. So easy are the children absorbed in the story they read, therefore, we need and idea to offer and serve children literature texts containing local character, particularly Minangkabau, and generally Indonesia so that they do not go off their Indonesian root. The discussion on the children literature becomes urgent. Any children literature of Minangkabau having become tradition, how the production, and the use of them for children’s world must paid attention on. The children’s literature of Minangkabau may be said available in oral form, and may be covered in punning when they are inter-acting to the environment. The creation and production are quite saddening. Meanwhile the use of it tends to be marginalized either in daily life or in education. From academic point of view there is so little making use of it as a material of study as well as from production view pint there not many children’s literature born in comparison to adult’s, or juvenile’s one. Let alone the use of it, the children tend to consume the imported one for they are more various, and packed more interestingly. In fact, the children literature may put on the foundation to form characterized national generation based on creativity, plurality tolerance.   Keywords: ideology, character, marginal, and children’s literature.
Revitalising Teaching of Cross-Cultural Understanding in Indonesia Context Ingrid Brita
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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Is Theory of Translation Needed to Build Students’ Translation Competence? Havid Ardi
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 1st ISLA 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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This article presents the importance theory of translation in translation training to build translation competence in revitalizing the teaching of translation. Firstly, the translation competence is defined. Then, six sub-competences of translation competence are described and materials given in the translation subject to build students’ competence are presented. This competence builds students’ awareness in detecting translation problem and finding the strategy to solve it. Some strategy applied by the translator in his translation (translation technique) are presented. These techniques are implemented to solve untranslatability. By introducing these techniques, the students improve their translation competence, especially in translating untranslatable words or expression. Students’ responses on the materials related the translation theory are also presented. This will be useful input for future improvement for the translation subject.Key words: translation theory, translation competence, problem-based solving

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