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Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies)
ISSN : 26864460     EISSN : 26865580     DOI : 10.27567
Core Subject : Economy, Education,
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara, merupakan jurnal yang mengangkat tema-tema tentang berbagai isu yang menyangkut umat Islam di dunia internasional. Baik secara sosial, budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi, maupun politik. Jurnal yang terbit enam bulan sekali ini di kelola oleh Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Kalimantan Barat. FOKUS DAN RUANG LINGKUP Journal of Cross Border Islamic Studies adalah jurnal peer-review dan open-access terkemuka, yang menerbitkan karya ilmiah, dan mengkhususkan diri dalam Pendidikan Islam dan Ekonomi Islam, mengkonsolidasikan kegiatan penelitian fundamental dan terapan dengan cakupan yang sangat luas. dan memiliki dampak yang signifikan dan kontribusi nyata bagi masyarakat luas, dunia praktis dan akademisi. Ini termasuk studi dan tinjauan yang dilakukan oleh tim multidisiplin dan penelitian yang mengevaluasi atau melaporkan hasil atau implementasi tim atau proses ilmiah secara umum. Jurnal ini berusaha untuk menarik audiens interdisipliner dan penulis yang berfokus pada penelitian dunia nyata. Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam Pendidik dan Siswa Pendidikan Agama Islam Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kurikulum Politik Pendidikan Agama Islam Filsafat Pendidikan Agama Islam Sejarah Pendidikan Agama Islam Budaya Lokal dalam Pendidikan Islam Materi Ekonomi Syariah Ekonomi Syariah Transnasional Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah di daerah perbatasan negara Ekonomi syariah dalam dan luar negeri Tujuan utama Journal of Cross Border Islamic Studies adalah untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah di bidang pendidikan agama Islam. Penelitian yang dipublikasikan dapat mengambil model teoretis atau spekulatif serta statistik dan matematika untuk mempromosikan pemikiran interdisipliner dan untuk menyediakan platform bagi para sarjana untuk bertukar pengetahuan dari berbagai perspektif dan lokasi. Kontribusi diterima dari semua bidang dengan komentar yang relevan dan berwawasan tentang pendidikan Islam dan ekonomi Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 53 Documents
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Vol 1 No 2 Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v1i2.527


This study aims to determine: (1) student learning outcomes in the subject of Aqidah Akhlak in the subject Come on Respect for Our Parents with the birrul walidain attitude of class X students at MAN 1 Ketapang. (2) the attitude of Birrul Walidain to class X students at MAN 1 Ketapang. (3) how big is the relationship between student learning outcomes in the subject of Aqidah Akhlak in the material Come on Respect for Our Parents with the attitude of Birrul Walidain in class X students in MAN 1 Ketapang ". This research method uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. In the process of collecting data, researchers used questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Produt Moment correlation statistical analysis technique. The subjects in this study were students of class X at MAN 1 Ketapang with a total sample of 40 students. From the research results, it can be concluded that: (1) The learning outcomes of Aqidah Akhlak in the material Come on Respect for Our Parents class X in MAN 1 Ketapang can be said to be very high. This is shown by the results of the calculation of the average student learning outcomes obtained through daily tests, namely 91.48 rounded to 91, which is in the range 66.70-100, meaning it is in the very high category. (2) The attitude of Birrul Walidain of class X students at MAN 1 Ketapang is very good. This is evidenced by the results of the calculation of the average questionnaire distributed to the students regarding the birrul walidain attitude, the results obtained were 88%, which is in the 80-100 interval with very good interpretations. (3) The correlation coefficient for the X and Y variables (rxy) was found to be 0.558 at the coefficient interval 0.40-0.599, which is in the moderate category, meaning that there is a significant relationship between student learning outcomes in the subject of aqidah morals in the material, let's respect parents. with the birrul walidain attitude of class X students at MAN 1 Ketapang that is equal to 31%. This is evidenced by the results of calculations using the product moment correlation formula at the 5% significance level where rh = 0.588 which is greater than rt = 0.312, meaning that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So it can be concluded that the higher the student learning outcomes in the subject of Aqidah Akhlak in the material Come on, respect our parents, the better the attitude of Birrul Walidain for class X students at MAN 1 Ketapang.
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i1.670


This research aims to determine the financial performance of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk using the Economic Value Added (EVA) method. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. Research data collection using documentation techniques. The results showed the calculation of Economic Value Added (EVA) at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk from 2017-2019 produced a positive EVA value or EVA value at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia is greater than zero (EVA> 0). This shows that there is economic added value for the company. Although the net profit of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia in 2017-2019 has decreased from previous years, but in this position PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk can still create economic added value for the company. This positive result was due to the large NOPAT value which was able to reduce the cost of capital, so that the company management was able to create economic added value for the company and its shareholders. so that the company's financial performance can be said to be in a good position.
Telaah Obligasi Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Anwar Hafidzi; Sa'adah Sa'adah; Fuad Luthfi
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i1.708


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin mereview tentang penggunaan dan fungsi obligasi serta surat berharga berjangka dalam tinjauan hukum ekonomi Syariah. Peneliti melihat ada celah yang datang dari praktik ini dalam penggunaan Akad yang dapat digunakan dalam penerbitan obligasi syariah meliputi mudharabah, musyarakah, salam, istisna, dan ijarah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini kajian pustaka terhadap review artikel tentang obligasi dan surat berharga berjangka. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Pendapatan (hasil) yang diperoleh pemegang obligasi syariah sesuai akad yang digunakan. Pemindahan kepemilikan obligasi syariah juga mengikuti akad-akad yang digunakan. Perbedaan obligasi syariah dan obligasi konvensional adalah penggunaan konsep imbalan dan bagi hasil sebagai pengganti bunga. Kata kunci: Obligsi,syariah, surat berharga, hukum, ekonomi ABSTRACT This study wants to review the use and function of bonds in a review of Islamic economic law. we see that there is a gap that comes from this practice in the use of Akad that can be used in the issuance of Islamic bonds including mudharabah, musharakah, salam, istisna, and ijarah. The method used in this study is a literature review of review articles on bonds and futures securities. This study proves that the income (yield) obtained by Islamic bondholders is by the contract used. The transfer of ownership of Islamic bonds also follows the contracts used. The difference between Islamic bonds and conventional bonds is the use of the concept of reward and profit sharing instead of interest. Keywords: bonds, sharia, securities, law, economy
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i1.719


This study aims to examine the effect of compensation and internal control on employee performance. This research was conducted at PT. Hasrat Abadi branch kendari. The sample in this research is as much as 20 responden by using sample saturation that is sample determination technique with all member of population used as sample. Methods of data collection is done by using questionnaires that have been distributed to all respondents. Technique analysis using multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the compensation effect partially and significantly on employee performance, Internal controls influence partially but not significant to employee performance. Compensation and internal control simultaneously affect employee performance. This means the fairer the compensation and the better the company's internal control can improve employee performance.
AKUNTABILITAS PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA Tuti Dharmawati; Mulyati Akib; Satira Yusuf
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i1.722


The research aims to analyze the accountability of the palnning, implementation and responsibility of Rompu-Rompu village fund management in North Poleang district of Bombana regency from 2015 until 2016. The samples were 3 (three) Rompu-Rompu village administrators and the head of North Poleang district that were connsidered to represent the study of the village fund management. The analysis method was quantitative with descriptive qualitative approach which studying through data analysis and all kind of informations derived from the samples which were rational and empirical. The result showed that village administration accountability in the Rompu-Rompu village fund management has been in line with the ministry of home affair regulation number 113 year 2014. Started from the mechanism/procedure on planning, arrangement, presentation, as well as the distribution of APBDesa (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa) and activities implementation from 2015 until 2016 were already based on art and law regulation. The physical from of had shown the accountable and transparent implementation. However, there’s still a need to improve the administration accountability for the betterment of accountability principle application.
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i1.737


Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi aparatur sipil negara Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Sintang terhadap produk pembiayaan Bank Kalbar Syariah. Tujuan khusus, yaitu: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi Aparatur Sipil Negara Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Sintang terhadap produk pembiayaan Bank Kalbar Syariah. 2) Untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi Keputusan Aparatur Sipil Negara pada kantor Kementrian Agama Kabupaten Sintang dalam menggunakan produk pembiayaan pada Bank Kalbar Syariah di Sintang.Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah diskriptif. Adapun sumber data penelitian ini adalah aparatur sipil negara produk pembiayaan Bank Kalbar Syariah. Selanjutnya, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, teknik pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan melalui empat tahapan, yaitu: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya aparatur sipil negara memiliki persepsi terhadap produk pembiayaan Bank Kalbar Syariah dilihat dari persepsi dan faktor- faktor melatarbelakangi karena yang diberikan Bank Kalbar Syariah dan juga produk pembiayaan yang ringan. Selain itu, pegawai mengetahui bahwa Bank Kalbar Syariah bebas dari riba dan dalam Bank Kalbar Syariah terdapat akad-akad yang dikenal dengan bagi hasil sehingga tidak merugikan dan memberatkan pihak yang melakukan akad bahkan dipandang sebagai bagian dari kemaslahatan karena orientasi nilai-nilai keagamaan secara kaffah. Faktor persepsi aparatur sipil negara Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Sintang dalam menggunakan produk pembiayaan baik Bank Kalbar Syariah tidak lepas dari budaya organisasi di mana pegawai tersebut bekerja.
MAKHLUK GHOIB DALAM PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Eqviesta Runtun Pamungkas Eqviesta Runtun Pamungkas
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.946


Artikel ini membahas tentang mahluk ghoib dalam prespektif Pendidikan Islam. Islam adalah agama yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW untuk umat di muka bumi agar hidup bahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Di dalam Islam terhadap ilmu tauhid yang menjelaskan bahwa menganggap sesuatu itu esa atau tunggal. Di dalam Islam Allah adalah satu-satunya tuhan semesta alam. Semua makhluk ciptaan Allah dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua jenis, yakni makhluk halus (yang tak kasatmata) dan juga makhluk nyata (yang nampak terlihat oleh panca indra). Pemisla dua mahluk ini yaitu dapat di deteksi oleh pancaindera dan tidak dapat dideteksi pancaindera. Untuk mahluk hidup yang bisa dideteksi oleh pancaindera disebut as-syahadah. Sedangkan yang tidak bisa dideteksi disebut al-ghaib. Kita akan membahas mahluk hidup al-ghaib yang bersifat mutlak yaitu Malaikat. Mahluk ini tidak bisa dijangkau oleh manusia dalam keadaan utuh. Malaikat bisa dilihat manusia jika dalam bentuk wujud lain. Di dalam Al – quran mahluk ghaib dari bangsa Malaikat dan Jin sudah ada jauh sebelum manusia diciptakan. Keberadaan makhluk ghoib memang benar adanya. Terutama sebagai umat Islam wajib percaya dengan adanya mahluk ghaib ciptaan Allah
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.983


This article examines the internalization of Islamic values ​​based on national insight into the education system. While the discussion includes; the application of Islamic values ​​based on national insight and urgency in the education system with the aim that Muslims are always enthusiastic in maintaining Islamic and national values ​​so that they are not easily influenced by various understandings that can threaten the diversity of life in the Pancasila state. Then, the preparation of this article uses a literature study through qualitative descriptive analysis because the information presented is in a descriptive form with an explanation in the form of a statement through an inductive nature. Furthermore, the results of this article state that the application of Islamic values ​​based on national insight can be carried out through the order of personal, family, social, economic, political and national life. Meanwhile, the urgency of its application in the education system aims to remind all elements of the Indonesian nation, including Muslims in particular, that the national education system must adhere to divine values, just and civilized humanity, unity, deliberation and justice, which are essentially in line with various values ​​in Islamic teachings.
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.984


This paper was written to want to know what the role and function of the curriculum in multicultural Islamic education will look like. From this paper, it is hoped that it will be able to become a basis for the author to carry out further writing activities. In this paper, the authors formulate: how the role of the curriculum, how the curriculum functions, and how the curriculum is in multicultural Islamic religious education learning. The result is that the role of the curriculum includes: the role of conservative, critical and evaluative, and creative. While the functions of the curriculum include: the function of achieving educational goals, the function of the curriculum for school leaders, the function for education levels, the function for teachers, the function for supervisors, the function for the community, the function for parents, the function for graduate users, the educational function for students. If you pay attention to the function of the curriculum as a process, what needs to be considered is related to the multicultural Islamic religious education curriculum, namely; (1) Status of students (2) Learning styles and student culture, (3) Cultural environment and student personality (4) Student culture and learning resources. In a multicultural context, the function of the curriculum must be related to tolerance, cultural, ethnic, and religious differences.
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1011


The purpose of this study is that early childhood already has Green Behavior characters by learning ecoliteracy through assignment methods, audiovisuals, habituation, and direct practice. Giving daily examples at school and home in the community. The research method used is a qualitative survey analysis method. Researchers distributed survey questionnaires to respondents to obtain data relevant to the research. Survey analysis collects data based on several research instruments distributed to certain parties who are the sources of research. The source of this research is the main source consisting of teachers, while the second source is the reference or relevant literature studies. Data obtained from the distribution of questionnaires are collected and then displayed in data displays to be then processed based on the right theory to obtain the right conclusions., a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral data from people and behaviors that can be observed as the object of research, deepening by observing, reviewing documents and interviews. The research results are 1) Children are taught to love animals that are beneficial and not harmful to humans. 2) Children are taught to throw garbage in its place 3) Children are taught to sort waste according to organic and non-organic types 4) Children are taught about water, consisting of ways to save and the benefits of saving water; Keeping the environment clean, the benefits of protecting the environment and natural resources. 5) Teaching about electricity, consisting of how to save and the benefits of saving electricity; Results Develop As Expected. 6) About plants, which consists of planting and watering, not picking plants carelessly, and the benefits of plants for life. 7) Keeping the environment clean, the benefits of protecting the environment and natural resources. The value of the results of character education is that children develop according to expectations.