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Performance is our bianually peer-reviewed journal, designed to accommodate research articles in the domain of management science. This journal has been published by Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman since 2003. We invite articles in all functional area of management, which mainly about (but not limited to) Human Resource, Marketing, Financial, Operational and Strategic Management.
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Articles 440 Documents
Performance Vol 14 No 2 (2011): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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The phenomenon that occurred in the Indonesia Stock Exchange showed that investors have a primary goal in invest their funds into a company that is looking for income or investment return rate either form of dividend income and income from the difference between the selling price of stock over the purchase price (capital gains). For example, viewed from the status of his company, the company divided into 2 (two) categories, namely domestic and foreign ownership. With the difference in ownership status, the differences in character and culture of each investor will affect the company's performance through management policies were implemented. Seeing the reality that occurred in the Indonesia Stock Exchange turned out to be a percentage of domestic companies that pay dividends more than foreign companies. Seeing the difference is so interesting to do research about the factors that influence dividend policy. The population used in this study are all companies included in the group of foreign and domestic firms (based on the classification of the Indonesia Stock Exchange visits of company status) that have been going public in Indonesian Capital Market until the end of 2009. Samples taken for this study were 26 companies that meet the criteria of the sample that is comprised of 5 companies and 21 foreign domestic investment company. To determine the number of samples taken is to use a purposive sampling method. The analytical tool used is the classical assumption test and multiple regression. The results of this study is the only current ratio and growth variables that simultaneously affect the dividend payout ratio after further tests conducted by Stepwise method. While the partial growth and current ratio affect the dividend payout ratio. Together variable current ratio and growth contributed 22.7% in explaining the dividend payout ratio. And different test result that foreign firms have an average dividend higher than domestic companies. From these results, the management may consider the return on investment, current ratio, debt to total assets and growth as a predictor for determining the dividend payout ratio.
Motivasi usaha sebagai mediator hubungan antara perilaku inovatif dan kreativitas terhadap keberhasilan usaha pengusaha batik tulis di Kabupaten Kebumen Azizah, Siti Nur; Ma’rifah, Diana
Performance Vol 24 No 2 (2017): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Purpose: This study aims to analyze the influence of innovative behavior and creativity on business success mediated by business motivation. Methodology: Respondents in this research were batik entrepreneurs in Kebumen Regency. The number of samples tested is 58 people and data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) test. Findings: The results show that creativity has an effect on motivation and business success, and motivation mediates the relationship between creativity and business success. However, innovative behavior has no effect on motivation or business success. So, motivation does not mediate the relationship between innovative behavior and business success. Keywords: business success, business motivation, creativity, innovative behavior, painted batik.
Performance Vol 19 No 1 (2014): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Study on meaning, or widely known as meaning in life commonly studied from the perspective of existential psychology. Meaning is an important construct since meaning will help individual in seeking and finding the goals of individual existence. Previous studies show that meaning is utilized in two context, life meaning and job meaning. We argue that the two constructs is closely related so that in some studies, both terms ussually interchangeably used.The aim of the research is to investigate the consequences of meaning in life. Field survey is conducted in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with the sample size of 140 lecturers. The findings are as follows: meaning in life significantly influence job involvement and lecturer motivation, job involvement significantly influence career planning, but insignificantly toward career identity, whereas motivation significantly influence career identity and career planning. The future research could be conducted to verify current finding, particularly to validate the influence of job involvement toward career identity.
Performance Vol 13 No 1 (2011): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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This paper examines the relationship between exchange rates and stock prices indexs in the emerging financial market of Indonesia using daily data over a four-year period from January, 2002 to December, 2005. The motivation is to establish the causal linkages between leading prices in the foreign exchange market and the stock market in Indonesian market; the linkages have implication for the ongoing attempts to develop stock markets simultaneously with a policy shift towards independently floating exchange rates Using the Granger concept of causality (1969), cointegration technique and standard Error Correction Model (ECM), show that consistent with portfolio approach to exchange rate determination, it is argued that there is a negative short run and long run causality from stock prices to exchange rates (unidirectional causality from stock prices to exchange rates). A change in stock prices have an impact on exchange rate for composite indexs (IHSG) and also for sectoral indexs The result have implication that the development on the stock market are important to economics development, increasing on the stock market performance become an indicator of a good macro economic condition and appreciate the domestic currency.
Performance Vol 6 No 1 (2007): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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The research entitled “The Analysis of The Stocks Performance and Earnings Management Practice on Companies Issuing Initial Public Offering (IPO) at Jakarta StockExchange (JSX) Year 2000-2004” used secondary data. Hypotheses proposed in this research were : 1. The short-term stocks performance was outperformed, whereas long-term stocks performance was underperformed. 2. There was a significance gap between short-term stocks performance and long-term stocks performance. 3. There was earnings management practice one year before go public. 4. There was a significant correlation between earnings management before go public and long-term stocks performance. To test the first and second hypotheses was used statistical test such as one sample ttest and paired sample t-test of abnormal return on each observation period. Short-term stocks performance was measured by length of time such as one month and three months after IPO. Meanwhile, long-term stocks performance was measured by length of time such as 12 and 24 months after IPO.The result of statistical analysis showed that short-term stocks performance was outperformed, whereas long-term stocks performance was underperformed. This wassupported by the t calculation of one-month period (3,523) and three months periods (3,618) were bigger than t table (1,9966 and 1,9925). Meanwhile, t calculation 12 months period (-0,185) and 24 months periods (-1,861) were less than t table (1,9917 and 1,9886). The result of paired sample t-test was 4,857 on the level of significance 0,05. It showed that there was a significance gap between short-term stocks performance and longterm stocks performance. To know wether there was earnings management practice one year before go public was used discretionary accruals measurement by using Friedlan approach (1994). Then, statistical test was used as well to support the result of this research. The result of discretionary accruals measurement, Wilcoxon test, and Sign test showed that there was a signal showing earnings management practice by implementing income increasing discretionary accrual method one year before go public. To test the last hypotheses was used Pearson Product Moment Correlation test. The result showed that there was a insignificance negative correlation (-0,151) between earnings management before go public and long term stocks performance.
Performance Vol 9 No 2 (2009): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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The research of the treasury bonds case study is entiled “The Prediction Value of Treasury Bonds and Return of The Recapitalized Banks”. It was aimed at predicting about value of the interest bearing bonds to find out the predictor of the growth of interest rate and value of bonds lag ; predicting about value of variable interest bearing bonds to find out the predictor of profit and loss sharing ; selecting the best model from the models applied in this research ; finding out and analyzing return of the recapitalized bank. The tested hypotheses of the research were : 1) the growth of interest rate and the sluggish value of bonds met the conditions of model to predict value of bonds, 2) profit and loss sharing met the conditions of model to predict value of bonds, 3) profit and loss sharing based on model was better than that of the interest based one, and 4) the return of the recapitalized banks tended to increase. The first hypotesis was tested by linier regression model, the second hypotesis was tested by linier regression model and linier log regression model ; Mac Kinnon, White dan Davidson (MWD) test was applied and the result showed that the condition did not met, the second hypotesis was continued to test by Log-log Invers (LLI) model,The third hypotesis was tested by ten criteria selecting model namely AIC, FPE, GCV, HW, RICE, SCHWARZ, SQWASQ, SHIBATA, PC, RVC, and the fourth hypotesis was tested by linier trend model. The study concluded the followings : 1) the growth of the interest rate and the sluggish value of bonds met the conditions of model to predict value of variable rate bonds, 2) profit loss sharing met the conditions of model the predict calue of variable rate bonds, 3) profit loss sharing based on model was better than that of the interest based one, 4) the return of the recapitulazed banks tended to increase.
Performance Vol 17 No 1 (2013): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Carrying the “Astro” brand, PT Direct Vision (“PT DV”) provides subscription-based television access for homes and commercial establishments. PT DV transmits up-to-the-minute information and the latest in local and international entertainment to its satellite in orbit, which returns the signal to the Southeast Asia region. The transmission can only be translated into audio video using a digital multimedia system (“DMS”) made up of an outdoor mini-satellite dish, a decoder, and a smart card. DMS products are manufactured abroad and imported to be distributed to new subscribers. The purpose of this Final Project is to evaluate the current distribution system of DMS products and suggest alternatives to promote cost efficiency in the logistical operations. Overall cost of distribution was considered relatively high and opportunities to lower cost can be attributed to better planning and key performance indicators. The process reference model was used as an approach to evaluate the current distribution system and to present alternatives for improvement. Of the proposed alternatives, major points for improvement include utilizing regional distribution centers, appointing a third party logistics service provider, optimizing economic order quantity, and establishing key performance indicators.
Performance Vol 11 No 2 (2010): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Research testing technical analysis trading strategy is to take samples of stocks from the company (issuer) mining sector from the first time listing until October 2008. This research focused on stock price movement patterns of the minor, intermediate and primary with dual technical analysis moving average crossover with stock prices that pass the test randomness of data. Is there a significant difference between the average return of the third period. Thus, investors who use technical analysis to the period of time can make a profit (return) the maximum. Research shows that of the 21 stocks pass the test of randomness of data (data is not random). While testing the difference in average return on average produce stock returns that are not significantly different at an alpha level of 5% confidence, at different time periods vary in technical analysis tool dual moving average crossover as well as in a period of industry in mining sector. This indicates that the average profit (return) to investors who use technical analysis of a dual moving average crossover with a different time period or a period of industry in the mining sector is no different.
ANALISIS PENGARUH KEBUDAYAAN, SOSIAL, KEPRIBADIAN DAN PSIKOLOGIS TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SHAR’E (Survei pada nasabah Bank Muamalat Indonesia Cabang Purwokerto Darmawati, Dwita; Subekti, Bambang; Setyawati, Sri Murni; Sumarsono, Sumarsono
Performance Vol 6 No 1 (2007): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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The aims of research are first to find out and analyze the effect of culture, social, personality and psychology on buying decision of shar’e product. The second it aims to find out and analyze which of the four factors has the greatest effect on buying decision of Shar’e product. Sample of this research consist of 100 customer of Bank Muamalat Indonesia Purwokerto Branch. Path analysis is the instrument used to find out the direct or indirect effect of the four variables on customers buying decision. Based on the result of analysis using F-test and t-test shows that that only personality variable (X3) and psycology variable (X4) have significant effect on Shar’e product buying decision, as they are greater than t-table Next based on the result of calculation, it has got that Path coeficient of personality variable greater than Path coefficient of psychology variable. It shows that effect of personality variable is greater than psychology variable.
Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kegunaan, Kemudahan, Privacy Risk, Time Risk, dan Financial Risk terhadap Minat Penggunaan Mobile Banking Bank Muamalat Melasari, Cita; Suroso, Agus; Banani, Ade
Performance Vol 25 No 1 (2018): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini sangat diperlukan oleh sektor perbankan untuk memudahkan nasabah dalam bertransaksi. Di tengah persaingan bisnis yang sangat ketat, Bank Muamalat hadir memberikan layanan electronic channel, salah satunya yaitu mobile banking yang merupakan aplikasi inovatif terkini serta dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi nasabah dan pihak bank. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling, yakni dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel dari populasi berdasarkan kriteria tertentu, dalam hal ini kriterianya adalah nasabah yang telah mengunduh aplikasi mobile banking Bank Muamalat. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor dan untuk pengujian hipotesisnya menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa variabel kepercayaan, kegunaan, kemudahan, privacy risk , time risk, dan financial risk berpengaruh terhadap minat penggunaan mobile banking. Variabel kepercayaan, kegunaan, kemudahan, dan time risk berpengaruh parsial terhadap penggunaan mobile banking Bank Muamalat, sedangkan privacy risk dan financial risk tidak berpengaruh terhadap minat penggunaan mobile banking Bank Muamalat. Hal tersebut mengartikan bahwa semakin tinggi privacy risk dan financial risk yang terjadi akibat kesalahan dalam penggunaan aplikasi mobile banking tidak mempengaruhi minat penggunaan. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah risiko menjadi salah satu faktor yang dipertimbangkan oleh nasabah dalam membuat keputusan apakah akan menggunakan mobile banking atau tidak. Semakin tinggi risiko, maka nasabah akan mengurungkan minatnya untuk menggunakan mobile banking.

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