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Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Menggunakan Metode Janbu Simplified Pada Lereng di Permukaan Lubang masuk Thc-04 Tambang Batubara Bawah Tanah CV Tahiti Coal, Sangkar Puyuh, Kecamatan Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Muhammad Fajar Hidayat; Tri Gamela Saldy
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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CV. Tahiti Coal merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan dan telah berinvestasi di Kota Sawahlunto. Bahan galian yang telah ditambang adalah batubara. Secara administrasi lokasi KP Eksploitasi tersebut di Desa Sijantang, Kecamatan Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan luas 53,80 Ha. Pada wilayah izin usaha penambangan CV. Tahiti Coal penulis menemukan adanya  pada permukaan lereng lubang Thc-04 dengan ketinggian sekitar ±29,5m dengan kemiringan 77° yang berkemungkinan akan terjadinya longsor. dengan kondisi lereng tersebut berpotensi membahayakan pekerja dan menghambat produksi. Berdasarkan data hasil pengujian sifat fisik dan mekanik batuan siltstone mendapatkan nilai bobot isi asli 20,83KN/m3, nilai bobot isi jenuh 23,07KN/m3, nilai bobot isi kering 18,19 KN/m3, kohesi (c) = 40,1 Kpa dan sudut geser dalam (ϕ) = 40,47°. Analisis nilai faktor keamanan (FK) dari lereng aktual kondisi jenuh didapat nilai FK sebesar 0,910. rekomendasi geometri lereng aktual kondisi jenuh menggunakan metode Janbu simplified dengan ketinggian keseluruhan 29,5m dan kemiringan 66˚ dimana lereng tunggal 1 didapat nilai Fk Sebesar 1,407 dengan ketinggian 15m dan sudut 80˚, pada lereng tunggal 2 didapat nilai FK sebesar 1,390 dengan ketinggian 14,5m dan sudut 77˚, sehingga di peroleh FK  lereng keseluruhan dalam kondisi jenuh sebesar 1,301.
Analisis Penentuan Kualitas Batubara Berdasarkan Uji Proksimat di PT. Pelabuhan Universal Sumatera Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi FEBRYANTI FEBRYANTI; Dedi Yulhendra
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Universal Port of Sumatra is a company engaged in port services that handles loading and unloading of coal. Distribution of coal at PT. Universal Sumatra Port does not take place every day, but depends on consumer demand, therefore coal accumulation occurs in the long term. PT. Universal Sumatra Port has never tested the quality of coal. Meanwhile, in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number 1827 of 2018 it is explained that, in stacking activities, efforts must be made to maintain the quality of stacked coal. One of the efforts to maintain the quality of coal is by conducting quality testing. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the value of coal quality and rank (rank) of coal, as well as what factors can cause changes in the value of coal quality. To determine coal quality, proximate analysis was used with test parameters, namely, total moisture (TM), ash content (AC), volatile matter (VM), fixed carbon (FC), and calori value (CV). Based on the results of testing in the coal quality laboratory at PT. Universal Sumatra Port did not experience significant changes, namely the total moisture value of coal in stockpile 13.58 while on barge 15.21, ash content value in coal in stockpile 3.09 while on barge 3.27, volatile matter value in coal in stockpile 51.51 while on barge 51.11, and the calorific value of coal in stockpile is 5411.90 while on barge 5397.75. It can be assumed that coal at PT. Universal Sumatra Port is categorized at subbituminous rank B (based on coal classification according to ASTM).
Analisis Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Terbuka Penambangan Batubara di PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada Jobsite PCNS, Desa Sebamban, Kec. Sungai Loban, Kab. Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Putri Arrina Haq; Rusli Har
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada PCNS Jobsite is one of the coal mining companies engaged in mining contractor. Mining activities are carried out using the open pit mining method, which causes the formation of a basin that is wide enough and has the potential to become a water storage area, both from surface runoff and groundwater. Based on the results of the calculation of rainfall for a period of 12 years, from 2010-2021, with a catchment area of 216,03 Ha, the planned rainfall value is 182,38 mm in a 10-year return period, with a rainfall intensity of 62,46 mm/hour and runoff discharge of 20,2 /second. Based on observations of field conditions by looking at the difference in the initial and final elevations that occur in the Majapahit Pit sump, the amount of groundwater that enters the Majapahit Pit sump is 1,35 /second. The total water discharge which is the overall discharge that will be accommodated in the sump is 21,55 /second. For the total pump head that must be provided to drain the amount of water as planned is 106,2 m, with a pump power of 32,77 kW or 43,94 Hp, then the pumping activity with one available pump is only able to dry 20% of the total sump capacity. The volume of water in the sump in a day after pumping is 1.847.017,12 .. Recalculation of the sump dimensions at the research site is not necessary, because there is no economical coal reserve under the sump. For an economical open channel design, it is known that the bottom width of the channel (b) is 1,25 m, the hydraulic depth (y) is 1,5 m, the wet cross-sectional area is (A) 3,18 , the wet perimeter (P) is 4,71 m, the hydraulic radius (R) is 0,75 m, the length of the channel slope (a) is 1,495 m, the top surface width (B) is 2,99 m and the channel guard height (W) is 0,86 m, the open channel discharge is 4,8 /second so it can accommodate the pumping discharge issued at the outlet which is 0,216 /second. The volume of the sludge settling pond which made by the Engineering Department of PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada PCNS Jobsite is 65.289  so it can accommodate if the rainfall is high, which is 64.880,95  and there is no need to add another pond.
Kajian Biaya Penggantian Penyanggaan Kayu di Lubang Maju THC 04 di Tambang Bawah Tanah CV.Tahiti Coal, Sangkar Puyuh, Kecamatan Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Lulu Dwi Oktari; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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CV. Tahiti Coal is a mining industry company that exploits coal using underground and open pit mining methods. The company has 4 open pits that are still active, namely THC 02, Main Gate THC 03, Tail Gate THC 03 and Main Gate THC 04. In addition, there is also 1 open pit which temporarily stopped operating due to self-burning, namely THC 01. The mining method underground implemented by CV. Tahiti Coal is the Room and Pillar on THC 01, THC 02, THC 03. A pullback method is carried out, namely taking coal starting from the end which is taken from the bottom up (the previous branch line) leaving the top pillar 3 meters long. This taking is done 6 meters wide and interspersed with pillars 3 meters wide and so on up to the branch door. The coal that has been taken is assisted with the installation of supports and cribbing is carried out. At THC 04 using the room and pillar method, the direction of mining is planned in the direction of strike perpendicular to the dip which has a slope of 28-34 degrees. The buffer used by CV. Tahiti Coal is natural buffer and artificial buffer. Natural buffer is coal left behind with the aim of replacing pillars when making room and pillar opening holes. Meanwhile, artificial supports are supports formed from wood to hold the coal openings that have been taken. The type of wood used is first class wood.
Studi Optimasi Produksi Alat Gali Muat dan Alat Angkut Pada Kegiatan Pengupasan Overburden Menggunakan Metode Match Factor Berdasarkan Efisiensi Biaya Operasional Di Pit Eagle 3 PT. Bumi Karya Makmur, Job Site PT. IPC, Bantuas, Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Joko Handayani; Try Gamela Saldy
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Overburden stripping is one of the activities that greatly affects mining activities, the faster the overburden stripping activity, the coal mining activities will be in accordance with the targets set by PT. Prosperous Work Earth. In carrying out the activities of stripping and transporting overburden in pit eagle 3 PT. Bumi Karya Makmur operates Caterpillar Excavator 345 GC, 340 D, and 320 GC units as digging and loading equipment and Dump Truck units for HINO 500 FM 260 JD and IVECO 682. The current problem is not achieving the overburden production target at pit eagle 3 in April 2021 is 125,000 bcm while the actual is 108,980,21 bcm. The method used in this study is the match factor method. Due to the incompatibility of work between digging and loading equipment, it is necessary to optimize tool productivity and work compatibility between loading and unloading equipment and transportation equipment. The actual value of the match factor between the digging and loading equipment is 1.186. To get the match factor value, cycle time optimization is carried out and the reduction in the number of transportation equipment used so that the match factor value becomes 0.986. So the production of loading and unloading equipment is 135.343,894 bcm/month and the means of transportation is 210.633,110 bcm/month. From the calculation results, it is obtained that the operational costs of loading equipment and transportation equipment for overburden removal before being analyzed are Rp. 469.266.180,92 or Rp. 4.247,04 /bcm. After analyzing the overburden stripping in accordance with the planned production target, the costs incurred are Rp 492.437.946,74 or Rp. 3.638,42 /bcm.
Perencanaan Stockpile Pelabuhan pada Coal Handling Facility PT. Surya Global Makmur Kecamatan Taman Rajo, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi Femi Audya Syifa; Mulya Gusman
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Surya Global Makmur is a company that produces coal needs which is currently in the construction stage for a Coal Handling Facility with a Terminal for Self Interest (TUKS) port on an area of ±11 hectares located in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. The port will be used as a temporary stockpile, before the coal can be transported back by barge to consumers. Stockpile has a function as a storage place for coal and requires management that must be in accordance with the process that coal will go through. The purpose of this research is to design a stockpile that will be implemented as a coal storage management. The principle used in this study is the principle of stockpile management, namely the First In First Out (FIFO) system, which means that the first coal to enter must be the first coal to leave the stockpile area.Based on the results of the coal pile design in the stockpile area of PT. Surya Global Makmur has 7 piles of coal in the shape of a pyramid for 3 types of coal calories, namely low calories, medium calories and high calories. In the simulation of coal delivery within a period of 30 days there is a stockpile of coal in the stockpile area of 40,000 tons and is adjusted to the results of calculations using Surpac 6.6.2 software. namely 141,199 tons, the stockpile capacity of PT. Surya Global Makmur is adequate to accommodate the amount of coal. The number of tools needed in the Coal Handling Facility stockpile area are 3 units of the WA380-7 wheel loader, 4 units of the PC300-8 excavator and 5 units of the Mercy 3336K dumptruck
Analisa Tingkat Kehilangan Batubara (Coal Losses) Dari Proses Coal Getting Sampai Barging Di PT. Bhumi Sriwijaya Perdana Coal, Kecamatan Tungkal Jaya, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Farid Kanz Zaky; Rudy Anarta
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Bhumi Sriwijaya Perdana Coal merupakan perusahaan tambang batubara yang melakukan penambangan dengan metode penambangan terbuka dengan menggunakan perhitungan Joint Survey, Truck Count, Weight Bridge dan Draught Survey untuk menentukan progress penambangannya. Dari empat metode tersebut terdapat selisih hasil antar metode yang dianggap sebagai kehilangan batubara (coal losses). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapat nilai kehilangan batubara serta melakukan analisis mengapa perbedaan tersebut bisa terjadi. Perhitungan kehilangan ini didapati dari membandingkan nilai perhitungan antara metode dan membagi selisih tersebut dengan metode yang dianggap paling akurat yang dalam hal ini merupakan metode Joint Survey.Hasil perhitungan kehilangan batubara pada StockROM PIT bulan Juli 2022, sebesar  -1,361.31  MT hingga  -1,438.91 MT atau -0,81% hingga -6,53% pada masing-masing PIT. Selanjutnya Hasil perhitungan kehilangan batubara StockROM Port sebesar  - 764,20  MT hingga -1,032.52 MT atau -0,80% hingga -7,08 % pada masing-masing PIT.  berdasarkan analisa, kehilangan ini bisa diminimalisir dengan mengubah faktor pengali batubara di masing masing PIT, juga bisa dengan mengubah nilai timbangan pada saat proses hauling dengan cara mengurangi angka tonase hauling. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa setiap kegiatan penambangan memiliki potensi kehilangan yang tidak dapat dihindari, namun kehilangan tersebut dapat diminimalisir dengan menerapkan pengawasan dan perencanaan yang efektif
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Semen Padang is one of the company cement producers in Indonesia that are members of in the Semen Indonesia Group. For activity mining , PT. Semen Padang did mining limestone and silica in the Bukit Karang Putih area which became the IUP ( Mining Business Permit ) of PT. Semen Padang. The mining activity conducted by open mine ( quarry ). In to do operation production, PT. Semen Padang cooperates with PT. United Tractors Semen Gresik (UTSG). For the PNBP area of the company using 1 unit tool dig load Komatsu PC300-8LC excavator 4 units tool transport Scania P360 dumptrucks. On August, PT. Semen Padang has set a UTSG production target of 9,000 tons/ day . Whereas realization productivity tool load reached only 2,873 tons/ day and tools transport 1,591 tons/ day . This thing caused by time work tools mechanical actual that is not effective because existence obstacles that cause height loss time. As for some Obstacles observed that is happening queue in crusher area VI for 15 minutes , time circulate tool transport actual for 23 minutes whereas the plan is 15 minutes, and it looks lateness operational tool during not enough more 10 minutes. After calculated match factor value among tool load and tools transport obtained MF < 1, then tool load wait with time wait 44.8 seconds , while tool transport work full . Based on problem just now then one method used is Queuing Theory. PT. Semen Padang, has size arrival with limited number and because only served by one excavator unit then service first coming who will served first FCFS (first come first service). After application theory queue got correct MF value of 1.2 and an increase in productivity tool transport to 2,825 tons/day. Production results after repair increase to 31% of the production target. Because after applied queue theory target 9000 tons/ day not yet is reached, then in achievement of production targets writer assume for reduce time circulate tool load be 15 seconds and time circulate tool transport be 15 minutes, and add tool transport becomes 16 units for 2 work shifts at mining PT. Semen Padang. Obtained results productivity tool transport of 9,012 tons/ day . Percentage productivity to 100.14% of the production target.
Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Menggunakan Metode NPV di KUD Sinamar Sakato Fendri Amir; Tri Gamela Saldy
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Industrial development in Indonesia is very rapid, especially in the mining sector, where Indonesia is a country with very rich mining sector natural resources, so that it is in the spotlight of investors to establish mining sector companies. As an industry that is currently developing, it should be noted that setting up a mining company requires a lot of money or capital. Even so, the profits to be obtained are also very large which makes the mining sector industry in great demand by investors. This study uses the NPV method to see whether the investment is feasible or not. This project is said to be feasible because the NPV value obtained is IDR 496.473.602.258,14 or greater than 0. Keyword:  Feasible, NPV
Evaluasi Geometri Jalan Angkut Komatsu HD785-7 Dari PNBP 4 Ke Crusher 6 Tambang Batu Kapur PT. Semen Padang. Ryan Markah; Raimon Kopa; Tri Gamela Saldy; Rudy Anarta
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Every mining activity always requires a haul road to move the minerals to be produced. PT. Semen Padang is an open-pit mining company that produces limestone or limestone as a cement making material. One of the mining activities that can affect the production target is the transportation process. From the results of observations about the geometry of the PNBP 4 to Crusher 6 haul roads, several non-ideal road geometries were found that could affect the production achievement. The non-ideal condition of the haul road geometry found is, the condition of the straight road is 18.9 meters wide, while the ideal is 18,025 meters. Then the corner with a width of 22.8 meters, while ideally 26,154 meters. Then the road slope is found to be 21.8%, while ideally it is 10-12%. The condition of some of these road geometry factors affect the cycle time of the material transport process. Where the condition of hauling the contents along the haul road takes 7 minutes 48 seconds. While the condition of empty hauling takes 5 minutes 23 seconds. In the comparison of actual field data with grade calculation results, it was found that there were still road grades that were not ideal, namely in the segment 25-27. Then to achieve the ideal cross slope value of 2%, then the height difference between the left and right roads to the haul road axis that must be made is 18 cm. Based on the results of the evaluation of the haul road geometry from PNBP 4 to Crusher 6, it can be concluded that there are actual road conditions that are not in accordance with the ideal calculation standard. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the width on the straight condition road and increase the width on the bend condition road. In the superelevation section, the height difference that must be made between the inside and outside of the haul road bend is 1,02 meters. Then to overcome the runoff water that inundates the haul road during rainy weather, it is necessary to make several drainage channels.

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