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Pendidikan Multikultural
ISSN : 25494317     EISSN : 2686083X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Pendidikan Multikultural ini diharapkan membuka wawasan dan kemudian mengembangkannya di masa-masa mendatang.
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Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 1 (2020): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i1.6717


Salah satu kepentingan asasi setiap tenaga kerja adalahhak atas keselamatan. Sayangnya, keselamatan tenaga kerja Indonesia masih menjadi hak yang maksimal untuk dilindungi. Dalam kenyataan, tidak sulit ditemukan sejumlah peristiwa atau kasus tentang kecelakaan tenaga kerja. Pekerja menjalankan pekerjaan dengan resiko yang tinggi, yang tidak sedikit mengakibatkan hak keselamatannya terancam atau hilang. Banyak ditemukan bukti tentang sejumlah perusahaan atau korporasi yang mempekerjakan karyawan atau pekerjanya tanpa memperhatikan aspek keselamatannya. Disinilah pelanggaran terhadap hak asasi tenaga kerja terjadi yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Dalam Islam maupun aspek hak asasi manusia,  pelanggaran ini sebagai perbuatan yang tidak manusiawi.Kata kunci: tenaga kerja,  keselamatan, korporasi, negara, Islam, hak asasi manusia            One of the fundamental interests of every workforce is the right to safety. Unfortunately, the safety of Indonesian workers is still the maximum right to be protected. In reality, it is not difficult to find a number of events or cases concerning labor accidents. Workers carry out work with high risk, which does not in the least cause their safety rights to be threatened or lost. Much evidence is found about a number of companies or corporations that employ their employees or workers without regard to safety aspects. This is where violations of labor rights occur committed by corporations. In both Islam and human rights aspects, this violation is an inhumane deed. Keywords: labor, safety, corporation, state, Islam, human rights
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i1.10318


 Multikulturalisme sesungguhnya sangat dekat dengan Islam. Nilai-nilai multicultural berjalan beriringan dengan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Implementasi dan praktik multikulturalisme di dunia pendidikan Islam telah berjalan dalam kehidupan alamiah masyarakat pesantren. Namun, multikulturalisme di pesantren tidak dapat dipisahkan dari peran serta seorang kiai sebagai pimpinan tertinggi. Tulisan ini mengungkap nilai multikultural yang terdapat dalam kehidupan alamiah masyarakat pesantren; ketika santri belajar, di asrama, mengaji, ketika santri makan, shalat, membaca wirid dan sebagainya. Selain itu, tulisan ini mengungkap keberadaan sosok kiai yang menjadi aktor dibalik berkembangnya nilai multikultural. Nilai-nilai multicultural diungkap dengan menelisik kehidupan sehari-hari santri, yang dalam pembumian nilai-nilai multicultural berjalan dengan alami. Dibalik itu semua, terdapat pola atau model yang dikembangkan oleh kiai yaitu; membentuk komunitas multicultural menghindari konflik sectarian menumbuhkan Islam moderat dan menangkal ideologi radikal.Kata Kunci: Kiai, Pondok Pesantren, Nilai-nilai Multikultural Multiculturalism is highly relevant to Islam.  Multicultural values go alongside Islamic values.  The implementation and practice of multiculturalism in Islamic education has been running in the natural life of the pesantren community.  However, multiculturalism in pesantren cannot be separated from the participation of a kiai as the highest leader. This paper reveals the multicultural values found in the natural life of the pesantren community; when the students study, in the dormitory, the Koran, when they eat, pray, read wirid and so on.  In addition, this paper reveals the existence of a kiai figure who is the actor behind the development of multicultural values.  Multicultural values are revealed by examining the daily life of students, which in the grounding of multicultural values runs naturally.  Behind all that, there are patterns or models developed by the kiai, namely; building multicultural communities — avoiding sectarian conflicts — fostering moderate Islam and countering radical ideologies.Keywords: Kiai, Islamic Boarding School, Multicultural Values 
PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MULTIKULTURAL (Kajian Multisitus tentang Proses Pembelajaran) Suparwan Suparwan
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 2 (2020): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i2.7413


Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif   serta pendekatan multisitus, teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumentasi.  Data dianalisis interaktif melalui tiga bagian, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi.Hasil penelitian menjawab bahwa partisipasi dan peran guru dalam acara ritual agama lain tidak berpartisipasi dan berperan dalam acara ritual agama lain tetapi selalu menghormatinya secara guyub, respons wali murid terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan islam multikultural selalu mendukung, sangat baik, dan merespon sangat positif, respons warga masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan islam multikultural senang dan antusias, tidak ada pandangan negatif atau konflik dari mereka. Model implementasi proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Multikultural bercirikan: (1) tradisi multikultural sudah ditanamkan kepada anak-anak sejak dini, bahkan sejak Taman Kanak kanak, tradisi multikultural ini terkait dengan dua fakto, 2) cara penerapan multikulturalisme adalah saling menghormati antarpemeluk agama pada pelaksanaan hari raya semua agama dan dilandasi kesabaran, ikut mensukseskan kegiatan keagamaan di lingkungan sekolah dan di luarnya. (3) semua siswa, guru, orang tua, tokoh agama dan masyarakat semua ikut terlibat.Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Islam, multikultural, proses, pembelajaran,Sekolah DasarThe study uses descriptive qualitative methods and multisite approaches, data collection techniques with observations, in-depth interviews and documentation study. Data analyzed interactively through three parts, data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. Data validity checks using triangulation techniques. The results of the study answered that the participation and role of teachers in other religious rituals do not participate and play a role in rituals of other religions but always respect them in harmony, student guardians' responses to the implementation of multicultural Islamic education are always supportive, excellent, and positive, the response of society to the implementation of multicultural Islamic education is pleased and enthusiastic, there is no negative view or conflict from them. The implementation model of the Multicultural Islamic Education Learning process is characterized by: (1) the multicultural tradition has been implanted to children since early age, even since kindergarten, this multicultural tradition is associated with two factors, 2) how the implementation of multiculturalism is respectful of mutual religion in the implementation of the Feast of all religions and based on patience, contribute to the success of religious activities in the school environment and outside. (3) all students, teachers, parents, religious leaders and the community are all involved.Keywords: education, Islam, multicultural, process, learning, elementary school
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i1.10324


 Globalization and massive development in communication and information technology generates multiculturalism in the last few years. It enables people live their originality consciously and without authorization of the other cultures. In other words, multiculturalism is a cultural wealth for living together. Furthermore, people who have different cultures consider that it is necessary to find a way to have proper intercultural communication especially when they live together. Multiculturalism is considered compulsory for social diversity including its appearance and recognition. Moving from this thought, interpretation, a social phenomenon between different languages and cultures has an undeniable function especially for community interpretating. The function of community interpreting and intercultural communication is multifaceted. The community interpreter has to know the languages, the cultures they belong to, their social structures, world understandings and value judgments. Multiculturalism needs social and cultural diversity. Therefore, a community interpreter has to apply every culture’s necessities equally besides the interpreting procedures. In multicultural societies formed by different cultures, community interpreting plays a pivotal role in order to live together peacefully towards common boundaries. Community interpreting has a mission on conciliation and adaptation of different cultures and values. Community interpreting helps social structures compromise in the sense of multiculturalism and recognize their cultural background. This study will examine the necessity of multiculturalism integration in the teaching of community interpreting which has become more important in recent days. This is intended for communities with diverse cultures to continue their harmonious coexistence and to maintain their presence in the content of multiculturalism.Keywords: community interpreting, integration, multiculturalism
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i1.10319


 Pengurangan prasangka (prejudice reduction) merupakan salah satu dimensi pendidikan multikultural. Multikultural sesungguhnya mengenali keragaman di sekitar individu agar dapat memahami suatu perbedaan sebagai sunatullah. Perbedaan memiliki peran penyeimbang yang baik dalam kehidupan, manakala setiap individu dapat menerimanya berdasarkan fitrahnya. Multikultural beragama didasarkan pada nilai-nilai universal yang diakui dan dianut oleh setiap pemeluk agama. Nilai-nilai tersebut membentuk pola hubungan yang harmonis dan humanis antar umat seagama maupun antar umat beragama. Keberagaman harus dirawat dan dijaga agar tidak memunculkan konflik sosial. Terjadinya konflik sosial disebabkan banyak faktor, diantaranya ketidakadilan, kesenjangan sosial, maupun adanya kecurigaan (prasangka buruk) terhadap orang lain. Prasangka buruk (سوء الظن) dapat memicu dan menimbulkan disharmoni relasi sosial. Membangun dan menciptakan lingkungan yang harmonis, toleran, humanis, dan demokratis diperlukan keseimbangan olah pikir, olah rasa, dan olah hati.Kata kunci: dimensi, prasangka, pendidikan agama Islam Prejudice reduction is one of the dimensions of multicultural education. Multiculturalism actually recognizes the diversity around individuals in order to understand a difference as sunatullah. Difference has a good balancing role in life, when each individual can accept it based on their nature. Religious multiculturalism is based on universal values that are recognized and embraced by every religious adherent. These values form a pattern of harmonious and humanist relationships between people of the same faith and between religious communities. Diversity must be cared for and maintained so as not to create social conflicts. The occurrence of social conflicts is caused by many factors, including injustice, social inequality, and suspicion (prejudice) against others. Bad prejudice (سوء الظن) can trigger and cause disharmony in social relations. Building and creating a harmonious, tolerant, humanist, and democratic environment requires a balance of thought, feeling, and heart.Keywords: dimensions, prejudice, Islamic religious education
PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM MULTIKULTURAL BERBASIS TASAWUF (Kajian fenomenologis pada Senenan dan Selosoan di Pondok Pesantren Ngalah) Uswatun Chasanah
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 2 (2020): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i2.7414


Islam hadir memberikan petunjuk bagi umat manusia, karena ajarannya penuh dengan nilai dan norma yang menerangi jalan menuju kebahagiaan sejati dunia akhirat, akan tetapi nilai dan norma yang terkandung di dalamnya tidak serta merta dapat diraih tanpa proses pembelajaran yang tepat, efektif dan efisien, mempertimbangkan  dimensi, hakikat dan tujuan penciptaan manusia secara keseluruhan. Fokus utama penelitian ini didasarkan pada fenomena keagamaan pada Seninan dan Selosoan yang dilaksanakanakan di Pesantren Ngalah, yaitu tentang:1) nilai-nilai islam multikultural apa saja yang diajarkan pada Seninan dan Selosoan, 2) bagaimanakah proses pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam multikultural yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai pendidikan pada Senenan dan Selosoan, dan 3) bagaimanakah model pendidikan agama islam multikultural yang diajarkan pada Seninan dan Selosoan dalam pengembangan sikap multikultural. Dari kajian lapangan diperoleh temuan: Pertama, nilai yang diajarkan pada Senenan dan Selosoan bersumber dari eksistensi pendidik yang diaktualisasikan secara tekstual dan kontekstual yang menghasilkan:11 nilai. Kedua proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan dua modus. Ketiga, model pendidikan agama islam multikultural yang diajarkan pada Senenan dan Selosoan dalam mengembangkan sikap multikultural menggunakan model pendekatan transformatif transendental.Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Agama Islam, Senenan dan Selosoan, Sikap,Multikultural. Islam presents instruction for mankind, because its teachings are full of values and norms that illuminate the path to the true happiness in the hereafter, but the values and norms contained in it do not necessarily achieve without a proper, effective and efficient learning process, considering the dimensions, the nature and purpose of human creation as a whole. The main focus of this research is based on religious phenomena in the Seninan and Selosoan conducted at the Ngalah Islamic Boarding School, which are about: 1) the values of the multicultural Islam are taught in the Seninan and Selosoan, 2) how is the learning process of multicultural Islamic religious education based on the values of education in Seninan and Selosoan, and 3) how is the multicultural Islamic religious education model taught in Seninan and Selosoan in developing multicultural attitudes. From the field study, it was found that: First, the values taught at Senenan and Selosoan were derived from the existence of educators both are textual and contextual which produce: 11 values. Both learning processes are carried out in two modes. Third, the multicultural Islamic religious education model taught at Seninan and Selosoan in developing multicultural stance using a transcendental transformative approach model.Keywords: Education, Islamic religion, Senenan and Selosoan, Attitude, Multicultural.
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 2 (2021): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i2.12318


Abstract Ngepeh hamlet is one of the hamlets in Rejoagung village, Ngoro sub-district, Jombang district. In this village there are three adherents of different religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Hindusm. Even though they have different religions, they still life in harmony and tolerance. It is proven by the existence of various places of worship from people of different religions, namely two churches, one temple, one Jami' Mosque and several mushola (prayer rooms). Instilling values in society needs to be investigated as a model in managing pluralism in rural communities. This research is a qualitative research with the type of case study. Data collection techniques using participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. To determine the informants used purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The findings of this study are a value inculcation model which is divided into two forms, namely inter-community and intra-community models. The inter-community model is carried out in the nobility association with activities in the form of discussions, savings and loans activities, art performances and mass rituals. In order to strengthen tolerance in the community, this community prioritizes cultural da'wah tactics, namely by accommodating local wisdom. In the intra-community model through religious education in Islamic religious activities. ta'alum or a learning process with indoctrination techniques.Keywords: model of implementing islamic education values, tolerant behavior 
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i1.10320


 Kajian tentag konsep etika religius pada tingkat sekolah dasar menjadi sangat penting karena ia merupakan basis etis dalam menjalankan pralaku beragama. Dalam konteks pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah dasar, etika religius bisa ditemukan terutama pada materi PAI. Etika religius yang tersebar pada semua materi PAI tersebut secara umum mengandung basis etis bagi inklusivisme. Sebagai sebuah konsep yang inklusif, etika tersebut bisa menjadi modal penting baik bagi guru maupun siswa mengingat kedua sekolah tersebut terdiri dari guru dan siswa yang multikultur, baik dari sisi etnis, agama, maupun budaya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep etika religius yang tersebar pada materi PAI dan menemukan inklusivisme pada konsep etika religius dalam materi PAI. Peneliti menggunakan perpaduan antara kajian teks dan penelitian kualitatif berjenis fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menemukan tiga hal. Pertama, berdasarkan pemetaan yang dilakukan peneliti, konsep etika religius tersebut meliputi etika ketuhanan, etika kenabian, etika keagamaan, etika kemanusiaan, etika kebangsaan, dan etika lingkungan. Kedua, inklusivisme bisa ditemukan dalam konsep etika religius. Secara umum konsep-konsep etika riligius yang tersebar dalam materi PAI mengandung pemikiran, nilai, sikap dan tindakan inklusif. Ketiga, pada domain pembelajaran, konsep etika religius tersebut juga berkaitan dengan inklusivisme pada aspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik, dan sosial.  Kata Kunci: Inklusivisme, Konsep Etika Religius, Materi PAI. The study of the concept of religious ethics at the elementary school level is very important because it is the ethical basis for practicing religious practice. In the context of Islamic religious education in elementary schools, religious ethics can be found especially in the material of Islamic Education. The religious ethics that are spread across all the PAI materials generally contain an ethical basis for inclusivism. As an inclusive concept, ethics can be an important asset for both teachers and students considering that the two schools consist of teachers and students who are multicultural, both from an ethnic, religious and cultural perspective. This study aims to find the concept of religious ethics that is spread in Islamic Education material and to find inclusivism in the concept of religious ethics in Islamic Education material. Researchers use a combination of text study and qualitative phenomenological research. The results of the study found three things. First, based on the mapping conducted by researchers, the concept of religious ethics includes divine ethics, prophetic  ethics,  religious  ethics,  human ethics, national ethics, and environmental ethics. Second, inclusivism can be found in the concept of religious ethics. In general, the concepts of religious ethics that are spread in PAI materials contain inclusive thoughts, values, attitudes and actions. Third, in the learning domain, the concept of religious ethics is also related to inclusivism in cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and social aspects.Keywords:  Inculusivism, religious ethics, subject matter of religious education.
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 2 (2020): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i2.7417


Pada dasarnya setiap organisasi tidak akan lepas dari keberadaan sumber daya insani yang dapat membantu melaksanakan serangkaizin aktivitas dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Untuk itu diperlukan pula peran aktif manajer dalam memahami dan mengelola orang-orang yang ada dalam organisasi. Pengelolaan sumber daya insani harus dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. Manajemen Sumber Daya Insani (MSDI) ini tidak saja mengandalkan pada fungsi manajemen seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengendalian, namun pada implementasinya, mengandalkan pada fungsi operasional manajemen SDM seperti rekrutmen, seleksi, penilaian prestasi, pelatihan dan pengembangan, serta praktek pemberian kompensasi.Kata kunci: manajemen, fungsi, organisasi, keberadaan Basically, each organization will not be separated from the existence of human resources that can help carry out a series of activities in achieving organizational goals. This requires an active role of managers in understanding and managing people in the organization. Human resource management must be carried out effectively and efficiently. This Islamic Human Resource Management (MSDI) not only relies on management functions such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling, but in its implementation, relying on operational HR management functions such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training and development, and the practice of compensation.Keywords: management, function, organization, existence
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 2 (2020): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i2.7398


Penelitian tentang Pendidikan Agama Islam Multikultural dalam hubungan interaksi sosial masyarakat multikultural di Laban ini menggambarkan tentang interaksi sosial masyarakat Laban yang memiliki nilai pendidikan terhadap anak-anak dan generasi penerus.Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah; 1) adanya pembentukan karakter multikultural masyarakat Laban melalui kebiasaan meniru tradisi yang berlaku dari nenek moyang dan meniru apa yang dilakukan dan diperintahkan orang tua. 2) belum terdapat keseimbangan antara pembelajaran literal/tekstual, dengan kontekstual. Dari temuan tersebut, dapat diambil pelajaran dalam pengembangan teori pendidikan sebagai berikut: 1) multikulturalisme dalam karakter masyarakat akan lebih baik jika lebih sering mengadakan kegiatan interaksi sosial bersama. 2) perlu adanya keseimbangan antara teks dan konteks untuk menghasilkan pendidikan yang moderat. Karena pendidikan yang dilaksanakan melalui pengalaman dan pemberian contoh dari realitas akan menghasilkan pengertian yang realistis, namun belum terdapat penjelasan yang rinci. Sedangkan pengembangan pendidikan yang dilaksanakan melalui pemahaman dan penyampaian materi sesuai literatur akan menghasilkan pengetahuan teoritis, belum menjamin sesuai dalam implementasinya dalam realita.Kata kunci: pendidikan, agama Islam, multikultural, interaksi sosialThe study of Multicultural Islamic Education in the multicultural society’s social interaction relationship in Laban illustrates the social interactions of the people of Laban which have educational values of children and succeding generations. The findings of this study are; 1) the existance of the multicultural character of the people of Laban through the habit of imitating the prevailing traditions of ancestors and imitating what parents do and commanded. 2) there is no balance between literal / textual with contextual learning. From these findings, can be taken lesson in the education theory as follows: 1) multiculturalism in the character of society will be better if more often conduct social interaction activities. 2) There is a need for a balance between text and context to produce moderate education. Because the education that is conduct through experience and giving examples of reality will produce a realistic understanding, but there is no detailed explanation yet. Meanwhile, the development of education conducted through the understanding and delivery of material according to the literature will generate theoretical knowledge, has not guaranteed appropriate in its implementation in reality.Keywords: education, Islam, multiculturalism, social interaction