IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) is a journal managed by Muhammadiyah University of Mataram, as a forum for scientific publication in the field of Education and Curriculum and its application. The Editorial Team receives the results of studies, research and development in education and curriculum covering education, social, culture, law, politics, religion, health, humanities, applied sciences, technology (ICT), administration, language and linguistics.
236 Documents
Support Vector Regression for Modeling Effect of Education Rate on Life Expectancy Rate in Indonesia
Muhammad Ghazali;
Ita Fitriati;
Ramdani Purnamasari
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.1986
Life Expectancy Rate is the average number of years of life that is lived by someone who has reached a certain age. Life Expectancy is a tool to evaluate the government performance in improving the prosperity of the people. Studies on the factors that influence Life Expectancy Rate are needed to reach more accurate mathematics model to provide a better consideration for the government to determine the direction of future development policies. The data used in this study were derived from SUSENAS data with the objects of observations are all districts/cities in Indonesia in 2012. In this research, Support Vector Regression (SVR) method is used to estimate the effect of education factor which is represented by length of education by years (X) on Life Expectancy Rate (Y). Support Vector Regression (SVR) model in this research used several different kernels such as polynomial kernel, RBF and Exponential RBF (ERBF) to find the best model. The best model criterion is the model that produces the largest R2 value. The best model resulted in this research is a model that uses Exponential RBF kernel.
Implementation of The Classical Conditioning in PAI Learning
Baharuddin Baharuddin;
Suyadi Suyadi
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v3i1.2024
SMAN 1 Teladan in the study of Islamic education uses the behavioristic theory known as classical conditioning. This research aims to determine the implementation of classical conditioning in the study of Islamic education in SMAN 1 Teladan and the factors that influence it. The study used qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection is conducted using observation methods and interviews. The results showed that the application of classical conditioning in PAI learning was done through several stages, namely (1) making the classroom atmosphere comfortable. The stage is to give students the freedom to express their opinions during the discussion, slip intermezo in the material explanation, sometimes using English in material explanations, and the use of LCD in the Learning. (2) assigning continuous tasks. Assignments are given in the form of group discussions and Kultum. Students perform the Kultum when the teacher prepares the teaching materials. In addition, the stimulus makes students active in learning. The factors that influence it are factors of the teacher, teachers have the ability to understand the psychology of students so that he understands the theory or the right method to use. Student factors, students have a sense of responsibility for a given assignment, and complementary attitudes in a cult assignment. Institutional factors, institutions or schools that support in terms of vision and mission and school policies.
Aplikasi Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dalamPeramalan Time Series Data: StudiKasus Lama SinarMatahari
Sulistyarini Sulistyarini
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2018: Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Halal Tourism, Products, and Services 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.2004
This paper discusses wedding ceremony in Central Lombok village of Plambik, which is potential to be a cultural attraction that supports the development of tourism. Marriage ceremony in Plambik has a number of stages, which are not necessarily similar to those customly practiced by other groups of Sasak people. in order to hold a wedding ceremony. This paper aimed to explore merariq tradition which is uniquely held by Sasak community in Plambik. Data of this research were collected through library research and interviews with Plambik natives. The data were then analyzed by comparing the documentary notes with the actual practices of merariq by Plambik villagers. The finding indicated unique features of merariq stages in Plambik.
Implementation of Halal Products on Moeslem Traveler’s Awareness
Asri Pebrianti;
Muhammad Bilgary Utama;
Terry Oktriviani
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2018: Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Halal Tourism, Products, and Services 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.1975
This research illustrates how the risk scheme of consuming non-halal products for health is not onlyaboutdisadvantageto consumer health but also their economics in the the future. Halal product consumption for mankind has a good reason in terms of health and economic aspects that will be generated. This writing aims to examine the behaviormoeslemtraveler in consuming halal products, the behavior in the review is the awareness and consistency in consuming the halal products.The arguments are delivered with descriptive qualitative method. Data collecting method used literature studies from Islamic rule literature, previous research findings, and related text books. Studies of related literature that became mainreference is the halal and haram restrictions in Islam (the basic principle of consuming that has been established halal and prohibited by Allah Azza wa Jalla (absolute). Some of products allowed to be consumed and exploited until there is a special ban, as well as prohibited because obviously the ugliness of the substance and prohibited because it deals with the violation of God's right to Azza wa Jalla as it is obtained from an incorrect path), the ethics of consumption in the Islamic perspective (consuming as allowed and advocated by Al-Quran, Al-hadith and As-Sunnah). Important findingsof previous studies that have proven the negative effects of consuming non-halal products in health and financial terms. The results of this study indicate that there are benefits to get when consuming halal products, ranging from long-term health and financially in the future.Moeslem traveler could be guided with the compact information to obey halal-haram rules.
The Effectivity of Therapeutic Communication on Pre-Surgery Education of The Implementation of Phacoemulsification technique Cataract Surgery With Local Anesthesia
Diyah Arini;
Christina Yuliastuti;
Aziza Nafi
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v2i2.2090
Surgery, whether it is elective or emergency, is a complex event that triggers stress both on the patient and the family. Not only extending the surgery wait time, postponing or cancelling the surgery could increase the severity of the cataract that may result in blindness. This research goal is to know the effectivity of therapeutic communication on the implementation of cataract surgery. This research uses Pre-Experimental design with Post Test Only Control Group approach. A population of 176 respondents will be scheduled for cataract surgery to meet the inclusion criteria. The sampling technique is using simple random sampling technique and 64 respondents are divided into control and intervention groups. The data analysis is using Paired Sample T-test statistical test. The research result shows that almost all of the respondents who continue to the surgery with a number of 30 respondents (93,8%) and the number of respondents who postpone the surgery is only 2 respondents (6,2%), while those who implements daily communication shows that 22 respondents (68,8%) continue to the surgery and the 10 respondents (34,2%) postpone the surgery. The result of Paired Sample T-test statistical test shows that P value = 0,003 < 0,05 means that there is a difference in the surgery between the intervention and the control group. The implications of this research can be applied by nurses to be more creative and innovative, professional and skilled in applying therapeutic communication when providing pre surgery cataract education.
The Effect of Ethnocentrism and Product Knowledge on The Buying Interest of “Tembe Me’e Donggo”Products
Sri Ernawati
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2018: Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Halal Tourism, Products, and Services 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.2002
This current research explores the effect of ethnocentrism and productnowledge on the buyinginterest of the products ofTembe Mee Donggo. The research aims: 1) to determine the positive and significant effect of ethnocentrism on buying interest in tembe me’e Donggo products; 2) to determine the positive and significant effect of productknowledge on buying interest intembe me’e Donggo products; and 3) to determine the positive and significant influence of ethnocentrism and productknowledge on buying interest intembe me’e Donggo products. The methodology used in this research is associative in nature, using questionnaires, observations, and library research to collect data, and a multiple linear regression analysis to analyze the data. The research took place in Donggo district of Bima regency during the two months of February and March of 2018. The sample, taken using purposive sampling technique,include50 people of Donggo, who had ever used and bought tembe me’e Donggo products. The results reveal that: 1) ethnocentrism has a positive and significant effect on the buying interest of tembe me’e Donggo products; 2) product knowledge has a positive and significant effect to the buying interest of tembe mee Donggo products; and 3) ethnocentrism and product knowledge together have a positive and significant effect on the buying interest of tembe me’e Donggo products.
Konsep Akomodasi Wisata Halal di Propinsi NTB Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pariwisata Halal
Ady Supyadi;
Hilman Syahrial Haq;
Hamdi Hamdi
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2018: Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Halal Tourism, Products, and Services 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.1992
Islamic economy is instrumental to global economy to date. There are seven sectors of Islamic economy that has improved significantly, namely culinary, monetary, insurance industry, fashion, cosmetics, pharmacy, entertainment, and tourism, all of which bear halal concept in their products. This research study aimed to explore and analyze the description of tourist accommodation in Lombok before and after the issuance of West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism and examine the efforts the government has made to materialize halal accommodation mandated by the regulation. This research is normative legal, i.e., legal research that analyzes rules or norms related to the issue being investigated. Data obtained from this research were analyzed using legal interpretation methods, including extensive interpretation and sociological or teleological interpretation. The findings revealed that before the issuance of Provincial Regulation Number 2 of 2016, the management of tourism in West Nusa Tenggara was conventional as opposed to sharia-based management upon the issuance of the regulation. In order to materialize halal accommodation the government has reviewed the master plan of tourism development and improved services and accommodation for domestic and international tourists.
The Influence of Diabetic Foot Exercise on Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Tanjung Buntung Public Health Center 2018
Rizki Sari Utami Muchtar;
Indah Triyani Dingin
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v1i1.2070
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce insulin or when the body is not effective enough in producing insulin. The International Diabates Federation (IDF) shows that the number of people who suffer diabetes in Indonesia is estimated at 10 million and half seventh rank highest in the world, Indonesia is the 4th country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world after India, China and the United States. The phenomenon found in the Tanjung Buntung Public Health Center working area in 2017 was 420 of them, 206 men and 214 people. This study aims to determine the influence of diabetic foot gymnastics on blood sugar levels with the research design using the Quasi experimental method with pretest and posttest without control research method, by sample collection using total sampling the sample of 20 respondents. The statistical test in this study uses the Paired T-Test which is tested first in the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. The results of it study indicate a decrease of 196.85 with a value of ρ-value of 0.000 or > 0.05. obtained a decrease average in blood sugar levels before diabetic foot exercises 239.60 mg / dL with poor criteria and after exercise 196.85 mg / dL with moderate criteria. Therefore it can be concluded that there is the influence of diabetic foot exercise on blood sugar levels in type 2 DM patients. Advice from researchers is expected to always be held diabetic foot exercise ini Tanjung Buntung’s health center to reduce blood sugar levels in patient with type 2 diabetesmellitus
Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Learning Through The STAD Method in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Ability
Iin Khairunnisa;
Muhammad Thariq Aziz
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 2, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v2i1.2042
This study is about the application of Cooperative Learning models through the STAD method to improving students' critical thinking. The problem in this study was the low critical thinking of students about eleven-class economic subjects in the social studies program at one of the secondary schools in Sukabumi City. The research method used was a quasi experiment with research design The Pre-Equivalent Pre-test - Post Design Control-Test Group. Based on the test for normality, homogenies, and t-test from the pre-test post-test data, the students understood the concept of the experimental class and the control class. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection uses tests and assignments. The results of this study were tested with one-way Anava. The results of the study are as follows. 1) Cooperative learning model STAD method is effective for increasing interest and learning outcomes (Critical Thinking) Economic Subjects, 2) STAD learning model in class XI IPS A is more effective in increasing student learning interest compared to STAD method in class XI IPS B, while Method STAD in class XI IPS B is more effective to improve student learning outcomes compared to Class XI IPS A.
The Effectiveness of Phonics Approach in Teaching Reading
Atika Salman Faris
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
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DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.1981
This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of phonics approach in teaching reading for the seventh graders of SMP Negeri 1 Aikmel, East Lombok, and to what extent it is effective. This research was designed as pre-experimental with read aloud test as the instrument to collect data. The sample of this research consisted of 36 students of SMP Negeri 1 Aikmel. The sample was taken through purposive sampling. In collecting the data, a pre-test and a post-test were given to the students. SPSS 17 for Windows and paired-sample t-test were applied to analyze the collected data. After, calculating the data, it could be known that there was a significant difference in the mean scores between pre-test and post-test, t(df=35) = 23.314 at p = 0.001, meaning that the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. In a nutshell, phonics approach was significantly effective in teaching reading for the seventh graders of SMP Negeri 1 Aikmel.