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Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist
ISSN : 26213699     EISSN : 26152568     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion,
Al Bayan: adalah Jurnal Ilmu Al- Qur'an dan Ilmu Hadist yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM STIQ Wali Songo Situbondo dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan januari dan juli. Jurnal ilmiah yang kami kelola memuat tema seputar Al Qur'an dan Hadist dan kajian-kajian keislaman lainnya.
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Articles 92 Documents
Sadd Al-Dzari'ah Sebagai Hukum Islam Kawakib Kawakib; Hafidz Syuhud; Yusuf Yusuf
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i1.103


Fiqh merupakan hukum produk hasil ijtihad para ulamā sehingga menghasilkan hukum yang sesuai dengan tujuan syariat Islam untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia yang semakin berkembang seiring dengan situasi dan kondisi perubahan zaman. Para Ulamā dituntut untuk selalu peka terhadap problematika sosial di masyarakat. Akan tetapi, perbedaan latar sisial-kultural para fuqaha' menyebabkan perbedaan pendapat. Perbedaan tersebut tentunya menimbulkan konsekuwensi dalam pembentukan hukum Islam. sebagaimana perbedaan tersebut adalah tentang kehujjahan Sadd al-Dzarî’ah antara Ibnu al-Qayyim dan Ibnu Hazm. Ibnu al-Qayyim memandang bahwa konsep sadd al-dzarî’ah sebagai hujjah dalam Hukum Islam selain itu, Ibnu al-Qayyim selalu memberi memotivasi selalu berijtihad, karena pintu ijtihad tidak ditutup dan mengecam kepada orang yang melakukan taklid. Berpikiran rasional diutamakan agar tidak terpaku kepada teks. Dengan pemikiran ini beliau lebih longgar dalam menetapkan dasar-dasar hukum meskipun tidak ada nash yang secara rinci mengakui kehujjahan sadd al-dzarî’ah. Berbeda dengan Ibnu Hazm bahwa selama tidak ditemukan nash yang merubah ketentuan hukumnya sehingga kehujjahan sadd al-dzarî’ah tidak bisa diterima. Dengan demikian,Perbedaan pendapat ini berimplikasi kepada beberapa kasus yang tidak sama ketentuan hukumnya antara Ibnu al-Qayyim dan Ibnu Hazm. Contoh; jual beli secara tempo lalu si penjual membeli lagi barang tersebut secara kontan dengan harga yang lebih murah. Dalam masalah ini, jika di dekati dengan sadd al-dzarî’ah, maka transaksi ini haram karena praktek jual beli ini berorientasi untuk melakukan praktek riba yang diharamkan. Sedangkan menurut Ibnu Hazm, jual beli ini tidak dilarang karena sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan syara'.
Metode Pemahaman Hadist Menurut Muhammad Al-Ghazali Didi Suardi
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i1.104


Hadist sebagai sumber pokok ajaran Islam yang kedua setelah al-Qur`an. Untuk memahaminya secara mendalam dibutuhkan kajian secara komprehensif dengan metode dan pendekatan yang benar agar mampu menangkap maksud dan kandungan dalam sebuah hadist. Sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, para ulama kontemporer terus mencoba memahami sebuah hadist dengan metode pemahaman mereka masing-masing. Di antara ulama kontemporer tersebut yaitu Muhammad al-Ghazali. Muhammad al-Ghazali menawarkan beberapa metode untuk memahami hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW. Metode pemahaman hadist dan implementasinya yang dikemukakan oleh Muhammad al-Ghazali telah memberi kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam menjawab berbagai persoalan umat Islam saat ini. Metode pemahaman hadist yang ditawarkan oleh Muhammad al-Ghazali dalam kitabnya as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyah dimana sebuah hadist harus diukur berdasarkan 4 (empat) kriteria keshahihan matan hadist, Pertama: Matan hadist harus sesuai dengan al-Qur`an, Kedua: Matan hadist harus sesuai hadist shahih lainnya, Ketiga: Matan hadist harus sesuai dengan fakta sejarah, dan Keempat: Matan hadist harus sesuai dengan kebenaran Ilmiah. Artinya setiap hadist yang bertentangan dengan prinsip ajaran al-Quran, fakta sejarah dan kebenaran ilmiah menurutnya ditolak.
Sabar Dalam Al-Qur'an Khoirul Ulum; Ahmad Khoirur Roziqin
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i1.106


Selama empat belas abad ini, khazanah intelektual Islam telah diperkaya dengan berbagai macam perspektif dan pendekatan dalam menafsirkan al-Quran. Di antaranya adalah dengan menggunakan metode tematik. Metode tafsir tematik adalah menetapkan topik atau masalah yang akan dibahas kemudian menghimpun ayat-ayat yang mempunyai pengertian yang sama dengan topik dan dilengkapi dengan hadis-hadis yang relevan dengan pokok bahasan dan yang perlu dicatat topik yang dibahas diusahakan pada persoalan yang langsung menyentuh kepentingan msyarakat agar Al-Qur’an sebagai petunjuk hidup dapat memberi jawaban terhadap problem masyarakat itu. Secara bahasa “صَبَرَ” dapat berarti tabah hati, manahan, menanggung, mencegah, sedangkan secara istilah sabar dapat berarti mencegah dalam kesempitan, memlihara diri dari kehendak akal dan syara’ dan dari hal yang menuntut untuk memeliharanya. Adapun term-term lain yang identik dengan “صَبْر” Sabar adalah Iffah (عِفَّة), Hilm (حِلْم), Qana’ah (قَنَعَةُ), dan Zuhud.Terkait sabar dalam al Qur’an, ditemukan beberpa konsep bahwa sabar dalam beberapa hal, yaitu; sabar dalam ketaatan, sabar dalam menghadapi kemaksiatan, sabar dalam mengingat perbuatan dosa dan sabar dalam meghadapi kesulitan.
Sebuah Kajian Historis: Periodesasi Dan Tartib Mushafi Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran Abdul Majid; Arif Sugitanata
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.109


The existence of the Koran cannot be separated from the history of the beginning of revelation, this shows that the Koran came back and the reason for that verse was revealed, because the Koran is an eternal and appreciative miracle that comes out of its relevance in facing all changes. Al-Quran is the holy book contained in the main teachings for human life, both from the perspective of economy, education, government, health and so on. These instructions are the basis for adherents to always hold fast in carrying out all activities for the happiness of life in this world and in the hereafter. This paper tries to review the period of Makkiyah and Madaniyah and explains the tartib which is the basis for the compilation of the Koran, so that it can be seen that the purpose of the Qur'anic verse which was passed down gradually was to provide for its adherents and as a differentiator from books that also the arrangement of verses and letters in the Koran is more tauqifi based on the Prophet's instructions in accordance with Allah's revelation because the Koran is a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad which contains universal values ​​and is interrelated as a whole in one unity.
Qadzaf Dalam Perspektif Hadits Heru Gunawan
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.111


Ijmali method is a method of explaining hadith with systematics arranged in the order contained in the book described briefly, and globally. At its core, ijmali is a method of explaining globally not long-winded. But, sometimes there is also a detailed discussion so that the meaning in the hadith can be conveyed well. Hadith that the author describes is a hadith that discusses the 7 great sins in the sight of Allah. Such sins include, associating others with Allah, magic, killing a soul forbidden by God except those who have the right to killed, eating usury, eating the property of orphans, fleeing the battlefield, and accused of adultery against a muslim woman who guarded her honor. The focus of the writers' group discussion is accusing women of faith adultery or qadzaf. in this hadeeth it is clear that accusations of adultery to women who believe in Allah and keeping his honor is a grave sin and forbidden. The punishment for this qadzf perpetrator is whiping 80 times.
Islam Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Perspektif Hadis Sobirin Bagus
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.126


The purpose of this paper is to make an inventory of the hadiths of the prophet relating to community empowerment, to know his takhrij, and to examine the contents of the hadiths about community empowerment. The method used is a thematic method with a literature research approach by examining the hadiths from capital sources. The conclusion is that the results of an inventory of the hadiths about community empowerment were obtained 129 hadiths from 18 hadith books. Of these 129 hadiths, the writer takes the most relevant hadiths, namely the hadith from Abud Daud Number 1398 on economic empowerment and the hadith from Abu Daud number 18723. Community economic empowerment during the time of the prophet is in the hadith of Abu Daud, while the empowerment of Ahmad's hadith. Meanwhile, community empowerment during the caliphate: education, monotheism, morals, worship, health. The Caliphate then built mosques, appointed teachers, taught the contents of the Al-Quran and other Islamic teachings. The next caliphate: the freedom to teach according to the desired place. And the last Caliphate focused on security and peace. The relevance of community empowerment in educational institutions is very clear amid diversity but it is not yet maximally and evenly distributed. Both in terms of community empowerment in the field of science and community empowerment in the field of economy and welfare.
Ekonomi Dalam Kajian Al-Qur'an Muhazir Muhazir
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.127


Economics in general is knowledge and investigation of the principles of property in Islam, distribution, and the use of goods and wealth in the context of the Quran. The study of assets in the Economy is a human desire in an effort to fulfill their needs. In this paper, we will discuss the analysis of Quran in chapter Al-Furqan verse 67 which intersects directly with the verse on economics, especially economically in the distribution of assets and the method used in this paper is the Maudu'i. This research is a literature review (library research) with primary data in the form of QS. Al-Furqan Verse 67, the approach used is the hermeneutic approach by examining the words contained in the verse. The results showed that there was a correlation between extravagant and vicious characteristics, because extravagant nature tends not to be able to control the property acquired proportionally which is able to lead to extravagant.
Keadilan Dalam Perspektif Hadis Khoirul Anam Siddeh
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.129


This paper will discuss the hadith about justice related to the justice of a leader is leading. This initiative aims to make an inventory of the traditions about justice in leadership, to see the takhrij of the hadiths to see the quality of the hadiths, and to see the meaning of the hadith content with the justice of leaders and the relevance of justice in Islamic educational institutions. The research method in using the library research method with the maudu'i approach. The author searches for data by making an inventory of the hadiths in the nine books of hadith according to the hadith theme, then performs hadith takhrij and discusses the hadiths and relates them to the justice of leaders in educational institutions. The result is that 45 hadiths discuss justice, and one hadith that is most relevant to the theme is the hadith contained in Sunan Ad-Darimi number 2403. The hadith's takhrij is denied that the hadith is authentic. The concept of a leader in a broad sense is a person who has responsibility in any case, and everyone who has dependents is a leader. Responsible leadership before humans and before Allah SWT. Likewise with leadership in Islamic educational institutions. A fair leader must have scientific skills, be devout, have integrity, be honest, care, and not discriminate against the people he leads.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Dari Adanya Term Muhkam dan Mutasyabih dalam Tafsir Al-Qur’an Zainal Arifin Munir; Adet Tamula Anugrah
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.134


This study was conducted to analyze the concept of muhkam and mutasyabih and educational values contained in both terms. The terms muhkam and mutasyabih are rarely understood by teachers as educators in the learning process. These terms are only understood by those who specifically study and analyze the Qur'an in deeply. Because basically the Qur'an is the main reference in Islamic education. So teachers should understand how the concept of muhkam and mutasyabih and understand the values that can be derived from the classification of Qur'anic verses based on these two terms. The research conducted in this paper is a literature approach. The results of this analysis reveal that there are differences of opinion among scholars in analyzing the holy verses of the Qur'an, especially on verses that fall into the mutasyabihat category. From these differences of opinion, the educational values that can be derived from the existence of muhkam and mutasyabih are tolerance values, mujahadah values, tauhid values, and contextual education values.
Rekontruksi Penulisan Teks Al-Quran Modern Yudi Hartono
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v4i2.138


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami sejarah penulisan ayat suci Al Qur’an sejak masa Rasululah SAW sampai penulisan Al Qur’an era modern. Metode yang digunakan melalui kajian pustaka dengan menelaah berbagai refrensi yang berkaitan sejarah penulisan ayat suci Al Qur’an mulai zaman kanjeng Nabi Muhammad sampai Al Qur’an yang kita baca saa ini. Manfaat yang akan didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah memberi pemahaman kepada semua pembaca bagaimana awal mula Al Qur’an ditulis hingga sampai pada abad modern saai ini. Sejarah Al Qur’an perlu dihadirkan kepada semua kalangan mengingat kitab suci ini menjadi mukjizat terbesar Nabi Muhammad SAW sepanjang masa yang tidak ada sebelum dan sesudahnya. Kontruksi penulisan Al Qur’an hingga yang bisa kita baca saat ini tidak terlepas campurtangan manusia dari masa ke masa hingga Al Qur’an bisa lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami.

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