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Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur
ISSN : 26543680     EISSN : 26564106     DOI : 10.30998
Core Subject : Engineering,
Lakar: Journal of Architecture is a journal covering articles in the fields of architecture, building, interior design, and environment. Lakar: The Architecture Journal is published regularly, namely 2 (two) times a year, namely in March and September. Editors receive scientific papers about research results that are closely related to this field. For more information, please contact
Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 6, No 1 (2023)" : 9 Documents clear
Perancangan Resort Wisata Cibulan di Kota Kuningan Jawa Barat Putri Kencana Wati; Karya Widyawati; Ukti Lutvaidah
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.14809


Kuningan is one of the cities with moderate tourism development, with this development the supporting infrastructure must be well built, one of which is a resort, a resort in Kuningan, especially in Cibulan tourism, can provide a good stimulus for tourism development, the concept of tropical architecture is considered suitable to be applied to development. resorts because they adapt to the climate in Indonesia, by using symbolic analogies to enter into the essence of resort development, in the future the construction of this resort can be used as a reference for other tourist attractions in order to redevelop their tourist attractions and make the city of Kuningan the main tourist destination for tourists both domestic or international.
Evaluasi Kualitas Ruang Pedestrian di Kawasan Ciputat Timur dengan Parameter Walkability Kapindro Hari Sasmita; Annisa Marwati
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16541


By the middle of this century two thirds of the world’s population are expected to be living in urban centres. Without sustainable mobility concepts that include public transport as well as non-motorized transport, cities will collapse under the burden of traffic jams, polluted air and noise (Müller, 2016). According to Global Designing Cities Initiative 2016, the walkable, cyclable, and transit-oriented neighborhoods are what today’s urban dwellers need and demand. Daily traffic happened in East Ciputat Region, South Tangerang City, is affected by its strategic position and also by dependance of local people on private motor vehicles for their daily activities. The lack of good pedestrian space makes people not willing to get around by walking even though their destinations are actually convenient enough from their homes. This research is aimed to evaluate the planning quality of pedestrian space in the East Ciputat Region on supporting daily mobility by walking as a fundamental transportation tool. Evaluative-qualitative method is utilized in this research by doing a direct observation on the site. The assessment parameter is theories related to walkability. The novelty of this research is identifying how arrangement of sidewalk space zoning affecting the walkability in East Ciputat area. Then it could be generated that low quality of pedestrian space in the area is caused by unavailability of regular placement for the street furniture zone and frontage zone, and also the lack of maintenance for Culvert Box structure as its main groundcover. The result of the research is expected to be evaluation for government and city planners in arranging city corridors to be more walkable.
Re-Design Facade Gedung Graha Widya Wisuda Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Atas Tinjauan Ulang Program Ruang Fauzan Azima; Wahyu Buana Putra; Andri Sopiandi
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.15908


Kehidupan seluruh umat manusia sangatlah penting dengan adanya pendidikan untuk memfasilitasi segala sesuatunya maka diperlukan adanya sarana dan prasarana di kampus salah satunya gedung GWW (Graha Widya Wisuda) Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang merupakan gedung yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pertemuan antar mahasiswa, pihak kampus dalam melaksanakan suatu kegiatan, khususnya kegiatan wisuda, gedung yang terletak di Jl. Meranti, Babakan, Kec.Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan bangunan segi enam ini dibangun pada tahun 1990 dengan luas 4.195 m2 dengan kapasitas 4.000 orang dan beberapa tempat duduk permanen sekitar 1.500 unit serta di area parkir yang menampung 800 mobil. Dikarenakan adanya peningkatan jumlah siswa setiap tahunnya,adanya kebutuhan space pada auditorium gedung GWW (Graha Widya Wisuda) dikarenakan adanya review terhadap program space pada auditorium untuk menambah orang/kursi pada auditorium sehingga terjadi perubahan fasad bangunan. Metode penelitian dengan mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan menghitung data baik secara langsung di lokasi pembangunan maupun bekerja sama dengan instansi/perusahaan PT. Roaming Room untuk mendapatkan data. Dari penelitian ini terdapat hal baru yang dapat dijelaskan mengenai re-desain fasad bangunan dimana perubahan ruang interior bangunan dapat mempengaruhi fasad bangunan. Dan itu juga dapat berkontribusi sebagai landasan teoretis bagi banyak orang dalam desain arsitektur, memproses program ruang, dan mendesain ulang fasad,
Implementasi Konsep Kampus Berkelanjutan di Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Berdasarkan Kategori Tata Letak dan Infrastruktur Nindi Risna Dewi; Andrianto Kusumoarto; Rahmat Rejoni
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16548


A sustainable campus is a concept that implements sustainable development in aspects of campus environmental management. A sustainable campus emerges from academic awareness of the importance of the campus contributing to maintaining the integrity of the current environment for future generations, starting on the campus environment. This research was conducted on the basis of measuring the application of the sustainable campus concept in the site and infrastructure category within the UNINDRA B Campus environment. Data collection was carried out through observation, measurement surveying, interviews and documentation studies to obtain the necessary data. Then the data obtained was processed using scoring and mixed method research methods, then analyzed descriptively. In this study, respondents were parties who understood development developments reviewed in the category of UNINDRA B site and infrastructure facilities. After measuring each indicator in the site and infrastructure category, the following scoring is obtained: 1) Ratio of Open Space to Total Area (180 points), 2) Ratio of Open Space to Higher Education Population (30 points), 3) Area area planted with forest plants (60 points), 4) area planted with plants (100 points), and 5) area that cannot be impregnated with water (0 points). The total score for the site and infrastructure category is 370 of the maximum points for all indicators, namely 1500 points. Based on the measurement results of implementing a sustainable campus within UNINDRA B, it still needs to be improved. Improvements in the achievement of site and infrastructure indicators that have not been maximized need to be pursued such as expanding open space along with the addition of facilities inside, expanding space planted with forest vegetation and also reducing pavement areas that cannot be impregnated with water.
Penerapan Material Batu Alam Berdasarkan Sifat dan Karakteristiknya pada Bangunan Masjid Ar-Rayyan Kementerian BUMN Hisyam Nafhan Fadilah; Bambang Subekti
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16332


The existence of proper and comfortable worship facilities in the office environment is an important factor in supporting the spiritual needs of every employee who works, this has prompted the Ministry of BUMN to renovate the Ar-Rayyan Mosque building. This study aims to analyze the application of natural stone types according to their functions in a building so that they can be taken into consideration in choosing building materials, especially natural stone. The results showed that the application of different types of natural stone in the Ar-Rayyan Mosque building had their respective functions and purposes, while their placement in the building depended on the motifs that were adapted to the design concept and the nature of each type of natural stone. Natural stone is a material suitable for use as building skin because in addition to its natural motifs and patterns, natural stone makes it look good in design and can also be used as natural insulation in buildings.
Persepsi dan Preferensi Masyarakat Kota Bandung terhadap Ruang Publik Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Marselly Dwiputri; Sarah Aisha; Rafi Mentari; Nurjannah Hamdani
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16560


The Gedebage Primary Center is planned to answer the problem of population density and activity density in the North Bandung Region as the Primary Center for the City of Bandung, so that the Gedebage Region is designated as the Second Primary Center for the City of Bandung in the Urban Spatial Plan. One of the infrastructures that has been built is Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium. This study aims to determine the perceptions and preferences of the people of Bandung City regarding aspects of space size, security, comfort, and circulation conditions to the research area. The method used in this study is to use a quantitative descriptive method using SPSS software. The benefit of this research is to add information about the perceptions and satisfaction of the people of Bandung City towards the Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium as a sports facility and one of the public space facilities. From the research conducted, the results of the analysis show that in terms of people's perception of the use of space, it is necessary to expand the jogging track and bicycle path because most of the people who come to the sports area are for jogging and cycling activities, coupled with supporting facilities, for commercial activities and recreation.
Model Tata Bangunan dan Lingkungan Binaan yang Bermitigasi Bencana di Pulau Kodingareng Lompo Andi Muhammad Ikhsan; Gusti Hardyanti Musda
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16484


Coastal regions, mainly small islands, are very at risk of being affected so long as sea level upward thrust will result in full-size losses. so as to avoid those losses, it is necessary to manage small islands the use of a neat version of buildings and the surroundings the usage of a dynamic/temporal spatial method. Kodingareng Island means one island within the metropolis of Makassar, precisely in the Sangkarang Islands District, with a place of 0.48 km2. The small and constrained area of the island will virtually be ruled by the increase of residential buildings consistent with population increase. This observe pursuits to determine the level of vulnerability of the place and to use techniques in spatial making plans based totally on catastrophe mitigation on Kodingareng Lompo Island. The research technique used on this research is a qualitative narrative using discipline commentary and interview strategies. Mitigation is the number one place to begin of disaster control. With mitigation, efforts are made to lessen and/or alleviate the effects/sufferers due to a catastrophe on human souls, belongings, and the environment. so that the formation of the mitigation approach as a way to be achieved is to set an instance of the association expected through the humans based at the typological requirements of Kodingareng Island.
Struktur Atap Tradisional Kayu pada Masjid Bersejarah Abad Ke-16 di Jakarta Studi Kasus: Masjid Al-Alam Marunda dan Masjid Al-Alam Cilincing Atie Ernawati; Ryan Hidayat; Marselly Dwiputri; Karya Widyawati; Atfal Murodif; Asri Budiarto; Luis Ferdian; Yusuf Irwansyah
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.17129


Tulisan ini akan mengkaji struktur atap kayu tradisional masjid-masjid bersejarah abad ke-16 di Jakarta. Pergeseran tradisi bangunan masjid dari arsitektur tradisional ke nuansa Timur Tengah modern akibat dinamika perkembangan dan globalisasi, menyebabkan perubahan gaya arsitektur masjid yang dulu menggunakan atap kayu tradisional menjadi atap kubah atau menggunakan struktur atap modern. Jika fenomena ini dibiarkan, dikhawatirkan akan kehilangan ilmu dan nilai-nilainya di kemudian hari. Melalui studi kasus masjid Al Alam Marunda dan Al Alam Cilincing, teknik konstruksi dan material yang digunakan pada potongan struktur atap di masa lalu dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, pengukuran, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem struktur atap kayu pada masjid bersejarah ini telah teruji dan terbukti mampu bertahan selama berabad-abad. Upaya pelestarian ini dilakukan selain untuk mempertahankan pengetahuan, nilai seni dan budayanya, upaya pelestarian dilakukan dalam upaya memberikan wawasan kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan kayu sebagai bahan konstruksi atap.
Konsep Penataan Ruang Publik Area Gapura Kelurahan Curug Kota Bogor Rahmat Rejoni; Andrianto Kusumoarto; Enik Kristiana
Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v6i1.16496


The rapid development of the City of Bogor has encouraged the local government to organize public spaces for the people in their area. Curug Village, especially in RW 07, has an area for P2WKSS (Increasing the Role of Women towards Healthy and Prosperous Families) activities. There is an area that needs to be arranged to support the program, namely the gate area as the entrance to RW 07. This area is a former street vendor area. The Curug Kelurahan government wants a public space that has an optimal function to accommodate community and local government activities and has good environmental aesthetic values. The purpose of this activity is to arrange public space in the gate area of RW 07, Curug Village, Bogor City. The method used for this activity is a qualitative descriptive method in landscape planning and design with an expert and public participatory approach. The stages in carrying out this activity are 1) Interview with the Housing and Settlements Office and Kelurahan Curug, Bogor City, 2) Determination of the boundaries of the planning and design area, 3) Site survey and mapping, 4) Site inventory, 5) Site analysis, 6) Planning and site design. The results obtained are design with the concept of a park as a public space, with zoning divisions in the form of space for services, recreation space, and green space. The results of the concept that has been made are expected to help the waterfall village, especially RW 07 in participating in the competition.

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