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Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
ISSN : 27232549     EISSN : 27214648     DOI : -
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (Jurnal IComSE) is a scientific periodical that is published twice a year. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Komputer Indonesia publish the journal. IComSE journal aims to disseminate the ideas and research results of community services and empowerment. The activities of community services and empowerment are in the topics of engineering, technology, social humanities, law, and design.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
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Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Untuk Pembelajaran Daring Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Mustikajaya VII Bekasi Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono; Hidayat Hidayat; Sri Nurhayati; Riani Lubis; Myrna Dwi Rahmatya
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (782.765 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.3956


Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru di SDN Mustika Jaya VII terkait pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran online ini harus dilakukan mengingat kebijakan pembatasan sosial berskala besar akbiat adanya pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang dilakukan pada pengabdian ini berupa workshop online yang dilakukan melalui aplikasi zoom. Pada kegiatan ini dipaparkan materi terkait Google Classroom, Google Calendar dan Google Form. Dalam kegiatan ini diberikan beberapa tugas untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berupa pre-test, tugas terkait setiap materi dan post-test. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru terkait penggunaan teknologi informasi khususnya Google Classroom, Google Calendar dan Google Form untuk pembelajaran secara daring.
Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dalam Synchronous E-Learning bagi Guru SD Negeri Mustikajaya VII Bekasi Myrna Dwi Rahmatya; Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono; Hidayat Hidayat; Sri Nurhayati; Riani Lubis
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.512 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.3976


This community service aims to improve the ability of SD Negeri Mustikajaya VII Bekasi teachers in utilizing information technology for synchronous e-learning. This needs to be done considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people live today. Learning activities that are normally done face-to-face must now be done remotely. One of them is by implementing online learning. The method used for this service is online training using the Zoom meeting application. In this training, the material presented is Google Meet and Google Drive. Participants were asked several questions about Google Meet and Google Drive both before and after the training was held. This is done to determine the increase in the ability of participants in both materials. Participants are also given assignments regarding the two materials to practice the material that has been presented. The results of this activity indicate an increase in the ability of teachers to use Google Meet and Google Drive for online learning purposes.
Kajian Model Pengembangan SDM Pariwisata Di Kawasan Jatigede Kec. Darmaraja Kab. Sumedang Isniar Budiarti; Muhammad Iffan; Kani Mahardika; Selfa Septiani Aulia; Lia Warlina; Sufa'atin Sufa'atin
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (862.054 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.4706


Munculnya keresahan masyarakat yang terkena dampak dari pembangunan Waduk Jatigede sebagai salah satu destinasi yang menjadi prioritas pengembangan skala nasional yang diarahkan sebagai kawasan strategis pariwisata ekonomi khusus di Kabupaten Sumedang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengembangan model SDM pariwisata yang ada di desa karangpakuan dan paku alam sebagai desa yang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi Desa Wisata. Lokasi kegiatan dilakukan di Dua desa ini yang menjadi relokasi dari adanya pembangunan Waduk Jatigede. Metode yang digunakan Deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara melakukan wawancara Pemdes, Bumdes, Masyarakat sekitar, Kompepar, kelompok tani dan karang taruna; klasifikasi data; analisis SWOT. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh bahwa kedua desa di kawasan jatigede ini memiliki kekuatan wisata budaya, wisata Alam dan wisata ziarah, namun kesiapan masyarakat belum optimal karena kekurangan keterampilan dan kemampuan SDM. Perlu dilakukan promosi melalui undangan media lokal nasional dan internasional, ataupun Promosi menggunakan platform digital, hal ini bisa dijadikan sebagai peluang UMKM dan pengrajin makan pada saat mengadakan kegiatan kebudayaan, namun kendala yang dihadapi oleh kedua Desa Wisata ini adalah ketidaksiapan SDM. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah kajian model SDM pariwisata di karang pakuan dan pakualam yang menyangkut 3 (tiga) aspek, yaitu Attitude (Sikap), Skill (Keterampilan); dan Knowledge (Pengetahuan). Kata kunci: Desa Wisata, Model SDM Pariwisata
Pengelolaan Wisata Halal Di Situs Guha Jepang Gampong Blang Panyang Kota Lhokseumawe Aceh Bobby Rahman; Rasyidin Rasyidin; Teuku Muzaffarsyah; Zulhilmi Zulhilmi
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.152 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.4722


The purpose of this service is to realize community service planning conducted with Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in Gampong Balang Panyang with Gampong Leadership, Tuha Peut and other youth figures and Stake holders. There are several problems behind this devotion, namely the management of tourism things have not been managed properly in accordance with Islamic law, the method of Devotion Activities is based on the principle of participatory towards all parties involved. Planning together, conducting activities, monitoring and evaluating together the extent of the progress of the activities. As a result, This Japanese Guha tourist site can also be a means of education as well as an additional literacy about the history of the past. Of course, this becomes a picture that the management must be maximized and the development to all citizens in developing halal tourism potential in the historical site. in conclusion, the management of Guha Japan Tourism Site became the authority of the Lhokseumawe City Government through the Tourism Office and the Education and Culture Office. This makes the management of Japan Guha tourism has not been maximized.
Sosialisasi Pelaksanaan Pilkada Tahun 2020 Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Eka Yulyana; Nelly Martini; Arip Solehudin
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.887 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.4736


Abstract This community service activity focuses on the 2020 Pilkada for People with Disabilities in East Karawang District. The purpose of this service is for persons with disabilities to know and get information related to the implementation of the 2020 Karawang Regency Pilkada. Conducted with the lecture method, question and answer discussions by visiting some people with disabilities in the East Karawang area, as well as webinars for people with disabilities and village and sub-district government officials in East Karawang, a video was made that was shown to candidates with disabilities who were contesting the Pilkada . The results of the implementation of this service activity are knowing that people with disabilities who are still marginalized, with the socialization carried out providing education for persons with disabilities to be willing and not to be ashamed to participate in giving their voting rights in the 2020 Karawang elections, increasing the motivation of some people with disabilities who have never been want to come to enlightened polling stations to intend to come to give their political rights on election day. Conclusion on the implementation of this service activity is still low attention given by the government and election organizers who embrace all levels of society in terms of political participation, never directly socialization activities to the grassroots level, so this activity is felt to be very helpful for the role of the government and election administrators who only conducted one-time election dissemination for persons with disabilities only through the community of persons with disabilities. It is hoped that the impact of this activity is given motivation to persons with disabilities who have not participated so far, they are eager to come to the polling station to give their voting rights. With direct visits, persons with disabilities feel that their existence is significant in community life. ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini fokus pada Pilkada Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas 2020 di Kecamatan Karawang Timur. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah agar para penyandang disabilitas mengetahui dan mendapatkan informasi terkait pelaksanaan Pilkada Kabupaten Karawang tahun 2020. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi tanya jawab dengan mendatangi sebagian penyandang disabilitas yang berada di wilayah Karawang Timur, serta webinar untuk penyandang disabilitas dan aparat pemerintah desa dan kecamatan di Karawang Timur, dilakukan pembuatan video yang diperlihatkan kepada kaum disabilitas para calon yang berkontestasi dalam Pilkada. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengetahui bahwa para penyandang disabilitis yang masih termarginalkan, dengan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan memberikan pendidikan bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk mau dan jangan malu berpartisipasi memberikan hak suaranya dalam Pilkada Karawang tahun 2020, meningkatkan motivasi sebagian para penyandang disabilitis yang selama ini tidak pernah mau datang ke TPS tercerahkan untuk berniat datang memberikan hak politiknya pada hari pemilihan. Simpulan atas pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini masih rendahnya perhatian yang diberikan pemerintah dan penyelenggara Pemilu yang merangkul semua lapisan masyarakat dalam hal partisipasi politik, tidak pernah secara langsung kegiatan sosialisasi sampai pada level akar rumput, sehingga kegiatan ini dirasakan sangat membantu peran pemerintah dan penyelenggara pemilu yang hanya melakukan satu kali sosialisasi pilkada untuk penyandang disabilitas yang hanya melalui komunitas penyandang disabilitas. Dampak dari kegiatan ini diharapkan setelah diberikan motivasi kepada para penyandang disabilitas yang selama ini tidak ikut berpartisipasi, mereka bersemangat untuk datang ke TPS memberikan hak suaranya. Dengan adanya kunjungan secara langsung para penyandang disabilitas merasa keberadaannya pun berarti dalam kehidupan masyarakat.
Meretas Meretas Pemilih Berkelas dalam Pemilu Sutiyo Sutiyo
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.168 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v2i1.4773


MERETAS PEMILIH BERKELAS DALAM PEMILU SUTIYO1* Prodi Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (STISIPOL) Dharma Wacana1* Jl. Kenanga No.3 Mulyojati, Metro Barat 16C Kota Metro-Lampung Email: ABSTRACT Elections as a means of election or circulation of public leadership are facing challenges from the quality factor of voters, as is the case with money politics. In such circumstances, the purpose of writing this outreach activity is an effort to hack classy voters. The method of community service activities is carried out through the presentation of the material along with a question and answer session or discussion. Technically, the community service in the field is assisted by village officials and students in mobilizing audiences and completing the facilities and infrastructure for the event. In brief, from the discussion of the activities, it was revealed that the residents, especially those living in the village, really need this kind of activity. Counseling becomes a medium and a source of reference for improving the quality of voters in elections, which they have not received much so far. In this case, the audience absorbs new things that are valuable for improving the quality of choices, such as regarding the quality of political parties and public leadership. The conclusion from this outreach activity is that the rationality / objectivity aspect of elections in the eyes of citizens has so far been less popular with the practice of money politics. On the one hand, there is not much information or material regarding efforts to improve the quality of voters.As for the other side, the General Elections have not been optimal in presenting quality election contestants / participants, both in terms of candidates and political parties. The impact of this outreach activity is to become a strategic and important means of igniting the determination of citizens in the context of improving the quality of voters. Keywords: general election, election effectiveness, voter quality

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