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Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27234975     DOI :
Focus. The focus is to provide readers with a better understanding of Islamic education and present developments through the publication of articles. Scope. Study of Al-Quran and Hadith on Education; Philosophy of Islamic Education; History of Islamic Education; Theological Foundation of Education; Policies of Islamic Education; Politics of Islamic Education; Islamic Education Professionalism; Islamic Education Curriculum; ICT in Islamic Education; E-Learning in Islamic Education; Islamic Education Institution; Teaching and Learning in Islamic Education; Ethnography on Islamic Education; Local Wisdom-Based Islamic Education; Development of Learning Theory and Design; Psychology of Islamic Education; Islamic Education Paradigms; Character of Islamic Education; and Gender in Islamic Education.
Articles 18 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education" : 18 Documents clear
Student’s Understanding of Islamic Religion Course Material With a Basic Semiotics Approach to Improve Reading Skills Rosijanih Arbie; Ratna Puspitasari; Sadieli Telaumbanua; B.M.A.S. Anaconda Bangkara; Khasanah Khasanah
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.362


This study aims to dig up information on how students understand Islamic religion courses by using a basic semiotic approach to improve security in reading skills in Islamic religious course content. We conducted a series of debriefings with students from Sam Ratulangi University in the city. We obtained the data and analyzed it under a phenomenological approach which involved, among other things, interpretation of data grouping data and concluding to gain an understanding of validly answering study questions. Based on the results of interviews and analysis as well as gold, we can conclude that the understanding of Islamic religious course texts among student participants in general Islamic religious courses is categorized as good where students use a basic symbiotic approach to understand Islamic religious texts even though they have little understanding of Islam—considering that the majority of students at Sam Ratulangi University are not many who adhere to Islam. These findings will provide a new understanding and support studying students' academic skills using a basic semiotic approach.
Construction of Islamic Character Education Values Based on Local Wisdom in Culture Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palaces U Abdullah Mu’min
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.391


This study aims to analyze the construction of Islamic character education values based on local wisdom in the culture of the kasepuhan and kanoman palaces. The approach used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive method. The data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, documentation, and field notes. At the same time, the data analysis refers to the Miles and Huberman model, carried out through three steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Moreover, the results of this study show that the process of constructing Islamic character education values in the culture of the Kanoman and Kasepuhan Palaces Cirebon, consisting of externalization, objectivization, and internalization of the values of local wisdom of the kanoman and kasepuhan communities that have been running at home, in schools, and in the community seems inseparable. All of them are interrelated; even though each of these institutions has a different role, each other still goes hand in shaping the character of a cultured society.
Teacher Empowerment Management in Islamic Boarding Schools Jambi Province Nur Komariah; Ruhiat Ruhiat; Nanda Saputra; Muhammad Abu Bakar
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.395


Teacher empowerment is an effort of the leadership of educational institutions to improve teacher professionalism in teaching. This study aims to analyze teacher empowerment planning, teacher empowerment implementation, and teacher empowerment evaluation. Using a descriptive qualitative approach with observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's model and analyzed data using data triangulation.  The results of this study are: in planning activities, boarding school leaders plan facilities and infrastructure, educators, provide autonomy and develop teacher competence. In implementing activities, the boarding school leadership instructs the preparation of learning programs, gives confidence in managing classes, utilizes facilities and infrastructure, optimizes teachers as mentors, class administration, and teacher leadership, and optimizes teachers to develop learning evaluations. Evaluation, Checking curriculum documents, supervising classrooms, and providing supervision. The leadership of the boarding school has tried to improve the empowerment of teachers to build student entrepreneurship but teacher empowerment has not been fully achieved, as teachers have not fully met the qualifications as professional educators, and the impact of the development of student entrepreneurship has not been optimal.
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Project-Based Learning in Islamic Religion Lessons Muhammad Aditya Firdaus; Moh Yusup Saepuloh Jamal; Bambang Samsul Arifin
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.400


The purpose of this study is to improve students' cognitive learning outcomes through the use of Project Based Learning. The study was conducted using Quasy Experimental research. The technique or data collection used in this study is a pretest, and posttest, In sampling using purposive sampling. The data analysis techniques used in this study are the normality test using the Shapiro-Wilk test, the t-test hypothesis testing using the Mann-Whitney test, and the N-gain test. The results in this study show that the application of the Project Based Learning learning model can improve the cognitive learning outcomes of students with an average post-test value of the experimental class of 0.76 greater than the control class with an average post-test value of 0.39. The hypothesis test results obtained a Significance value < a probability value of 0.00 < 0.05. The conclusion in this study is that the application of the Project Based Learning learning model can improve the cognitive learning outcomes of students.
Learning Islamic Religious Education with Muhammadiyah Nuances in Universities Siti Badriah; Dita Handayani; Aang Mahyani; Bambang Syamsul Arifin
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.401


Islamic Religious Education learning has not achieved maximum goals, and many sides of knowledge that must be improved. Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung (UMB) is a university that has a unique curriculum for learning Islamic Religious Education by adjusting the central curriculum. This paper aims to describe the learning of Islamic Religious Education at Muhammadiyah Bandung University in developing Islamic Religious Education learning in Indonesian universities. The method used in this research uses qualitative methods through data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. The results showed that the Muhammadiyah University of Bandung has a unique model of learning Islamic Religious Education called Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK). This model was developed to solve the problem of learning Islamic Religious Education that is common in universities in Indonesia. Therefore, the AIK model at the Muhammadiyah University of Bandung can be an alternative to Islamic Education learning in other universities in Indonesia.
The Influence of The Head of Madrasah and Infrastructure Facilities on The Quality of Education Through Teacher Competence Syamsul Arifin; Sutrisno Sutrisno; Hayati Hayati; Nanda Saputra; Syamsul Arifin; Ari Kartiko
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.423


This study aims to analyze whether teacher competence is able to mediate madrasa heads and infrastructure on the quality of education. This study uses a quantitative approach, which consists of two exogenous variables of madrasa heads and infrastructure, one endogenous variable of education quality, and an intervention variable, namely teacher competency. The data obtained is primary data obtained directly from the respondents by dividing the questionnaires among the respondents. The research instrument used a Likert scale of 1-5, while data analysis used SEM diagram analysis which was processed using Amos Structural Equation Modeling. The results of the study show that teacher competence is able to mediate madrasa heads and infrastructure on the quality of education through teacher competence. These results indicate that teacher competence is able to mediate exogenous and endogenous variables.
Private Madrasah Development Strategy at Madrasah Aliyah Muhammad Hanafi Rumatiga; Syahruddin Usman; Harbani Pasolong; Munawir Kamaluddin; Muhammad Yusuf
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.427


This study aims to analyze the Private Madrasah Development Strategy at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hilal Dobo Aru Islands, Maluku. Qualitative research with the type of case study, data sources from madrasa heads, teaching staff, heads of administration, heads of madrasah committees, writings, books, and documents related to the object under study. Collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis utilizing data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Testing the validity of the data is done by extending observations, increasing persistence, and triangulation. The results of the study show that Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hilal Dobo Aru Islands Maluku has the motto One Step Forward. The strategy undertaken is to carry out planning by involving internal and external stakeholders, implementing the strategy by forming a team that is divided into several fields that are specifically tasked with being responsible for the process of implementing the programs that have been determined, then evaluated in three stages, namely short term, medium term, long-term. Efforts made include improving teachers' teaching abilities, optimizing the use of media and educational facilities, carrying out routine supervision, establishing cooperation with the community, and applying strict discipline.
Student’s Understanding of Islamic Religion Course Material With a Basic Semiotics Approach to Improve Reading Skills Rosijanih Arbie; Ratna Puspitasari; Sadieli Telaumbanua; B.M.A.S. Anaconda Bangkara; Khasanah Khasanah
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.362


This study aims to dig up information on how students understand Islamic religion courses by using a basic semiotic approach to improve security in reading skills in Islamic religious course content. We conducted a series of debriefings with students from Sam Ratulangi University in the city. We obtained the data and analyzed it under a phenomenological approach which involved, among other things, interpretation of data grouping data and concluding to gain an understanding of validly answering study questions. Based on the results of interviews and analysis as well as gold, we can conclude that the understanding of Islamic religious course texts among student participants in general Islamic religious courses is categorized as good where students use a basic symbiotic approach to understand Islamic religious texts even though they have little understanding of Islam—considering that the majority of students at Sam Ratulangi University are not many who adhere to Islam. These findings will provide a new understanding and support studying students' academic skills using a basic semiotic approach.
Construction of Islamic Character Education Values Based on Local Wisdom in Culture Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palaces U Abdullah Mu’min
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.391


This study aims to analyze the construction of Islamic character education values based on local wisdom in the culture of the kasepuhan and kanoman palaces. The approach used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive method. The data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, documentation, and field notes. At the same time, the data analysis refers to the Miles and Huberman model, carried out through three steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Moreover, the results of this study show that the process of constructing Islamic character education values in the culture of the Kanoman and Kasepuhan Palaces Cirebon, consisting of externalization, objectivization, and internalization of the values of local wisdom of the kanoman and kasepuhan communities that have been running at home, in schools, and in the community seems inseparable. All of them are interrelated; even though each of these institutions has a different role, each other still goes hand in shaping the character of a cultured society.
Teacher Empowerment Management in Islamic Boarding Schools Jambi Province Nur Komariah; Ruhiat Ruhiat; Nanda Saputra; Muhammad Abu Bakar
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/tijie.v4i2.395


Teacher empowerment is an effort of the leadership of educational institutions to improve teacher professionalism in teaching. This study aims to analyze teacher empowerment planning, teacher empowerment implementation, and teacher empowerment evaluation. Using a descriptive qualitative approach with observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's model and analyzed data using data triangulation.  The results of this study are: in planning activities, boarding school leaders plan facilities and infrastructure, educators, provide autonomy and develop teacher competence. In implementing activities, the boarding school leadership instructs the preparation of learning programs, gives confidence in managing classes, utilizes facilities and infrastructure, optimizes teachers as mentors, class administration, and teacher leadership, and optimizes teachers to develop learning evaluations. Evaluation, Checking curriculum documents, supervising classrooms, and providing supervision. The leadership of the boarding school has tried to improve the empowerment of teachers to build student entrepreneurship but teacher empowerment has not been fully achieved, as teachers have not fully met the qualifications as professional educators, and the impact of the development of student entrepreneurship has not been optimal.

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