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EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
Published by STAI Miftahul Ula
ISSN : -     EISSN : 25979221     DOI : 25979221
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Edutec, Journal Of Education And Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process. Manuscripts may be submitted either in English or in Indonesia. published twice in March And September
Articles 19 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021" : 19 Documents clear
Zoning System In Education Application In The City Of Pasuruan, East Java Daryono Daryono
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.100


This paper examines the application of the zonation system in the City of Pasuruan. Based on preliminary observations of the zoning system in Pasuruan through the Education and Culture Office of Pasuruan City, it showed that; (a) the zoning system has been implemented in Pasuruan City, (b) there are written regulations regarding the implementation of zoning system policies in Pasuruan City, (c) there are technical guidelines regarding zoning system policies in Pasuruan City, (d) there is socialization regarding the requirements and flow of registration admission of new students (PPDB), (e) there is a schedule and time for registration, (f) there is a score for PPDB supporting values, (g) there is a school capacity, and (h) there is a division of zoning area designations. The purpose of this study was to explain parents' perceptions, equal access and improve the quality of education. The research method in this study used field research methods, namely direct observation of the research subject (parents of students) and combined with literature study. The research approach wass a qualitative approach. The qualitative research procedure produced descriptive data in the form of sentences or writings from other researchers as reinforcement of explanations in the articles and field data that the authors refer to. From the results of the study, most of the parents of students assumed that the zoning system policy was a process of admitting new students based on distance, namely the distance between the house to the school. The positive impact was that parents of students did not bother thinking children's transportation costs. The students’ parents found that it was easier to monitor their children's interactions at school and in their neighborhood.Keywords: Sistem Zonasi, Akses dan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, Kota Pasuruan.
Improving Lesson Plan Models Using Online-Based in the New Normal Era Firman Edi; Ambiyar Ambiyar; Unung Verawardina; Samsir Samsir; Ronal Watrianthos
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.109


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed human life dramatically. The new pushes digital technology to become part of the educational system at an accelerated level of growth. This study is meant to build a model of an online-based lesson plan as a learning development in the new normal era. The research method uses a descriptive comparison by observation, interviews, and literature analyses. Results have demonstrated that the development of an online learning plan model for learning tools leads to the needs of potential learning systems. The challenges encountered include the lack of capability of human resources to operate online tools, the limited technology, and the challenge of adapting learning tools to the objectives of the curriculum. The online learning planning model can be applied with the assistance of the government, schools, and teachers.
The Effect of Comic Strips as an English Teaching Media toward Students’ Reading Ability in Descriptive Text Arino Susanto; Absharini Kardena
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.148


This research was done due to the lack of students' reading ability in descriptive text in MTsS Yati Kamang. This research was classified as a quasi-experimental research. To experiment class the researcher choose VII.II class and VII.I is experiment class. The researcher uses test to measure students’ reading ability. Afterwards, the researcher proved that the Comic strip as a media was able to increase students' reading ability in descriptive text. Experiment class and control class there are 38 students. There were 19 students as the respondents in experimental group and 19 students as the respondents in control group. The experimental class was taught by using Comic strips as media in teaching and the control group was taught only by using Picture. The result of paired sample t-test showed that the tobtained (6,591) was higher than ttable(2,326) with the level significant 0,01. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means there is a significant effect of using Comic strips toward students’ reading ability in descriptive text at the seventh grade of MTsS Yati Kamang.
The Analysis of Students and Teachers Readiness On Distance Learning Mathematics In New Normal Ratnadewi Ratnadewi
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.154


A sudden pandemic has created a learning system in Indonesia, which is usually done face-to-face, in the New Normal era, online learning is required. This sudden incident turned the wheel of life and learning 180 degrees. This paper discusses the level of readiness of students and teachers in mathematics distance learning. The level of readiness includes ownership of electronic devices, availability of internet signals, costs, support from parents or people around, skills in accessing digital learning applications, learning places, teachers who can teach well, materials, teacher guidance, solutions if they encounter problems, abstinence give up, and be able to understand distance learning material. Data obtained from the results of questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers in Indonesia. The results of the analysis of the data obtained are that students and teachers are in the criteria of being quite ready to be very ready to carry out distance learning. From the results of questionnaires and interviews, both students and teachers prefer a mixture of distance and face-to-face learning, because when it is difficult to understand the learning material, the teacher can explain directly, more able to monitor the condition of students. The weakness of distance learning is that it is constrained by internet signals, no emotional bonds, it is difficult to monitor students' abilities and higher credit costs.
Implementation of Institution's E-Learning Platform in Teaching Online at ITB AAS Indonesia Tira Nur Fitria
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.157


E-learning is one of impact of the development of information and communication technology (ICT) technology applied in education using the accessible website. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the Institution’s E-Learning Platform and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the Institution’s E-Learning Platform of ITB AAS Indonesia. This research applies descriptive qualitative research. The result of the study shows that ITB AAS Indonesia began implementing e-learning to support face-to-face classrooms in the academic year 2020/2021. E-learning’s platform was made based on Learning Management System (LMS) that can be accessed at the website Based on the implementation of the e-learning, there are several menus found such as “Home, Message, Teaching Schedule, Material, Task, My Comment, Lecturer’s Filter, Student’s Filter, Video Conference, and Logout”. But, during the observation of the implementation of the e-learning platform, there are several strengths and weaknesses. In strengths are 1) Multi Users, 2) Online Application. 3) Several menus available. In the weaknesses, 1. This application contains a lot of data, 2. This application’s design will only look good when opened by using a laptop or a computer, 3. In making the material, it can only be shared into the Study Program category- Semester, and it cannot be shared with each class. 4. There may be the possibility of sending the material incorrectly. 5. This application does not have the facilities for importing and exporting user data. 6. In making multiple-choice question assignments, there is still a manual import feature, 7. E-learning does not have a Video Conference feature, 8. In printing grades into a file pdf, an additional application is required. 9. E-learning cannot record learning and participants in a video. 10. This application does not have an installer version on the android/smartphone.
Use Of E-Learning To The Effectiveness Of Students In Coronavirus Pandemic Fachroh Fiddin; Bustami Bustami
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.160


Abstract. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of student learning in the coastal areas of the island of Sumatra at the time of the Covid-19 virus pandemic using e-learning. The respondent is an accounting student at the state Polytechnic in Bengkalis where almost all students live in the coastal areas of the island and differ from those in urban areas. The variables examined the perception of benefits, perception of ease, and quality of service towards the use of e-learning and the effectiveness of student learning. The results showed a perception of benefits and quality of service impacting the use of e-learning and the effectiveness of student learning. While the perception of simplicity does not affect the use of e-learning and the effectiveness of student learning. The results of research using track analysis show that variable perception of benefits and quality of service affects the effectiveness of learning through the use of e-learning as a mediation variable. While the variable perception of ease has no influence on the effectiveness of student learning through the use of e-learning as a mediation variable.
SPADA Implementation on English E-Learning Course: Mechanical Engineering Students’ Perspectives Tutut Nani Prihatmi; Maria Istiqoma
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.162


This study investigates the Mechanical Engineering students’ perspectives on their E-learning experience using SPADA as the primary platform in learning English, including understanding its features and material delivered, difficulties during the learning process, and suggestions to improve the quality of learning English through SPADA ITN Malang. As the Indonesian government requires every school and institution to begin implementing E-learning, starting from March 2020, in the National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, all learning activities that have been performed conventionally converted into virtual learning using the web-based learning management system named SPADA ITN Malang. The findings show that SPADA ITN Malang has positive appraisal by the students in accessibility, comprehension, and satisfaction aspect. However, the difficulties found, which were internet connection and the lack of understanding of the material, should be addressed with suitable learning strategies to create a better English learning environment for the non-English department students.
Effectiveness of Online Learning during The Covid-19 Pandemic in Deli Serdang District Junior High School Ahmad Mukhlasin; Mansyur Hidayat Pasaribu
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.173


The purpose of this study is to explain about the effectiveness of online learning during the covid-19 pandemic in junior high school in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, this research method is descriptive qualitative and conducted with online media, the result of this study is: The implementation of online learning in SMP Deli Serdang district contributes to habituation efforts in using online applications that are likely to grow in the future. Teachers' ability to choose learning methods and their skills in operationalizing online learning applications strongly supports the online learning process. All teachers of Deli Serdang District Junior High School are able to operate WhatsApp application even though it is not yet maximized. This online learning is considered ineffective in Deli Serdang Junior High School, because there are still obstacles such as: 1) quotas that must be purchased by students, 2) the assignments given always accumulate, 3) the conditions and circumstances of the student's home are different so that students must be divided into focus with other things, 4) understanding and explanation of the teacher has been delivered but less so directly understood by students so that they need help from others, 5) intrinsic motivation of students, lack of motivation to learn from parents. The success of the online learning system depends largely on some components of learning itself, whether from students, learning resource teachers, or information technology. .
Learning Management During the Covid-19 Improves the Quality of Learning In MIN Medan Aswaruddin; Maulidayani
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.174


This study aims to discuss how learning management improves learning quality during the covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of this study using qualitative descriptive method. The results of this research are steps that can be done by teachers min Medan in improving the quality of learning is by applying learning management patterns. Implementation of educational programs that are good in learning, management is an important part, the implementation of learning management conducted by teachers MIN Medan includes activities (1) Planning learning objectives, (2) Organizing learning by using varied learning resources that aim to make it easier to achieve learning objectives, (3) implementing teacher leadership in the way teachers in learning must always motivate students, by encouraging students in learning activities, and teachers should give attention to students, (4) evaluate learning to know the extent of student development and to know if learning objectives have been optimally achieved, and to know if student constraints in achieving learning objectives. Teacher learning management MIN Medan is a teacher's activity in managing students' learning situations through online learning. In the management of this learning is certainly asked the teacher's expertise and the wisdom of the teacher so that the rhythm of the task given does not burden the students.
Madrasah's Leadership Strategy in Improving the Quality of Online Learning During Pandemic Muhammad Rizki Syahputra; Sudirman
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.175


This study aims to determine how the headmaster's leadership strategy is in improving the quality of online learning during the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic at MTs Negeri 2 Langkat Regency. naturalistic which means observing a problem subject that arises naturally. The collected data are in the form of narration, text, written, spoken or in the form of pictures. Qualitative research is conducted to understand the activities, behavior and ways of life of other people, social or other natural symptoms. The strategy of the madrasah principal is the key to success in achieving the stated goals of the madrasah. The head of the madrasah as the highest leader in the education unit actually has visionary thoughts in developing the madrasah he leads, such as having a precise strategy in advancing his madrasah. Without a strategy, the madrasah program will not work. Strategy is the first and most important step when a leader intends to advance the madrasa. During the Covid-19 pandemic the learning process could not be stopped even though educational institutions were temporarily closed, face-to-face learning was not allowed, so online learning was implemented where activities were carried out from home. The strategy of the madrasa principal is to implement several applications such as 1) Zooom Meeting, 2) Google Classroom, 3) Google Meet, 4) WhatsApp Group, and 5) Email in supporting the online learning process at MTs Negeri 2 Langkat Regency. This strategy is a solution for students during the Covid-19 pandemic, students can learn from home online, so that they can interact via the media and can receive subject matter provided by the teacher.

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