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Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia
Published by STIKES Husada Borneo
ISSN : 20879601     EISSN : 25491903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Health) is a journal published by Husada Borneo Health Sciences Institue. This journal is expected to be an interactive media for people who have attention to the world of health including health service organizations, health services, health departments, relevant government agencies, the drug industry, health insurance, health researchers and related sciences, scientists who are interested in the application of science in the health sector. Journal contents can be articles relevant to clinical and social health issues in the form of research articles, literature review articles, or field report articles (research reports, literature reviews, field reports). The topics of interest include but are not limited to: Public Health Health Education and Promotion Health Management Disease Prevention Maternity and Child care Health and Social Behavior Nutrition (Clinical Nutrition and Community Nutrition) Food Safety Food Security Hygiene Food Technology related to Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation Environmental Health Pharmacy
Articles 8 Documents
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Dukungan Suami, Orang Tua, dan Mertua dalam Pemberian ASI Ekslusif di Kota Tasikmalaya Ima Karimah; Irma Nuraeni; Andi Eka Yunianto; Usdeka Muliani
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.778


Low breastfeeding is a problem that must be faced together because it can affect children's lives in the future. The lack of exclusive breastfeeding can interfere with child growth and development. Based on several studies in Indonesia, one of the factors that influence the low rate of exclusive breastfeeding is the lack of family support. Exclusive breastfeeding in West Java province in 2018 reached 57.97%. This number is still below the national target (65.16%). Based on the information from the Tasikmalaya City Health Office, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Tasikmalaya City in 2018 reached 69.00%, but has not reached the target. The purpose of this study was to determine the support of husbands, parents, and in-laws in exclusive breastfeeding. This study used a qualitative method of focus group discussions (FGD). This method presented a direct relationship between the researcher and the person providing the information, making it possible to gain insight into the attitudes, motivations and behavior of the target towards the support and barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. There were four informants in this study. The results of this study indicated that the factors that support the success of exclusive breastfeeding in this study were the wishes of the baby's own mother, support from her husband, the baby's grandmother, and health workers who assisted in childbirth.
Literature Review : Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Ketidaklengkapan Pengisian Formulir Informed Consent di Rumah Sakit Nina Rahmadiliyani; Ni Wayan Kurnia Widya Wati
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.771


Informed consent is the approval of a medical action given by the patient or his closest family after receiving a complete explanation of the medical action to be carried out on the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing the incomplete filling of the informed consent form at the hospital. The research method uses a literature study. The results showed that the incomplete informed consent filling in the hospital on the components of identification, important reporting, authentication and correct documentation, the factors causing incomplete filling of the informed consent form at the hospital due to lack of human resources due to limited workforce and lack of accuracy of installation officers. medical records so that the quality of the information produced is low and the implementation strategy of filling out a complete informed consent form in the hospital must have policies and SOPs, basically standard operating procedures.
Hubungan Persepsi dan Motivasi dengan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk 3M PLUS sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue Ratna Dian Kurniawati; Irna Rohmawaty; Agung Sutriyawan
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.362


Case fatality rate of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the work area of the Cinunuk Community Health Center is quite high at 40 cases (3%). One of the problems that make DHF recurring is the people's trust in the effectiveness of fogging. People are familiar with Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) 3MPlus. However, people are more likely to do the DBD vector control by fogging. PSN 3MPlus is a program that is expected to cope with DHF. PSN 3MPlus is believed to be more effective in breaking the life cycle of the Aedes sp. The purpose of this study was to determine public perception and motivation by implementing the PSN 3MPlus as a preventive measure for dengue in the work area of the Cinunuk Health Center in 2019. The research design used a cross-sectional. Sampling with Multi-Stage Random Sampling was 76 households. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire. The results showed that 71.1% of family heads did not implement the PSN 3MPlus, 65.8% of family heads had poor perceptions, and 60.5% of family heads had poor motivation. Based on the research there is a correlation between perception (p-value 0,000 ? 0,001 and POR CI 95% 6,125), motivation (p-value 0,000 ? 0,000 and POR CI 95% 10,723) with the implementation of PSN 3MPlus. There was a significant correlation between perception and motivation with the implementation of the PSN 3Mplus.
Asupan Makan Sehari, Status Gizi, dan Produktivitas Kerja Guru SMK Pelita Ciampea Bogor Fadilatunnisa Hayatunnufus; Vitria Melani; Putri Ronitawati; Prita Dhiyani Swamilaksita
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.788


Teachers are one of the key factors determining the quality of education. Teacher’s work productivity might be influenced by their daily food intake and nutritional status. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between daily food intake and nutritional status to the work productivity of teachers. This research used a cross-sectional approach that was carried out at SMK Pelita Ciampea Bogor. The research samples were 75 teachers selected by simple random sampling method. Characteristic data was obtained through interviews and filling out questionnaires. The instruments used to measure nutritional status were digital scales and microtoise. The daily food intake data were obtained from the interview results using the 1x24 hour food recall form. Work productivity data was obtained by filling out a questionnaire containing 25 closed questions. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that teacher's food intake was lower than their recommended dietary allowance. Most of the teachers were obese but had very good work productivity. Bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between nutritional intake and work productivity (p>0,05). In daily food intake, only fat intake had a significant relationship to work productivity (p=0,004). It could be concluded that fat intake had a significant relation to work productivity.
Hubungan Asupan Makanan, Status Gizi, Lama Menjalani Kemoterapi dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Kanker Payudara (Studi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ulin Kota Banjarmasin) Arisa Rizqiyah; Rijanti Abdurrachim
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.749


Background: Breast cancer certainly has a big impact on the sufferer, physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and other aspects of life. This certainly affects the quality of life of breast cancer patients. Objective: To analyze the relationshipbetween food intake, nutritional status, duration of chemotherapy and family support with the quality of life of breast cancer patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. Methods: observational analytic using a cross sectional research design. The population was all breast cancer patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin were 92 people based on data in December 2019. The sample was taken using a non-probability sampling technique based on inclusion and exclusion criteria as many as 48 people. Primary data were obtained through interviews and anthropometric measurements. Data analysis used Spearman Rank correlation test with 95% confidence level. Results: Energy intake deficit (70.9%), protein intake deficit (54.1%), fat intake deficit (68.8%), carbohydrate intake deficit (66.7%), nutritional status normal (47.9% ), chemotherapy 3 months (72.9%), good family support (91.7%) and moderate quality of life (75%). Conclusion: There is a relationship between food intake, nutritional status and duration of chemotherapy with the quality of life of breast cancer patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin and there is no relationship between family support and quality of life of breast cancer patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. Suggestion: Nutritionists are expected to provide nutritional consultation regarding food intake for cancer patients, respondents are expected to increase food intake, and respondent’s families are expected to pay attention to the patient's diet and provide information support.
Teka-Teki Silang dan Video Animasi Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Gizi Seimbang pada Anak Usia Sekolah Andita Arifianita Putri; Utami Wahyuningsih; Nur Intania Sofianita; Iin Fatmawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.777


Nutritional problems in school-age children can occur because of less knowledge. School-age period is the right time for provide nutrition education. Nutrition education needs the interesting and fun media to make it easier to understand, such as crossword puzzles and animation videos. This study aims is to determine the influence of nutrition education with crossword puzzles and animation videos on balanced nutrition knowledge in school-age children. The methods that used is a quasi-experimental with a pretest and posttest group design. The 54 students aged 10 to 12 from fifth graders were selected by stratified random sampling and divided into two media groups. The statistical tests utilized are the independent and paired sample t-tests. The majority of responders were male (63%) and 11 years old (79.6%). The results showed that there were differences in the influence of nutrition education before and after being given crossword puzzles (p = 0.003) and animation video (p = 0.000) on balanced nutrition knowledge. The results also showed that there was no difference in the effectiveness of nutrition education between crossword puzzles and animated videos on balanced nutrition knowledge (p = 0.987). Crossword puzzles and animation videos have an impact for given balanced nutrition education on school-aged children. Animation videos is more effective in increasing balanced nutrition knowledge on school-age children compared to crossword puzzles. It is recommended that the government and schools implement nutrition education initiatives using engaging and entertaining media, such as animation videos.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Status Gizi Remaja Perempuan di SMP Negeri 1 Banjarbaru Sarah Ariaini; Ainun Nisa; Yulianti Yulianti; Siti Aisyah Solechah
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.769


Nutritional status is a determining factor for adolescent quality because a person in adulthood is determined by nutritional status in adolescence. The process of growth and development will be perfect with optimal nutritional status. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional knowledge and physical activity with the nutritional status of adolescent girls in the 8th grade of State Junior High School 1, Banjarbaru. This study used an analytical method with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study was 119 students in the 8th grade of Junior High School 1, Banjarbaru. The research instruments used were questionnaires, a stature meter, and a digital weight scale. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that most of the respondents (77.3%) had good knowledge, 54.6% had moderate physical activity, 53.8% had good nutritional status. The statistical tests showed a significant relationship between nutritional knowledge and the nutritional status of adolescent girls in Junior High School 1, Banjarbaru (p=0.000) and physical activity had a relationship with the nutritional status of adolescent girls in Junior High School 1, Banjarbaru (p=0.000). Based on this study, it can be concluded that nutrition knowledge and physical activity are associated with the nutritional status of adolescent girls. Therefore, respondents are expected to maintain their nutritional status by regularly monitoring their weight and height.
Kepatuhan Penggunaan Masker dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Kota Samarinda Apriyani Apriyani; Rindha Mareta Kusumawati; Kartina Wulandari
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.741


Cases in Indonesia are still showing an increase in the number of positive cases exposed to COVID-19, so the government has implemented various efforts to reduce the number of positive cases in Indonesia. One of them is the policy of using masks. The use of mask is part of a comprehensive series of prevention and control measures that can limit the spread of certain viral respiratory tract diseases, including COVID-19. Masks can be used to protect healthy people (used to protect themselves when in contact with infected people) or to control the source (used by an infected person to prevent further transmission). One of the methods to increase compliance with wearing masks is to increase patient understanding of the importance of preventing transmission of the corona virus by obediently wearing masks. The results showed that respondents with low knowledge in the use of mask were 51.7% with a total of 120 respondents and those with good knowledge were 48.3% with a total of 112 respondents. Respondents with poor compliance in using masks were 39.7% with a total of 92 respondents and those with good compliance in using masks were 60.3% with a total of 140 respondents. The results of the chi-square test showed that there was no relationship between public knowledge and compliance with the use of mask in Samarinda City with a p-value of 0.146 (p-value>0.05).

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