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SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan)
ISSN : 2527967X     EISSN : 25492845     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
SAP (Susunan Artike Pendidikan) Jurnal ilmiah bidang ilmu pendidikan (ISSN 2549-2845 for electronic version and ISSN 2527-967X for print version) First published in Agustus 2016 is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal. The journal is dedicated to publishing articles concerned with research, theory development, or program applications related to education. The journal is published by Program Studi Informatika, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. Jurnal SAP published three times a year (April, Agustus, and Desember).
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Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 7, No 2 (2022)" : 20 Documents clear
Kebutuhan Mahasiswa Berbahasa sebagai Bahan Redesain Silabus Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia Hastari Mayrita; Ayu Puspita Indah Sari; Mardhotillah Mardhotillah
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13929


There is a need for standards to set linguistic or language standards, or determine language parameter policies required by students. Analysis of language needs is one of the strategies to determine the proposed language policy in the field of education. One of them is by examining student needs for language learning as a material for redesigning the Indonesian Language Course Syllabus. The research focus is oriented to the needs of students reviewed based on an analysis of students' language needs in Indonesian Language Courses, as a material for redesigning the Indonesian Language Course syllabus in Bina Darma University, 2022. The researcher uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection techniques was a questionnaire. Data analysis used content analysis. For the credibility of the research, the researcher did member checking. The results of the study discovered students' difficulties in language and students' needs for language skills as material for redesigning the syllabus for Indonesian Language Courses in Universities.
Blended Learning: Solusi Mengatasi Learning Loss dalam Pembelajaran Nova Sukmawati Muskita; Vivi Monica Ramadhani; Adelfia Sallo' Padidi; Dewi Nurrochmah; Pintaka Kusumaningtyas
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13368


Learning loss due to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has occurred at all levels of education, from primary to secondary education. The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the implementation of the blended learning to overcome the symptoms of learning loss at the elementary (SD) to secondary (SMP and SMA) levels. This study aplies the literature review method to synthesize several published articles relating to the application of the blended learning at the elementary, junior, and high school levels. The results of the literature study were then analyzed to determine the benefits of the blended learning to overcome the symptoms of learning loss. The results of the study confirm that the blended learning can encourage students to study independently, motivate students by utilizing internet-based technology, as well as increase student learning activities and make it easier for students to find various learning materials from virtual sources. The implementation of blended learning is able to balance the collaboration between online and offline (face-to-face) learning that mutually reinforce each other to improve student learning outcomes that have not been achieved due to learning loss at all levels of education.
Persepsi Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Penggunaan Kalimat Persuasif pada Siswa SD Epita Meisarah; J Julia; Prana Dwija Iswara
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13335


The background of this research is the anxiety of parents and teachers regarding the students' motivation and interest in learning which has decreased after the pandemic. This study aims to explore how the use of persuasive sentences can affect students in elementary schools. This study specifically focuses on identifying the views of parents and teachers in using persuasive sentences to increase students' interest in learning and create a conducive learning atmosphere. This study used a case study research design with the data collection using a qualitative approach by conducting interviews. The Data was collected in 2022 from 34 participants who were parents and teachers of elementary school students with 33 participants from the Bogor area and one person from the DKI Jakarta area. The results of data collection and analysis were made into several themes. The results showed that parents and teachers agreed that the use of persuasive sentences could increase interest in learning and change students' learning atmosphere. Good behavior changes are shown by students after parents and teachers use persuasive sentences. The atmosphere and interest in student learning can be changed with a sentence spoken by the teacher or the student's parents.
Implementasi PPDB Zonasi dalam Perspektif Teori Perubahan Kurt Lewin Richard Leonando Aoetpah; Bambang Ismanto; Wasitohadi Wasitohadi
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13690


New Student Admission Process (PPDB) Zonasi is an important stage for students and school institutions, and becomes an activity that must be carried out in schools, because this activity is the first step in a flow within the school. However, a situation and problems occurred in the Zoning New Student Admission (PPDB) in schools related to the Kurt Lewin Change Model, so that from the problem the researcher intended to conduct research on the implementation of Zoning PPDB according to the perspective of Kurt Lewin's Theory of Change which was seen through 3 stages of change, namely unfreeze,  moving and refreeze. This type of research uses a qualitative approach where this research was carried out in the district of Timor Tengah Selatan in 2022, the data was obtained from the principal, teachers and administrative staff at SMA Negeri 1 Soe, the data was collected through interview, observation and documentation techniques, the data was then analyzed descriptively, The results were then analyzed in a descriptive way to explain the problem of the topic under study. The results of the study show (1) the situation of PPDB Zoning in SMA Negeri 1 Soe (2) PPDB Zoning problems in schools (3) The stage of change according to Kurt Lewin with 3 stages, namely unfreeze, refreezing, change that occur during PPDB implementation Zoning (4) The solution will be PPDB Zoning. and (5) Limitations of the Theory of Change according to Kurt Lewin.
Pelaksanaan Penilaian Sikap Spiritual dalam Pembelajaran Daring: Studi di MIN 46 Aceh Besar Cecep Farhani; Tria Marvida; Deni Indrawan
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13941


The impact of the corona virus turned out has affected many fields as happened in Indonesia including the economic, social, tourism and education fields. During the pandemic, online learning is now practiced in almost all parts of the world. Nowadays, as teachers, students don't meet in person, so it must be difficult to measure their attitude. A flexible option is to share the form online. The type of research used is a qualitative case study approach. The method used to collect survey data is observation and interviews. The data analysis method for this study uses the Miles and Huberman model. From the research results, it is known that during online learning, MIN 46 Aceh Besar teachers only use two attitude assessment techniques, namely observation and self-assessment using Google Forms.
Potret Aktivitas Belajar Mahasiswa Vokasi Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nurbaiti Nurbaiti
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13596


The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the adaptation of the education sector in utilizing technology and various learning tools in cyberspace. Vocational students at the Department of Radiodiagnostic Engineering and Radiotherapy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II, utilize various online learning resources. This research is descriptive qualitative to find out how students learn during the pandemic. The data is collected from questionnaires using WhatsApp in Google-form. From this research, it is discovered that students accessing lectures online are increasing, smartphones are the most frequently used devices for learning. The media used by students are online classes, lecture materials sent online, video tutorials and assignments are given by lecturers and group discussions. Social media is also used as learning media using WhatsApp, Youtube, Instagram and Telegram. Many digital platforms are utilized to access learning materials. Most students are still constrained by unstable internet access in the online-learning. The skills of utilizing digital platforms for learning still need to improve.
Kemandirian dan Kreativitas Belajar serta Pengaruhnya dalam Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Hawa Liberna; Maya Nurfitriyanti; Sri Agustini
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13995


Understanding mathematical concepts is a basis for students in understanding mathematic lesson. By a good understanding of mathematical concepts, students are able to solve problems, especially mathematic problem. Unfortunately, there are still many students who do not understand the important of understanding mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to determine 1) The effect of independence and learning creativity on understanding mathematical concepts simultaneously, 2) The effect of learning independence on understanding mathematical concepts, 3) The influence of learning creativity on understanding of mathematical concepts. The number of samples in this study was as many as 89 students at North Jakarta Junior High School in academic year 2021/2022 with proportional random sampling. Based on the results of the hypothesis, it can be concluded that 1) There was a significant effect of independence and learning creativity on understanding mathematical concepts together. This was evidenced by the Sig value of 0,000 <0,05 and Fcount of 62,542. 2) There was a significant effect of learning independence on the understanding of mathematical concepts. This was evidenced by the Sig value of 0,000 <0,05 and tcount of 4,307. 3) There was a significant effect of learning creativity on understanding mathematical concepts. This was evidenced by the Sig value of 0,000 <0,05 and tcount of 3,837.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Situasional Kepala Sekolah dan Budaya Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru Bradley Setiyadi; Inirwana Inirwana
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13382


This study aims to determine the effect of Principal Situational Leadership Style and Work Culture on Teacher Performance at SMK Negeri 3 Kota Jambi and is expected to provide a solution to the efforts that will be made to improve teacher performance in order to achieve school goals. This study held in the Odd Semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year, using quantitative research methods with a survey research design. The population in this study were teachers at SMK Negeri 3 Kota Jambi. The sampling technique in this study was using simple random sampling, with a sample of 57 teachers. The results in this study were: (1) There was an effect of the principal's situational leadership style on teacher performance. This can be proven through the results of the t-test where the tcount value was greater than the ttable value, namely 3,120 > 2,004, with a percentage of 39,3%. (2) There was an influence of work culture on teacher performance. This can be proven through the results of the t-test where the tcount value was greater than the ttable value, namely 4,537> 2,004, with a percentage of 27,2%. (3) There was an influence of the principal's situational leadership style and work culture on teacher performance. It showed a significant level of 14,707 while the Ftable value is 3,18, with a percentage of 66.5%, the remaining i.e., i.e. 33,5% is influenced by other factors that were not investigated in this study, such as work stress, job satisfaction and teacher work motivation. From these results, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the principal's situational leadership and work culture on the performance of teachers at SMK Negeri 3 Kota Jambi.
Best Practice Kepemimpinan Suster dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Akreditasi Sekolah di SDK Cor Jesu Malang Mokhamad Yaurizqika Hadi; Mukti Sari Utami; Ahmad Yusuf Sobri
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.13402


The problematic results of school accreditation have not described the objective condition of the school. The results of accreditation have not shown indicators of accountability and have not been used as a school development tool so a leader who has the sufficient intellectual ability is needed to be able to work from the level of vision to its implementation. This study aims to find out the best practices of Nuns leadership in improving accreditation at SDK Cor Jesu Malang. Researchers used a case study approach and data collection was carried out by direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation in March 2022. Researchers were present to collect data, process data, and check the validity of the data obtained. The data analysis technique used were data collection and reduction as well as a conclusion. The results of this study: 1) To increase accreditation at SDK Cor Jesu Malang, Nuns has a plan or program which is then implemented by all teachers according to their duties and responsibilities. 2) School accreditation can increase if teachers, administrative staff, and students are properly empowered to master the duties of the school principal, teachers, administrative staff, and students and can then carry out an in-depth evaluation. 3) The program created must be socialized to get support from all school stakeholders. 4) The commitment of all stakeholders is an important factor in achieving increased accreditation in schools.
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran IPA tentang Materi Gaya Melalui Metode Inquiri Dian Amalia
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i2.14083


The purpose of this study is to determine the increase in student learning outcomes regarding the subject matter of science subject style in class VIII.A of SMP Negeri 276 Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year through the use of the Inquiry Method. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 276 Jakarta in the 2019/2020 school year with the research subjects was VIII.A students consisting of 20 male students and 16 female students. The method used was a class action research method consisting of two cycles. In the first cycle, learning was carried out using the Inquiry Method, while in the second cycle, the Inquiry Method has been refined. Each cycle consisted of four stages of research, namely planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The results of this study indicated that the use of the Inquiry Method can improve student learning outcomes about Style material in science subjects in class VIII A SMP Negeri 276 Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year seen there is an increase in the value of learning outcomes.

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